On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly "Diandian" to express her gratitude for all the grace she has received since her pregnancy.

2024/05/2622:27:32 hotcomm 1733

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly 2-year-old actress Zhao Xiaoqiao finally became pregnant successfully.

html On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly "Diandian" to express her gratitude for all the grace she had received since her pregnancy.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, Zhao Xiaoqiao can be said to have "suffered a lot". He has experienced 1 times of artificial insemination and 3 times of test tube , all of which ended in failure.

Especially for her third test tube test, she finally got pregnant at 16 weeks. As soon as she excitedly announced the good news of pregnancy, she suffered a fetal arrest at the back.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

This huge gap from heaven to the abyss once made Zhao Xiaoqiao cry until she burst into tears. In her own words, she was "so sad that her heart was broken"!

In the next more than one year of pregnancy preparation experience, Zhao Xiaoqiao canceled all performances in order to recuperate his body. He never wore perfume or dyed his hair. In order to do test tube baby , he had more than 100 injections and took an average of 25 pills a day. , her family asked her to give up several times because of their distress, but Zhao Xiaoqiao kept working hard.

Fortunately, the 4 test tube was finally successful. Zhao Xiaoqiao was looking forward to the birth of the baby she had dreamed of. Perhaps because of her last experience, this time she waited until the baby was 30 weeks old and his condition was stable enough before sharing the good news with everyone.

And she has always followed the doctor's instructions, such as taking injections and taking medicine on time every day, and trying not to go out during the epidemic period to protect the health of "Diandian baby".

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

How low is the success rate of in vitro fertilization?

In fact, apart from Zhao Xiaoqiao, in the entertainment industry, there are many female celebrities who have failed in vitro fertilization.

For example, the 47-year-old Li Min had 9 in vitro fertilizations, all of which ended in failure. Another example is the 50-year-old Chung Liti , who had a drug reaction during the in vitro fertilization, which caused her body to become swollen and fat, and she finally failed.

In the public mind, in vitro fertilization technology is the "gospel" for infertile families, and its success rate should be ideal. But why is the success rate of in vitro fertilization so low even for female celebrities?

In fact, there are many factors that affect the success rate of IVF, such as age, embryo quality, uterine condition, psychological state, etc. Overall, the success rate is only 40-50%.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

The factor that has the greatest impact on the success rate of IVF is the woman’s age.

According to data released by Peking University Third Hospital, the clinical pregnancy rate for patients under 6 years old can reach 50.48%, for patients 35-39 years old, it is 45.35%, for patients 40-42 years old, it is 25%, and for patients over 6 years old, it is only 8.36 %.

And the clinical pregnancy rate refers to the number of cycles in which the gestational sac and fetal heartbeat embryonic bud can be seen through B ultrasound 30 days after the embryo transfer, accounting for the percentage of the transplantation cycle.

If we want to judge whether IVF is ultimately successful, a more accurate indicator is the "live birth rate", that is, the probability of a surviving baby being born, which is even lower than the clinical pregnancy rate.

So when a woman’s age increases, the success rate of IVF will decrease significantly. According to statistics, if a woman is 41-42 years old, after 4-5 IVF or 8-9 embryo transfers, It is normal to give birth to a child alive, and it is also reasonable that some "elderly female celebrities" have failed in vitro fertilization one after another.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

Under what circumstances can I undergo in vitro fertilization?

Generally speaking, if the couple has a normal sexual life after marriage, has not used contraception for a year, and has not become pregnant, they should see a doctor in time.

If the doctor clearly diagnoses infertility and requires the help of in vitro fertilization, or if you still cannot get pregnant after eliminating physical reasons, you can choose in vitro fertilization for assisted pregnancy.

Especially when infertility exceeds 3 years, and the woman is over 30 years old, and ovarian reserve begins to decline, it is even more important to choose IVF as early as possible, which can greatly increase the chance of success.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

The specific process of in vitro fertilization

About one month before doing in vitro fertilization, both husband and wife should conduct a comprehensive physical examination. If the examination results meet the requirements, they can officially start in vitro fertilization and enter the cycle.

A complete IVF cycle includes 6 stages: ovulation induction, egg retrieval and sperm retrieval, and embryo transfer. 3html Among them, ovulation induction refers to intramuscular injection of drugs that promote follicle development, thereby obtaining multiple high-quality eggs. Egg retrieval and sperm retrieval refer to Eggs and sperm are collected, grown into mature embryos outside the body, and then transferred into the female uterus through injection for embryo transplantation.

Since each patient's personal situation is different, the entire cycle time is also different. Generally, the fresh cycle is about 1 month. If some indicators are abnormal, the time will be extended appropriately.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

How to improve the success rate as much as possible?

Because the success rate of IVF technology is not 100%, in addition to controlling the age at which we undergo IVF, we must also pay more attention to our living habits, work and rest time, and mental state to increase the success rate of IVF as much as possible.

For example, ensuring the quality of sleep every night, changing unhealthy lifestyles, controlling one's own weight, regulating psychological stress, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, etc., are all helpful in improving the success rate of IVF.

On May 18, Zhao Xiaoqiao announced excitedly on social media that she was 30 weeks pregnant and had named the baby in her belly

Lao Miao Conclusion:

There are many factors that affect the success rate of IVF, but the most critical point is age.

Therefore, if conditions permit, everyone still needs to complete their major life events at the right age, otherwise they may have to take a lot of detours if they are delayed.

Today’s topic: Are there any families around you who are doing in vitro fertilization?

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