"Complete Song Ci" was compiled by Tang Guizhang and supplemented by Kong Fanli. It includes a total of 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and 21,116 poems. In the Northern Song Dynasty, although Ci has formed an independent literary style, it seems that it has not been generally

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word, a kind of poetry. Because it is the lyrics of Hele, it is also called music lyrics, Yuefu , movements , long and short sentences, poems, Qinqu, etc. It began in the Sui Dynasty, was finalized in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty.

" Complete Song Ci Poems " is compiled by Tang Guizhang and supplemented by Kong Fanli. It includes a total of 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and 21,116 lyrics. "Complete Song Ci " is one of the most important compilation results of ancient books in China in the past century. Song lyrics and Tang poetry are both the artistic peaks of Chinese classical poetry. The "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" compiled in the Qing Dynasty is a well-known book, and now the "Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty" has been newly compiled, which can be regarded as a double gem of Chinese literature.

A collection of Song poetry.

The compilation of Song poetry collections began in the Song Dynasty.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, although Ci has formed an independent style, it seems that it has not been generally recognized as "orthodox" literature, so Northern Song people's Ci is generally not included in anthologies.

There are collections of poems by Song people. In the Song Dynasty, there are "Hundred Family Ci" (now lost) from Changsha Bookstore, Fujian "Qinqu Waibian" (five kinds exist today), "Sixty Family Ci" (now lost), etc.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Mao Jin Jigu Ge published six volumes of "Song Famous Writers' Ci" with sixty-one chapters. This was the beginning of large-scale publication of poetry collections after the Song Dynasty, and his book was the most widely circulated.

Later, Hou Wencan of the Qing Dynasty engraved the "Collection of Ci Poems of Ten Famous Masters", and Qin En reengraved the "Ci Xue Series". In the late Qing Dynasty, the trend of publishing collections of poems became more popular and the scale became larger. Wang Pengyun engraved "Ci from Siyinzhai" and "Thirty-One Cis from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Jiang Biao engraved "Ci from Famous Masters from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Wu Chongxi engraved "Ci from Shanzuo People", and Wu Changshou engraved "Shuangzhao Loujing" "The Original Ci of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", Zhu Zumou engraved the "Qiangcun Series", and Tao Xiang engraved the "Continuation of the Original Ci of the Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties". In 1931, Zhao Wanli supplemented the works of Zhujia Congke and compiled 73 volumes of "Compilation of Song, Jin and Yuan Ci". Later, Zhou Yong first published "Ci Gou Shen of Tang, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties", which contained a lot more new information than Zhao Ji. However, the individual chapters and fragments of the poems engraved by various writers are not recorded, which is not enough to explore the whole picture of a generation of poetry.

On the basis of comprehensive compilation by various writers, Tang Guizhang extensively searched and collected all the poems attached to the collected works of the Song Dynasty, the selected poems of the Song Dynasty people, and the poems and works contained in the notes of the Song Dynasty people. The poems contained in various books such as poems, epigraphs, inscriptions and postscripts, flower and tree records, etc. were collected in one place and compiled into "Complete Song Ci". In 1940, a thread-bound version was published in Changsha by the Commercial Press. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the editor reedited the book, and it was revised and processed by Wang Zhongwen . In 1965, it was reprinted and published by Zhonghua Book Company. The new version of "Complete Song Ci" has greatly improved compared with the old version in terms of materials and style: rare books have been used to replace the previous originals, more than 240 poets and more than 1,400 poems have been added; available poets from the Tang, Five Dynasties, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties have been deleted. Ci writing; re-examining the poet's biography and rewriting the biography; adjusting the style of the old version from "emperor", "clan" and other classifications to arranging the poet in chronological order. The book compiles a total of more than 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, with about 20,000 poems, and more than 530 citations. In recent years, the editor has continued to make revisions and corrections, writing "Supplements and Supplements", which is attached at the end of the 1979 reprint of this volume.

This book is well-collected and carefully edited. It has corrected many mistakes made by predecessors. It is an important reference book for the study of Song Ci.

After the new edition of this book came out, the contemporary Kong Fanli compiled the lost remains from the Ming manuscript "Shi Yuan" and other books, and compiled it into the "Supplement to the Complete Song Ci", which included more than 140 writers (41 of them had been published in "The Complete Song Ci") ), composed of more than 430 poems, was published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1981.


Volumes 1150Zhi Zen Master

Volumes 1151 Jiang Jie

Volumes 1152 Chen Dewu

Zhi Zen Master

Zhi Zen Master

was born in the late Song Dynasty.

Bu Shuzi

The book comes from Yuguan, and tears follow Songjiang. The plum blossoms are fragrant, the willows are green, and they are chirping loudly.

The dark dust is flying in the desert, and the Songyue Mountains are locked in clouds. Thousands of camps on the Huaihe River are sleeping at night, who can break this hatred?

Jiang Jie

Jiang Jie

The word Jie is Shengyu, from Yangxian (now a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province). Jinshi in the tenth year of Xianchun (1274). He named himself Zhushan, and he went into hiding without being an official.There are Zhushan Ci.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

Qiu Xiao

Miaomiao crows. The sky is full of fish, the cliffs are growing in the cold, and the five lakes are dawning in autumn. A bamboo table and a lamp make people dream, and whoever neighs a horse walks on the ancient road. Start scratching your head and peek at the stars. There is no shadow on the yellowish fence in the moonlight, with hanging morning glory and several small blue flowers. Autumn is too light, add red dates.

Shouhen relies on the west wind to sweep. The hair on the temples is blown by the west wind and grows old with autumn. The frost curtain in the old courtyard is not rolled up, and the golden powder screen is drunk. There is no such thing as a middle-aged embrace. Thousands of miles south of the Yangtze River, I hate playing the flute, I hate the unevenness, and the white wild geese are crossing the sky. The smoke has not gathered yet, and Chushan Mountain is gone.


make an appointment with friends to drink

Yanyu Qinglan Bo on the first day of March. Leaning against the screen, there are thousands of trees high and low, the pink and red are weak. The east wind in Yun Pass can't be hidden, and it blows bright and fragrant fragrance into the valleys. Also powdered with Ting Hengzhou medicine. On the dusty surface, I can watch the singing orioles and dancing swallows enjoying the joy of spring. We all share things, so we know who is at fault.

Baochai has a curtain upstairs. Xiao Chanjuan, two-tone playing zither, half-xiao luan crane. There is no such thing among people in my generation, so I should give up my thoughts on music and poetry. It's also better than having worry at the corners of my eyebrows. Fangjing is only three points past two, and poplar flowers are falling in the green shades and door lanes. Let's fight for wine and drink together.



surge started in Guting. Back then, on the top of Penglai, the sea breeze was falling. The emperor sent the Chief Jiang Shen to guard it, and the eight-pillar dragon wrapped its tail. The bucket spits out, cold smoke and cold rain. Last night, the whale turned on its axis, rolled up its wings, and threw it into the void. But if you can keep it, Jianghong will live there.

There are guests in the five lakes. I'm afraid that the immortals will come here again, and the green flag will be difficult to stay. I patted the railing with my hand and called the egret, sending me diligent messages. Nai Lu also flew into Shazhu in fright. The stars, the moon, the sky, the clouds, and the sky are vast, and the universe knows where it is. Double drums and loud songs.


dream cold golden house. Sighing at the Qin Zheng, in the Xie Hong formation, the plain strings are fluttering with dust. Turning into a delicate oriole and flying back, I still recognize the old green screen window. It's raining, and the thorns and peaches are like bean sprouts. Do you know that this hatred is difficult to level with? It is like a chess game on a Qiongtai platform. The thin shadow looks like a bright candle.

The Mandarin Tower shatters the East and West jade. Asking if Fang Tai will show up again, it’s hard to predict the green hairpin. Wait for the palace eyebrows to look like clouds and draw them into a raw silk painting. I'm afraid not, I'm new to makeup. The colorful fans and red teeth are all here today, hating no one, and listening to the Kaiyuan song. Cover your empty sleeves and lean against the cold bamboo.


the military queen lived in Wu

deep pavilion with curtains and embroidery hanging. Remembering family members, whispering softly by the lamp, smiling brightly. There is a sad corner at the top of the city, and the sleeves are full of frost flowers. Shadow companion, running around.

Looking across the country gate, I know where I am. I envy the jackdaws after dusk. A little bit, return to the willow.

Looking at each other, only the mountains remain the same. Sighing at the floating clouds is simply unintentional, and it turns into a gray dog. Tomorrow I will have a cold meal with a empty wallet, and I will go to Xiaofu in front of me. Let’s taste the village wine while it’s still fresh. When I was drunk, I looked around and asked my neighbor if I wanted to write the Cow Sutra. Weng didn't answer, but waved his hand.


Book for the Old Man on the South Hall Wall

I have worked hard for several years in my life to build this house. I also followed Tao Qian and planted some chrysanthemums on the fence, and followed his Du Fu and planted some vegetables in the garden. Except for the carved beams, who is willing to accommodate Ziyan, who cares about the elder's car in front of the door. It's strange that recently, the bright moon in the garden was borrowed from it.

There are many white hairs on the temples. Why go to the trouble of recruiting guests? But in summer, I sleep on the couch at night and lie on the pillow facing the wind. In winter, the days are short and I read with the sun behind my back. If anyone is looking for me, I only teach children the way. I am now the owner of this house. Don't envy him, he is rocking a golden bridle and weaving a green robe.


times Qiang Yunqingyun

settled the whole life, romantic debts, please write a sentence. The offensive soldiers are surrounded by flowers and the brocade array is surrounded by flowers. The poisonous poison is used to smile and sing. Little did he know that I, a Confucian, is a happy place in the Tao, and is better than the Pearl Curtain Ten Miles Tower. At the end of the meme, I can't stand the sunny weather and wait for the rain to hit my head.

rest. What's the reason? A tough guy always eats cows in anger. But there are only a thousand pieces, good poems and good songs, but nothing at all, just boredom and sorrow. Since ancient times, Jiaobo has drowned many people. I wonder if it can drown me. Raise your eyes high and look at the silk puppets, whoever pulls them will take them away.


Yuanxi Festival

Huihua is also fragrant. Xueqingchi Pavilion is picturesque. The spring breeze came, and on the Baochai Tower, there was a sound of shengxiao and glass light. Now the lights are hanging everywhere. It wasn't the dark dust and bright moon, it was Yuan Ye. In recent years, I have been lazy and timid, and I am shy and fighting with moths.

Jiangcheng people quietly started playing. If you ask who can explain prosperity, then ask God to borrow it. Remove the remaining red hair. But in the dream, there is a faint, tin-che-luopa. Wu Jian silver powder calender. The scenery of

’s old home will be written down as gossip. The smiling green servant girl next door is leaning against the window and still singing, as the sun sets in the west.


race to cross the

electric flag flying. Both of them fought for crossing again.Outside the clouds of Xiangli, where is the solitary awakening? The green medicine and red gall bladder are as fragrant as before. No words at all. It’s not like a plain chariot and a white horse, rolling with the tide and causing anger. But quietly, thousands of years old relics, sometimes people pay homage to the past.

is used to suffering from pepper and orchid in his life. Shen Hanlang was very humble, and even more envied by the greedy dragon. Get married to Qiong Renlu. The shell of the material is faint, and the smoke of the whale is riding. Concubine Chu's flowers are leaning against the dusk. □□The Qiongxiao is blown, and the waves are traced in sync. Waiting for the moon to shine in Zhouzhu, Xiaoliu Jingjie, chanting a lot of poetry.

Great Holy Music

Tao Cheng's Birthday

The moon is shining and the moon is cool, the green and green figures are dancing together, and the immortal music is broken. I even heard people shooting shooting stars, slowly singing the first birthday poem, and singing lotus songs in groups. The protagonist is wearing a crane cloak upstairs, smiling, and his face is slightly red. If you have a good mind and keep the Yanguan stationed under your umbrella, you will always have spring and peace.

Thousand-year-old pioneer career, I remember that it once took advantage of the thunder to fly quickly. But there were also three walks,

stroking the pines and picking chrysanthemums, chanting as they were divided. Wealth and glory are floating in the clouds, glory and splendor are passing by, but there is still a lot of flavor in the light places. After saying goodbye and drinking, there is a green lotus to store the wine, which is as deep as the golden lotus.


Yueyuan Peony

Jealousy is evil. Blowing the Qingyin up, the red pool pavilion is in chaos. Standing in the beautiful scenery, there are also fairy flowers, Qiong Zong Xiaotai, green oil and sparse foil. The fragrance of the old days is remembered, and the jade slave's string is lingering. The road from Chang'an is far away, it is greasy purple and fat yellow, but it is in Dongluo.

Tianjin’s rainbow seems like yesterday. Listening to the cuckoo's song to spend the month, spring is lonely again. The beauty is scattered, flying into the south of the Yangtze River, turning to the vast lakes and mountains, and the dream is difficult to hold. Thousands of flowers are sad, they are sleeping and leaning, and the hooks are at an oblique angle. Waiting to carry the honor, get drunk with singing and dancing, and encourage flowers to enjoy themselves.



The clear pond pavilion moistens the mountain pavilion, and the snow condenses. There is no cicada in front of me, and there is no butterfly in front of me. Flowers are gone with the water. The branch path of the West Garden is heavily visited today, half obstructed by drunken chanting. Unless the oriole is small and thin, it secretly leads the chicks to wear it.

The plum eaves are dripping, and the wind blows them off, letting out a wisp of the setting sun. The jade is struck on the scale, and the fragrant silk is dropped, and the sound is a little deeper. Layers of separation and hatred, so desolate and confusing, breaking through the irritation and lightness. It should be difficult to recognize, and it is located in the old Zhengchun building, leaning against the red apricot.


Nantang New Year's Eve

Spring enters Nantang, and pink plum blossoms smile in the wind. The rainbow halo penetrates the curtain, the planets gather in the alley, and the precious light shines everywhere. The shadow of the tower outside Jinmen is uneven and the waves of West Lake are faint. The dusk sky is far away, and there are thousands of hibiscus flowers. Who moved them?

The temples and temples are both immortal. Accompany the guests at the banquet, surrounded by warm fragrance. The green bamboo stalks are touching the ice, the silver pipes are filled with frost, and the bells are full of auspicious dew. Drunk, I returned to the deep courtyard to sing and dance, the carvings were spinning, and the pearls were red. The willow trees in Fengzhou are illuminated by the slightest smoke.


The moon lingers in the window, and when I wake up from my dream, I see yellow flowers and green bamboos in the courtyard. The fragrance of the word "heart" disappears at night, the person is alone, and the two pheasants are looked at in shame by the pool. It is planned to tell Tiangong , which will reduce the autumn sound by half. Ruthless wild goose. Just when he was in trouble, he flew over and called the clouds to find companions.

still remember Xingzhao Nuan. Under the silver candle, the slender figure takes off her clothes. The spring vortex is dizzy, the red beans are small, the orioles' clothes are tender, and the bead marks are faintly printed with fragrant sweat. Since I mistakenly believed in Qingli, I want to stop calling the oriole in the cage. The wind's knife is so fast that it can cut all the sycamores on the eaves, but how can it be cut to pieces?

Xi Migrant Orioles

Late Spring

The hairspring is delicate. If you are interested in spring, it is difficult to rely on it. The warm water forms lines, the clear clouds create shadows, and the two swallows peek through the curtain again. The dew adds new beauty to the peonies, and the wind swings the ropes leisurely. In view of this scene, why not have fun by singing a song.

have fun. Spring is just in time, but the window is green, and I live up to my promise. Jin Ma tunes the sheng, silver bottles ask for wine, Zheng Nai was also fascinated. Since I have withered and my heart is tired, I often lean on the oblique angle of the hook. Deep in the green, look at the time, and poplar flowers are falling.


The lotus flowers

The dyed willows disappear and the smoke disappears, the rain breaks off when knocking on the wild rice, but the setting sun is still shining brightly. Covering Ran Yufei's fragrant mantle, she came out of the spiritual field. Qian and other mandarin ducks come to send messages, so there is no harm in staying with you. The fisherman is quiet, he sings solo, and invites the concubine to try the wine.

The clouds on the lake are getting darker, the autumn is vast, and the fresh wind has exhausted all the cicadas' food. Give me neither a ring nor a pendant. Thousands of dendrobium trees produce fragrance. The half-snail hut returns its shadow, and several snail moss rocks press the ripples of light. A mandarin duck smiles, how can he look like a mandarin duck and leave his two thorns behind, the green is hidden and the red is hidden.

Water dragon chants

Effect Jiaxuan body to summon the soul of fallen plum blossoms

Drunk and beautiful, the Qiong family floats. Recruit and send Wu Yang. Don't go here, the hurricane is about to start, and the sky will turn a little yellow. The wild horse dust polluted Jun Chuchu, and his clothes were white and colorful. The clouds and waves are flying in the sky, and the vast ocean is descending to the east. The wandering king is going to another place.

The full moon is in the west wing. Calling Yunxi and Flute are more desolate. When I return, I lean heavily on the dragon's back, my scales are colder and grayer. Looking down at the spring red, he smiled awe-inspiring and breathed out the fragrance of the mountains. The green bird is coming at dawn, but before you come, I feel sad.


Red leaves

缧shuangfeijixue. Gradually there is no sign of coldness, and the blood of the ape is floating. The mountain window dream is sad. The short chant is still leaning on the Qiong, and the orioles are beside the new Yue. The spirit of the flower has not yet rested. It's like pursuing cherishment, and the fragrance disappears and the beauty disappears. Pulling the west wind, entering Rouke again, accidentally dyeing cyanotic clouds into valerian.

Stop talking. The deep title is Jinhan, the shallow Qiongyi is shallow, and the dark spring has leaked. Lots of love. Still, no worries. I pity him the most. The empty steps in Nanyuan are piled up, and people are separated by immortals and they say goodbye. The lock hibiscus , the small hall is deep in autumn, and the broken insects complain about the moon.


The moon is seen in the countryside and the city

The traces of cyanotic smoke are lost in the wild geese. The drums gradually ceased, and the street noise began to subside. The wind blows against the cold wall. Let the ice toad fly, and there will be a gap in the silk curtain. Qionggui cried secretly. I miss Xiangguan, and the frost is like weaving. Manjiang body, returning in the form of a crane, forgetting the old journey.

huanji. The pomegranates are soaked in the pot, the pears in the garden are melting, and I am drunk even on the Spring Eve. Ke Yun stopped playing. The cherries are there, but dreams are hard to find. I urge you to clear the light, and you can accompany it through the quiet window, but don't let the night flute play in the red building. Afraid of the human world, Yiliang changed the world, and Su'e didn't know it.


Shoudongxuan is the day before the beginning of winter.

Yushuang also produces ears. There are green marks on the clouds in Miaozhou, and the wild goose rope is low. The curtains hang down in four directions. The cold in Jintang is approaching early, and it's time to turn on the stove. The fragrance is delivered by the wind. It's deep in the east fence and among the flowers. It is expected that this flower will accompany my fairy, but he will not return home in autumn.

is also fun. The boat is stable with waves, the building is dangerous with the mirror moon, and the wine is beautiful. The caged oriole sleeps. Red makeup and dancing clothes. When the screen lanterns and the guests have dispersed, and the screen windows are up in the sun, it is the beginning of strict condensation. Change to green felt and small tent to surround the spring, but I'm still drunk.


A friend bought a concubine named Xuexiang

whose element is snow. Bringing fragrance to the snow makes it even more magical. Plum blossoms are too lonely and pure. Asking what the pear blossoms look like, it’s hard to say what the weathercock looks like. The Yangtze River in Cheung Chau. The edge of the material is folded, and the delicate rong is folded. I pick out my beads, cut my own summer clothes, and love to lightly fold the pale silk.

clear. The snail's heart is emerald, the dragon's kiss is the saliva, it's all in vain. Slightly drunk Valerian. The window light is dim, bright and dim. On the high side of the silver platform, there is a fragrant fairy pendant, walking all over the fine clouds and leaves. When I woke up, I was in the red house, and the moon was halfway across the corridor.

Magnolia Slowly


Leaning beside the pond, I asked the shadow of the mountain who stole it. But the heron collects Qiong's silk, and the mandarin duck hides its embroidered feathers, which hinders the bathing and floating. Cold snap. The sound of the film is like a rhinoceros vertebrae, and the moon is quietly knocking in the autumn. Because of thinking about Lianghe courtyard, the pink pills once filled Jinou.

makeup building. Xiao astringent green poppy oil. Tired of looking after your temples. What's more, I pity him in the middle of the night, and the plum blossoms in the bottle are broken. Red crotch. Thousands of tears dried up. To be worn, sent and received with kindness. I'm just afraid that the east wind hasn't turned yet, and I'm afraid that people will miss the opportunity to return to the boat.


are endowed with

vast expanse of glaze, cold light shining, and setting sun continent. Seeing the fallen willows with drifting branches and the remnants of reeds with scattered leaves, they still stay when they want to go. Luo Gui. In a young man's dream, he is peering through the curtain, and the moon soaks his skin softly. Who wants to lose his old man and grow old? His mustache is broken and turned into wrinkles due to the cold.

stared. As far as the eye can see, there are flying gulls. The universe is quiet. Knocking on the purple inkstone carefully, touching the green pipe gently, it is hard to think about it. Swish. The evening wind picked up again, but when I heard it, broken jade fell from the eaves. How many plum blossoms are there, drunk and mistakenly setting up the incense camp.

