Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself.

2024/05/2700:15:33 hotcomm 1396

There is such a department in every hospital. The people living here are angels whose wings have been broken by God. The pain they endure is not the pain they should endure at their age.

This place is " Pediatrics", They should be enjoying the influence of knowledge on campus and playing happily with their friends. But now they are suffering from the disease torture .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

The diagnosis result caused the family to collapse

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. The parents standing aside could only comfort her, and her mother was also deep in pain. Deep blames . The child has a head full of beautiful hair, but now there is not much left.

During the operation, the girl had another unexpected accident and was forced to stop. What happened to this little girl? Can the operation be completed successfully?

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

In the pediatric ward of a hospital in Beijing, a little girl was opening her birthday gift, which was a beautiful headband bought by her mother.

The girl said that she had no hair and it would not look good when she wore it. 's mother comforted her and said: is fine, it will grow out soon. After said that, he took out the mirror and let his daughter look at it. Her daughter was very happy to receive such a gift. She just hoped that one day she could wear it when her hair grows out.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

This beauty-loving little girl is called " Qiqi " (pseudonym). She is 9 years old this year. grew up in a small county in Shandong. At that time, she went to school and after class every day and lived the life of an ordinary child.

And Qiqi especially likes dancing, so her mother sent her to learn dance since she was a child. Not only that, she also participated in many competitions and achieved excellent results in the competitions.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

But one night, Qiqi suddenly had a stomachache. Her parents thought she had eaten something bad, so they took her for infusion. But after two days of infusion, I still wasn’t feeling better.

It was just a slight pain at first, but eventually it turned into an unbearable severe pain . No matter how much medicine and injections were taken, it did not get better, so he took her to the best local hospital.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

After checking the results, my parents were like a bolt from the blue, and they were all frightened. The doctor found a shadow when doing B ultrasound and told his parents that it was a malignant tumor and that it was still in the late stage.

The doctor also issued several critical illness notices to Qiqi's parents, which was equivalent to a " death sentence" for Qiqi. The parents felt that they might lose her at any time.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

After examination: there was a huge tumor in Qiqi’s belly, which exerted strong pressure on the intestines and caused abdominal pain. What's even more terrifying is that after examination, the tumor has now spread to the neck and top of the head.

was diagnosed with neuroblastoma , which is called " the king of childhood cancers" in children. It is the most malignant tumor.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi’s parents went to all the major local hospitals, and the test results were all despairing news, which did not give them a shred of hope.

Various medical treatments were used. In just two weeks, Qiqi lost Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews0 pounds. In the past, Qiqi’s face was still chubby, but now she is tortured by the disease and is only skin and bones, but Both to no avail .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Late stage, spread, too old Words of despair hit the hearts of parents one by one, Could it be that Qiqi could only wait for death to come?

Seeking hope

The mother blames herself deeply. Her daughter lives with her every day, but she didn't notice it. Qiqi's family prepares for to make a desperate move . takes Qiqi to Beijing for medical treatment in search of the last chance.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

The doctor told Qiqi’s parents: Neuroblastoma develops rapidly. If not treated in time, its life cycle will generally not exceed half a year. Once symptoms appear in children’s tumors, they will be in the late stage when they are discovered, and the mortality rate is extremely high. .

Qiqi's disease requires extremely stringent surgery. There are only Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews doctors in the country who can complete this high-risk operation. And one of the doctors Director Li is in this hospital.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi's parents came here because of Director Li's superb technology. Even if went bankrupt, they still wanted to cure Qiqi. When Director Li sees Qiqi's parents trusting him so much, he will definitely try his best to live up to the expectations of Qiqi's parents.

A few days before the operation, the operating room staff came to Qiqi's patient to check on Qiqi's condition. Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews-year-old Qiqi already vaguely knew that surgery was a very scary thing.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi waited for her mother to fall asleep at night, but herself secretly hid in the bed and cried secretly. She was afraid that after she fell asleep, the doctor would push her into the operating room, and she was afraid that she would never see her mother again. Qiqi's sensibleness makes people feel bad about .

Qiqi's father went outside to pick up a box of rings that his father bought for her online. Even if he was sick, he could not take away Qiqi's yearning for beauty..

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi picked a ring of her favorite color and put it on her hand, and asked her father if this color looked good ? Qiqi's father seemed to have seen Qiqi getting married when she grew up. He had been wiping the tears in his eyes with a tissue.

Qiqi’s mother cut her long hair short for the sake of her child. When Qiqi saw her mother haggard in the hospital every day, she took the initiative to put makeup on her mother. This was the happiest time for mother and daughter. , Mom hopes that time can stay at this moment .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

The next day, Qiqi’s parents also picked up their younger brother from their hometown, hoping that they would spend more time with their sister. When Qiqi saw her brother's arrival, she also had a smile on her face that she hadn't seen in a long time.

With the company of her younger brother, Qiqi is just a carefree child. They play and make trouble, everything is the same as at home. , but the happy time is always short-lived .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

My brother's visit time is over, but he still refuses to go home. Although he doesn't know how much risk his sister will face , he knows that his sister is sick now, and he just wants to be with her.

