During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh: "I can't

2024/05/2519:34:32 hotcomm 1342

Perhaps it is because spring is coming. At the beginning of March, good news came frequently from the entertainment industry.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

Two days ago, David Wu, and Papi Jiang announced the good news of becoming parents. On March 6, a 35-year-old Taiwanese actress also gave birth. Mother and daughter are safe!

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

This actress is named Arnold (original name: Tu Shan). She is a famous program host in Taiwan. She has appeared in many TV series. She has appeared in advertisements and MVs with Jay Chou , Jolin Tsai , Ellen Lin and so on. Celebrities have worked together.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

According to reports, 35-year-old Arnold was admitted to the hospital at 3 a.m. on the 6th to give birth. After 7 hours of hard work, he finally gave birth to a 3.4-kilogram daughter at 10 a.m. She had already given her daughter a cute name, Lilac Fish.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

Arnold heard that it would take a long time to give birth to her first child. In order to make the birth process smoother, she had always maintained the habit of exercising every day before giving birth.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

When Arnold was more than 6 months pregnant, her daughter was very lively and active in her belly, which made her, a pregnant woman who couldn't take any time off at all, put down all the announcements at hand to raise her at home because she was worried that she might give birth prematurely. When it comes to the fetus, everything is about the baby.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

The expected date of delivery of their daughter was originally March 11, but she unexpectedly arrived early. Fortunately, Arnold and her husband had been fully prepared since last week, so they were not caught off guard.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

When giving birth, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted painless delivery . However, because her daughter’s head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh: " Even after the painless injection, it was still very painful. I heard people say that every life of a pregnant woman saves another life. It turned out to be true. "

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

After experiencing the birth, Arnold proudly said: "After giving birth, even the doctor said that I was very good at exerting myself. It can be seen that practicing frog squats before giving birth is useful. "

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

When she saw with her own eyes that her daughter's overall color changed from purple to red, and then became more pink after being placed on the chest. She couldn't help but say with emotion: "It turns out that this is the wonderful connection between mother and child."

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

Arnold believed that childbirth was not the most difficult part, but it was the so-called postpartum pain that made her unbearable. "It's not an exaggeration, it really hurts! I didn’t even scream like this when I gave birth.” Being a mother is really not easy.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

During her delivery, Arnold's husband accompanied her throughout the entire process and recorded her delivery 's difficult journey with video. After receiving their daughter's gift, the couple couldn't help but be moved to tears. Arnold said emotionally: "I was in pain all over the video. "

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

Arnold and his long-term relationship Allen, a foreign engineer, have been separated for three years. In September last year, Arnold announced the good news of her successful pregnancy. However, her friend Xiaoyou pointed out that she had never met Arnold's husband in private and even suspected that she had a fake marriage.

During the delivery, Arnold followed professional advice and adopted a painless delivery. However, because her daughter's head circumference was too large, it almost got stuck. Arnold went through a lot of hardships to give birth to her daughter. The pain made her sigh:

Arnold explained that her husband is an outsider and has a shy personality, so he has not been exposed to the public. Xiaoyou even took Arnold's cell phone once to see if there were any photos with her husband, but found that there were none. This shows that she protects her husband very closely.

Today, the baby is born. I wish this family of three happiness and the child can grow up healthily!

#女星#, # giving birth to a baby#, #成马#

Author: Seventeen

Editor: Rapper Ah Zhi

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