Pearl Curtain

Shou Yuejun chose

The library is surrounded by curtains. It's slightly smoked, and the green hanging sticks are soft. The reading fairy upstairs is fascinated by Bao Suan. The hairpins in the embroidery hall are passing through the clouds, and they are drinking wine and cheering for each other. Persuade. Naiyun is busy with things, but the love between flowers is shallow.

The golden music has not yet sounded, but the rumors have long been abandoned, and the fans are dancing and singing. When Liu Yu's nest became cold, he unfolded the Xiangjuan scroll again. Thousands of lotus heart pearls are rolled on a roll, with fine drops of silver and red inkstones. Deep courtyard. When the moon fills the waist of the corridor, Yusheng is far away.

High balcony


Xia Shuo curtain beads, cloud-steamed seal jade, and graceful flying bells around the building. The king of heaven, the racing wheel has stopped here. The fragrance of autumn continues far away from Taihuang, overflowing with thousands of bushes and bright brocades. Things have turned into dust, and among the flutes, phoenixes and flutes, there is empty singing.

Zun Weng has a bit of clear and cold marrow. He is used to eating Yingju Island and drinking dew orchid. The house is full of red, and the city of flowers is like a small flower in Xinying. The frost is thick and the moon is pale, the dream is dreaming of Manxian coming and leaning against the screen. When we are together, we are not Qiongji or Fangqing.


send Cuiying

Swallow rolls of clear silk, bees stick to the catkins, heaven teaches to tie up the leisurely sorrow. Clear and bright in leisure, pink and red in a hurry. The lamp is flickering, the window is cold, the words are still lingering, and the shadows of the goddess are scattered. It's so sad that it's hard to keep spring, and it's hard to keep people.

The eyes are filled with fragrance and dust. I asked Yingyun Pei Xiang, who else is going around the building. Don’t pour the wine until you have time to stop worrying about it. Even if the wind blows the flying orioles, the old home and garden have become autumn. Don't think about it. In the west of Yangliu Bay, there is a boat singing.


Leap Lantern Festival

The stars sink at the end of the bridge, the dust collects in the streets, and God returns the spring.At dusk under the laurel moon, the golden willow changes to the stars. When I meet Xiaoqu, I find it too cold, so I feel warm and fragrant. But I took pity on him. He was in full bloom the next year, but it was a waste of money.

Human feelings are like dancing in the end. How can they be better than the first description? Recognizing the traces of travel, Hua Cong cannot help but feel arrogant. There is an inch of red torch left on the top of the plum blossom, and the joy is still good, and the cherry blossoms are moving. Drunk, I don’t remember the Lantern Festival, I only remember the Flower Festival.

The spring and summer phases

longevity and gratitude are deeply heard and appreciated by the family. The east wind speaks to the two swallows. It seems that when the morning comes, the stars of Wu appear in the sky. The gold-cut flowers are fragrant and the purple mud is fragrant, and the vines and red leaves are soft in the embroidery. The palace glow of loose wax makes the kitchen products even more enviable to this day.

The West Lake is like a thread. It is expected that Yuexian will stop and ride the chariot at this moment. Give it to me for many years, and I will see that the waves in the ocean are shallow. The jade pendant lingers in the Wuhou Gate, and the snow-washed tung trees wash away the three-spring garden. Slow beats to tune the orioles, urgent drums to urge the luan, the green shade brings forth the courtyard.

Nian Nujiao

Shou Xue Jiatang

The lay farmer has many ideals and many opinions. The jade embroidered clothes and the Han watch have seen the scenery of eight states. Advancing, retreating and hiding, this is the time to reach the top of the world. The yellow wormwood blows in the face, and even if it fails, it will control the weak horse.

Humanity comes out of unintentional, just after leaving the mountain, how can it be unintentional. Since ancient times, high-ranking officials, rich and noble, have often been described by others. There is only Qingmen, where people grow melons and have leisurely visits, and good stories have been passed down for thousands of years. The farmer smiled, I still love my crops now.

Jiangdu Chun

How to draw Spring Sorrow. The orioles are carrying snow on their backs, and the flowers are fading. The drizzle courtyard is deep, and the pale moon corridor is hung with heavy curtains. When I return, I remember to burn the lanterns at night. All were dismantled early, and the swing was red. Even though we are close, the scenery is still green and green in early summer.

yasha. Green and white, I hate the jade pendant and stop dancing, and the dust condenses in the pavilion. I imitate a beautiful woman and give her the fragrance of orchids and Chouluopa. Knowing that he had fallen out of control and raised his horse at an angle. At the bottom, downstairs at Chuiyang. Wu Yan secretly embraces the charming servant girl, and the phoenix hairpin slips away.

The sound is slow

The sound of autumn

The yellow flowers are deep in the alley, the red leaves are low, and the sound of autumn is desolate. The sound of rain came, accompanied by the sound of wind. At twenty-five o'clock, Li Qiao's door is unlocked and the sound is heard. Old friends far away, I asked who was shaking the jade pendant, and the bells under the eaves were ringing.

The sound of colorful horns blew and the moon fell, and gradually the camp and horses moved, and the sound of bamboo pipes was heard everywhere. The adjacent lamp flashes, and there is still the sound of anvil in front of the lamp. I know that he complains about his sorrow until dawn, and there are many cries of crickets. When the complaint is not over, half of it is given to Yan Sheng.

The tail offender

On a cold night

I leaned on my reading bed at night, smashing the spit pot, and the lamp flickered on and off. The troublesome west wind blows the bells frequently. People talk together, the taro fire warms the air, the geese fly alone, and the cypress snow flutters. All over the countryside, there are thousands of hectares of fish and sky, and there is no end to my sorrow.

Dancing with a long sword beside a chicken, I can’t imagine such a hero. His bones are thin and sharp, but his quilt is made of iron. Dreams of right and wrong are traceless and can be remembered, like double pupils, colorful and green. Haoran's heart is here, and I will say plum blossoms whenever I see them.


A glimpse of the hometown heart, Fu Yaoyao and Lusha Yanwei. Come and stay with me. I am a lonely guest, thanking him for being a poor ghost. New green, old red, spring and old, young, mysterious, old and white. The situation is ruthless and sophisticated, and the majesty is withered.

word field pen, like a swarm of ants. On the battlefield, there are many hidden beasts. Asking how it is like a clear day, leaning on the vine and the tree. Up and down the green hill house on the flowing water, there are books and wine bottles at the bow and stern of the boat. If you covet and fight for gold, it will be a crazy week.


There is no worry in autumn, but in Naikeli, autumn is calm. The boss of the body knocks the Qin Fou, but he is too lazy to move the Tao Fou. All mistakes have been caused by neglect, and when I am free, I look for poverty. Laughing at newcomers and troublemakers means Zhenghong, with a loud voice.

Double doors are covered with single lamps. Bookshelf, piano hanging on the wall. Laughing, there is nothing like this in the world, the small window is secluded. I can hear the rustle of Jia leaves in the distance, and the remaining drops of rain can be counted on the tree branches. I was vaguely dreaming about my old friend’s house, who was playing the flute.

Tanfang Xin


Cui Yinqing. There seems to be someone wearing yellow clothes, standing alone. As I grow older, I regret that I didn’t know you too early. The material should be pottery, and the chanting soul should be there, condensing the wonderful autumn fragrance. With a proud and frosty posture, I still think about my predecessor, leaning against the window and feeling proud.

Looking back on my drunken youth. The horse has a rong border and a red velvet hat. Who is willing to fly to the indifferent Dongli? Recite leisurely sentences three times with your arms straight, chatting with flowers and smiling. The wine is not available on credit, so it’s just right to look at the flowers.

Plum blossoms attract

Jingxi blocks the snow

White gulls ask me to park my lonely boat. It's the body that stays. It’s the heart that stays. If your heart stays for a while, why should you frown? The wind blows and the small curtain lights are faintly dancing, and the idle shadows are deserted and clear, recalling old travels.

The old tour is not here anymore. Flower outside the building. Liu Xiazhou. It's a dream, but it's not a dream, and the cold water flows empty. Desert yellow clouds, soaked wood wool fur. No one is as worried as me. It snows tonight and there are plum blossoms, which is as sad as me.

Cave Fairy Song

Thinking of Friends in the Rain

Where in the world is the most unforgettable glass of wine. But I stopped thinking about my relatives and friends. At this time, there is no king, and there are thousands of separation sorrows. Outside the west wind, there are always withered lotuses and declining willows.

Last year, I spoke late at night, dumping books, and hanging red beans in the heart of the candle. I remember that when I arrived at the door, it was raining softly. I said, "It's raining now. This feeling is not the same as before." I'm going to pick yellow flowers at the right time with my son, and I don't know whether the fruits will be fine during the Double Ninth Festival.



branches and leaves are teased by the east wind. Even Yingchuan moved slightly. From the yellow goose to the flying cotton, there is nothing to do, who cares about the spring.

My gentle nature can teach tourists how to indulge in wine, dance, and flowers. More importantly, in the mirror of someone's house, moths eager to learn have moved to the side and makeup buildings to create new species. There is no way, the river head is clear and sad, the rain is misty, and the green shade is like a dream.

The highest building

Promote spring

When will the new spring scenery be beautiful? Better sooner rather than later. The streets in the soft dust alley are green and oily, and the double curtains and deep courtyards are painted with Luo Yi. If you want some, the sun is shining and the warm wind is blowing.

piece by piece, Xueer, don’t bother downloading it. A little bit, don't let it rain. The more you are in trouble, the more you will feel guilty. If you don't take advantage of the plum blossoms to arrive, you will bring the willow flowers to fly in vain. The beautiful oriole speaks to me and announces the return of spring.

Zhu Yingtai

times rhyme

Liu Bian Lou, Hua Xia Pavilion. Low roll embroidered curtain half. The Tensilk fabric outside the curtain seems to be in turmoil. I know where he is, with his moth-green eyebrows and goose-yellow sleeves, wandering and playing.

is the most deplorable. The surface of the zither is an inch deep in dust, and the jade pillars are covered with slanting geese. The word "Red" in the score is "Wilder", and the note of "Cut the Candle" is read at the same time. Several times, the east wind blows away the sorrow, but the east wind doesn't care.

The wind enters the pine

The actor goes to his concubine

The east wind reaches the old peach branch. The fairy dream has become lost in the clouds. The place where the red flowers are painted is still the spring day curtain hanging down. I hate to kill the lions in the east of the river, and frighten the gulls back at the bottom of the sea.

It’s never too late to take small steps to find your beauty. It's been a long time since I left. The broken heart is not after the collar is separated, but when the collar is not separated. The willow bank is still holding bare hands, and the orchid house has already covered its red leaves.

Jie Peiling


Chun Qing Ye Hao. Chunyin is also good. The warmer and the spring rain the better. The spring rain is like silk, embroidering the red branches of flowers. How could he and Po Meng be forbidden to join forces with Zao?

plum blossom wind is small. The apricot blossoms are slightly windy. Begonia wind, suddenly cold and steep. Years of spring, blown by the twenty-four winds. The neem flowers are blooming and the wind is coming soon.


Su Longyou Zhu's Building

The small terrace has a wide horizon. Look towards the roller blind. Twilight rolled up the blinds to see. The sight of my hometown makes me feel sad. The clouds are confusing again. The water is confusing again.

days do not teach people how to be a guest. It was spring cold last night. It's spring cold tonight. At the end of the month, pear blossoms bloom. Knock all over the railings. Shoot all over the countryside.


the boat crossed the Wujiang River

and the sorrow of spring was waiting for the wine to be poured out. The boat is rocking on the river. Curtain move upstairs. Qiuniangdu and Tainiangjiao. The wind is blowing again. The rain is falling again.

When will I return home to wash my guest robes? Silver character Sheng tune. The word "heart" is fragrant. It is easy for people to be thrown away by the stream of light. Red cherries. Green bananas.

Tang Duoling


Qiu Bixie Qingwan. The clouds and shadows on the tower are idle. Remember that Xianjia and Yuan were in Pengshan. Flying to Yanfeng, there will be less dust, thirty thousand hectares, and boundless jade.

The golden king knocked down the weeping lotus. The song shakes the fragrant mist of the servant girl. Ren Furong, the moon turns Zhulan. The weather is already cool but not yet cold, after Chongjiu and before Xiaochun.

Willow Shaoqing

There is talk about the old prostitute Pan

She drank and chanted slightly, the lamp was broken and the rain stopped, the house was quiet and the window was quiet. Several times the flowers bloomed, several times the flowers withered, and then it became dusk again.

Pan Niang is not Pan Lang. The material should also be frosty and sticky on the temples. The parrots are empty, the mandarin duck pots are broken, and the smoke is misty and cloudy.

Ruan Langgui

Guest in Simaji Mountain

The sound of geese behind the flying lights is low. Hansheng red quilt pool. The small screen stood for a long time. Take a look at the horses.

New tears, old poems. Generally the belt hangs down. The Qiongxiao plays with sorrow every night. Does Meihua know?

Golden Banana Leaves

Insomnia on an Autumn Night

Clouds and green curtains. Stars and broken beads burst out. Outside the lone toad, I looked around the corner.

The drunkenness and coldness of the anvil are the work. When sleep comes, the dream soul is afraid of evil. On the pillow screen, there is a painting of flat sand and falling geese.



shan unlimited. Climb the mountain to see Wu Palace. Wu palace. It is hidden deep in the dock, but it is clear and shallow.

Three poems about Jinmen, all poems

Two poems about Bodhisattva Man, two poems about each other.

Two poems about Bu Suanzi.

Five poems about Shuangtianxiaojiao.

Two poems about Dian Jianglip. White, white and red are all good. Sold alley owner's house. Lane West Home.

A voice shouted outside the curtain. The crows and servant girls came in behind the curtain. Asked about buying plum blossoms. Buy peach blossoms.

Such as the dream

Huangluan shadow on the moon stream at night. Xiaolu rock flower crane top. After spending half my life in the world of mortals, I will lose to the scenery of his village. Village view. Village view. The woodcutter and ax plowed the fishing boat.


Qingpu is melting and bright and the clouds are breaking. Whose house is where the shadow is on the balcony? Silver-red skirt with pleated palace gauze. Sit in front of the wind and fight with tulip buds.

People scatter trees and crow. The dough won’t stick, and it’s old and prosperous. The moon mark on the tail of the double dragon is slanted. Today's photo shows cold white water chestnuts.


once accompanied Fangqing Qiang Peihuan. The west wind blows the dream to pieces and falls into the world. Fake Rao is not divided into carved lanterns. Peeping mirror, also suitable for creek bay.

Who has mercy on this place? Where the cow lies in the setting sun, the shepherd boy climbs up. I advise Hua Xiu to hate herself every day. It has always been said that a bad life is a beauty.


It is sunny in spring, but it is cold in spring, and the clouds are low and about to fall. Before the buds are cut open, the east wind has already caused evil. Rotating arrangement, a pair of silver garlic suppresses the curtain. secluded valley. The water is rippled, wrinkled and tender green, with latent scales leaping for the first time. In the Menmen Lane, the peach trees are red. When I know

, Jihua breaks the green calyx.

remember yesterday. □□□□, butterfly lace, recently seen again, the body is as thin as a weeping poplar. Ask Xiao Cuimei Mountain, who saved it for. The courtyard under the setting sun is covered with spider silk and jade strings. The only sound I could hear outside was the sound of scissors, deep in the dressing room. I expected a tailor to wear a thin white ramie spring shirt.


Wind Lotus

I love lotus flowers, which are the softest. The brocade is surrounded by clouds, and the flowers are as delicate as trembling. A breeze comes from far away. The red color is as low as the cold waves.

It’s not Zhang Jingwan from the Yang family. Holding the moon and floating smoke, dancing until my waist is tired. Secretly displaying Cui Luo Xiang. Sleepless but turning over frequently.


comb floor

silky willow silky rain. Spring is in the dark. Lou'er is too small to hide her sorrow. I flew with the clouds several times to find my boat.

Tian Lian Hakka Village is far away. Borrow and spend time with flowers. Begonia is red and close to the green stem. The red curtain has just been rolled up, but the evening wind is cold.


Listening to the Rain

The boy is listening to Yuge upstairs. The red candle dims the tent. A young man listens to the rain and is a guest in the boat. The river is broad and the clouds are low, and the broken geese are calling the west wind.

Now I am listening to the rain at the foot of the monk's house. There are stars on the temples. Joys and sorrows are always ruthless. Before the first term, every step until dawn.


Boyan Xiaotingzhou. The cold skirt is full of autumn water. The spitting flowers on the skirt are nowhere to be found. Let’s visit again. There is only a half-moon hook between the willows.

is intended to build floors. I hope the Yi family will rest after seeing each other. I'm also afraid that pink clouds will rise at the end of the day, lingering. Turned into lovesickness and sadness.


Tangmen Lantern Festival

Cuiyi Night Tour. Not to the edge of mountains and water. Then divide the paper lanterns into three or four kings, next door. Then make the Lantern Festival to praise the good scene.

Who understands the plum blossoms? The thought lamp ball falls into crimson gauze. It is said in the old days that the dream has not yet come to an end, which is a shame. It has only been more than a hundred years since I dreamed of Hua again.



Green flowers are cut into pieces and Jiaoyun is thin. The remaining makeup is the chrysanthemum before and after the rong. The moon is also dyed with fragrance, not to mention the slim sleeves.

The west wind blew suddenly in the autumn window one night. Cui Liansuo, Qiongzhu flower carvings. Wealth in the world always smells fishy, ​​and it smells like dew and climbing flowers.


the spring scenery

the fragrance of the jade window lock is rising. Call the green sleeves and knock low to make the sound. The characters on the tassel brush are slightly distorted, but they are leaning and red plum blossoms.

The misty moon is on the curtain. Make the appearance of Chiguan and Chunyin. The cloudy weather in spring is not as good as the clear sky, so the snow and music will stop singing.

Jade House Spring

Peach Blossom Bay Horse Trail

The Qin people occupied the Taoyuan land. It is said that flowers are too deep to hide from the world. There are no flowers in Peach Blossom Bay, and Lu Zheng cannot stop them.

Ming Dynasty and Zi wear flowers. Go and see where Frosthoof is cutting out the rocks. The affairs of the Qin Dynasty are all right and wrong, just in case I ask Huahua for explanation.

Love Embroidered Quilt

Axi Jin Xiaoxiuhua descends. Crossing the bridge pavilion, leaning against the trees and listening to the orioles. Covered by willow lines, the temples hang low, cyan clouds hang down, and the hairpin and phoenix are half horizontal.

The shadow of the red osmanthus changes to the sunny day outside the window, and the orchid heart is full of joy, but the embroidery has not yet arrived. Unfortunately, when spring comes, hatred grows again in green moths and bends.


people love Xiaozhuangxian. I love makeup residue. Cui Chai holds the servant girl who is about to indulge. It's okay to print the night fragrance, it's cool in the moonlight. It is difficult to learn the new music of

. Sadness surges into the moth. A bed of quilts has not yet turned red. Hearing people's urging, he ignored them and went to wash the pearls.



Bath in the clear dew and dredge trees. Autumn is full of curtains. Yanqin is speechless and distressed. Pinch open the east window to peek at the bright moon, and see the hibiscus in the morning.

The future is uncertain. Yanshui Guhong. One respects nine and becomes empty again.I don't know how to blow my hat off, I hate to kill the west wind.

Yan Guiliang


I dreamed about the late spring in Tang Palace. When the dance arrives, the train is being dragged. Cuiyun team fights Jiangxiayi. Slowly, hands down.

Suddenly there was a rush of drums urging the general to rise up, flying like a colorful phoenix in chaos. I don’t see Concubine Wan Qiong in my dream. Seeing lotus flowers and being blown by the wind.

Bu Chan Palace

Mid-Autumn Festival

Last year the clouds covered the ice and the moon was bright. I am happy this year, and all the slight clouds have swept away. The universe is a piece of jade and glass, how can one calculate how clear it is?

No songs, no wine, and a stubborn old man. I know clearly about the shadow of sorrow and suspicion. Heaven will live up to the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I missed the Mid-Autumn Festival.



Indifference is the autumn flower. Even cooler than autumn flowers. There are hibiscus everywhere for drunken reward, follow him. There are secluded people and virgins who praise themselves.

lonely two or three flowers. There is no wind during the day and there is also a slope. Whose house is in the remaining light from the west window? The Hunan skirt is rolled up into thin gauze.



red cherries. Green bananas. Send spring home, and the guests are still flying. Valley water last night, Langao tonight. The clouds are clear, the wind is light, and the rain is misty.

silver character Sheng tune. The word "heart" is fragrant. The material is fragrant and withered. Waiting for spring hatred, all the spring tide will be paid. Cross Yaoniang Embankment, Qiuniang Ferry, and Tainiang Bridge.


The remaining spring

In the sound of chirping, the spring light turns into a spring dream. Ask Dongjun, who will send the poem? The swallow loves the clear sky, the warbler loves the warmth, and the window is full of fragrance. Nai hurriedly urged Liu Mian to indulge in madness.

The light fan is small, and the tung flowers are flying like phoenixes. Remember the cold chants and Qinmei frost. In ancient and modern times, people get old easily, so don’t be idle. Shangkanyou and Tufenyunxiang Cave.

