Memories of real test questions and preparation experience. Select the phonetic pronunciation of Chinese characters, one article, and ten Chinese character vocabulary. There are many multiple-choice questions, which test grammar and are more basic. Just remember :とあって;

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Memories of real test questions and preparation experience. Select the phonetic pronunciation of Chinese characters, one article, and ten Chinese character vocabulary. There are many multiple-choice questions, which test grammar and are more basic. Just remember :とあって; - DayDayNews

2020 Japanese Research Center

Recollections of real questions and test preparation experience

Recollections of real questions

Basic Japanese

(70 multiple choice questions, most of the question types are very similar to N1)

1. Select Chinese Phonetic pronunciation, one article, ten Chinese character vocabulary. (10 points)

Basic Japanese Sprout をPicheり; Menghuang;

2. Select the Chinese characters of Kana, the same as above, the article about music. (10 points)

3. There are many multiple-choice questions, which test grammar and are more basic. (30 points)

only remembers: とあって; させていただきます.

4. Same question type as N1, with sentences in order. (5 points)

5. Same question type as N1. (5 points)

I only remember these two.

1.気 hang かり

家に帰ると子provided by はさっと聦いた.

Six, Entry Fill in the End (5*1 point)



A Sang's Italian daughter and son -in -law came to see her. When her daughter and son -in -law returned to China, she wanted to transport her son -in -law's luggage to Narita. At the airport, he was rejected by his son-in-law. The son-in-law said: "I feel sad when I think about the exhaust gases emitted by cars polluting the environment. I have the strength to bear it on my own." Then, she realized that the convenient life she took for granted had brought great harm to the environment. What’s even more sad is that there are many people like me. Finally, when it comes to such environmental problems, it is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the perpetrators.

This question has four questions:

1, four clozes

test word analysis, the test is very detailed, the two question options are exactly the same ところが;しかし;でも;なのに

2. What does the affectionate meaning in the article specifically refer to?

3. The son-in-law in the article refused something.

4. What have we lost?

8. Long reading

The main idea of ​​the article:

After the author came back from Switzerland and walked on the streets of Japan, he felt that the lives of the Japanese are very affluent now. The basis for judgment is that the Japanese are now very fat. The author believes that the reason is that people nowadays are used to overeating and , even some women who lose weight every day do this. In this wealthy life, many social problems have arisen, the most prominent of which is the psychological problem of Japanese society. The author focuses on a case of random murder of teenagers in Japan. The 15-year-old boy was born in a well-off family with a beautiful community environment. But this young man is mentally unhealthy... (omitted here, a message at the end of the original text is required) The author finally lamented that this was something that was really unimaginable in his poor era. ( Asahi Shimbun )

1. The same reading questions as the previous article. (five points)

There are two question options, the same test is こういう; こういった.

2. The lines from the belly, neck to cheeks are the signs. Tell us the signs of fatness and non-fatness respectively. Find them in the article. (five points)

3. Why are Japanese people fat? (five points)

4. What is the experiment of juvenile murder? (five points)

5. The word "通りががり" in the article refers to who kills whom. (five points)

6. Briefly describe these parts of the article. (10)

reality, reasons, social background, analysis, attention arousal.

Comprehensive Japanese

1. Five multiple choice questions (10 points)

1. The newspapers with the largest circulation: Yomiuri, Mainichi, Asahi, Sankei.

2, writers who have studied in the UK: Natsume Soseki , Mori Ogai, Nagai Kafeng , Tayama Flower Bag .

3. Which festival is held in Kyoto? Zhuanyuan Festival

2. Short reading, philosophy of life.

The main idea of ​​the article:

Our life consists of past, present and future. The only thing we can grasp is now. (Omitted here, please leave a message at the end of the article if you need the original text~)

1. Explain the following four words in Japanese. (All have appeared in the article)



Send to the port

2. 3. Three options are given for the analysis of specific sentences in the article.

4. Find the underlined sentences with opposite meanings in the text. (14 words)

3. Long reading

The main idea of ​​the article:

Humanistic education is very important. To cultivate humanistic education, you must read historical classics. However, the current situation is that this kind of books are not popular, and the knowledge and education of Japanese people are very lacking. Regarding education, I have to mention Iwanami Shoten. This publishing house has a long history and is an important milestone in popularizing knowledge. Today, humanistic education is equally important. It can help us solve practical problems in fields such as political history and broaden our horizons. For modern people, only by being proficient in a certain technology and possessing humanistic qualities can they do their job better. Therefore, we must read some best-selling books in modern society, and we must also read some classical historical books to improve our humanistic qualities.

