"Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters learned that Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces have issued documents proposing the establishment of a childcare subsidy system, and some places have also proposed targeted preferential policies in housing and

2024/05/2523:35:34 hotcomm 1592

At this year’s National Two Sessions, the topic of improving supporting measures for the three-child policy has attracted much attention. The government work report clearly states that we will improve supporting measures for the three-child policy, include the cost of care for infants under 3 years old as a special additional deduction for personal income tax, develop inclusive childcare services through multiple channels, and reduce the burden of family childbirth, parenting, and education.

" Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter learned that Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces have issued documents proposing the establishment of a child care subsidy system, and some places have also proposed targeted preferential policies in housing and other aspects. .

Many places have clearly proposed the establishment of a child care subsidy system

Since last year, many provinces have clearly proposed the establishment of a child care subsidy system.

In November last year, Guangdong Province issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Public Services of Guangdong Province", which proposed to actively absorb useful experience from the international community and explore inclusive economic subsidies for childbirth. In January this year, the "Implementation Plan on Optimizing Fertility Policies to Promote Long-term Balanced Development of the Population" issued by Beijing proposed to gradually establish and improve the family raising subsidy system.

Zhejiang, Hunan, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other places proposed the establishment of a childcare subsidy system in the newly revised population and family planning regulations. For example, Zhejiang Province stipulates that county (city, district) people's governments can provide childcare subsidies and childcare fee subsidies to families with infants and young children under three years old based on local conditions. Hunan Province encourages people's governments at or above the county level to establish a childcare subsidy system for families who give birth to a second or more children in accordance with the law. Jilin Province stipulates that people's governments at or above the county level should establish a childcare subsidy system and continuously improve supporting support measures to promote fertility; the provincial finance department will provide appropriate subsidies based on the implementation of the system in various places. Heilongjiang Province stipulates that the people's governments at the municipal and county levels should establish a child care subsidy system for families who have a second or more children in accordance with the law. Child care subsidies in border areas and old revolutionary areas can be higher than the average level of the province.

Some prefecture-level cities and districts and counties have adopted more detailed and specific measures:

Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province has announced the " Sixteen Policies and Measures to Promote the Aggregation of Human Resources ", which regulates Panzhihua who have second and third children according to the policy. Household registered families will receive a monthly childcare subsidy of 500 yuan per child until the child is 3 years old.

Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province issued a document stipulating that for Linze permanent resident families who have their second and third children in public medical institutions in the county, an annual childcare subsidy of 5,000 yuan will be provided to the second child and a 10,000 yuan annual childcare subsidy to the third child. , until the child is 3 years old.

The "2021 Maternal and Infant Industry Insight Report" released by Nielsen IQ, a market monitoring and data analysis company, shows that more than 60% of people of childbearing age said that supporting benefits such as maternity incentives and subsidies, and joint maternity leave for couples can increase their willingness to have children, and more than half of them hope that Get more maternity incentives, childcare and maternity medical subsidies.

Some subsidies have been implemented, and more "big moves" are being released

Yang Jun's family in Panzhihua City is the first family to successfully apply after the city introduced the childcare subsidy policy. "I think this subsidy is very good. Although 500 yuan per month is not much, it can subsidize the daily consumables such as milk powder and diapers for my little daughter. I hope that more measures will be introduced in the future to help more families There are practical concerns about having a second or third child," Yang Jun said.

Many interviewees mentioned that families who have the ability and desire to have a second or third child often do so not because they value subsidies, but because they see the positive signals sent by the country to encourage childbearing and “feel that the country More attention will be paid to and support for families with multiple children, and the burden of childbearing and child-rearing will be effectively reduced, and the overall atmosphere will develop towards a child-friendly society," said Meng Jiajia, a white-collar worker in a company in Hangzhou.

In addition to some childcare subsidy policies that have been implemented, more incentive “big moves” are also being released one after another.

The newly revised "Anhui Provincial Population and Family Planning Regulations" stipulates that if a citizen requires sterilization surgery to have another child, the cost of the resumption of fertility surgery shall be borne by the unit where the recipient works or the township (town) people's government, street The office provides subsidies.