Cui Yu Yin

Xianglin Wangjun originally told Yue Diao Xiaomeihua to lead him to fly

Immortal steps in vain. I call it fairy in general terms, which seems to have little taste. The music of Yue Diao is suitable for plum blossoms. Luofu plum blossoms are true fairy things. It was performed into a chapter, named Cuiyu Yin. Cyanosis is intense. Ying Su Kong. The view of the building is steep and exquisite. Pink frozen Jiying, cold light swaying ancient green pines. In the semicircular dusk and the pale moon, the shadows of plum trees and mountains are dim. There is a beautiful woman, walking leaning on the bamboo, Xiao Ran looks like a swimming dragon.

The silk gauze is slightly wrinkled and soluble in water. The fairy stems are clean and slanting red after washing. Advise me to float

fragrant cinnamon wine, wear a ring and wear it secretly, and the sound will fly in the fragrant mist. Make the spring weak willow hanging silk, slowly press the green dancing girl. I don’t know where I am when I’m drunk, I’m frightened and cut by the frosty wind. Wake up from the dream and look for traces. But the remaining stars are left hanging in the sky. The plum blossoms are still young, the green feathers are singing, and there is a peak of dawn.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

The countrymen are offended by their madness, so this farewell message

is very true. You are mad. There are some children in my heart that are so loud that I can't pour the wine away. As far as I can see, they are similar. One looks like the five ghosts of the Han family. Another similarity is Yang Jia Fengzi. The strange bird had not finished chirping, so it was caught by the God of Heaven in a cage. This mistake makes iron difficult to cast.

The rain in Zhuoxi swelled the water in Jingxi. Send you back home. Outside the Zhanjiao Bridge, there is a clear place with clear water. There is no building with a hundred feet in the world, but it contains a lot of beauty. Qi Qi is like this. Farewell words for friends, please listen carefully. Eat sparingly and be careful with your words.


The pipa player

I have a pipa score. Holding the gold trough, slowly twisting and lightly tossing, the willow shoots will be jealous. The six feather tunes have been played over and over, and the bottom of the flower has a clear and dark tone. Nai knocks off the strands of the jade hairpin. The low painted screen is covered by a deep red door, and the west wind blows dust all over the ground. Fang things have passed, Die Kong complained.

I miss my concubine every day. To the east of the small building, someone's house is vaguely visible, with phoenix flutes and drums. Tears stained the sleeves of the shirt, and the bamboos were repaired at dusk. Backlight shadow, depression and mutual affection. The skirts in front of the donation island are boundless and longing for each other. Spring is gone, and the red dance is everywhere.


question backyard portrait

green clouds hanging down the collar. The pipa is carried on the back, the sleeves are full and the hands are pink and red. I feel tired when I return from a spring outing as promised, but it’s like I haven’t woken up from a spring sleep. Dianhansi, sluggish Rongying. The orioles fly by with the sound of pine trees. The willow window is deep, and I still remember to stop my needle and listen. The soul is vast and the scenery is solitary.

golden hairpin broken strand bottle caisson. Ask about Sioux City , popular test papers, Qian who questions

chant. The lights are dim and green, and the curtains in the small courtyard are dim. Mistaken anger and strangeness, frowning between eyebrows. Humanity is really capable of recruiting, no matter how many times it is called, there is no answer. Sora shed tears at this.



丸丸丸丸游游游湸, the height of Yanfeng. I once visited Changshou Immortal Mansion. Every year I see the Yao Hairpin Meeting, and the Xiaji Gaizhi is light. Open an embroidery account. Thousands of smiling flowers are fragrant red, and the remaining dye is autumn light. Clear flutes and beautiful drums. Ren Yan's jade cup is deep, Luan is drunk with Phoenix, and it is still dark in the sky.

is wrong. Lost in the Taoyuan old steps. Fei Qiong and Fang Meng share the same poem.When I came to the morning and heard about the Fairy Boy's Banquet, I looked up to the garden in the green house. Clouds and fog. My body was so faint that I could recognize the fetal bird dance. Ting is far away and Pu is near. Then a reed fish sailed, carrying the smoke and rain, and returned to the half-cold egret.



In the past, Duke Pei Jin was born at the age of Jiachen and served as Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty. To govern the capital in the east is to amuse the old eyes; to build festivals in the north gate is to stumble upon one's leisure. The flowers in the building are thick, but the March moon is light on the verandah. I don’t remember the bows, swords, and thousands of rides. Who is worthy of envy? I envy the Nantang layman and the Sanxian.

The Nantang water turns to clear clouds. Three hundred trees in Fengzhou willow spring. There are green clothes playing music, golden geese leaning on each other, colorful clothes urging wine, and jade kneeling with two lins. In the same year before and after, leisure and work are different, neutrality is translated into female Jiachen. Si Yan is also said to be the plum blossom and the mountain people in Zhuli.

The happy moving orioles


The wind and waves are like this. I am ridiculed by idle gulls. You have done a good job. The oak leaves are deep in the bay, the reed nests are in the narrow harbor, and you can take a nap and take a leisurely paddle. When I went to play the flute on the grand night, I was so surprised that the fish and dragons howled and danced. I feel sad now that I am old, but the tent windows are closed tightly, desolate and melancholy.

Beppa. The cloud breaks. A low goose with a rope blocks the family mountain road. There is no poem in the jade, no sequence in the flying clouds, and who pays if the table is full and fast. I've been drunk for many times, but now I am living up to my honor. It will be clear or not. Afraid of the cold butterflies in the Ming Dynasty, and the yellow flowers in the autumn nursery.


The clear sky is clear. Drawn by Guyun, the sadness of separation disappears. Playing chess in the jade game, cutting candles with golden hairpins, the beautiful thoughts can win and fall. The makeup in the mirror is lazy and late, and the sound of the music is worrying about mistakes. Rewind the fiber and count it carefully from the beginning, and have fun together every year.

lonely. The garden is quiet, I slept drunk last night, and it’s hard to rely on my dreams. When the corner of the chariot is born, the horse's hooves are squared back, and then he begins to wander. I am bored and have no entertainment at all. In spring, I have to take care of the pavilion again. After leaning against the wall for a long time, the east wind is too cold and the red gauze is thin.

Qi Tianle

Yuan Ye Yue Meng Hua Lu

The silver toad flew outside the goblet shuttle. Juanjuan looked down at the dragon's tail. The electric purple sheath is light, the clouds are red, and the carved jade carriage penetrates the bottom of the lamp. Feng Zhenxiu Qi. A cluster of people's voices are boiling, and the road is charming. The maid welcomes you, and the beautiful swallows and orioles dazzle with pearls and emeralds.

Hua Xu’s immortal dream was not over yet, he was thrown into the cave by the God of Heaven and was expelled from the earthly world. The light willows, lakes and mountains, the dense flowers on the alleys, can only be said to be Qiantang. Go back to Bianshui. I hope that Chen will travel that day, and there will be thousands of tourists. But there is a cold weather, and the green scorch rises late at night.

Nian Nujiao

Dreams are played and danced

Dream deep in the night, deep in the flowers, covered with ice and snow. People are singing music in Qiongyunfang, and their teeth are clear and clear. Green feathers and flying dragons, golden conongs and leaping phoenixes, are not Ruibin iron. The melodious fairy tune is heard, and the wind knocks the pearl trees into new folds. There are five colors of light in

, with uneven shadows, and the fragrance of Wushan is clear. Returning from the cloud window of the fog pavilion, I smile and embrace the spirit king. Six tunes and stems, a parrot sound, and the earth is empty and the flowers are gone. I dreamed of going back to the orphanage, and I was sobbing outside the autumn frost.

Ying Tianchang

times the halal rhyme

Liuhu carries wine, Meishu plays chess on credit, and the east wind is cold in the sleeves. In the blink of an eye, the green cage pavilion contains cherry blossoms recommended for orioles to eat. Passing by in a hurry, spring is a guest. Let it drizzle and make the day dark and quiet. Like Qionghua, she was relegated to red clothes and returned to her immortal home.

Infinitely leaning against the wall, I am sad, my dream breaks through the clouds and I play the flute, and the cuckoo cries across the green wall. There are dragons playing in the sky, and they live in flower houses. Arrogant horses and neighing streets. The door is half-covered, and there is no trace of the fallen whip. But in retrospect, I met Tailor Bai for the first time under the lamp.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

Kuo Du Shi

Peerless Youren Du. Hidden behind the beautiful scenery, I live deep in the deep valleys with chaotic clouds. He said that he was a son of a good family in Guanzhong, chatting among the scattered vegetation. If the world is lost, who will take away the flesh and blood? A frivolous son-in-law is a husband who loves new people and is as graceful as jade. Thousands of things depend on the wind and the candle.

Once a mandarin duck becomes a solitary person. The most pitiful thing is that the new people laugh and the old people cry. After the maid came back from selling pearls, Xiang and Qian Luo repaired the house. The trees are collected freely, and the cypress branches are full of trees. At dusk, it is cold in the mountains. The green silk clothes are thin and the muscles are growing like millet. Drawing back his sleeves, he leans against the bamboo.



The guest window is empty and green. The habit of drinking in the previous life will lead to immortality. Looking back at the world of mortals, flowers and grass have changed. There is a fairy cave across the water, but only Feixia can reach it. Who believes. The west wind sends me away, and also accompanies Qing Xiao.

ethereal. The two buildings on the side of the willow are surrounded by embroidered curtains in spring, and the dew is deep and the smoke is quiet. When the fish tail stopped, there were still few clouds on the snow. Drunk beside Hibiscus, I said to myself, I wish I could come here and wear my hairpin every year. Lantau is small. He stands tall and clear in the autumn dawn.


Fu Yan hides the wood like a martial arts forest, and accepts the Xu family woman in the bathhouse on the guest

floor. When he returned, he also stored it upstairs where he lived, with the view of the western lake

on the wall of the building.

The green mandarin duck has two spikes and is cold. The orioles are calling and the spring breeze is fragrant. The fragrance of flowers blooms, which is why Xu Zhuang is called this time. There are Shuiyue Immortal's courtyards everywhere, and the West Lake is like a mirror.The smoke is dim. Xian Cong mistakenly pointed out, Lianfeng Huangling.

It is expected that when we first meet in the small pavilion, the waves will beat the red cats, and the sleeves will fly with gold cakes. The building leans against the slanting light, secretly keeping an eye on the good times. Thousands of wistful smiles, a little tenderness. Chai is exhausted. Ying Ying backlight delicate shadow.

High balcony

There is a pregnant woman in the river valley

The lingering fragrance lingers and looks at the shadow, and the fragrance is leaning against the moss body. Thank you Can Ying for flying here to follow me from afar. Looking back, I looked under the clear eaves. After waiting a few times, I picked up the light and smelled it. Up to now, I can only curl my whip tip, and I can’t laugh like spring.

The sad chant has not ended yet, but the misty forest is dawning. There are weeping willows on the road, which is also a light breeze. Tonight, pear clouds are still lingering outside the mountain window. The luggage is not for Mr. Wu Jian, who asked Qian to write flowers. When we return, the bottom of the leaves are red and fat, and the drizzle is like dust.

Exploring the Spring Order

The word "fly in the jade window" records the cold spring, and the red spots are covered with velvet silk. Painted green mandarin duck with golden wings spread out. If you haven't reached me yet, I'm sad and greasy.

If you have a little heart, you will go to the end of the world. Covered with mist. The old pair of flowers, playing Ruan Xianqiong's fingers. For the powder, empty bullets and tears.

Autumn night rain

Autumn night

Huangyun Shuiyi Qiujia chokes. It blows people's temples like snow. There is so much sorrow and helplessness, the handles are broken and the cold flowers are lightly pouted.

The red clouds turn into the heart of the fragrance, the night gets deeper and the human voices begin to stop. Don't worry anymore at this time. The shadows of wild geese fall, and the moon slants through the west window.


Jiang Zhengfu ordered one poem each for spring, summer and winter, with the rhyme

before the next time. The golden clothes dew wet the orioles' throats and choked. The love of spring cannot be separated from the snow. The strings of the precious zither are cut off, but the myriad strands and idle sorrow are hard to put away.

Who is the pavilion with long red and white faces, no smoking, and a rest with a snap of the fingers. Don't say goodbye tonight. And drunk and hungover, Xiang Peach Blossom Moon.


The painting car turned as fast as the wind and choked. Ice silk, pine lotus root and fresh snow. Some people's sleeves are full of coldness, and they are afraid of getting wet with sweat, and the red gauze is still puckered.

The dream breaks in the middle of the night and the lotus rain falls. Listen carefully, and then take a break if you don’t listen. Jasmine is unique. The occupation is broken, and the Shachu Xiangyue.


Honglin does not warm the bottle and chokes. The ashes are covered with clear snow. Drunk and no fragrance, I woke up, but I was pouting at the handles and new oranges.

The plum blossoms are even more damaged by the frost, and they can only rest while listening to the painting hall and the flutes and drums. I think it's the weather. Yu borrows and springs in March.

Youth Tour

The wind is tight and the snow is hard to clear by the pear edge. Thousands of points illuminate the stream. The window with wadding is low, the window with velvet is small, and people can walk through the green shade.

Now where the white birds are flying, the countryside is covered with smoke and trees. There is spring cold on both sleeves, and there is spring hatred on one breast, and the slanting sun is pale and ruthless.


The maple forest is red and the smoke is blue in the evening. Guests are full of Ou Ting. In the past twenty years, no one has grown bamboo, but they still borrow the name bamboo.

The spring breeze has not yet passed, but the autumn breeze has arrived. Old age is a blessing in disguise. Just spend your whole life chanting and chanting leisurely, and compose it into a song.

Liu Shaoqing


learns to sing a new tune. On the swing frame, the hairpin is banged. Willow rain and flowery wind, green pine skirt pleats, red and greasy shoe uppers.

returns with a hidden door. In the light moon, the clocks gradually hit each other. She is coquettish and wants to be supported, but she hates being asked when she is drunk. She leans against the window.

Frost Tianxiaojiao

Shadow window screen. Who will fold the flowers? If you fold it, fold it away from him, and you will know to whom it will go.

yanya. Branches are the best. Fold higher when folding. It is said that the flowers must be inserted in the direction and on the side of the temples.

Chen Dewu

Chen Dewu

Dewu was born in Sanshan and has the legacy of Bai Xue.

Water Dragon Song

West Lake Nostalgia

The first state in the southeast, West Lake has been beautiful since ancient times. There are pavilions and pavilions near the embankment, with painted boats and pavilions, and tourists singing and playing. There are lotus flowers for ten miles, osmanthus seeds for three autumns, and clear green mountains all around. It took a hundred years for the heroes to travel south, but they all forgot their life ambitions.

Unfortunately, things are changing. Who can I borrow to show my shame? Climb to Xingsheng, express your feelings about the past and present, and show your heroic spirit. The strong men push the mountains, and the gods move the water to cultivate the mulberry fields. Borrowing the tide of Qiantang to wash away all the tears for you, General Yue shed tears.



Mountains surround Luocheng, and Liuying crosses Jiangdong. Ten years ago, everything changed. Today is like a spring dream.

There are so many post offices in the world, and life is everywhere. We meet again upstairs in Danxia. The horizontal flute is the third one for you.

Looking at the sea tide

Qiantang Nostalgia

Longshan stands to the west, Zhejiang passes to the east, who is left with an arrow. The phoenix dances and the dragon flies, the land is full of talents and the people are outstanding. In those days, this kind of honor and mediocrity were established. A mighty man with a powerful crossbow. When Feng Yi retreats, the sea is like a hidden front. The stone is used to form a dike, and hundreds of rivers restrict the west and east.

has a lot of characters so far. Respect the mountains for their merits, and nourish the rivers with virtue. He is extremely happy at the West Lake, but has many sorrows when he crosses the south. His dreams are all empty. The feeling of ancient hatred is endless. Sighing to express my loyalty and ignorance, who will seal the ancient tomb? The Qiantang is full of turbid wine and tears in the autumn wind.


On October 23rd, the rain stopped, and I stayed at the Xingning Posthouse in Changle.

It was very quiet. Occasionally, I saw several peach blossoms outside the window, so I made this tune to symbolize the

post building is in depression at the end of the year. Why do little peaches welcome people's smiles. Speechless as a complaint, the Queen Mother's fate is revealed, and the letter sinks into the blue bird. The skin is thin and frosty, the fat is gone and there is zero rain, and the dream is cold and clear at dawn. Since Liu Lang left, Tiantai Road has separated us, and we know how much spring has come.

Yucong arrived today. We are happy to meet each other, and the water chestnut flowers are shining alone. Who can accompany you in quietness? The yellow flowers say goodbye and the hibiscus grows old. Take advantage of the east wind as early as possible, move roots and leaves, and get out of the swamp. In the good days of fortune-telling, I played a piece of music in the heart of the piano, to the tune of lovesickness.

Qinyuan Spring

It rains at night in the boat

The winter night is like a year, and the guests have no sleep, how can they get to dawn? Wait until the last twenty-five, the cold watch, and listen to the remaining one hundred and eight, the dawn bell. The rain's feet knock on the awning, and the beach head shakes the cables, always complaining to the people who are away. I heard it everywhere, I dredged the sea of ​​deep hatred and built a city of sorrow.

asked you what is bothering you. I think the most painful thing in this world is love. Thinking of thousands of mountains and rivers, sinking fish and blocking wild geese, one body in two places, the swallows are simmering and the orioles are frying. The embroidered pillow has many marks and the brocade quilt is fragrant and cold, implying that the Wushan dream cannot come true. How can I leave it behind? These two words of lovesickness are worthless for thousands of miles.


Winter Solstice

The time sequence passes like a flowing arrow, and life is like a flying puff. It’s winter again on the Shiwan River. And I am happy that the sun is beginning to move.

But when I saw that Kanyu was gone, there were even more mountains and rivers. Desolate clouds and misty rain. Only enough to return to dreams while sleeping.

Looking at the sea tide

Gongri Pavilion

The mountains are far away and the mountains are far away. Wanshui Chaozong, surrounded by stars, will never forget this ambition in his life. Soaring over the pavilion. See the smoke and mist, the phoenix and the dragon. The color of the sea is cool and cool, and the golden crow is flapping its wings on the hibiscus.

Look at the clear light close at hand. Everything is invisible, everything hidden is revealed. I am tired of hard work and have a long way to go to the official position, so the Peng Master hastened to return home. Don't dare to linger for a long time. Holding the sycamore tree is beautiful, and the sunflower is heart-warming. I pretended to be Shuanghan and flew to Wuyun Township.

Magnolia Slowly

Sent to Guilin General Judge Ye Yizhong

After leaving Huaiyang, I look back and live in poverty again. Sighing, the leaves are flying in the wind, and the leaves are scattered by the flowing water. When I came to the south, I suddenly heard that I was returning home. Is it possible that Heaven deliberately wants to protect talents? The clouds slowly move against Sima Fu, and the wind moves the Jiying ship.

Xiu Yan is seen in the plum window at night. The bridle remembers the money. It is ordered to paint oars in streams, baskets and mountains, and brocade poems. Say goodbye to the cold weather and travel far away. Don't comfort yourself by the pine trees and the loneliness. Who will get down on the dusty bed for me? The wine glass is only waiting for you to pass it on.

Magnolia slow

Use the previous rhyme again

The sun is setting over the river clouds, and the night is like a new year. See the clear sky covered with frost, the mountains with stars, and the moon hanging on the city walls. There are obstacles in the world between close friends. How long will it take to have a wine meeting with many sages? The cold night rain in Bashan is desolate, and the cold boat in the river is desolate.

I am ashamed to see the beauty in the mirror. The distant water and the sky are connected. The strange dreams are too sweet, the wine is not tasty, and the poems are useless. Dao Gui's hairy feathers fly towards the morning wind and beside the colorful clouds. Reporting Dongjun's arrival, Yi Zhichun's letter was sent first.


use the preface rhyme

. After seeing the end of spring, I ask when it is the year of return. Look at the five ridges with many passes, the nine mountains with green mountains, and the vassal walls everywhere. When Cang Wu was born, he made essays and high opinions and admired the virtuous. At night, the remaining flowers stand in the shadow of the moon, and I look forward to the boat in the willow shade.

Tiantai landscape is beautiful in the world. Tianmu Chicheng Company. Hao tianglanzhuang, deep in the white clouds, chants the chapter of divination and residence. Looking back on the old trip to Yingyan, I am afraid that I have no intention, waiting for the geese to go by the sunset. The traces of his voice are still very close today, and Luan's notes are spread frequently.

Looking at the sea tide

Ching Ming Dynasty

Three points of spring scenery, very official, making people live up to their beauty. The singing swallows and orioles are singing, the flowers are singing and the willows are dancing, who knows the benefits of gardens. Reminiscing about old travel times. Zhu Ma against Begonia, Hong Yao wrote a poem. Farewell to Dongjun, it’s another year to look back.

Love is far away in the world. Zhenhai filled with hatred, mountain locks frown. Du Yu can speak, partridges have tears, and butterflies are slow to fly. The scenery is suitable for young people. Divide the elm into new fire, and the fragrance will penetrate into your clothes. The wind and moon always exist, and Pisces reports will come back early.

Hundred-Character Ballad

Cherish the Flowers and Get Up Early in Spring

Cherish the Flowers, and my thoughts are awakened first by people and butterflies in dreams. The embroidered shoes are swept across the temples, looking up at the forest. Yesterday it was dark red, today it is light white, and the color is very dusk. I don't think he knows much about this taste.

asked the twenty-fourth wind, the cold plum and the crimson neem are always good. It must be seen that it has not opened and then withered, and how many fallen flowers have been turned upside down. The Sui Garden is decorated with colorful flowers, deer roam the Tang Garden, and there is no basis for mourning or praying. Who sent this sound? I still hold the piano in my arms.