1. The pronunciation of ten Chinese characters. 苏る

2. Choose the correct continuation word: One option is

3. Multiple choice questions: Analysis of the meaning of the underlined sentences.

4. What does humanistic literacy mean? (Within 50 words)

5. How does the author explain humanistic qualities? How to improve your humanistic quality? (Within 150 words)

Translation question - Japanese translation into Chinese (30 points)

The main idea of ​​the article:

Nowadays, young people are pursuing self-separation, but if you ask them what self-separation is, they cannot answer the answer. The answer given is just a synonym of "マイペース" which means "らしい". In fact, their behavior is just to liberate themselves from the existing roles of female らしい and high school student らしい, and to find a new role for the liberated themselves. They pursue self-isolation, but are afraid of being different from others. For example, young people nowadays like to say ordinary でいい.


composition is a choice of two, eight hundred words. (40 points)

private requestめる「自分らしさ」

private examinationえる「--らしさ」

Exam preparation experience

I don’t know if you have watched Quartet, but the moment I got the paper, the words "生は" popped up in my head. "まさか", I really got a good foundation in taking the test this year. Although the exams at Beijing Foreign Studies University are different every year, it can be seen from the memories of the real exams in the past few years that you must thoroughly study N1 and Special 8, lay a solid foundation, focus on reading, and practice your composition in a down-to-earth manner. No matter which school you are admitted to, please pay attention to the basics when reviewing.

Choosing a school

Choosing a school is actually quite time-consuming, and it is indeed very important. Many people like to ask. I think the most efficient way is to ask yourself, write down your needs, and then study the question-writing style of the target school. Some schools have a large proportion of translation, and some schools have literature and so on. Once you are determined, go ahead firmly.

Basic Japanese


I used Zhuanba's "Word Vocabulary" and memorized it three times in total. Of course, the first time should be memorized solidly, and the last time must be done one or two months before the exam. back. This book focuses on memorizing idioms and idioms. In addition, there is "Comprehensive Tutorial and Intensive Training for Japanese Professional Level 8 Examination ". I selected idioms and classical Chinese and memorized them. Memory Curve is highly recommended here. I discovered it when I followed Xu Tao and was involved in politics. I highly recommend it. I memorized the book

for about two months for the first time, and then borrowed the "Little Red Book N1-N5" from the library. The main thing here is to see whether the Chinese characters can be marked with kana, and whether the kana can be written in Chinese characters. requires Pay attention to long sounds, short sounds, unvoiced sounds, and voiced sounds . Of course, the meaning of should also be remembered by the way. Write down what you don’t know on A4 paper folded in half, and be sure to review it regularly. I memorized the vocabulary until December, but later I had to memorize politics and stopped memorizing it.

When you encounter words you don’t know when doing questions or watching the news, you can use Hujiang Xiao D to look them up, then save them and spend ten minutes every day memorizing them.


I haven’t read much about this, and I’m still confused. I don’t really recommend Zhuanba’s “Grammar Honorifics”. The grammatical analysis above is very detailed. Although it is rewarding to read it carefully, it doesn’t feel very pertinent. In addition, there are quite a few wrong answers.

In the later period, probably around November, I borrowed a grammar book and went through the grammar of N1 carefully. Mainly because my grammar is pretty good, so I didn’t do much practice. When doing questions, be sure to check more if you don’t understand. There is an app called "Grammar Cool" that does a good job in this regard. You can look up more relevant and confusing points, so that you can accumulate a lot of knowledge. The detailed grammatical knowledge tested this year still requires more attention and accumulation.


Reading is definitely a key point. I started reading 5 and 6 of the undergraduate textbook "Comprehensive Japanese" in April, one article a day. Although it is simple, it is still very good for practicing.

I will start doing the Special 8 questions in May, one set for about two days, and I can save two or three sets for November.

I started taking the real test questions of Beijing Foreign Studies University in June and took about a month. recommends writing in pencil. If you have time later, you can erase them and do it again.

I started reading "Selected Questions for University Entrance Examination - Modern Literature" in July, and there are about fifteen articles in total. This is difficult to read. But the answers are detailed, the selected articles are also very classic, and each article also provides a summary. It is recommended to write lightly with a pencil for the first time and then erase. Do it again in September, and then read it again in November. Summarize the central meaning and compare the answers.

Later, I also did the "Reading Chapter" of Special 8 and the N1 simulated reading twice. I had to do it at intervals. When I did it the second time, I basically couldn't remember the answers. Around mid-November, I took real reading questions from other schools. Basically, there were no answers, but the questions were all subjective, which was very suitable for the exam.

has a high reading score. Reading more Japanese articles will also be helpful for your sense of language.

Comprehensive Japanese

This year’s Comprehensive Japanese is also difficult to describe. In March, I read several books on general situation, history, literature, and economics, but in the end I just skimmed through them. Later, I started watching videos. Last year, I read the experience post of senior Xiaomizi, and downloaded a tryit (a Japanese middle and high school course app), which covers a wide range of topics and has clear knowledge points. I took junior high school geography, history, and high school history. Although it is more interesting than reading a book, it is very time-consuming and not highly recommended. However, the literary history part of high school history is pretty good and is also available on Station B. It is recommended to play it at double speed. In addition, the book "The History of Japanese Literature Confirmed on the 10th" is short and concise, and you can master the basic knowledge of literature in a short time.

B website NHK college lectures, this is about Japanese history, easy to understand series.

Although the questions have become more and more flexible in the past two years, and it feels more and more like the eighth-level exam, I think it is still necessary to master some basic knowledge of history, geography, and literary history.

