Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How

2024/05/2517:00:33 hotcomm 1144

came uninvited and rushed to answer a wave of questions.

How do newbies prepare for the exam? The question of

is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook.

Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam.

However, preparing and studying for the exam has never been difficult in planning, but in persevering.

How many people who vowed to learn Japanese well gave up before memorizing the 50 tones before even finishing the A line.

is very similar to memorizing English words. When you memorize English words, you abandon (give up).

Therefore, in addition to recommending teaching materials here, more importantly, recommends some methods to improve efficiency and assist persistence.

full text xxx words, here is the table of contents for your convenience:

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews1 teaching material

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews2 pronunciation

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews3 vocabulary and grammar

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews4 oral listening

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews5 test preparation sprint

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews6 auxiliary software recommendation

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews1 teaching material

For those who are self-study, I The more recommended one is "Standard Japanese Language》.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Standard Japanese

This book is basically a standard for all self-taught Japanese. It is related to life and can accumulate a large number of common vocabulary.

Moreover, because there are many people using it, it is easy to find relevant explanation materials online.

If you choose something less popular, you may really have to fight alone.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews2 pronunciation

If you don’t want to speak Japanese with an authentic accent, I think it is very necessary for you to pay attention to pronunciation learning.

A classmate of mine is very casual, and now he speaks Japanese with a bad taste.

Don’t ask me what it’s like to talk to him. I want to laugh but I’m afraid of being beaten to death.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

First of all, you need to pay attention when learning the five tones.

Don't be afraid of trouble. If you don't learn this well in the early stage, it will be difficult to change it later.

If you are self-study with your friends, you can correct each other.

If you are alone, that’s okay. You can use a tape recorder to record your own voice, and then compare it with standard pronunciation to correct your mistakes.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews3 Vocabulary and Grammar

Finally here, all the nightmares of learning a foreign language.

You don’t have to worry too much about vocabulary, because Japanese actually has a lot in common with Chinese, so memorizing Japanese vocabulary is definitely easier than English vocabulary. Here are some methods for memorizing Japanese words and grammar (quietly: in fact, memorizing other things is similar).

(1) Memorize

based on your own interests. Interest is the best teacher. Memorizing words itself is a very boring thing, but if you combine it with your own interests, it will be different.

I used to feel very annoyed when memorizing words, and then my friend recommended a few Japanese movies to me and gave me the Japanese scripts of these movies. That was the most comfortable time for me to memorize words, and I also memorized grammar by the way.

can be roughly divided into five steps:

1. Select a drama. I was recommended by a friend based on my level at that time, but if you don’t have a foundation, I suggest you pay attention to choosing dramas with , no accent, and slow-speaking life dramas when choosing dramas.

2. Watch the drama again and probably go through the vocabulary, grammar and plot. (Shout out: I usually read the plot, but I ignored the other two the first time.)

3. Read the script, find words and grammar that you don’t understand, and then mark them.

4. Read along with the subtitles and read while watching.

5. Just block the subtitles so that you can understand what he is saying.

If you like listening to music and watching TV shows, you can also use this method.

(2) Use it after you learn it, and teach it once you know it. The principles here are very simple, there are only two: output forces input, and Feynman learning method.

is roughly divided into three steps:

1. Join several Japanese learning groups in Tieba and Douban.

2. Also "shamelessly" communicate in Japanese in the group

3. "Shamelessly" say that you are awesome, and then when others ask you questions, you go check them out, and then teach them. (But don’t be too arrogant, you may get kicked easily.Don’t ask me how I know)

(3) Find a Japanese pen pal or boyfriend/girlfriend

Everyone knows the truth, but I also want to know how to do it.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews4 Speaking Listening

For Speaking Listening, you can also read along with some daily life-style Japanese dramas, animations, etc. The approximate time is controlled to about 20 minutes.

The general method is:

  • Read the plot on Monday; record the words you know in the play.
  • Read and follow on Tuesday, pause after listening to a sentence (with subtitles)
  • Read and read on Wednesday, the same old way, but this time there are no subtitles.
  • Week Four times of dictation, no subtitles
  • On Friday, there was no subtitles

I then recommended some warm and healing anime: "Blue Sea", "Sweat!" Fitness Girl".

If you also like these heartwarming dramas, please give them a like.

Their painting style is probably:

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

I made a mistake, here comes:

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews5 Exam Preparation Sprint

To be honest, if you read the textbook thoroughly, the exam should not be difficult, but here are some conventional review methods.

  • The Little Red Book reviews core vocabulary
  • The Little Blue Book reviews core grammar
  • Just brush the real questions + predicted questions once and it’s almost done

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews6 Recommended auxiliary software

(1) Teacher Lu speaks foreign languages ​​

is suitable for friends who want to learn on their own and are just getting started. There are three main advantages of


is first of all pronunciation proofreading. Self-taught people are prone to go wrong in pronunciation, because no one will correct you, and you don’t know if you are wrong.

But in "Teacher Lu Learns Foreign Languages" there are many places for you to proofread your pronunciation.

Just like when you practice the fifty tones, in addition to automatically reading the fifty tones (just press the triangle symbols next to them), you can also find your mistakes by recording and comparing them with the standard pronunciation. It also has the same function when practicing.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

There is also a situational dialogue. You can use a tape recorder to read along, and then correct your pronunciation by comparing it with the standard pronunciation.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Secondly, the design of the word content system is closer to life and will not make memorizing words seem so boring.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Oh, by the way, there is a "文/A" in the upper right corner when doing the questions. You can adjust whether to display Romaji and Hiragana. When memorizing, it is best to choose the mode without Romaji.

Of course, this is just a personal suggestion.

finally has a very detailed explanation of the grammar, which is suitable for self-learners who have a weak foundation. It is not said that after learning one knowledge point, you will end up not understanding more things. This will dampen people's enthusiasm for learning.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

(2) Moji Dictionary, Japanese Grammar Cool

Put these two together because their functions are basically the same, that is, when you encounter something you don’t understand, check, check, check.

is enough for newcomers who are just getting started.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

(3) The final highlight---Station B

My little standing in learning is definitely worthwhile.

recommends a few up masters here:

1. "Standard Japanese Explanation" by Mr. Ye Zijiang, a treasure video with over 10 million views.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

2. Ming Wangdao, an up master who will teach you from getting started to finishing. In addition to explaining exam skills and grammar points, he also memorizes words by watching anime.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

hero3046, live broadcast free teaching, will explain everything from beginner to N1.

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

There are also various Japanese dramas, and the small station is the best.

Finally, I hope everyone will remember their original intention of learning Japanese. I always keep it in mind. For Hashimoto Kanna , for Aragaki Yui, for Saito Asuka, for Kawabei Mayuko, for Moon Viewing Arisa, for Hirose Suzu, for Takei Saki, for Hatano...

Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

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Come uninvited and rush to answer. How do novices prepare for the exam? This problem is actually very simple. Just pick a good textbook and follow the rhythm of the textbook. Believe me, after you are completely familiar with a textbook, it is not difficult to take this exam. How - DayDayNews

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