Chanting Love for the Moon and Sleeping Late at Night

The moon is bright in ancient and modern times.Autumn relieves pain and spring is the best, lay quilt pillows several times. Twelve Yaotai, a moment of gold, the horizontal bamboo will stop blowing. The embroidered curtain is high, and he is warned not to use the lamp.

Who can share the beauty of the moon for a long time, and fall asleep under the curtain? This is especially true. Where can I find the colorful luan in my dream? It flies up to the jade tower and Qiongque. Dancing in neon clothes, singing about red beans, the scenery is different from the heights. I was startled by the sound of birds, and my hair stood up in anger.


I chant the water and the moon in my hand.

I came to Xiangpu in the evening, recalling the sharks who promised me the teardrop silk handkerchief. The sky is bright and the moon is waiting for a bath, and the palace is locked with crystals in the middle of the night. The jade is first round, the floating gold is unstable, and the enemy's eyes shine with cold light. The dragon mirror in the center of water can't be turned over when a happy occasion comes.

What I hate the most is Chang'e opposite me, dancing in neon clothes on my palms,

looking at the sea tide with two tunes

Farewell to Lu Jiao Yu Zizhen and Li Xun Daozong in Xun County for a year in Nanguan, traveling thousands of miles westward, no one will be sad when I leave my heart. Wealthy Handan , Yuyun Wu Gorge, look back and have a dream. Whoever is humiliated is honored. Ask about the morality of that time and the fame of today. Chu River and Wu Mountain have always been filled with greetings and greetings.

Chang'an Ancient Road Changting Pavilion. Sigh that the horse's hooves are not stationary, and the rut is difficult to stop. Wei Laoshouyang, Zhi is deep in Shang Valley, and the mist is far away and the clouds are flat. This is shameful. But the gold is white and the snow is white, and the brocade is green. Picking bamboo from Kunlun, sometimes playing the song of Phoenix.


ancestor went to the East Hall and moved the boat to the south. The river, sky, clouds and trees were separated. The fishermen and woodcutters in Pangu dance and chant in the wind, and their thirsty hearts often look at the clouds. Know and be with old friends. The wings of thought are still broken, and the feet are still restrained. The river flows with hundreds of twists and turns, and gorge apes and water birds help Guqi.

I have been dreaming about Shanxi several times. Withstand the night rain under the sparse canopy, and be frightened by the morning chicken. For silent poems and sound paintings, the shape of the ritual has already begun to take shape. Looking back at Mu Yunmi. And the tung trees fly into the golden well, and the swallows fall into the black clothes. If you are interested in lovesickness, don’t teach it too late.

The Moon over the Xijiang River

Ti Dong Xiao Pavilion

The phoenix dances in the Han Yang and the moon is beautiful, and the dragon sings in the waves of the Han River. Why are the clouds stationed at the end of the world? Hengyu is leaning on all four sides.

asked Yueyang After three times, let’s see how many chess games there are in the world. Where have the cranes not returned? Ignore Wu Tou and Chu Wei.


Yongxue Santiao

is to ask Yunjian Tengliu, what is the violation of Heaven's work? From time to time there are three white days before winter. Today is auspicious spring.

Peng Zeliu was so thin and poor that he was forbidden to kill Fu Yanmei. Renfeng turned his hand to Ji Tianwei. They all make a river.


were evacuated and walked through Dongguo, and the homeless horses were not in Languan. Who asked me about Yuan An in Guazhou? Let’s live up to the new year and a half.

The iron urn turns into a silver urn, and the golden mountain becomes the jade mountain. Ignorant children do not know the cold. The ice chopsticks are in the palm of the hand.


The mountains and rivers are old despite the snow, but the vegetation is new in the spring. The snow is sold out and spring is gone to chase the flywheel. Who recognizes the opportunity in silence.

The mud at the head of the dam is turbid, and the market is bustling with dust. Why don't you live with people who come and go? They were all wiped out by fame and fortune.



You have faith in the spring scenery at the head of the river, but there are no clouds in the sky. How common is the dog in white clothes? Is it just following the mood?

The law has been relegated for three thousand years, which translates into missing relatives for thousands of miles. There is no one on the middle road of Guazhou. Who sends Jiangnan Spring Letter?

Returning to the court for joy

Before sending Wang Tong off, Wei Shan went to the summons

Last night, he watched the bull fight at the top of the city. The golden energy roared across the sky. A flying crane flies towards the sky and writes a book, please come forward and seize my leading friend. Fengliu Jiang Zuohou. The old things of green felt once stood firm. I have been living in Huaiyang for nine years, but I have nothing to do but silk hands.

The flowers are tied to the willow tree without a long tree. The jade chopsticks are frequently waved and the short sleeves are turned over. Phoenix Taiwan reunited in recent months, crape myrtle flowers are still warm and fragrant. Fame comes with distribution. When it comes to making friends, you should start with close friends. Sing Yangguan, have a glass of farewell wine, and wish Siwen longevity first.

Looking at the sea tide

Farewell to Ye Suining in harmony

Carrying wine in the mausoleum, Sihe Yangtai, I will leave in front of you. I just tried my best, and I was shocked, which made me think deeply after I left. Stop singing parting words. Look at the jade letter, star iron, and ride on the copper wire. The red phoenix sings the sun, and the tallest branch of the biwu grows.

easily develops dialogue words. To a bright moon in a garden, a country thousands of miles away. The voices of the family in Xijian, the characters in the Yutang, and the dream in the night window. The talent and thought are boundless. If you fly deep to Lianluo, you will fly high to Emei . I hold lovesickness in my chest, and don’t teach it too late to write silver zither and brocade.


Send the spring rain

After a rain of rain, Du Yu called several times, and Dong Jun came back again. Weeping pink tears at the flowers, the boat moves to Luopu, the willow eyebrows are furrowed, and the horse walks to Zhangtai. The begonias on the south frame and the red herbs on the north window were all planted by hand back then. It hurts to say goodbye and I want to leave today and come back tomorrow.

Please don’t rush me. Please tell me your heartfelt feelings carefully. This painting has six songs, lazy and leaning against the moon, and twelve red curtains, which are not open to the wind. Green apricot garden, vermilion cherry cheese wine, competing with each other like plum blossoms in a soup with snow.At that time, all good people will share their concerns with many talented people.

Qingchun Palace

The Beginning of Spring

The wind blows into the depths of winter, the snow disappears and the wax remains, and the weather and people are in harmony. Welcome Xuan in the north of the hall, and ask Liu in the east of the water, who is announcing the return of spring. The native cow is pretending, waiting for Jia Guan, flying Lu Hui first. Yichun The word "treasure" means that it is a good place for people to have a feast.

Three years of guest experience. A thousand miles away, only an inch of spiritual platform. Colorful swallows, gold hairpins, and green silk lettuce, I still think about the arrangement with my delicate hands. Time is also, pleasant, come again now. He is blessed with longevity, but every year, the cup of spring wine is full.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou

Title Yang Fei returns drunk from a night party. It is written that the second wife of Qin Guo and the imperial concubine held the baby on the horse

The sun was hidden in the calyx, and the Qing Dynasty had a banquet in Huaqing. In Liangzhou, a new song is being composed for the first time, and the brocade harp is played against the silver zither. In the middle sits Taizhen's concubine, and in the ranks sits the concubine of Qin and Guo, who fills the city with laughter. The golden statue of a hundred dendrobiums falls, and the jade mountain falls when drunk.

supports the horse, Dong Xiaoyu, double right. The candle in the crimson sarong is shining brightly, and the palace leakage has been released for the third time. After carrying Luer back home, Sanlang woke up from the drunkenness and suddenly heard a drum and was startled. It's a pity that Ma Wei was so angry that he couldn't send any paintings.


The second rhyme is to send farewell to Ye Yin

Hua Cong Liu and hissing outside, making your affairs difficult for others. Yuanqiao Fengyue, Suiling peaches and plums, several good encounters. I wait for you to come, and he urges you to go, who will keep you here? I want to respect the North Sea in the sky and write poems in the East Pavilion. This is a place of joy and entertainment.

The precious moon is both round and missing. In life, separation is difficult and easy. There is no plan to control the wind, no skill to shrink the earth, and no words to ask the sky. The dry sea is a furnace, and the ocher mountains are charcoal, burning all the sorrow. With one mind on heaven and earth, one family north and south, this body is worth sending.

Drunk Spring Breeze

On March 27th, he was banished to Ningxia and placed

on the pillow bed in shame. Linluan eyebrows are not painted. Who is jealous of Bai Guixia? Horrifying fear. Feiyan Banji, Zhaojun extends his life, who knows the elegance of obscenity.

leans against the tea stand. Tears filled the shark gauze handkerchief. The bald head chants the pipa to cut off the resentment. Just give it up. Picking cypresses and selling pearls, pulling dills to mend houses, and following nature to make things better.

Water Melodies Songtou

Chanting Cherishing Flowers and Getting Up Early in Spring

It’s good that the three spring scenes are all in Baihuaxuan. The beauty cannot sleep, and the embroidered curtain has already been lifted. Let the begonias get enough sleep, check whether the peonies are in bloom, and the peaches and plums are silent. The dew on the leaves connects with the pearls, and the moon on the branches falls into the golden basin.

Tree bells and ropes, high barriers and thresholds, make up the fence. Ding Ningying, swallow, bee and butterfly, don’t fight over each other. Thinking back to the time when I was ninety, I am afraid that all the flowers will fly away and my beauty will become thinner and warmer. Don't worry about the cold silver bottle, and draw the roots from the well.


I love the moon and sleep late at night

On March 5, Chang'e moon, the night is beautiful. Since returning from stealing medicine, it has been thousands of years in heaven. Let me ask you, in the high places of Guanghan and Han, there is a great shortage of many, round and few. Which of these principles is the right one? The string of hope knows the destiny, and the separation and separation are pitiful.

Dian Gong brocade, singing water tune, carrying building boat. Where is the banished immortal layman, the moonlight is still there. Think about how long it will take to live a hundred years and thirty-six thousand good nights. Don't let the golden basin fall, until the dawn shines and you can't sleep.


Chant the water and the moon in the hand

The lotus is lined with Lingbo steps, and the bamboo shoots are bathing in Edong. Evening makeup and powder are still greasy, but snow and cleansing make it melt in spring. It's just like holding a jade plate with one's fingers, but the golden ring falls off the wrist, and the precious mirror catches the beautiful face. A beautiful pearl fell into the palm of my hand.

is satisfactory, but I can’t hold it, and it’s still empty. Riding a whale wants to take it deep, fearing that it will touch the lying dragon. Nai Yuchun is slender and frozen, and wherever the reunion is on the wall, there is a shadow but no trace. If you don't go to Guanghan Hall, you can go to Crystal Palace.


Chanting the fragrance of flowers, clothes are full of flowers

Dreaming of hibiscus and dawn, stepping into the peonies. Try to count the branches and leaves, and love the purple and red. The posture is like a song, the weather is light and warm, the weather is light and the spring is warm. A hundred dendrobium trees smell of sandalwood, and the two armpits smell of musk orchid.

The spring shirt is transparent, the stockings are clear, and the darkness is in the middle. How much love can there be? A little bundle weighs a thousand weight. I'm just afraid that the hair will be exposed, and it will attract wild bees and butterflies, so I should cherish my appearance. Lan Hui repairs the fragrant pendant, and the algae recommends the palace.

Cherish the remaining spring slowly

Recall Begonia

Speechless beauty, versatile and famous friend, sent by heaven to accompany me in loneliness. His appearance is Pan Yue, his appearance is so elegant, he is like a clump of red jade. Who is weaving clouds and brocade clothes? Tian Sun's clever place is hidden in the sky. During the separation, I suddenly felt the spring breeze, and the lightning was shocking.

Because of thinking about old times, joy and peaceful songs. The board is pressed against the jade figure's horizontal bamboo. The moon sets over the golden basin, and the silver candle sarong, a moment's worth of gold cannot be redeemed. I am slightly drunk and want to wake up, but I am awakened by the sound. When is the end of sleep? When I return with my roots and talents, I dare to compete with Yuanming, Songju.



The courtyard is deep and unique.

The green moss on the upper steps is due to the rain.

The painted curtain low curly swallow returns.

The moon seems to be in love at night, and

the flowers bloom to people silently.

Man Lao Fei dreamed of reaching the rooftop.


spring twilight

Time passes like running water, and fame is as cold as cold ashes. Jiang Yu was endowed with many talents. A moment can't be bought with a lot of money.

The moon is waxing and waning in the guest house, and the flowers are falling and blooming in front of you. When spring comes, it brings sorrow. Even though spring is gone, the sorrow is still there.


Send Spring

It was windy last night and rainy today. The wind and rain rush each other, ruining the return of spring. No matter how hard you try, you can't keep it. Where does spring return?

Good birds sing and dance like flowers. Flowers and birds are merciless, and they also complain about the sorrow of separation. The flowing water falls across the red grass. I’ll remember my return trip next year.


Send spring

The moon falls on the tung trees and Du Yu cries.

Clouds bury fragrant trees and partridges fly.

Night end is divided into spring poems.

How long has it been since the mountains were built? How long will it take for

to add words to my mouth?

I love you so much.

Magnolia is slow


Since Dongjun left, I have become more and more bored with flowers and willows. But year after year of traveling and living, my dreams increase every night, and my meal decreases. How should I feel about this? The sky is plump and the wind and rain are gentle. Lian Yu has warm eyes, and her girdle is loosened from her waist.

The deep courtyard is so incense-burning. The water is far away and the beauty is far away. Read the letter to block the Luan Jian, adjust the air to green Qi, and the words are full of shark gauze. Dongjun also knows people's wishes. At dusk, he sends orchid flowers to the horizon. Drinking wine is served in front of Jinli Hall, and the flute is played under the moonlight of the parasol trees.



Emei stood there indifferently. Make a promise before making a promise. Sit back and wait for nothing to come and go. Until the depths of the blue window.

Yuyun is jealous of Yaojiao. A few lonely nights. If you want to see the remaining makeup and the new painting, you should go to the morning and evening.



Tiansun Ziwei. Longitude and latitude are north and south. The moon tower is a hundred feet high. I once picked the jade hand myself.

What year did the Yu people go? I met Zhang Qian when I was riding in the chariot. It is reported that autumn is approaching, so that ingenious thoughts can be passed on.


chanting the wind

breathing in and out. Who is the master after all? The soft power slowly helps the flowers and willows dance. Can't help but go crazy.

is easy to get cold easily. Every time I teach people to love others I hate them. Most of all, I got lovesick, and I hugged my child tightly and pulled down the beaded curtain.


Yong Yu

silk silk thread. Provoked Yun Genyan. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are filled with spring. Mostly in the Pear Blossom Courtyard.

I saw him all night long. It feels like being in Blue Bridge. Remembering the goddess of Wushan, I couldn't help but look at each other day and night.



follow the style. The gathering and dispersing elements are uncertain. The rain cleared up at dusk. Send out the moonlight and flower shadows.

Whoever said it did not mean it. Soar up to Wu Cen. I don't know where the dream ends, but the beauty has a hairpin on her temples.


the cicada

cooing. Just like a purdah girl. A wisp of the heartbeat of the three-fold qin. Deep in the green shade.

This sound is well known to others. I will not bully others. At dusk, the moon is slanting behind my back, and my silent voice flies up to the high branches.


sing mosquitoes

in twos and threes. Teach people to think every night. Sneak into the crevices of the frost-threaded tent. Until coral pillow.

Beautiful women dream about Jiangnan. It would be sweet to lose him. Don't hate me for being cruel because of your greedy mouth.



Qingzi Fu Fen. Learn to steal Xiangjun. Hundreds of purples and thousands of reds did not ask. First, break up with your heart.

is gifted with a romantic life. I don’t know how to get rid of bee sorrow. I laugh at Zhuang Zhou and chase him in his dreams.


chant frog

Huang Meiyu lives. Green grass pond at dusk. Two parts of natural music. I thought Zhou Lang ignored him.

is born with hatred and a sharp mouth. Who can seal the well with mud? Most of all, on the pillow of a beautiful woman, I dreamed of Jiangnan several times.


chanting firefly

the stars are scattered. No one cares about the place. Although a little cold light is bad. Can't fly to the west bank of the river.

huatanghua dark silver. Jinglan adds a double. If you want to take a picture of the two words of lovesickness, let the wind hold you through the empty window.


chants and

tweets. The east wall chimes every night. Like complaining, singing, crying. The chaos is like weaving from my arms.

The curtains of the painting hall are deep. The beauty sleeps in a fragrant quilt. A lazy woman knows how to sleep until dawn, but you have worked hard in vain.

Drunken spring breeze

Boudoir love

Mo Shanglun’s hoofs are full. There are bees and butterflies in the flowers. The curtain is rolled low towards Nanshan. □□□. Lightly warm and lightly cold, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, the wind and clouds disperse.

Luo Xiu hurts the Spring Festival Gala. The fan fan scares the autumn change. Who will dirty the young servant girl with white snow? Lazy lala. The music and music in the golden house, the wind and moon on the thatched eaves, accompany the joys and sorrows.

Jade Butterfly

What’s good for crape myrtle in the rain is the spring and autumn colors, and the flowers are everywhere in the ingenious place.

word, a kind of poetry. Because it is the lyrics of Hele, it is also called music lyrics, Yuefu , movements , long and short sentences, poems, Qinqu, etc. It began in the Sui Dynasty, was finalized in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty.

" Complete Song Ci Poems " is compiled by Tang Guizhang and supplemented by Kong Fanli. It includes a total of 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and 21,116 lyrics. "Complete Song Ci " is one of the most important compilation results of ancient books in China in the past century. Song lyrics and Tang poetry are both the artistic peaks of Chinese classical poetry. The "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" compiled in the Qing Dynasty is a well-known book, and now the "Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty" has been newly compiled, which can be regarded as a double gem of Chinese literature.

A collection of Song poetry.

The compilation of Song poetry collections began in the Song Dynasty.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, although Ci has formed an independent style, it seems that it has not been generally recognized as "orthodox" literature, so Northern Song people's Ci is generally not included in anthologies.

There are collections of poems by Song people. In the Song Dynasty, there are "Hundred Family Ci" (now lost) from Changsha Bookstore, Fujian "Qinqu Waibian" (five kinds exist today), "Sixty Family Ci" (now lost), etc.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Mao Jin Jigu Ge published six volumes of "Song Famous Writers' Ci" with sixty-one chapters. This was the beginning of large-scale publication of poetry collections after the Song Dynasty, and his book was the most widely circulated.

Later, Hou Wencan of the Qing Dynasty engraved the "Collection of Ci Poems of Ten Famous Masters", and Qin En reengraved the "Ci Xue Series". In the late Qing Dynasty, the trend of publishing collections of poems became more popular and the scale became larger. Wang Pengyun engraved "Ci from Siyinzhai" and "Thirty-One Cis from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Jiang Biao engraved "Ci from Famous Masters from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Wu Chongxi engraved "Ci from Shanzuo People", and Wu Changshou engraved "Shuangzhao Loujing" "The Original Ci of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", Zhu Zumou engraved the "Qiangcun Series", and Tao Xiang engraved the "Continuation of the Original Ci of the Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties". In 1931, Zhao Wanli supplemented the works of Zhujia Congke and compiled 73 volumes of "Compilation of Song, Jin and Yuan Ci". Later, Zhou Yong first published "Ci Gou Shen of Tang, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties", which contained a lot more new information than Zhao Ji. However, the individual chapters and fragments of the poems engraved by various writers are not recorded, which is not enough to explore the whole picture of a generation of poetry.

On the basis of comprehensive compilation by various writers, Tang Guizhang extensively searched and collected all the poems attached to the collected works of the Song Dynasty, the selected poems of the Song Dynasty people, and the poems and works contained in the notes of the Song Dynasty people. The poems contained in various books such as poems, epigraphs, inscriptions and postscripts, flower and tree records, etc. were collected in one place and compiled into "Complete Song Ci". In 1940, a thread-bound version was published in Changsha by the Commercial Press. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the editor reedited the book, and it was revised and processed by Wang Zhongwen . In 1965, it was reprinted and published by Zhonghua Book Company. The new version of "Complete Song Ci" has greatly improved compared with the old version in terms of materials and style: rare books have been used to replace the previous originals, more than 240 poets and more than 1,400 poems have been added; available poets from the Tang, Five Dynasties, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties have been deleted. Ci writing; re-examining the poet's biography and rewriting the biography; adjusting the style of the old version from "emperor", "clan" and other classifications to arranging the poet in chronological order. The book compiles a total of more than 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, with about 20,000 poems, and more than 530 citations. In recent years, the editor has continued to make revisions and corrections, writing "Supplements and Supplements", which is attached at the end of the 1979 reprint of this volume.

This book is well-collected and carefully edited. It has corrected many mistakes made by predecessors. It is an important reference book for the study of Song Ci.

After the new edition of this book came out, the contemporary Kong Fanli compiled the lost remains from the Ming manuscript "Shi Yuan" and other books, and compiled it into the "Supplement to the Complete Song Ci", which included more than 140 writers (41 of them had been published in "The Complete Song Ci") ), composed of more than 430 poems, was published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1981.