In February this year, Beijing issued the "Notice on Regulating and Adjusting the Price Items of Some Medical Services", which included 16 assisted reproductive technology projects involving a wide range of people, necessary for diagnosis and treatment, mature technology, safe and reliable, into the scope of Class A medical insurance reimbursement. Including intrauterine artificial insemination, embryo transfer, sperm optimization, etc.

Jiangsu Province proposes to provide a 50% subsidy for the social insurance fees paid by enterprises during maternity leave for female employees who have a second child, and an 80% subsidy for those who have a third child; and exempt families with financial difficulties from the costs of daycare, kindergarten, and school enrollment. , regions with conditions can reduce the burden of raising families by issuing consumer vouchers for infant care services.

Some places have also stipulated preferential housing policies.

Beijing proposed that families with a large number of minor children who apply for public rental housing can be included in the priority allocation range and be given appropriate care in terms of apartment selection and other aspects. Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province have proposed that when allocating public rental housing, families with minor children that meet local housing security conditions can be given appropriate care in terms of apartment selection and other aspects based on the number of minor children. Linze County clearly stipulates that for Linze registered permanent residents who have two or three children, they will be given a government subsidy of 40,000 yuan when purchasing commercial housing in the county's urban areas, and 30,000 yuan when purchasing commercial housing in central market towns and other concentrated residential areas. Yuan government subsidies.

has implemented the country's deployment of optimizing family planning policies and has also received support and response from some companies. A listed company in the agriculture and animal husbandry industry has proposed that starting from this year, employees will be rewarded 30,000 yuan for their first child, 60,000 yuan for their second child, and 90,000 yuan for their third child. An Internet company has newly added maternity gifts, which are divided into three levels: 1,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan.

Experts suggest that a combination of measures should be taken to refine the implementation policy

How much and how to pay childcare subsidies? All sectors of society have different opinions and expectations. Yang Jianhua, president of the Zhejiang Provincial Sociological Society, said that families in different regions and with different incomes have different requirements and standards for childcare. The specific amount of childcare subsidies and the appropriate method to distribute them need to be accurately calculated by considering many factors.

In January this year, the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission launched a survey among some people of childbearing age - the "Zhejiang Province Questionnaire on the Cost of Raising Infants and Young Children Under 3 Years Old." One of the questions is, "Assuming that the government provides a monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan for the second/third child (from birth to 3 years old), would you be willing to have a second/third child?"

Yang Jianhua said that for people with different economic conditions, Groups, subsidies have different meanings. "For high-income groups, a monthly childcare subsidy of 1,000 yuan has a relatively limited incentive effect; for low-income groups, a monthly childcare subsidy of 1,000 yuan may be a very important financial support."

Many interviewed experts said that in the current population Under the severe situation of low fertility rate, it is necessary to introduce a childcare subsidy policy. It is necessary to make a good combination, further refine the policy, and ensure that the policy is effectively implemented.

Chen Jianfen, director of the Hangzhou Women and Children's Health Service Center, believes that it is necessary to further reduce the cost of childbirth, education, and raising children, and reduce the pressure and burden on young people; build a safe, convenient, and humane childbirth and childcare support environment, and improve the inclusiveness The development of public childcare services encourages employers to provide childcare services for employees.

The person in charge of the Hangzhou Family Planning Association said that childcare involves all aspects of life. It is difficult for a single policy to achieve its maximum effect alone, and a combination of policies is needed. At the same time, incentives can be used to strengthen positive support for local governments. Guidance, further research and exploration of effective ways to encourage fertility.

Huang Meimei, deputy to the National People's Congress and personnel specialist of Daoming Optical Co., Ltd., Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, suggested establishing and improving a cost-sharing mechanism for women's maternity leave, such as providing tax, financial subsidies and other rewards and benefits to companies with a certain proportion of female employees; clarify The source and payment standard of maternity allowances during maternity leave are paid from maternity insurance funds to reduce costs for enterprises.

Many interviewees suggested that the family development plan should be fully implemented, and the family-based employment, pension, housing, taxation and insurance systems should be explored and developed to effectively enhance family development capabilities.(Reporter Huang Xiao)

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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