Finally, I recommend a variety show called Qさま. It is a variety show that is very informative. If you have nothing to eat, you might be able to see the test center.


At the beginning, I referred to the experience posts of my predecessors and read some books on writing small essays, but I felt that composition is still suitable for simple and crude writing. At the same time, read more books, newspapers and current reviews, which is not only helpful for composition, but also for reading. I look at 天声人语 every day and remember the words I don’t know. Also, check to see if there is any good material. Even if it is one or two hundred words a day, write down your own opinions and feelings. But I didn’t last long, feeling like I’d run out of nonsense.

I really started practicing composition in July, one article per week. When practicing composition, you can just take a piece of blank paper and write about 1,000 words, because the final exam will also be a blank piece of paper. The composition must be corrected by foreign teachers. I have always felt that composition is quite metaphysical, and it is easy for people to have the illusion that I am good at writing. In fact, I didn’t want to bother the foreign teacher at first, and I wasn’t familiar with it, so I kept putting it off. It wasn’t until October that I felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, so I asked the foreign teacher to correct my essays, one article a week. It looks like that, so it hasn’t been changed yet. I really want to praise our foreign teacher, who corrected it very carefully and pointed out some collocation errors, more authentic Japanese expressions and suggestions such as using more continuation words. In addition, it is quite interesting to chat with foreign teachers when you have nothing to do.

The editor recommends everyone to read [Weekly Composition]:

Weekly Composition 20182019 Vomiting Blood Summary

Memories of real test questions and preparation experience. Select the phonetic pronunciation of Chinese characters, one article, and ten Chinese character vocabulary. There are many multiple-choice questions, which test grammar and are more basic. Just remember :とあって; - DayDayNews


In the Japanese translation for the two-year exam, you can actually translate Chinese into Japanese and Japanese into Chinese when preparing for the exam. Practice cross-training like this, one day a week To two articles. When translating , you need to reflect more and read the articles you have read before. This will make it easier to find your own problems and see your progress. Beijing Foreign Studies University's translation is indeed not difficult, but for words like this year's translation of "自分らしい、マイペース", it is still difficult to translate well in the examination room, so you need to practice more.

For Japanese-Chinese translation, I recommend Zhuanba’s "Translation Composition". Chinese-Japanese translation recommends Tianshengrenyu.

Ancient Chinese

This belongs to the scope of Buddhist exam preparation. Although there is no archaeology exam this year, the eighth-level exam is still required, so it cannot be said that it is completely useless. In ancient Chinese, I can actually memorize some basic words in September and October, and I can directly memorize the words in the special blue book, which is not very many. You also need to remember the meanings of various particles, which are more common in the eighth-level exam. In addition, if you have time, you can read the grammar class and the ancient Chinese class on Amway tryit, which are interesting and easy to understand.


This can also be used to prepare for the Buddhist exam. If you don’t have time to read it, forget it. If you have time, I suggest you take a look at some basic knowledge. "Japanese Grammar Grammar" has two books, upper and lower. These two books are really great. Many times, people use language sense to explain some problems. This book tells you the so-called principle of language sense. "New Japanese Introduction" is also a very classic linguistics book, but it feels a bit difficult to read. If you don't want to read it, it is also good to read "Japanese Introduction".


Because I studied science in high school, I am quite interested in politics. I read a bunch of experience posts, bought the Concise Lectures and 1000 Questions, and also watched Xu Tao’s video, but after doing 1000 questions I still made terrible mistakes. If you don’t have any foundation, it might be more efficient to study politics with a teacher. But this is also related to personal physique. I couldn't watch politics at first, and I was easily distracted. It's best for everyone to follow their own study habits.


When I learned in September that I would be taking the first English test this year, I felt very happy. Although I quite like the question-setting style of English 1, I made so many mistakes in the grammar questions when I was doing English 2 of Beijing Foreign Studies University that I cried. However, I did a lot of grammar questions and translations in the early stage, and I felt from the bottom of my heart that I was losing a lot.

If your English is average, you will definitely still have to memorize the words. I bought Zhang Jian's yellow book. After finishing a reading, I circled the words I didn't know in the analysis, and then copied ten words to A4 paper every day, and memorized them according to the memory curve. The effect was quite good. In the last month or two, it is best to memorize what you have memorized before. When doing English reading, it is best to do it with a pencil first, and you can do it several more times if you have time.

is written at the end

It is best for everyone to have a time plan when reviewing. The plan here includes phased planning and daily planning. Although may vary from person to person, having a plan can ensure that you have your own rhythm and will not be affected by others. In addition, try not to bring your mobile phone with you when studying. Write in a notebook all the words and information you need to use your mobile phone to search for, and find a time every day to focus on using your mobile phone to search.

Finally, during the preparation period, I read Senior Yu’s experience posts many times and also followed Weibo. But I don’t know why her Weibo has been cleared. Anyway, I wish her all the best. I have always been deeply impressed by the sentence "All efforts are interlocked" in the experience posts of my predecessors, and I also give this sentence to everyone. come on!

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