Volumes 1150Zhi Zen Master

Volumes 1151 Jiang Jie

Volumes 1152 Chen Dewu

Zhi Zen Master

Zhi Zen Master

was born in the late Song Dynasty.

Bu Shuzi

The book comes from Yuguan, and tears follow Songjiang. The plum blossoms are fragrant, the willows are green, and they are chirping loudly.

The dark dust is flying in the desert, and the Songyue Mountains are locked in clouds. Thousands of camps on the Huaihe River are sleeping at night, who can break this hatred?

Jiang Jie

Jiang Jie

The word Jie is Shengyu, from Yangxian (now a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province). Jinshi in the tenth year of Xianchun (1274). He named himself Zhushan, and he went into hiding without being an official.There are Zhushan Ci.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

Qiu Xiao

Miaomiao crows. The sky is full of fish, the cliffs are growing in the cold, and the five lakes are dawning in autumn. A bamboo table and a lamp make people dream, and whoever neighs a horse walks on the ancient road. Start scratching your head and peek at the stars. There is no shadow on the yellowish fence in the moonlight, with hanging morning glory and several small blue flowers. Autumn is too light, add red dates.

Shouhen relies on the west wind to sweep. The hair on the temples is blown by the west wind and grows old with autumn. The frost curtain in the old courtyard is not rolled up, and the golden powder screen is drunk. There is no such thing as a middle-aged embrace. Thousands of miles south of the Yangtze River, I hate playing the flute, I hate the unevenness, and the white wild geese are crossing the sky. The smoke has not gathered yet, and Chushan Mountain is gone.


make an appointment with friends to drink

Yanyu Qinglan Bo on the first day of March. Leaning against the screen, there are thousands of trees high and low, the pink and red are weak. The east wind in Yun Pass can't be hidden, and it blows bright and fragrant fragrance into the valleys. Also powdered with Ting Hengzhou medicine. On the dusty surface, I can watch the singing orioles and dancing swallows enjoying the joy of spring. We all share things, so we know who is at fault.

Baochai has a curtain upstairs. Xiao Chanjuan, two-tone playing zither, half-xiao luan crane. There is no such thing among people in my generation, so I should give up my thoughts on music and poetry. It's also better than having worry at the corners of my eyebrows. Fangjing is only three points past two, and poplar flowers are falling in the green shades and door lanes. Let's fight for wine and drink together.



surge started in Guting. Back then, on the top of Penglai, the sea breeze was falling. The emperor sent the Chief Jiang Shen to guard it, and the eight-pillar dragon wrapped its tail. The bucket spits out, cold smoke and cold rain. Last night, the whale turned on its axis, rolled up its wings, and threw it into the void. But if you can keep it, Jianghong will live there.

There are guests in the five lakes. I'm afraid that the immortals will come here again, and the green flag will be difficult to stay. I patted the railing with my hand and called the egret, sending me diligent messages. Nai Lu also flew into Shazhu in fright. The stars, the moon, the sky, the clouds, and the sky are vast, and the universe knows where it is. Double drums and loud songs.


dream cold golden house. Sighing at the Qin Zheng, in the Xie Hong formation, the plain strings are fluttering with dust. Turning into a delicate oriole and flying back, I still recognize the old green screen window. It's raining, and the thorns and peaches are like bean sprouts. Do you know that this hatred is difficult to level with? It is like a chess game on a Qiongtai platform. The thin shadow looks like a bright candle.

The Mandarin Tower shatters the East and West jade. Asking if Fang Tai will show up again, it’s hard to predict the green hairpin. Wait for the palace eyebrows to look like clouds and draw them into a raw silk painting. I'm afraid not, I'm new to makeup. The colorful fans and red teeth are all here today, hating no one, and listening to the Kaiyuan song. Cover your empty sleeves and lean against the cold bamboo.


the military queen lived in Wu

deep pavilion with curtains and embroidery hanging. Remembering family members, whispering softly by the lamp, smiling brightly. There is a sad corner at the top of the city, and the sleeves are full of frost flowers. Shadow companion, running around.

Looking across the country gate, I know where I am. I envy the jackdaws after dusk. A little bit, return to the willow.

Looking at each other, only the mountains remain the same. Sighing at the floating clouds is simply unintentional, and it turns into a gray dog. Tomorrow I will have a cold meal with a empty wallet, and I will go to Xiaofu in front of me. Let’s taste the village wine while it’s still fresh. When I was drunk, I looked around and asked my neighbor if I wanted to write the Cow Sutra. Weng didn't answer, but waved his hand.


Book for the Old Man on the South Hall Wall

I have worked hard for several years in my life to build this house. I also followed Tao Qian and planted some chrysanthemums on the fence, and followed his Du Fu and planted some vegetables in the garden. Except for the carved beams, who is willing to accommodate Ziyan, who cares about the elder's car in front of the door. It's strange that recently, the bright moon in the garden was borrowed from it.

There are many white hairs on the temples. Why go to the trouble of recruiting guests? But in summer, I sleep on the couch at night and lie on the pillow facing the wind. In winter, the days are short and I read with the sun behind my back. If anyone is looking for me, I only teach children the way. I am now the owner of this house. Don't envy him, he is rocking a golden bridle and weaving a green robe.


times Qiang Yunqingyun

settled the whole life, romantic debts, please write a sentence. The offensive soldiers are surrounded by flowers and the brocade array is surrounded by flowers. The poisonous poison is used to smile and sing. Little did he know that I, a Confucian, is a happy place in the Tao, and is better than the Pearl Curtain Ten Miles Tower. At the end of the meme, I can't stand the sunny weather and wait for the rain to hit my head.

rest. What's the reason? A tough guy always eats cows in anger. But there are only a thousand pieces, good poems and good songs, but nothing at all, just boredom and sorrow. Since ancient times, Jiaobo has drowned many people. I wonder if it can drown me. Raise your eyes high and look at the silk puppets, whoever pulls them will take them away.


Yuanxi Festival

Huihua is also fragrant. Xueqingchi Pavilion is picturesque. The spring breeze came, and on the Baochai Tower, there was a sound of shengxiao and glass light. Now the lights are hanging everywhere. It wasn't the dark dust and bright moon, it was Yuan Ye. In recent years, I have been lazy and timid, and I am shy and fighting with moths.

Jiangcheng people quietly started playing. If you ask who can explain prosperity, then ask God to borrow it. Remove the remaining red hair. But in the dream, there is a faint, tin-che-luopa. Wu Jian silver powder calender. The scenery of

’s old home will be written down as gossip. The smiling green servant girl next door is leaning against the window and still singing, as the sun sets in the west.


race to cross the

electric flag flying. Both of them fought for crossing again.Outside the clouds of Xiangli, where is the solitary awakening? The green medicine and red gall bladder are as fragrant as before. No words at all. It’s not like a plain chariot and a white horse, rolling with the tide and causing anger. But quietly, thousands of years old relics, sometimes people pay homage to the past.

is used to suffering from pepper and orchid in his life. Shen Hanlang was very humble, and even more envied by the greedy dragon. Get married to Qiong Renlu. The shell of the material is faint, and the smoke of the whale is riding. Concubine Chu's flowers are leaning against the dusk. □□The Qiongxiao is blown, and the waves are traced in sync. Waiting for the moon to shine in Zhouzhu, Xiaoliu Jingjie, chanting a lot of poetry.

Great Holy Music

Tao Cheng's Birthday

The moon is shining and the moon is cool, the green and green figures are dancing together, and the immortal music is broken. I even heard people shooting shooting stars, slowly singing the first birthday poem, and singing lotus songs in groups. The protagonist is wearing a crane cloak upstairs, smiling, and his face is slightly red. If you have a good mind and keep the Yanguan stationed under your umbrella, you will always have spring and peace.

Thousand-year-old pioneer career, I remember that it once took advantage of the thunder to fly quickly. But there were also three walks,

stroking the pines and picking chrysanthemums, chanting as they were divided. Wealth and glory are floating in the clouds, glory and splendor are passing by, but there is still a lot of flavor in the light places. After saying goodbye and drinking, there is a green lotus to store the wine, which is as deep as the golden lotus.


Yueyuan Peony

Jealousy is evil. Blowing the Qingyin up, the red pool pavilion is in chaos. Standing in the beautiful scenery, there are also fairy flowers, Qiong Zong Xiaotai, green oil and sparse foil. The fragrance of the old days is remembered, and the jade slave's string is lingering. The road from Chang'an is far away, it is greasy purple and fat yellow, but it is in Dongluo.

Tianjin’s rainbow seems like yesterday. Listening to the cuckoo's song to spend the month, spring is lonely again. The beauty is scattered, flying into the south of the Yangtze River, turning to the vast lakes and mountains, and the dream is difficult to hold. Thousands of flowers are sad, they are sleeping and leaning, and the hooks are at an oblique angle. Waiting to carry the honor, get drunk with singing and dancing, and encourage flowers to enjoy themselves.



The clear pond pavilion moistens the mountain pavilion, and the snow condenses. There is no cicada in front of me, and there is no butterfly in front of me. Flowers are gone with the water. The branch path of the West Garden is heavily visited today, half obstructed by drunken chanting. Unless the oriole is small and thin, it secretly leads the chicks to wear it.

The plum eaves are dripping, and the wind blows them off, letting out a wisp of the setting sun. The jade is struck on the scale, and the fragrant silk is dropped, and the sound is a little deeper. Layers of separation and hatred, so desolate and confusing, breaking through the irritation and lightness. It should be difficult to recognize, and it is located in the old Zhengchun building, leaning against the red apricot.


Nantang New Year's Eve

Spring enters Nantang, and pink plum blossoms smile in the wind. The rainbow halo penetrates the curtain, the planets gather in the alley, and the precious light shines everywhere. The shadow of the tower outside Jinmen is uneven and the waves of West Lake are faint. The dusk sky is far away, and there are thousands of hibiscus flowers. Who moved them?

The temples and temples are both immortal. Accompany the guests at the banquet, surrounded by warm fragrance. The green bamboo stalks are touching the ice, the silver pipes are filled with frost, and the bells are full of auspicious dew. Drunk, I returned to the deep courtyard to sing and dance, the carvings were spinning, and the pearls were red. The willow trees in Fengzhou are illuminated by the slightest smoke.


The moon lingers in the window, and when I wake up from my dream, I see yellow flowers and green bamboos in the courtyard. The fragrance of the word "heart" disappears at night, the person is alone, and the two pheasants are looked at in shame by the pool. It is planned to tell Tiangong , which will reduce the autumn sound by half. Ruthless wild goose. Just when he was in trouble, he flew over and called the clouds to find companions.

still remember Xingzhao Nuan. Under the silver candle, the slender figure takes off her clothes. The spring vortex is dizzy, the red beans are small, the orioles' clothes are tender, and the bead marks are faintly printed with fragrant sweat. Since I mistakenly believed in Qingli, I want to stop calling the oriole in the cage. The wind's knife is so fast that it can cut all the sycamores on the eaves, but how can it be cut to pieces?

Xi Migrant Orioles

Late Spring

The hairspring is delicate. If you are interested in spring, it is difficult to rely on it. The warm water forms lines, the clear clouds create shadows, and the two swallows peek through the curtain again. The dew adds new beauty to the peonies, and the wind swings the ropes leisurely. In view of this scene, why not have fun by singing a song.

have fun. Spring is just in time, but the window is green, and I live up to my promise. Jin Ma tunes the sheng, silver bottles ask for wine, Zheng Nai was also fascinated. Since I have withered and my heart is tired, I often lean on the oblique angle of the hook. Deep in the green, look at the time, and poplar flowers are falling.


The lotus flowers

The dyed willows disappear and the smoke disappears, the rain breaks off when knocking on the wild rice, but the setting sun is still shining brightly. Covering Ran Yufei's fragrant mantle, she came out of the spiritual field. Qian and other mandarin ducks come to send messages, so there is no harm in staying with you. The fisherman is quiet, he sings solo, and invites the concubine to try the wine.

The clouds on the lake are getting darker, the autumn is vast, and the fresh wind has exhausted all the cicadas' food. Give me neither a ring nor a pendant. Thousands of dendrobium trees produce fragrance. The half-snail hut returns its shadow, and several snail moss rocks press the ripples of light. A mandarin duck smiles, how can he look like a mandarin duck and leave his two thorns behind, the green is hidden and the red is hidden.

Water dragon chants

Effect Jiaxuan body to summon the soul of fallen plum blossoms

Drunk and beautiful, the Qiong family floats. Recruit and send Wu Yang. Don't go here, the hurricane is about to start, and the sky will turn a little yellow. The wild horse dust polluted Jun Chuchu, and his clothes were white and colorful. The clouds and waves are flying in the sky, and the vast ocean is descending to the east. The wandering king is going to another place.

The full moon is in the west wing. Calling Yunxi and Flute are more desolate. When I return, I lean heavily on the dragon's back, my scales are colder and grayer. Looking down at the spring red, he smiled awe-inspiring and breathed out the fragrance of the mountains. The green bird is coming at dawn, but before you come, I feel sad.


Red leaves

缧shuangfeijixue. Gradually there is no sign of coldness, and the blood of the ape is floating. The mountain window dream is sad. The short chant is still leaning on the Qiong, and the orioles are beside the new Yue. The spirit of the flower has not yet rested. It's like pursuing cherishment, and the fragrance disappears and the beauty disappears. Pulling the west wind, entering Rouke again, accidentally dyeing cyanotic clouds into valerian.

Stop talking. The deep title is Jinhan, the shallow Qiongyi is shallow, and the dark spring has leaked. Lots of love. Still, no worries. I pity him the most. The empty steps in Nanyuan are piled up, and people are separated by immortals and they say goodbye. The lock hibiscus , the small hall is deep in autumn, and the broken insects complain about the moon.


The moon is seen in the countryside and the city

The traces of cyanotic smoke are lost in the wild geese. The drums gradually ceased, and the street noise began to subside. The wind blows against the cold wall. Let the ice toad fly, and there will be a gap in the silk curtain. Qionggui cried secretly. I miss Xiangguan, and the frost is like weaving. Manjiang body, returning in the form of a crane, forgetting the old journey.

huanji. The pomegranates are soaked in the pot, the pears in the garden are melting, and I am drunk even on the Spring Eve. Ke Yun stopped playing. The cherries are there, but dreams are hard to find. I urge you to clear the light, and you can accompany it through the quiet window, but don't let the night flute play in the red building. Afraid of the human world, Yiliang changed the world, and Su'e didn't know it.


Shoudongxuan is the day before the beginning of winter.

Yushuang also produces ears. There are green marks on the clouds in Miaozhou, and the wild goose rope is low. The curtains hang down in four directions. The cold in Jintang is approaching early, and it's time to turn on the stove. The fragrance is delivered by the wind. It's deep in the east fence and among the flowers. It is expected that this flower will accompany my fairy, but he will not return home in autumn.

is also fun. The boat is stable with waves, the building is dangerous with the mirror moon, and the wine is beautiful. The caged oriole sleeps. Red makeup and dancing clothes. When the screen lanterns and the guests have dispersed, and the screen windows are up in the sun, it is the beginning of strict condensation. Change to green felt and small tent to surround the spring, but I'm still drunk.


A friend bought a concubine named Xuexiang

whose element is snow. Bringing fragrance to the snow makes it even more magical. Plum blossoms are too lonely and pure. Asking what the pear blossoms look like, it’s hard to say what the weathercock looks like. The Yangtze River in Cheung Chau. The edge of the material is folded, and the delicate rong is folded. I pick out my beads, cut my own summer clothes, and love to lightly fold the pale silk.

clear. The snail's heart is emerald, the dragon's kiss is the saliva, it's all in vain. Slightly drunk Valerian. The window light is dim, bright and dim. On the high side of the silver platform, there is a fragrant fairy pendant, walking all over the fine clouds and leaves. When I woke up, I was in the red house, and the moon was halfway across the corridor.

Magnolia Slowly


Leaning beside the pond, I asked the shadow of the mountain who stole it. But the heron collects Qiong's silk, and the mandarin duck hides its embroidered feathers, which hinders the bathing and floating. Cold snap. The sound of the film is like a rhinoceros vertebrae, and the moon is quietly knocking in the autumn. Because of thinking about Lianghe courtyard, the pink pills once filled Jinou.

makeup building. Xiao astringent green poppy oil. Tired of looking after your temples. What's more, I pity him in the middle of the night, and the plum blossoms in the bottle are broken. Red crotch. Thousands of tears dried up. To be worn, sent and received with kindness. I'm just afraid that the east wind hasn't turned yet, and I'm afraid that people will miss the opportunity to return to the boat.


are endowed with

vast expanse of glaze, cold light shining, and setting sun continent. Seeing the fallen willows with drifting branches and the remnants of reeds with scattered leaves, they still stay when they want to go. Luo Gui. In a young man's dream, he is peering through the curtain, and the moon soaks his skin softly. Who wants to lose his old man and grow old? His mustache is broken and turned into wrinkles due to the cold.

stared. As far as the eye can see, there are flying gulls. The universe is quiet. Knocking on the purple inkstone carefully, touching the green pipe gently, it is hard to think about it. Swish. The evening wind picked up again, but when I heard it, broken jade fell from the eaves. How many plum blossoms are there, drunk and mistakenly setting up the incense camp.

Pearl Curtain

Shou Yuejun chose

The library is surrounded by curtains. It's slightly smoked, and the green hanging sticks are soft. The reading fairy upstairs is fascinated by Bao Suan. The hairpins in the embroidery hall are passing through the clouds, and they are drinking wine and cheering for each other. Persuade. Naiyun is busy with things, but the love between flowers is shallow.

The golden music has not yet sounded, but the rumors have long been abandoned, and the fans are dancing and singing. When Liu Yu's nest became cold, he unfolded the Xiangjuan scroll again. Thousands of lotus heart pearls are rolled on a roll, with fine drops of silver and red inkstones. Deep courtyard. When the moon fills the waist of the corridor, Yusheng is far away.

High balcony


Xia Shuo curtain beads, cloud-steamed seal jade, and graceful flying bells around the building. The king of heaven, the racing wheel has stopped here. The fragrance of autumn continues far away from Taihuang, overflowing with thousands of bushes and bright brocades. Things have turned into dust, and among the flutes, phoenixes and flutes, there is empty singing.

Zun Weng has a bit of clear and cold marrow. He is used to eating Yingju Island and drinking dew orchid. The house is full of red, and the city of flowers is like a small flower in Xinying. The frost is thick and the moon is pale, the dream is dreaming of Manxian coming and leaning against the screen. When we are together, we are not Qiongji or Fangqing.


send Cuiying

Swallow rolls of clear silk, bees stick to the catkins, heaven teaches to tie up the leisurely sorrow. Clear and bright in leisure, pink and red in a hurry. The lamp is flickering, the window is cold, the words are still lingering, and the shadows of the goddess are scattered. It's so sad that it's hard to keep spring, and it's hard to keep people.

The eyes are filled with fragrance and dust. I asked Yingyun Pei Xiang, who else is going around the building. Don’t pour the wine until you have time to stop worrying about it. Even if the wind blows the flying orioles, the old home and garden have become autumn. Don't think about it. In the west of Yangliu Bay, there is a boat singing.


Leap Lantern Festival

The stars sink at the end of the bridge, the dust collects in the streets, and God returns the spring.At dusk under the laurel moon, the golden willow changes to the stars. When I meet Xiaoqu, I find it too cold, so I feel warm and fragrant. But I took pity on him. He was in full bloom the next year, but it was a waste of money.

Human feelings are like dancing in the end. How can they be better than the first description? Recognizing the traces of travel, Hua Cong cannot help but feel arrogant. There is an inch of red torch left on the top of the plum blossom, and the joy is still good, and the cherry blossoms are moving. Drunk, I don’t remember the Lantern Festival, I only remember the Flower Festival.

The spring and summer phases

longevity and gratitude are deeply heard and appreciated by the family. The east wind speaks to the two swallows. It seems that when the morning comes, the stars of Wu appear in the sky. The gold-cut flowers are fragrant and the purple mud is fragrant, and the vines and red leaves are soft in the embroidery. The palace glow of loose wax makes the kitchen products even more enviable to this day.

The West Lake is like a thread. It is expected that Yuexian will stop and ride the chariot at this moment. Give it to me for many years, and I will see that the waves in the ocean are shallow. The jade pendant lingers in the Wuhou Gate, and the snow-washed tung trees wash away the three-spring garden. Slow beats to tune the orioles, urgent drums to urge the luan, the green shade brings forth the courtyard.

Nian Nujiao

Shou Xue Jiatang

The lay farmer has many ideals and many opinions. The jade embroidered clothes and the Han watch have seen the scenery of eight states. Advancing, retreating and hiding, this is the time to reach the top of the world. The yellow wormwood blows in the face, and even if it fails, it will control the weak horse.

Humanity comes out of unintentional, just after leaving the mountain, how can it be unintentional. Since ancient times, high-ranking officials, rich and noble, have often been described by others. There is only Qingmen, where people grow melons and have leisurely visits, and good stories have been passed down for thousands of years. The farmer smiled, I still love my crops now.