At this time, Qiqi couldn't hold back her tears and started crying in front of her younger brother. Finally waited until the moment of separation, the younger brother followed his father back. The father did not speak along the way, and the younger brother kept crying.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi's tumor may break out again at any time, and the operation must be carried out as soon as possible. The doctor urgently talked to Qiqi's parents: was very likely to suffer from massive bleeding during the operation, and the operation had to be stopped first to ensure the child's life.

At the door of the ward, the mother tried her best to hide her inner fragile , wiped away her tears strong and walked into the ward. She didn't want her daughter to see herself like this, and she had to be strong in front of her children.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Before the operation, her mother decided to wash Qiqi’s hair again. Although the disease had devastated her and her long hair was gone, Qiqi was still fearless and moved forward bravely.

The operation process is full of dangers

The night before the operation, Qiqi's father lay in bed unable to sleep, flipping through the photo album on his mobile phone and looking at every moment of himself and his daughter. Qiqi also waited for her mother to fall asleep, secretly searched the Internet for information about the operating room, and the 9-year-old child alone broke through the fear caused by the unknown.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

On the day of the operation, Qiqi was pushed into the operating room. Even though she had said come on in her heart countless times before, she still showed her fear of the unknown when she was pushed into the operating room.

Mom was encouraging Qiqi and also cheering herself up. Tell Qiqi, this is the first and last time, mother will definitely be here to guard you, this is our agreement .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

At 8:20 am, Qiqi was pushed into the operating room. The 9-year-old Qiqi was about to face unknown risks. The mother outside the door also took off her disguise and cried loudly in her father's arms.

This most difficult surgery was scheduled for the first one that day. Qiqi’s tumor grew behind the peritoneum and required deep dissection. The three most important steps of the operation were exposing the tumor and peeling off the large area. The blood vessel was finally removed from the tumor. Director Li had to perform such a precise operation under a microscope.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

15 minutes later, after careful operation, the tumor was finally exposed, and then the second step was " peeling off large blood vessels" . Qiqi's tumor had been in her body for 9 years.

Tumors and blood vessels of normal organs develop together and are intertwined, which greatly increases the difficulty of surgery. Moreover, this kind of tumor is extremely easy to relapse. Even residual tumors that are invisible to the naked eye can grow quickly. The same size as the current tumor.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

In the 48th minute of the operation, Qiqi’s first tumor was successfully removed. At this moment, the last thing I wanted to see happened was . The amount of bleeding from the newly incised tumor instantly reached 2,200 ml, which was equivalent to one-tenth of Qiqi’s total body bleeding.

The medical staff went to the blood bank to collect blood urgently, and the doctors also tried their best to stop Qiqi's bleeding. Qiqi's tumor had been completely peeled off, but Qiqi's blood pressure dropped rapidly , low pressure dropped from 90 to 44.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

The tumor originates from nerve cells . It has also acted as a normal organ for 9 years, and secretes the hormone normally. Now that the tumor is suddenly removed, Qiqi's body cannot adapt to as quickly as possible. If the blood pressure continues to decrease, Director Li could only stop the operation and declare the operation failed.

Outside the operating room, Qiqi's parents were waiting anxiously. Qiqi's mother said: She still has three wishes that have not been realized. The first wish is that her parents are happy, and the second wish is for her. I want to be a teacher when I grow up, and my third wish is to get well soon. Every wish seems simple, but it is also very difficult to achieve in and .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

After 20 minutes of rescue, the bleeding was finally stopped successfully, and Qiqi’s blood pressure stabilized at Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews0mmHg. After two and a half hours of surgery, a diameter 5 cm tumor was finally removed.

Director Li took out the tumor and showed it to Qiqi's parents, and told them that today's surgery went very smoothly, and the original lesion had been completely removed. This was undoubtedly the best news they had heard in the past few months. The younger brother also knew the good news and happily circled around his mother.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

After that, Qiqi had to observe Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews2 hours in the intensive care unit . She briefly met her daughter and then separated immediately, leaving her mother with mixed feelings .

Whether there will be heavy bleeding after the operation, whether there will be hemorrhagic shock, whether she will have to return to the operating table, whether the operation will affect Qiqi's nervous system, all of this is still unknown. .

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi is not at risk in the intensive care unit, but she always wants her mother's company in her heart, and the only thing her mother can do is guard Qiqi at the door.

Seventy-two hours after the operation, Director Li came to check on Qiqi's condition. After evaluation, Qiqi could finally be transferred to the general ward. This was the first time that Qiqi met her family after she was out of danger.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

On the tenth day after the operation, Qiqi was finally discharged from the hospital. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Qiqi's eyes showed the joy that had not seen for a long time, but she needed to return to the hospital for chemotherapy.

Qiqi also received letters and greeting cards from her classmates. I hope Qiqi can work hard to defeat the disease . They are all waiting for Qiqi to recover and then they can go to class together.

Then in a ward, a little girl was desperately holding her stomach. She was rolling back and forth on the bed in pain. Her parents standing by could only comfort her, and her mother was also deeply blaming herself. - DayDayNews

Qiqi still has a long way to go in the future. Although neuroblastoma is very vicious, it still has a cure rate of 40% . Parents should have confidence .

I hope Qiqi can recover soon. Only by not giving up can we go on bravely.

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