Jiangdu Chun

How to draw Spring Sorrow. The orioles are carrying snow on their backs, and the flowers are fading. The drizzle courtyard is deep, and the pale moon corridor is hung with heavy curtains. When I return, I remember to burn the lanterns at night. All were dismantled early, and the swing was red. Even though we are close, the scenery is still green and green in early summer.

yasha. Green and white, I hate the jade pendant and stop dancing, and the dust condenses in the pavilion. I imitate a beautiful woman and give her the fragrance of orchids and Chouluopa. Knowing that he had fallen out of control and raised his horse at an angle. At the bottom, downstairs at Chuiyang. Wu Yan secretly embraces the charming servant girl, and the phoenix hairpin slips away.

The sound is slow

The sound of autumn

The yellow flowers are deep in the alley, the red leaves are low, and the sound of autumn is desolate. The sound of rain came, accompanied by the sound of wind. At twenty-five o'clock, Li Qiao's door is unlocked and the sound is heard. Old friends far away, I asked who was shaking the jade pendant, and the bells under the eaves were ringing.

The sound of colorful horns blew and the moon fell, and gradually the camp and horses moved, and the sound of bamboo pipes was heard everywhere. The adjacent lamp flashes, and there is still the sound of anvil in front of the lamp. I know that he complains about his sorrow until dawn, and there are many cries of crickets. When the complaint is not over, half of it is given to Yan Sheng.

The tail offender

On a cold night

I leaned on my reading bed at night, smashing the spit pot, and the lamp flickered on and off. The troublesome west wind blows the bells frequently. People talk together, the taro fire warms the air, the geese fly alone, and the cypress snow flutters. All over the countryside, there are thousands of hectares of fish and sky, and there is no end to my sorrow.

Dancing with a long sword beside a chicken, I can’t imagine such a hero. His bones are thin and sharp, but his quilt is made of iron. Dreams of right and wrong are traceless and can be remembered, like double pupils, colorful and green. Haoran's heart is here, and I will say plum blossoms whenever I see them.


A glimpse of the hometown heart, Fu Yaoyao and Lusha Yanwei. Come and stay with me. I am a lonely guest, thanking him for being a poor ghost. New green, old red, spring and old, young, mysterious, old and white. The situation is ruthless and sophisticated, and the majesty is withered.

word field pen, like a swarm of ants. On the battlefield, there are many hidden beasts. Asking how it is like a clear day, leaning on the vine and the tree. Up and down the green hill house on the flowing water, there are books and wine bottles at the bow and stern of the boat. If you covet and fight for gold, it will be a crazy week.


There is no worry in autumn, but in Naikeli, autumn is calm. The boss of the body knocks the Qin Fou, but he is too lazy to move the Tao Fou. All mistakes have been caused by neglect, and when I am free, I look for poverty. Laughing at newcomers and troublemakers means Zhenghong, with a loud voice.

Double doors are covered with single lamps. Bookshelf, piano hanging on the wall. Laughing, there is nothing like this in the world, the small window is secluded. I can hear the rustle of Jia leaves in the distance, and the remaining drops of rain can be counted on the tree branches. I was vaguely dreaming about my old friend’s house, who was playing the flute.

Tanfang Xin


Cui Yinqing. There seems to be someone wearing yellow clothes, standing alone. As I grow older, I regret that I didn’t know you too early. The material should be pottery, and the chanting soul should be there, condensing the wonderful autumn fragrance. With a proud and frosty posture, I still think about my predecessor, leaning against the window and feeling proud.

Looking back on my drunken youth. The horse has a rong border and a red velvet hat. Who is willing to fly to the indifferent Dongli? Recite leisurely sentences three times with your arms straight, chatting with flowers and smiling. The wine is not available on credit, so it’s just right to look at the flowers.

Plum blossoms attract

Jingxi blocks the snow

White gulls ask me to park my lonely boat. It's the body that stays. It’s the heart that stays. If your heart stays for a while, why should you frown? The wind blows and the small curtain lights are faintly dancing, and the idle shadows are deserted and clear, recalling old travels.

The old tour is not here anymore. Flower outside the building. Liu Xiazhou. It's a dream, but it's not a dream, and the cold water flows empty. Desert yellow clouds, soaked wood wool fur. No one is as worried as me. It snows tonight and there are plum blossoms, which is as sad as me.

Cave Fairy Song

Thinking of Friends in the Rain

Where in the world is the most unforgettable glass of wine. But I stopped thinking about my relatives and friends. At this time, there is no king, and there are thousands of separation sorrows. Outside the west wind, there are always withered lotuses and declining willows.

Last year, I spoke late at night, dumping books, and hanging red beans in the heart of the candle. I remember that when I arrived at the door, it was raining softly. I said, "It's raining now. This feeling is not the same as before." I'm going to pick yellow flowers at the right time with my son, and I don't know whether the fruits will be fine during the Double Ninth Festival.



branches and leaves are teased by the east wind. Even Yingchuan moved slightly. From the yellow goose to the flying cotton, there is nothing to do, who cares about the spring.

My gentle nature can teach tourists how to indulge in wine, dance, and flowers. More importantly, in the mirror of someone's house, moths eager to learn have moved to the side and makeup buildings to create new species. There is no way, the river head is clear and sad, the rain is misty, and the green shade is like a dream.

The highest building

Promote spring

When will the new spring scenery be beautiful? Better sooner rather than later. The streets in the soft dust alley are green and oily, and the double curtains and deep courtyards are painted with Luo Yi. If you want some, the sun is shining and the warm wind is blowing.

piece by piece, Xueer, don’t bother downloading it. A little bit, don't let it rain. The more you are in trouble, the more you will feel guilty. If you don't take advantage of the plum blossoms to arrive, you will bring the willow flowers to fly in vain. The beautiful oriole speaks to me and announces the return of spring.

Zhu Yingtai

times rhyme

Liu Bian Lou, Hua Xia Pavilion. Low roll embroidered curtain half. The Tensilk fabric outside the curtain seems to be in turmoil. I know where he is, with his moth-green eyebrows and goose-yellow sleeves, wandering and playing.

is the most deplorable. The surface of the zither is an inch deep in dust, and the jade pillars are covered with slanting geese. The word "Red" in the score is "Wilder", and the note of "Cut the Candle" is read at the same time. Several times, the east wind blows away the sorrow, but the east wind doesn't care.

The wind enters the pine

The actor goes to his concubine

The east wind reaches the old peach branch. The fairy dream has become lost in the clouds. The place where the red flowers are painted is still the spring day curtain hanging down. I hate to kill the lions in the east of the river, and frighten the gulls back at the bottom of the sea.

It’s never too late to take small steps to find your beauty. It's been a long time since I left. The broken heart is not after the collar is separated, but when the collar is not separated. The willow bank is still holding bare hands, and the orchid house has already covered its red leaves.

Jie Peiling


Chun Qing Ye Hao. Chunyin is also good. The warmer and the spring rain the better. The spring rain is like silk, embroidering the red branches of flowers. How could he and Po Meng be forbidden to join forces with Zao?

plum blossom wind is small. The apricot blossoms are slightly windy. Begonia wind, suddenly cold and steep. Years of spring, blown by the twenty-four winds. The neem flowers are blooming and the wind is coming soon.


Su Longyou Zhu's Building

The small terrace has a wide horizon. Look towards the roller blind. Twilight rolled up the blinds to see. The sight of my hometown makes me feel sad. The clouds are confusing again. The water is confusing again.

days do not teach people how to be a guest. It was spring cold last night. It's spring cold tonight. At the end of the month, pear blossoms bloom. Knock all over the railings. Shoot all over the countryside.


the boat crossed the Wujiang River

and the sorrow of spring was waiting for the wine to be poured out. The boat is rocking on the river. Curtain move upstairs. Qiuniangdu and Tainiangjiao. The wind is blowing again. The rain is falling again.

When will I return home to wash my guest robes? Silver character Sheng tune. The word "heart" is fragrant. It is easy for people to be thrown away by the stream of light. Red cherries. Green bananas.

Tang Duoling


Qiu Bixie Qingwan. The clouds and shadows on the tower are idle. Remember that Xianjia and Yuan were in Pengshan. Flying to Yanfeng, there will be less dust, thirty thousand hectares, and boundless jade.

The golden king knocked down the weeping lotus. The song shakes the fragrant mist of the servant girl. Ren Furong, the moon turns Zhulan. The weather is already cool but not yet cold, after Chongjiu and before Xiaochun.

Willow Shaoqing

There is talk about the old prostitute Pan

She drank and chanted slightly, the lamp was broken and the rain stopped, the house was quiet and the window was quiet. Several times the flowers bloomed, several times the flowers withered, and then it became dusk again.

Pan Niang is not Pan Lang. The material should also be frosty and sticky on the temples. The parrots are empty, the mandarin duck pots are broken, and the smoke is misty and cloudy.

Ruan Langgui

Guest in Simaji Mountain

The sound of geese behind the flying lights is low. Hansheng red quilt pool. The small screen stood for a long time. Take a look at the horses.

New tears, old poems. Generally the belt hangs down. The Qiongxiao plays with sorrow every night. Does Meihua know?

Golden Banana Leaves

Insomnia on an Autumn Night

Clouds and green curtains. Stars and broken beads burst out. Outside the lone toad, I looked around the corner.

The drunkenness and coldness of the anvil are the work. When sleep comes, the dream soul is afraid of evil. On the pillow screen, there is a painting of flat sand and falling geese.



shan unlimited. Climb the mountain to see Wu Palace. Wu palace. It is hidden deep in the dock, but it is clear and shallow.

Three poems about Jinmen, all poems

Two poems about Bodhisattva Man, two poems about each other.

Two poems about Bu Suanzi.

Five poems about Shuangtianxiaojiao.

Two poems about Dian Jianglip. White, white and red are all good. Sold alley owner's house. Lane West Home.

A voice shouted outside the curtain. The crows and servant girls came in behind the curtain. Asked about buying plum blossoms. Buy peach blossoms.

Such as the dream

Huangluan shadow on the moon stream at night. Xiaolu rock flower crane top. After spending half my life in the world of mortals, I will lose to the scenery of his village. Village view. Village view. The woodcutter and ax plowed the fishing boat.


Qingpu is melting and bright and the clouds are breaking. Whose house is where the shadow is on the balcony? Silver-red skirt with pleated palace gauze. Sit in front of the wind and fight with tulip buds.

People scatter trees and crow. The dough won’t stick, and it’s old and prosperous. The moon mark on the tail of the double dragon is slanted. Today's photo shows cold white water chestnuts.


once accompanied Fangqing Qiang Peihuan. The west wind blows the dream to pieces and falls into the world. Fake Rao is not divided into carved lanterns. Peeping mirror, also suitable for creek bay.

Who has mercy on this place? Where the cow lies in the setting sun, the shepherd boy climbs up. I advise Hua Xiu to hate herself every day. It has always been said that a bad life is a beauty.


It is sunny in spring, but it is cold in spring, and the clouds are low and about to fall. Before the buds are cut open, the east wind has already caused evil. Rotating arrangement, a pair of silver garlic suppresses the curtain. secluded valley. The water is rippled, wrinkled and tender green, with latent scales leaping for the first time. In the Menmen Lane, the peach trees are red. When I know

, Jihua breaks the green calyx.

remember yesterday. □□□□, butterfly lace, recently seen again, the body is as thin as a weeping poplar. Ask Xiao Cuimei Mountain, who saved it for. The courtyard under the setting sun is covered with spider silk and jade strings. The only sound I could hear outside was the sound of scissors, deep in the dressing room. I expected a tailor to wear a thin white ramie spring shirt.


Wind Lotus

I love lotus flowers, which are the softest. The brocade is surrounded by clouds, and the flowers are as delicate as trembling. A breeze comes from far away. The red color is as low as the cold waves.

It’s not Zhang Jingwan from the Yang family. Holding the moon and floating smoke, dancing until my waist is tired. Secretly displaying Cui Luo Xiang. Sleepless but turning over frequently.


comb floor

silky willow silky rain. Spring is in the dark. Lou'er is too small to hide her sorrow. I flew with the clouds several times to find my boat.

Tian Lian Hakka Village is far away. Borrow and spend time with flowers. Begonia is red and close to the green stem. The red curtain has just been rolled up, but the evening wind is cold.


Listening to the Rain

The boy is listening to Yuge upstairs. The red candle dims the tent. A young man listens to the rain and is a guest in the boat. The river is broad and the clouds are low, and the broken geese are calling the west wind.

Now I am listening to the rain at the foot of the monk's house. There are stars on the temples. Joys and sorrows are always ruthless. Before the first term, every step until dawn.


Boyan Xiaotingzhou. The cold skirt is full of autumn water. The spitting flowers on the skirt are nowhere to be found. Let’s visit again. There is only a half-moon hook between the willows.

is intended to build floors. I hope the Yi family will rest after seeing each other. I'm also afraid that pink clouds will rise at the end of the day, lingering. Turned into lovesickness and sadness.


Tangmen Lantern Festival

Cuiyi Night Tour. Not to the edge of mountains and water. Then divide the paper lanterns into three or four kings, next door. Then make the Lantern Festival to praise the good scene.

Who understands the plum blossoms? The thought lamp ball falls into crimson gauze. It is said in the old days that the dream has not yet come to an end, which is a shame. It has only been more than a hundred years since I dreamed of Hua again.



Green flowers are cut into pieces and Jiaoyun is thin. The remaining makeup is the chrysanthemum before and after the rong. The moon is also dyed with fragrance, not to mention the slim sleeves.

The west wind blew suddenly in the autumn window one night. Cui Liansuo, Qiongzhu flower carvings. Wealth in the world always smells fishy, ​​and it smells like dew and climbing flowers.


the spring scenery

the fragrance of the jade window lock is rising. Call the green sleeves and knock low to make the sound. The characters on the tassel brush are slightly distorted, but they are leaning and red plum blossoms.

The misty moon is on the curtain. Make the appearance of Chiguan and Chunyin. The cloudy weather in spring is not as good as the clear sky, so the snow and music will stop singing.

Jade House Spring

Peach Blossom Bay Horse Trail

The Qin people occupied the Taoyuan land. It is said that flowers are too deep to hide from the world. There are no flowers in Peach Blossom Bay, and Lu Zheng cannot stop them.

Ming Dynasty and Zi wear flowers. Go and see where Frosthoof is cutting out the rocks. The affairs of the Qin Dynasty are all right and wrong, just in case I ask Huahua for explanation.

Love Embroidered Quilt

Axi Jin Xiaoxiuhua descends. Crossing the bridge pavilion, leaning against the trees and listening to the orioles. Covered by willow lines, the temples hang low, cyan clouds hang down, and the hairpin and phoenix are half horizontal.

The shadow of the red osmanthus changes to the sunny day outside the window, and the orchid heart is full of joy, but the embroidery has not yet arrived. Unfortunately, when spring comes, hatred grows again in green moths and bends.


people love Xiaozhuangxian. I love makeup residue. Cui Chai holds the servant girl who is about to indulge. It's okay to print the night fragrance, it's cool in the moonlight. It is difficult to learn the new music of

. Sadness surges into the moth. A bed of quilts has not yet turned red. Hearing people's urging, he ignored them and went to wash the pearls.



Bath in the clear dew and dredge trees. Autumn is full of curtains. Yanqin is speechless and distressed. Pinch open the east window to peek at the bright moon, and see the hibiscus in the morning.

The future is uncertain. Yanshui Guhong. One respects nine and becomes empty again.I don't know how to blow my hat off, I hate to kill the west wind.

Yan Guiliang


I dreamed about the late spring in Tang Palace. When the dance arrives, the train is being dragged. Cuiyun team fights Jiangxiayi. Slowly, hands down.

Suddenly there was a rush of drums urging the general to rise up, flying like a colorful phoenix in chaos. I don’t see Concubine Wan Qiong in my dream. Seeing lotus flowers and being blown by the wind.

Bu Chan Palace

Mid-Autumn Festival

Last year the clouds covered the ice and the moon was bright. I am happy this year, and all the slight clouds have swept away. The universe is a piece of jade and glass, how can one calculate how clear it is?

No songs, no wine, and a stubborn old man. I know clearly about the shadow of sorrow and suspicion. Heaven will live up to the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I missed the Mid-Autumn Festival.



Indifference is the autumn flower. Even cooler than autumn flowers. There are hibiscus everywhere for drunken reward, follow him. There are secluded people and virgins who praise themselves.

lonely two or three flowers. There is no wind during the day and there is also a slope. Whose house is in the remaining light from the west window? The Hunan skirt is rolled up into thin gauze.



red cherries. Green bananas. Send spring home, and the guests are still flying. Valley water last night, Langao tonight. The clouds are clear, the wind is light, and the rain is misty.

silver character Sheng tune. The word "heart" is fragrant. The material is fragrant and withered. Waiting for spring hatred, all the spring tide will be paid. Cross Yaoniang Embankment, Qiuniang Ferry, and Tainiang Bridge.


The remaining spring

In the sound of chirping, the spring light turns into a spring dream. Ask Dongjun, who will send the poem? The swallow loves the clear sky, the warbler loves the warmth, and the window is full of fragrance. Nai hurriedly urged Liu Mian to indulge in madness.

The light fan is small, and the tung flowers are flying like phoenixes. Remember the cold chants and Qinmei frost. In ancient and modern times, people get old easily, so don’t be idle. Shangkanyou and Tufenyunxiang Cave.

Cui Yu Yin

Xianglin Wangjun originally told Yue Diao Xiaomeihua to lead him to fly

Immortal steps in vain. I call it fairy in general terms, which seems to have little taste. The music of Yue Diao is suitable for plum blossoms. Luofu plum blossoms are true fairy things. It was performed into a chapter, named Cuiyu Yin. Cyanosis is intense. Ying Su Kong. The view of the building is steep and exquisite. Pink frozen Jiying, cold light swaying ancient green pines. In the semicircular dusk and the pale moon, the shadows of plum trees and mountains are dim. There is a beautiful woman, walking leaning on the bamboo, Xiao Ran looks like a swimming dragon.

The silk gauze is slightly wrinkled and soluble in water. The fairy stems are clean and slanting red after washing. Advise me to float

fragrant cinnamon wine, wear a ring and wear it secretly, and the sound will fly in the fragrant mist. Make the spring weak willow hanging silk, slowly press the green dancing girl. I don’t know where I am when I’m drunk, I’m frightened and cut by the frosty wind. Wake up from the dream and look for traces. But the remaining stars are left hanging in the sky. The plum blossoms are still young, the green feathers are singing, and there is a peak of dawn.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

The countrymen are offended by their madness, so this farewell message

is very true. You are mad. There are some children in my heart that are so loud that I can't pour the wine away. As far as I can see, they are similar. One looks like the five ghosts of the Han family. Another similarity is Yang Jia Fengzi. The strange bird had not finished chirping, so it was caught by the God of Heaven in a cage. This mistake makes iron difficult to cast.

The rain in Zhuoxi swelled the water in Jingxi. Send you back home. Outside the Zhanjiao Bridge, there is a clear place with clear water. There is no building with a hundred feet in the world, but it contains a lot of beauty. Qi Qi is like this. Farewell words for friends, please listen carefully. Eat sparingly and be careful with your words.


The pipa player

I have a pipa score. Holding the gold trough, slowly twisting and lightly tossing, the willow shoots will be jealous. The six feather tunes have been played over and over, and the bottom of the flower has a clear and dark tone. Nai knocks off the strands of the jade hairpin. The low painted screen is covered by a deep red door, and the west wind blows dust all over the ground. Fang things have passed, Die Kong complained.

I miss my concubine every day. To the east of the small building, someone's house is vaguely visible, with phoenix flutes and drums. Tears stained the sleeves of the shirt, and the bamboos were repaired at dusk. Backlight shadow, depression and mutual affection. The skirts in front of the donation island are boundless and longing for each other. Spring is gone, and the red dance is everywhere.


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green clouds hanging down the collar. The pipa is carried on the back, the sleeves are full and the hands are pink and red. I feel tired when I return from a spring outing as promised, but it’s like I haven’t woken up from a spring sleep. Dianhansi, sluggish Rongying. The orioles fly by with the sound of pine trees. The willow window is deep, and I still remember to stop my needle and listen. The soul is vast and the scenery is solitary.

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chant. The lights are dim and green, and the curtains in the small courtyard are dim. Mistaken anger and strangeness, frowning between eyebrows. Humanity is really capable of recruiting, no matter how many times it is called, there is no answer. Sora shed tears at this.



丸丸丸丸游游游湸, the height of Yanfeng. I once visited Changshou Immortal Mansion. Every year I see the Yao Hairpin Meeting, and the Xiaji Gaizhi is light. Open an embroidery account. Thousands of smiling flowers are fragrant red, and the remaining dye is autumn light. Clear flutes and beautiful drums. Ren Yan's jade cup is deep, Luan is drunk with Phoenix, and it is still dark in the sky.

is wrong. Lost in the Taoyuan old steps. Fei Qiong and Fang Meng share the same poem.When I came to the morning and heard about the Fairy Boy's Banquet, I looked up to the garden in the green house. Clouds and fog. My body was so faint that I could recognize the fetal bird dance. Ting is far away and Pu is near. Then a reed fish sailed, carrying the smoke and rain, and returned to the half-cold egret.



In the past, Duke Pei Jin was born at the age of Jiachen and served as Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty. To govern the capital in the east is to amuse the old eyes; to build festivals in the north gate is to stumble upon one's leisure. The flowers in the building are thick, but the March moon is light on the verandah. I don’t remember the bows, swords, and thousands of rides. Who is worthy of envy? I envy the Nantang layman and the Sanxian.

The Nantang water turns to clear clouds. Three hundred trees in Fengzhou willow spring. There are green clothes playing music, golden geese leaning on each other, colorful clothes urging wine, and jade kneeling with two lins. In the same year before and after, leisure and work are different, neutrality is translated into female Jiachen. Si Yan is also said to be the plum blossom and the mountain people in Zhuli.

The happy moving orioles


The wind and waves are like this. I am ridiculed by idle gulls. You have done a good job. The oak leaves are deep in the bay, the reed nests are in the narrow harbor, and you can take a nap and take a leisurely paddle. When I went to play the flute on the grand night, I was so surprised that the fish and dragons howled and danced. I feel sad now that I am old, but the tent windows are closed tightly, desolate and melancholy.

Beppa. The cloud breaks. A low goose with a rope blocks the family mountain road. There is no poem in the jade, no sequence in the flying clouds, and who pays if the table is full and fast. I've been drunk for many times, but now I am living up to my honor. It will be clear or not. Afraid of the cold butterflies in the Ming Dynasty, and the yellow flowers in the autumn nursery.


The clear sky is clear. Drawn by Guyun, the sadness of separation disappears. Playing chess in the jade game, cutting candles with golden hairpins, the beautiful thoughts can win and fall. The makeup in the mirror is lazy and late, and the sound of the music is worrying about mistakes. Rewind the fiber and count it carefully from the beginning, and have fun together every year.

lonely. The garden is quiet, I slept drunk last night, and it’s hard to rely on my dreams. When the corner of the chariot is born, the horse's hooves are squared back, and then he begins to wander. I am bored and have no entertainment at all. In spring, I have to take care of the pavilion again. After leaning against the wall for a long time, the east wind is too cold and the red gauze is thin.

Qi Tianle

Yuan Ye Yue Meng Hua Lu

The silver toad flew outside the goblet shuttle. Juanjuan looked down at the dragon's tail. The electric purple sheath is light, the clouds are red, and the carved jade carriage penetrates the bottom of the lamp. Feng Zhenxiu Qi. A cluster of people's voices are boiling, and the road is charming. The maid welcomes you, and the beautiful swallows and orioles dazzle with pearls and emeralds.

Hua Xu’s immortal dream was not over yet, he was thrown into the cave by the God of Heaven and was expelled from the earthly world. The light willows, lakes and mountains, the dense flowers on the alleys, can only be said to be Qiantang. Go back to Bianshui. I hope that Chen will travel that day, and there will be thousands of tourists. But there is a cold weather, and the green scorch rises late at night.

Nian Nujiao

Dreams are played and danced

Dream deep in the night, deep in the flowers, covered with ice and snow. People are singing music in Qiongyunfang, and their teeth are clear and clear. Green feathers and flying dragons, golden conongs and leaping phoenixes, are not Ruibin iron. The melodious fairy tune is heard, and the wind knocks the pearl trees into new folds. There are five colors of light in

, with uneven shadows, and the fragrance of Wushan is clear. Returning from the cloud window of the fog pavilion, I smile and embrace the spirit king. Six tunes and stems, a parrot sound, and the earth is empty and the flowers are gone. I dreamed of going back to the orphanage, and I was sobbing outside the autumn frost.

Ying Tianchang

times the halal rhyme

Liuhu carries wine, Meishu plays chess on credit, and the east wind is cold in the sleeves. In the blink of an eye, the green cage pavilion contains cherry blossoms recommended for orioles to eat. Passing by in a hurry, spring is a guest. Let it drizzle and make the day dark and quiet. Like Qionghua, she was relegated to red clothes and returned to her immortal home.

Infinitely leaning against the wall, I am sad, my dream breaks through the clouds and I play the flute, and the cuckoo cries across the green wall. There are dragons playing in the sky, and they live in flower houses. Arrogant horses and neighing streets. The door is half-covered, and there is no trace of the fallen whip. But in retrospect, I met Tailor Bai for the first time under the lamp.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

Kuo Du Shi

Peerless Youren Du. Hidden behind the beautiful scenery, I live deep in the deep valleys with chaotic clouds. He said that he was a son of a good family in Guanzhong, chatting among the scattered vegetation. If the world is lost, who will take away the flesh and blood? A frivolous son-in-law is a husband who loves new people and is as graceful as jade. Thousands of things depend on the wind and the candle.

Once a mandarin duck becomes a solitary person. The most pitiful thing is that the new people laugh and the old people cry. After the maid came back from selling pearls, Xiang and Qian Luo repaired the house. The trees are collected freely, and the cypress branches are full of trees. At dusk, it is cold in the mountains. The green silk clothes are thin and the muscles are growing like millet. Drawing back his sleeves, he leans against the bamboo.



The guest window is empty and green. The habit of drinking in the previous life will lead to immortality. Looking back at the world of mortals, flowers and grass have changed. There is a fairy cave across the water, but only Feixia can reach it. Who believes. The west wind sends me away, and also accompanies Qing Xiao.

ethereal. The two buildings on the side of the willow are surrounded by embroidered curtains in spring, and the dew is deep and the smoke is quiet. When the fish tail stopped, there were still few clouds on the snow. Drunk beside Hibiscus, I said to myself, I wish I could come here and wear my hairpin every year. Lantau is small. He stands tall and clear in the autumn dawn.


Fu Yan hides the wood like a martial arts forest, and accepts the Xu family woman in the bathhouse on the guest

floor. When he returned, he also stored it upstairs where he lived, with the view of the western lake

on the wall of the building.

The green mandarin duck has two spikes and is cold. The orioles are calling and the spring breeze is fragrant. The fragrance of flowers blooms, which is why Xu Zhuang is called this time. There are Shuiyue Immortal's courtyards everywhere, and the West Lake is like a mirror.The smoke is dim. Xian Cong mistakenly pointed out, Lianfeng Huangling.

It is expected that when we first meet in the small pavilion, the waves will beat the red cats, and the sleeves will fly with gold cakes. The building leans against the slanting light, secretly keeping an eye on the good times. Thousands of wistful smiles, a little tenderness. Chai is exhausted. Ying Ying backlight delicate shadow.

High balcony

There is a pregnant woman in the river valley

The lingering fragrance lingers and looks at the shadow, and the fragrance is leaning against the moss body. Thank you Can Ying for flying here to follow me from afar. Looking back, I looked under the clear eaves. After waiting a few times, I picked up the light and smelled it. Up to now, I can only curl my whip tip, and I can’t laugh like spring.

The sad chant has not ended yet, but the misty forest is dawning. There are weeping willows on the road, which is also a light breeze. Tonight, pear clouds are still lingering outside the mountain window. The luggage is not for Mr. Wu Jian, who asked Qian to write flowers. When we return, the bottom of the leaves are red and fat, and the drizzle is like dust.

Exploring the Spring Order

The word "fly in the jade window" records the cold spring, and the red spots are covered with velvet silk. Painted green mandarin duck with golden wings spread out. If you haven't reached me yet, I'm sad and greasy.

If you have a little heart, you will go to the end of the world. Covered with mist. The old pair of flowers, playing Ruan Xianqiong's fingers. For the powder, empty bullets and tears.

Autumn night rain

Autumn night

Huangyun Shuiyi Qiujia chokes. It blows people's temples like snow. There is so much sorrow and helplessness, the handles are broken and the cold flowers are lightly pouted.

The red clouds turn into the heart of the fragrance, the night gets deeper and the human voices begin to stop. Don't worry anymore at this time. The shadows of wild geese fall, and the moon slants through the west window.


Jiang Zhengfu ordered one poem each for spring, summer and winter, with the rhyme

before the next time. The golden clothes dew wet the orioles' throats and choked. The love of spring cannot be separated from the snow. The strings of the precious zither are cut off, but the myriad strands and idle sorrow are hard to put away.

Who is the pavilion with long red and white faces, no smoking, and a rest with a snap of the fingers. Don't say goodbye tonight. And drunk and hungover, Xiang Peach Blossom Moon.


The painting car turned as fast as the wind and choked. Ice silk, pine lotus root and fresh snow. Some people's sleeves are full of coldness, and they are afraid of getting wet with sweat, and the red gauze is still puckered.

The dream breaks in the middle of the night and the lotus rain falls. Listen carefully, and then take a break if you don’t listen. Jasmine is unique. The occupation is broken, and the Shachu Xiangyue.


Honglin does not warm the bottle and chokes. The ashes are covered with clear snow. Drunk and no fragrance, I woke up, but I was pouting at the handles and new oranges.

The plum blossoms are even more damaged by the frost, and they can only rest while listening to the painting hall and the flutes and drums. I think it's the weather. Yu borrows and springs in March.

Youth Tour

The wind is tight and the snow is hard to clear by the pear edge. Thousands of points illuminate the stream. The window with wadding is low, the window with velvet is small, and people can walk through the green shade.

Now where the white birds are flying, the countryside is covered with smoke and trees. There is spring cold on both sleeves, and there is spring hatred on one breast, and the slanting sun is pale and ruthless.


The maple forest is red and the smoke is blue in the evening. Guests are full of Ou Ting. In the past twenty years, no one has grown bamboo, but they still borrow the name bamboo.

The spring breeze has not yet passed, but the autumn breeze has arrived. Old age is a blessing in disguise. Just spend your whole life chanting and chanting leisurely, and compose it into a song.

Liu Shaoqing


learns to sing a new tune. On the swing frame, the hairpin is banged. Willow rain and flowery wind, green pine skirt pleats, red and greasy shoe uppers.

returns with a hidden door. In the light moon, the clocks gradually hit each other. She is coquettish and wants to be supported, but she hates being asked when she is drunk. She leans against the window.

Frost Tianxiaojiao

Shadow window screen. Who will fold the flowers? If you fold it, fold it away from him, and you will know to whom it will go.

yanya. Branches are the best. Fold higher when folding. It is said that the flowers must be inserted in the direction and on the side of the temples.

Chen Dewu

Chen Dewu

Dewu was born in Sanshan and has the legacy of Bai Xue.

Water Dragon Song

West Lake Nostalgia

The first state in the southeast, West Lake has been beautiful since ancient times. There are pavilions and pavilions near the embankment, with painted boats and pavilions, and tourists singing and playing. There are lotus flowers for ten miles, osmanthus seeds for three autumns, and clear green mountains all around. It took a hundred years for the heroes to travel south, but they all forgot their life ambitions.

Unfortunately, things are changing. Who can I borrow to show my shame? Climb to Xingsheng, express your feelings about the past and present, and show your heroic spirit. The strong men push the mountains, and the gods move the water to cultivate the mulberry fields. Borrowing the tide of Qiantang to wash away all the tears for you, General Yue shed tears.



Mountains surround Luocheng, and Liuying crosses Jiangdong. Ten years ago, everything changed. Today is like a spring dream.

There are so many post offices in the world, and life is everywhere. We meet again upstairs in Danxia. The horizontal flute is the third one for you.

Looking at the sea tide

Qiantang Nostalgia

Longshan stands to the west, Zhejiang passes to the east, who is left with an arrow. The phoenix dances and the dragon flies, the land is full of talents and the people are outstanding. In those days, this kind of honor and mediocrity were established. A mighty man with a powerful crossbow. When Feng Yi retreats, the sea is like a hidden front. The stone is used to form a dike, and hundreds of rivers restrict the west and east.

has a lot of characters so far. Respect the mountains for their merits, and nourish the rivers with virtue. He is extremely happy at the West Lake, but has many sorrows when he crosses the south. His dreams are all empty. The feeling of ancient hatred is endless. Sighing to express my loyalty and ignorance, who will seal the ancient tomb? The Qiantang is full of turbid wine and tears in the autumn wind.


On October 23rd, the rain stopped, and I stayed at the Xingning Posthouse in Changle.

It was very quiet. Occasionally, I saw several peach blossoms outside the window, so I made this tune to symbolize the

post building is in depression at the end of the year. Why do little peaches welcome people's smiles. Speechless as a complaint, the Queen Mother's fate is revealed, and the letter sinks into the blue bird. The skin is thin and frosty, the fat is gone and there is zero rain, and the dream is cold and clear at dawn. Since Liu Lang left, Tiantai Road has separated us, and we know how much spring has come.

Yucong arrived today. We are happy to meet each other, and the water chestnut flowers are shining alone. Who can accompany you in quietness? The yellow flowers say goodbye and the hibiscus grows old. Take advantage of the east wind as early as possible, move roots and leaves, and get out of the swamp. In the good days of fortune-telling, I played a piece of music in the heart of the piano, to the tune of lovesickness.

Qinyuan Spring

It rains at night in the boat

The winter night is like a year, and the guests have no sleep, how can they get to dawn? Wait until the last twenty-five, the cold watch, and listen to the remaining one hundred and eight, the dawn bell. The rain's feet knock on the awning, and the beach head shakes the cables, always complaining to the people who are away. I heard it everywhere, I dredged the sea of ​​deep hatred and built a city of sorrow.

asked you what is bothering you. I think the most painful thing in this world is love. Thinking of thousands of mountains and rivers, sinking fish and blocking wild geese, one body in two places, the swallows are simmering and the orioles are frying. The embroidered pillow has many marks and the brocade quilt is fragrant and cold, implying that the Wushan dream cannot come true. How can I leave it behind? These two words of lovesickness are worthless for thousands of miles.


Winter Solstice

The time sequence passes like a flowing arrow, and life is like a flying puff. It’s winter again on the Shiwan River. And I am happy that the sun is beginning to move.

But when I saw that Kanyu was gone, there were even more mountains and rivers. Desolate clouds and misty rain. Only enough to return to dreams while sleeping.

Looking at the sea tide

Gongri Pavilion

The mountains are far away and the mountains are far away. Wanshui Chaozong, surrounded by stars, will never forget this ambition in his life. Soaring over the pavilion. See the smoke and mist, the phoenix and the dragon. The color of the sea is cool and cool, and the golden crow is flapping its wings on the hibiscus.

Look at the clear light close at hand. Everything is invisible, everything hidden is revealed. I am tired of hard work and have a long way to go to the official position, so the Peng Master hastened to return home. Don't dare to linger for a long time. Holding the sycamore tree is beautiful, and the sunflower is heart-warming. I pretended to be Shuanghan and flew to Wuyun Township.

Magnolia Slowly

Sent to Guilin General Judge Ye Yizhong

After leaving Huaiyang, I look back and live in poverty again. Sighing, the leaves are flying in the wind, and the leaves are scattered by the flowing water. When I came to the south, I suddenly heard that I was returning home. Is it possible that Heaven deliberately wants to protect talents? The clouds slowly move against Sima Fu, and the wind moves the Jiying ship.

Xiu Yan is seen in the plum window at night. The bridle remembers the money. It is ordered to paint oars in streams, baskets and mountains, and brocade poems. Say goodbye to the cold weather and travel far away. Don't comfort yourself by the pine trees and the loneliness. Who will get down on the dusty bed for me? The wine glass is only waiting for you to pass it on.

Magnolia slow

Use the previous rhyme again

The sun is setting over the river clouds, and the night is like a new year. See the clear sky covered with frost, the mountains with stars, and the moon hanging on the city walls. There are obstacles in the world between close friends. How long will it take to have a wine meeting with many sages? The cold night rain in Bashan is desolate, and the cold boat in the river is desolate.

I am ashamed to see the beauty in the mirror. The distant water and the sky are connected. The strange dreams are too sweet, the wine is not tasty, and the poems are useless. Dao Gui's hairy feathers fly towards the morning wind and beside the colorful clouds. Reporting Dongjun's arrival, Yi Zhichun's letter was sent first.


use the preface rhyme

. After seeing the end of spring, I ask when it is the year of return. Look at the five ridges with many passes, the nine mountains with green mountains, and the vassal walls everywhere. When Cang Wu was born, he made essays and high opinions and admired the virtuous. At night, the remaining flowers stand in the shadow of the moon, and I look forward to the boat in the willow shade.

Tiantai landscape is beautiful in the world. Tianmu Chicheng Company. Hao tianglanzhuang, deep in the white clouds, chants the chapter of divination and residence. Looking back on the old trip to Yingyan, I am afraid that I have no intention, waiting for the geese to go by the sunset. The traces of his voice are still very close today, and Luan's notes are spread frequently.

Looking at the sea tide

Ching Ming Dynasty

Three points of spring scenery, very official, making people live up to their beauty. The singing swallows and orioles are singing, the flowers are singing and the willows are dancing, who knows the benefits of gardens. Reminiscing about old travel times. Zhu Ma against Begonia, Hong Yao wrote a poem. Farewell to Dongjun, it’s another year to look back.

Love is far away in the world. Zhenhai filled with hatred, mountain locks frown. Du Yu can speak, partridges have tears, and butterflies are slow to fly. The scenery is suitable for young people. Divide the elm into new fire, and the fragrance will penetrate into your clothes. The wind and moon always exist, and Pisces reports will come back early.

Hundred-Character Ballad

Cherish the Flowers and Get Up Early in Spring

Cherish the Flowers, and my thoughts are awakened first by people and butterflies in dreams. The embroidered shoes are swept across the temples, looking up at the forest. Yesterday it was dark red, today it is light white, and the color is very dusk. I don't think he knows much about this taste.

asked the twenty-fourth wind, the cold plum and the crimson neem are always good. It must be seen that it has not opened and then withered, and how many fallen flowers have been turned upside down. The Sui Garden is decorated with colorful flowers, deer roam the Tang Garden, and there is no basis for mourning or praying. Who sent this sound? I still hold the piano in my arms.


Chanting Love for the Moon and Sleeping Late at Night

The moon is bright in ancient and modern times.Autumn relieves pain and spring is the best, lay quilt pillows several times. Twelve Yaotai, a moment of gold, the horizontal bamboo will stop blowing. The embroidered curtain is high, and he is warned not to use the lamp.

Who can share the beauty of the moon for a long time, and fall asleep under the curtain? This is especially true. Where can I find the colorful luan in my dream? It flies up to the jade tower and Qiongque. Dancing in neon clothes, singing about red beans, the scenery is different from the heights. I was startled by the sound of birds, and my hair stood up in anger.


I chant the water and the moon in my hand.

I came to Xiangpu in the evening, recalling the sharks who promised me the teardrop silk handkerchief. The sky is bright and the moon is waiting for a bath, and the palace is locked with crystals in the middle of the night. The jade is first round, the floating gold is unstable, and the enemy's eyes shine with cold light. The dragon mirror in the center of water can't be turned over when a happy occasion comes.

What I hate the most is Chang'e opposite me, dancing in neon clothes on my palms,

looking at the sea tide with two tunes

Farewell to Lu Jiao Yu Zizhen and Li Xun Daozong in Xun County for a year in Nanguan, traveling thousands of miles westward, no one will be sad when I leave my heart. Wealthy Handan , Yuyun Wu Gorge, look back and have a dream. Whoever is humiliated is honored. Ask about the morality of that time and the fame of today. Chu River and Wu Mountain have always been filled with greetings and greetings.

Chang'an Ancient Road Changting Pavilion. Sigh that the horse's hooves are not stationary, and the rut is difficult to stop. Wei Laoshouyang, Zhi is deep in Shang Valley, and the mist is far away and the clouds are flat. This is shameful. But the gold is white and the snow is white, and the brocade is green. Picking bamboo from Kunlun, sometimes playing the song of Phoenix.


ancestor went to the East Hall and moved the boat to the south. The river, sky, clouds and trees were separated. The fishermen and woodcutters in Pangu dance and chant in the wind, and their thirsty hearts often look at the clouds. Know and be with old friends. The wings of thought are still broken, and the feet are still restrained. The river flows with hundreds of twists and turns, and gorge apes and water birds help Guqi.

I have been dreaming about Shanxi several times. Withstand the night rain under the sparse canopy, and be frightened by the morning chicken. For silent poems and sound paintings, the shape of the ritual has already begun to take shape. Looking back at Mu Yunmi. And the tung trees fly into the golden well, and the swallows fall into the black clothes. If you are interested in lovesickness, don’t teach it too late.

The Moon over the Xijiang River

Ti Dong Xiao Pavilion

The phoenix dances in the Han Yang and the moon is beautiful, and the dragon sings in the waves of the Han River. Why are the clouds stationed at the end of the world? Hengyu is leaning on all four sides.

asked Yueyang After three times, let’s see how many chess games there are in the world. Where have the cranes not returned? Ignore Wu Tou and Chu Wei.


Yongxue Santiao

is to ask Yunjian Tengliu, what is the violation of Heaven's work? From time to time there are three white days before winter. Today is auspicious spring.

Peng Zeliu was so thin and poor that he was forbidden to kill Fu Yanmei. Renfeng turned his hand to Ji Tianwei. They all make a river.


were evacuated and walked through Dongguo, and the homeless horses were not in Languan. Who asked me about Yuan An in Guazhou? Let’s live up to the new year and a half.

The iron urn turns into a silver urn, and the golden mountain becomes the jade mountain. Ignorant children do not know the cold. The ice chopsticks are in the palm of the hand.


The mountains and rivers are old despite the snow, but the vegetation is new in the spring. The snow is sold out and spring is gone to chase the flywheel. Who recognizes the opportunity in silence.

The mud at the head of the dam is turbid, and the market is bustling with dust. Why don't you live with people who come and go? They were all wiped out by fame and fortune.



You have faith in the spring scenery at the head of the river, but there are no clouds in the sky. How common is the dog in white clothes? Is it just following the mood?

The law has been relegated for three thousand years, which translates into missing relatives for thousands of miles. There is no one on the middle road of Guazhou. Who sends Jiangnan Spring Letter?

Returning to the court for joy

Before sending Wang Tong off, Wei Shan went to the summons

Last night, he watched the bull fight at the top of the city. The golden energy roared across the sky. A flying crane flies towards the sky and writes a book, please come forward and seize my leading friend. Fengliu Jiang Zuohou. The old things of green felt once stood firm. I have been living in Huaiyang for nine years, but I have nothing to do but silk hands.

The flowers are tied to the willow tree without a long tree. The jade chopsticks are frequently waved and the short sleeves are turned over. Phoenix Taiwan reunited in recent months, crape myrtle flowers are still warm and fragrant. Fame comes with distribution. When it comes to making friends, you should start with close friends. Sing Yangguan, have a glass of farewell wine, and wish Siwen longevity first.

Looking at the sea tide

Farewell to Ye Suining in harmony

Carrying wine in the mausoleum, Sihe Yangtai, I will leave in front of you. I just tried my best, and I was shocked, which made me think deeply after I left. Stop singing parting words. Look at the jade letter, star iron, and ride on the copper wire. The red phoenix sings the sun, and the tallest branch of the biwu grows.

easily develops dialogue words. To a bright moon in a garden, a country thousands of miles away. The voices of the family in Xijian, the characters in the Yutang, and the dream in the night window. The talent and thought are boundless. If you fly deep to Lianluo, you will fly high to Emei . I hold lovesickness in my chest, and don’t teach it too late to write silver zither and brocade.


Send the spring rain

After a rain of rain, Du Yu called several times, and Dong Jun came back again. Weeping pink tears at the flowers, the boat moves to Luopu, the willow eyebrows are furrowed, and the horse walks to Zhangtai. The begonias on the south frame and the red herbs on the north window were all planted by hand back then. It hurts to say goodbye and I want to leave today and come back tomorrow.

Please don’t rush me. Please tell me your heartfelt feelings carefully. This painting has six songs, lazy and leaning against the moon, and twelve red curtains, which are not open to the wind. Green apricot garden, vermilion cherry cheese wine, competing with each other like plum blossoms in a soup with snow.At that time, all good people will share their concerns with many talented people.

Qingchun Palace

The Beginning of Spring

The wind blows into the depths of winter, the snow disappears and the wax remains, and the weather and people are in harmony. Welcome Xuan in the north of the hall, and ask Liu in the east of the water, who is announcing the return of spring. The native cow is pretending, waiting for Jia Guan, flying Lu Hui first. Yichun The word "treasure" means that it is a good place for people to have a feast.

Three years of guest experience. A thousand miles away, only an inch of spiritual platform. Colorful swallows, gold hairpins, and green silk lettuce, I still think about the arrangement with my delicate hands. Time is also, pleasant, come again now. He is blessed with longevity, but every year, the cup of spring wine is full.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou

Title Yang Fei returns drunk from a night party. It is written that the second wife of Qin Guo and the imperial concubine held the baby on the horse

The sun was hidden in the calyx, and the Qing Dynasty had a banquet in Huaqing. In Liangzhou, a new song is being composed for the first time, and the brocade harp is played against the silver zither. In the middle sits Taizhen's concubine, and in the ranks sits the concubine of Qin and Guo, who fills the city with laughter. The golden statue of a hundred dendrobiums falls, and the jade mountain falls when drunk.

supports the horse, Dong Xiaoyu, double right. The candle in the crimson sarong is shining brightly, and the palace leakage has been released for the third time. After carrying Luer back home, Sanlang woke up from the drunkenness and suddenly heard a drum and was startled. It's a pity that Ma Wei was so angry that he couldn't send any paintings.


The second rhyme is to send farewell to Ye Yin

Hua Cong Liu and hissing outside, making your affairs difficult for others. Yuanqiao Fengyue, Suiling peaches and plums, several good encounters. I wait for you to come, and he urges you to go, who will keep you here? I want to respect the North Sea in the sky and write poems in the East Pavilion. This is a place of joy and entertainment.

The precious moon is both round and missing. In life, separation is difficult and easy. There is no plan to control the wind, no skill to shrink the earth, and no words to ask the sky. The dry sea is a furnace, and the ocher mountains are charcoal, burning all the sorrow. With one mind on heaven and earth, one family north and south, this body is worth sending.

Drunk Spring Breeze

On March 27th, he was banished to Ningxia and placed

on the pillow bed in shame. Linluan eyebrows are not painted. Who is jealous of Bai Guixia? Horrifying fear. Feiyan Banji, Zhaojun extends his life, who knows the elegance of obscenity.

leans against the tea stand. Tears filled the shark gauze handkerchief. The bald head chants the pipa to cut off the resentment. Just give it up. Picking cypresses and selling pearls, pulling dills to mend houses, and following nature to make things better.

Water Melodies Songtou

Chanting Cherishing Flowers and Getting Up Early in Spring

It’s good that the three spring scenes are all in Baihuaxuan. The beauty cannot sleep, and the embroidered curtain has already been lifted. Let the begonias get enough sleep, check whether the peonies are in bloom, and the peaches and plums are silent. The dew on the leaves connects with the pearls, and the moon on the branches falls into the golden basin.

Tree bells and ropes, high barriers and thresholds, make up the fence. Ding Ningying, swallow, bee and butterfly, don’t fight over each other. Thinking back to the time when I was ninety, I am afraid that all the flowers will fly away and my beauty will become thinner and warmer. Don't worry about the cold silver bottle, and draw the roots from the well.


I love the moon and sleep late at night

On March 5, Chang'e moon, the night is beautiful. Since returning from stealing medicine, it has been thousands of years in heaven. Let me ask you, in the high places of Guanghan and Han, there is a great shortage of many, round and few. Which of these principles is the right one? The string of hope knows the destiny, and the separation and separation are pitiful.

Dian Gong brocade, singing water tune, carrying building boat. Where is the banished immortal layman, the moonlight is still there. Think about how long it will take to live a hundred years and thirty-six thousand good nights. Don't let the golden basin fall, until the dawn shines and you can't sleep.


Chant the water and the moon in the hand

The lotus is lined with Lingbo steps, and the bamboo shoots are bathing in Edong. Evening makeup and powder are still greasy, but snow and cleansing make it melt in spring. It's just like holding a jade plate with one's fingers, but the golden ring falls off the wrist, and the precious mirror catches the beautiful face. A beautiful pearl fell into the palm of my hand.

is satisfactory, but I can’t hold it, and it’s still empty. Riding a whale wants to take it deep, fearing that it will touch the lying dragon. Nai Yuchun is slender and frozen, and wherever the reunion is on the wall, there is a shadow but no trace. If you don't go to Guanghan Hall, you can go to Crystal Palace.


Chanting the fragrance of flowers, clothes are full of flowers

Dreaming of hibiscus and dawn, stepping into the peonies. Try to count the branches and leaves, and love the purple and red. The posture is like a song, the weather is light and warm, the weather is light and the spring is warm. A hundred dendrobium trees smell of sandalwood, and the two armpits smell of musk orchid.

The spring shirt is transparent, the stockings are clear, and the darkness is in the middle. How much love can there be? A little bundle weighs a thousand weight. I'm just afraid that the hair will be exposed, and it will attract wild bees and butterflies, so I should cherish my appearance. Lan Hui repairs the fragrant pendant, and the algae recommends the palace.

Cherish the remaining spring slowly

Recall Begonia

Speechless beauty, versatile and famous friend, sent by heaven to accompany me in loneliness. His appearance is Pan Yue, his appearance is so elegant, he is like a clump of red jade. Who is weaving clouds and brocade clothes? Tian Sun's clever place is hidden in the sky. During the separation, I suddenly felt the spring breeze, and the lightning was shocking.

Because of thinking about old times, joy and peaceful songs. The board is pressed against the jade figure's horizontal bamboo. The moon sets over the golden basin, and the silver candle sarong, a moment's worth of gold cannot be redeemed. I am slightly drunk and want to wake up, but I am awakened by the sound. When is the end of sleep? When I return with my roots and talents, I dare to compete with Yuanming, Songju.



The courtyard is deep and unique.

The green moss on the upper steps is due to the rain.

The painted curtain low curly swallow returns.

The moon seems to be in love at night, and

the flowers bloom to people silently.

Man Lao Fei dreamed of reaching the rooftop.


spring twilight

Time passes like running water, and fame is as cold as cold ashes. Jiang Yu was endowed with many talents. A moment can't be bought with a lot of money.

The moon is waxing and waning in the guest house, and the flowers are falling and blooming in front of you. When spring comes, it brings sorrow. Even though spring is gone, the sorrow is still there.


Send Spring

It was windy last night and rainy today. The wind and rain rush each other, ruining the return of spring. No matter how hard you try, you can't keep it. Where does spring return?

Good birds sing and dance like flowers. Flowers and birds are merciless, and they also complain about the sorrow of separation. The flowing water falls across the red grass. I’ll remember my return trip next year.


Send spring

The moon falls on the tung trees and Du Yu cries.

Clouds bury fragrant trees and partridges fly.

Night end is divided into spring poems.

How long has it been since the mountains were built? How long will it take for

to add words to my mouth?

I love you so much.

Magnolia is slow


Since Dongjun left, I have become more and more bored with flowers and willows. But year after year of traveling and living, my dreams increase every night, and my meal decreases. How should I feel about this? The sky is plump and the wind and rain are gentle. Lian Yu has warm eyes, and her girdle is loosened from her waist.

The deep courtyard is so incense-burning. The water is far away and the beauty is far away. Read the letter to block the Luan Jian, adjust the air to green Qi, and the words are full of shark gauze. Dongjun also knows people's wishes. At dusk, he sends orchid flowers to the horizon. Drinking wine is served in front of Jinli Hall, and the flute is played under the moonlight of the parasol trees.



Emei stood there indifferently. Make a promise before making a promise. Sit back and wait for nothing to come and go. Until the depths of the blue window.

Yuyun is jealous of Yaojiao. A few lonely nights. If you want to see the remaining makeup and the new painting, you should go to the morning and evening.



Tiansun Ziwei. Longitude and latitude are north and south. The moon tower is a hundred feet high. I once picked the jade hand myself.

What year did the Yu people go? I met Zhang Qian when I was riding in the chariot. It is reported that autumn is approaching, so that ingenious thoughts can be passed on.


chanting the wind

breathing in and out. Who is the master after all? The soft power slowly helps the flowers and willows dance. Can't help but go crazy.

is easy to get cold easily. Every time I teach people to love others I hate them. Most of all, I got lovesick, and I hugged my child tightly and pulled down the beaded curtain.


Yong Yu

silk silk thread. Provoked Yun Genyan. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are filled with spring. Mostly in the Pear Blossom Courtyard.

I saw him all night long. It feels like being in Blue Bridge. Remembering the goddess of Wushan, I couldn't help but look at each other day and night.



follow the style. The gathering and dispersing elements are uncertain. The rain cleared up at dusk. Send out the moonlight and flower shadows.

Whoever said it did not mean it. Soar up to Wu Cen. I don't know where the dream ends, but the beauty has a hairpin on her temples.


the cicada

cooing. Just like a purdah girl. A wisp of the heartbeat of the three-fold qin. Deep in the green shade.

This sound is well known to others. I will not bully others. At dusk, the moon is slanting behind my back, and my silent voice flies up to the high branches.


sing mosquitoes

in twos and threes. Teach people to think every night. Sneak into the crevices of the frost-threaded tent. Until coral pillow.

Beautiful women dream about Jiangnan. It would be sweet to lose him. Don't hate me for being cruel because of your greedy mouth.



Qingzi Fu Fen. Learn to steal Xiangjun. Hundreds of purples and thousands of reds did not ask. First, break up with your heart.

is gifted with a romantic life. I don’t know how to get rid of bee sorrow. I laugh at Zhuang Zhou and chase him in his dreams.


chant frog

Huang Meiyu lives. Green grass pond at dusk. Two parts of natural music. I thought Zhou Lang ignored him.

is born with hatred and a sharp mouth. Who can seal the well with mud? Most of all, on the pillow of a beautiful woman, I dreamed of Jiangnan several times.


chanting firefly

the stars are scattered. No one cares about the place. Although a little cold light is bad. Can't fly to the west bank of the river.

huatanghua dark silver. Jinglan adds a double. If you want to take a picture of the two words of lovesickness, let the wind hold you through the empty window.


chants and

tweets. The east wall chimes every night. Like complaining, singing, crying. The chaos is like weaving from my arms.

The curtains of the painting hall are deep. The beauty sleeps in a fragrant quilt. A lazy woman knows how to sleep until dawn, but you have worked hard in vain.

Drunken spring breeze

Boudoir love

Mo Shanglun’s hoofs are full. There are bees and butterflies in the flowers. The curtain is rolled low towards Nanshan. □□□. Lightly warm and lightly cold, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, the wind and clouds disperse.

Luo Xiu hurts the Spring Festival Gala. The fan fan scares the autumn change. Who will dirty the young servant girl with white snow? Lazy lala. The music and music in the golden house, the wind and moon on the thatched eaves, accompany the joys and sorrows.

Jade Butterfly

What’s good for crape myrtle in the rain is the spring and autumn colors, and the flowers are everywhere in the ingenious place.It is more worthy of the clouds and rain, and the pure and fragrant posture. Drunk and supporting each other, we are sleepy from dancing in colorful clothes. We haven't gotten any sleep yet, and the palace brocade is dripping with water. Does anyone know. Eyes facing each other, hearts missing each other.

lovesickness. On the crocodile gauze handkerchief, beads hang red tears, and the rouge is washed with water. Lonely in the dark, silently recalling old travel times. The five-flowered Cong carries the general away, and the two magpies report the general's return. Divination of good times. Dreaming back to Wu Gorge, spring is in Yaochi.

Thousands of years old are quoted

In front of it

The beauty of the brocade is reflected in the new Liangtai Pavilion. I regret that Wu Yun is too frivolous. The pipa did not complain that the clothes were wet, and the water chestnuts did not shine and the rouge fell. Phoenix Pond, Yuanyang Hall, heavy golden key.

Where to anchor the spring painting boat. Autumn colors are hard to grasp. It's a pity that the romance always comes to an end. This feeling is not known to others, and when it is known, it is only feared that others will scratch it. In front of the green window, under the silver lamp, I drink alone.

Jade Butterfly

Chinese Valentine's Day

The golden sycamore tree flies, autumn is approaching, and the black magpie forms a bridge. To ask what's going on with the twin stars, I'll wait a long time tonight. Farewell to this year, new love is on display for the time being, and the five drums are renewed, and old hatreds are shaken again. The dark soul is gone. Two feelings are connected, one is far away from each other.

lonely. I would like to send this message to my children, even if they can laugh cleverly and laugh at their leisure. Secretly thinking about separation, the world and heaven have come to spare each other since ancient times. But the heart is strong and the sky lasts forever. Why do you mean it? It rains and the clouds rise. Burning incense. I have no chance to ride the sea, but I have the opportunity to play the flute.

Magnolia Slowly

Spring Outing

The value of peace in the sea and the sea is restored, and the beauty of spring returns. Toward the willow tower, the Begonia courtyard, and the red medicine corridor. The good people, the good wind, the good weather, and the moon are all packed into the brocade bag. My thoughts have transcended the world, and God has distributed them to the human world.

The journey of life is full of waves, both land and sea. Look back in your dream. If you want to sober up in Luofu, the clouds are in the sky over Wu Gorge, and the rice is ready in Handan. From now on, I break the harp and cook the crane, and Yilan doesn’t have to play to anyone. If you are thick enough and have little access to food and clothing, it will not harm Sima Jiangshan.


After the snow, I crossed Guazhou and crossed the rhyme

to visit the head of the Yangtze River, where the surging tide flows eastward. Cultural relics of the Six Dynasties, thousands of years old traces, several black rabbits. The sky is limited to the southeast, the water flow is modern and ancient, and the land is divided into Wu and Chu. I wish I could travel thousands of miles, and my mulberry trees and arrows would be scattered around me.

Heading up to the north of Stone City, there are clusters of towers and fragrant trees in the distance. It's snowy weather, the river is clear and there are countless green peaks. The silver urn returns in spring, the bell in Jinshan dawns, and the gulls and herons are idle in dreams. Returning early, the wind was calm and everyone was calm all day long, and the boat was crossing alone.

Looking into the distance,

drums are beginning to drum up from the top of the city, and gradually the sound of people walking on the street becomes quieter. Half the window is windy and full of moonlight, a pillow is freshly cool, and I don’t know the dawn of a deep sleep. The most important thing is that my family is thousands of miles away, I have to work far away to return to my dreams, and it is hard to feel the love until I say goodbye. When I woke up, I heard several birds singing outside the curtain.

Who knows? Why am I so new to lose weight, so miserable and troubled. It's not a flower of sorrow, it's not a wine of illness, it's hard to sweep away from the intestines. Looking longingly at the south of the Yangtze River, white clouds are flying in the sky, and I miss you when I am old. The heart of an inch of grass cannot be embraced day and night.


I remember when I was leaving the feast, I folded the plum blossoms. After all, the mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River and the wind and snow in Huaiyang. Cold Food Qingming Festival has passed, look at the Dragon Boat Festival. Leaning on the lantern stem and bending the index, the light flows, and the years pass.

One inch of heart, one thousand knots of intestines. A Thousand Miles of Dreams, the Third Moon. □The dawn is so cold that I can’t bear to feel sad. I am ashamed to see the crow of the loving-kindness crow and feed her in return, and I am disgusted to hear the suckling swallow's new tongue. Seeing birds makes me feel more hurt and eager to return home.

Cherish the remaining spring slowly.

The sparse reeds are sparse and the curtains are woven with small reeds. It is a quiet mansion. Plant locust trees along the road, plant chrysanthemums to fill the pavilion, and the scenery will be fun to sing and play. It has been raining outside the door, and the green branches are green and clear to the eyes. There is no one around, I sleep on a fresh and cool pillow, and the mud is fragrant and warm.

Suddenly, I feel sad about the scene and have endless thoughts. Looking back at the spring of my hometown. The pine trees look forward to the bamboos, the groves and the forest laugh at them, and the pain is tied down by the false reputation. A kind of longing is the longest. How can it be blocked by thousands of mountains and rivers? Seeing you in Xiangbeitang, forgetting about the day lilies, my heart is full.

Recalling Qin E

The sparse curtain is lifted. Looking up at the moon in the clouds. Juanjuan month. There should be no hatred and farewell to others.

Sleeping alone behind closed doors is empty and sorrowful. Chang'e whispered in her dream. Said lowly. Joys and sorrows, separation and reunion, clouds and sunshine.

Walking on the sand

The moon is missing during the Mid-Autumn Festival

The South Tower is lost in fog, and the clouds are low in the East Pavilion. There are no south-flying magpies on the branches. Why is Chang'e so sentimental? So tonight, I missed my date.

The weather is easy to be cloudy and sunny, and there are many people who are happy and sad. This has always been difficult to deal with. In a hurry, it's the next year again, and we burn silver candles and get rich drinks.

One-cut plum

Nine days

The new wine contains half of the first fragrant chrysanthemum. The month is also thirty-three. There are three or three days. Climbing high has made an appointment to reach Xinyan. We share the burden of everything. We bear all the hardships.

The dogwood hairpin on the head is upside down. In Henan . My heart is in Jiangnan. When will Yuan Ming resolve the war? How ashamed to bow down. How ashamed to look up.

Partridge Sky


Sanjing Fanggen is unique. Sow clear fragrance every time after frost. The butterflies on the branches are as shameful to see, and they cannot be heard outside the fence.

Feelings and thoughts abound. Go around the window and chant Li Yuxun. The man who rolled up the curtains was in the west wind, knowing how thin he was because he was new.

The sound of walking on the sand is traced by the wind, and the waves are traced like snowflakes. Lanqiao Road is far away. At dusk, when I lean against the wall with my heart broken, I can look at all the geese flying south.

day silk machine, needle and thread at night. Spring and Autumn do not care about warblers or swallows. If you want to express your concerns to the good day, you can go straight to the Jinluan Hall.


plum blossoms and palace makeup, Liu Heng’s eyebrows are dark. They will all stay in the spring. We met suddenly on the piano stage and treated each other under the moon while playing the flute.

Haiyan returns in spring, and Jiang Hong moves forward in autumn. It’s always grace and love in the end. The best time is among the white clouds, and the atmosphere is as harmonious as the spring sea.

Partridge Sky


Sanjing Fanggen is unique. Sow clear fragrance every time after frost. The butterflies on the branches are as shameful to see, and they cannot be heard outside the fence.

Feelings and thoughts abound. Go around the window and chant Li Yuxun. The man who rolled up the curtains was in the west wind, knowing how thin he was because he was new.

The sound of walking on the sand is traced by the wind, and the waves are traced like snowflakes. Lanqiao Road is far away. At dusk, when I lean against the wall with my heart broken, I can look at all the geese flying south.

day silk machine, needle and thread at night. Spring and Autumn do not care about warblers or swallows. If you want to express your concerns to the good day, you can go straight to the Jinluan Hall.


plum blossoms and palace makeup, Liu Heng’s eyebrows are dark. They will all stay in the spring. We met suddenly on the piano stage and treated each other under the moon while playing the flute.

Haiyan returns in spring, and Jiang Hong moves forward in autumn. It’s always grace and love in the end. The best time is among the white clouds, and the atmosphere is as harmonious as the spring sea.

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