Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S

2024/05/2509:49:32 hotcomm 1240

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and his current condition is stable. Since Lien Chan's hospitalization overlapped with the end of Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun's azimuth trip, the island's media interpreted it as that Lien Chan was hospitalized for gas disease because Zhu Lilun proposed that the " 192 Consensus " is a "consensus without consensus."

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S - DayDayNews

According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun’s visit to the United States, he proposed that the “1992 Consensus” was a “consensus without consensus.” The Kuomintang has never been a pro-China party, but a pro-American party. Public opinion believes that this is his latest cross-strait discussion and future line, and the KMT's line has changed from the earlier "pro-U.S. and China" to "pro-U.S. and anti-China". This not only made the mainland extremely dissatisfied, but also was criticized by the party for many of its references. .

Former Kuomintang Secretary-General Zhang Ronggong said that Lien Chan believed that the Kuomintang's cross-strait line was very clear, which was based on the "1992 Consensus", opposed to "Taiwan independence", and promoted cross-strait peace, common development, and mutually beneficial integration. This should be carried forward and strengthened, rather than Only by triggering unnecessary disputes within the party can it be beneficial to cross-strait relations and help the people live and work in peace and contentment. Zhang Ronggong said that Lien Chan attached great importance to Zhu Lilun's remarks during his visit to the United States. He believed that from the relevant cross-strait talks in 1992 and the exchange of letters and calls between the two sides, it can be known that only by recognizing and accepting the "One China" policy can a new era of cross-strait negotiation begin. . Therefore, Zhu Lilun must respect historical facts, otherwise it will cause instability in the Taiwan Strait and damage people's rights and interests, and all walks of life on the island have long been aware of this.

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S - DayDayNews

It is worth noting that Chen Shui-bian, the veteran "Taiwan independence" die-hard, once described the "1992 Consensus" as "a consensus without consensus", while Tsai Ing-wen replaced it with "the spirit of the 1992 talks". Zhu Lilun in the United States regarded Chen Shui-bian and Tsai Ing-wen These two sentences are used in English to describe the "1992 Consensus", which will inevitably cause confusion within the Kuomintang and all walks of life on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Kuomintang, said angrily that in 1992, in the consensus reached by the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait and the Straits Exchange Foundation, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait adhered to the one-China principle and conspired for national reunification. This was a black paper fact. How could there be "no consensus" "A word?" Hong Xiuzhu also warned that no matter how the Kuomintang's cross-strait discourse is adjusted, it cannot be separated from the Kuomintang's party constitution . Zhu Lilun should be cautious to prevent the route from deviating from the correct track.

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S - DayDayNews

In addition to Hong Xiuzhu, the other three former KMT presidents also criticized Zhu Lilun for denying the "1992 Consensus." Ma Ying-jeou said that the Kuomintang party platform and party constitution all show that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits should carry out exchanges and cooperation on the basis of the "1992 Consensus" and "anti-independence" instead of going against the grain. Jiang Qichen emphasized that the Kuomintang's "pro-Americanism" must be principled, rather than groveling and submissive to "flattering to the United States." Lien Chan also pointed out that the "1992 Consensus" is the "defining needle" for cross-Strait relations and the situation in the Taiwan Strait. The Kuomintang should insist on opposing "Taiwan independence" and promote cross-Strait peace and common development instead of causing unnecessary disputes. Some people point out that Zhu Lilun is an obvious political opportunist and is trying to please the Americans by blurring the "1992 Consensus" in order to get Washington to endorse his 2024 "election campaign" .

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S - DayDayNews

In response to Zhu Lilun's remarks, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also responded. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out that the "1992 Consensus" cannot be distorted wantonly, and reminded the Kuomintang to stand on the right side of history on major issues of right and wrong. As for Mr. Lien Chan being hospitalized due to illness, Ma Xiaoguang said: "The mainland is very concerned about Mr. Lien Chan's health and has expressed its condolences to Mr. Lien Chan and wishes him a speedy recovery and safety." Frankly speaking, although the traditional old-school Kuomintang has different ideas from the mainland, they have always been obsessed with one China and admit that they are Chinese. But the current Chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun, flatters the United States and fantasizes about seeking personal gain from the confrontation between China and the United States. He is an unworthy descendant of this century-old party.

Zhu Lilun falsely stated that the "1992 Consensus" is a "consensus without consensus" and does not intend to "compete" with the DPP. However, this is tantamount to losing oneself and moving closer to the political opinions of the DPP. This is obviously a mistake. This kind of political speculation reveals a sense of powerlessness and decadence. During Zhu Lilun's visit to the United States, he thought he had mastered the secret of dealing with the United States and balancing the mainland, but in fact he was tricked by the Americans who "took the lead." On the surface, Zhu Lilun seemed to have learned to flatter the United States and leverage its power, but in fact he began to deviate from his original political intentions and lost contact with the people. He initially wanted to do hard work but turned to playing tricks. The DPP authorities also use various superficial articles to cover up their inaction on the island's people's livelihood and development.

Recently, the 87-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang was reported to have suffered a minor stroke. Fortunately, his condition was quickly controlled and he is currently in stable condition. According to Taiwan media reports, during Zhu Lilun's visit to the United S - DayDayNews

In fact, both "clear independence" and "covert independence" are under the banner of serving the people of Taiwan, but if they want to cling to the lap of the Americans and engage in cross-strait confrontation, or even confrontation, they will harm the people on the island. Benefit. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities want to offer large sums of real money to purchase the U.S. military. The Kuomintang has set up a so-called "representative office" in the United States and does not dare to oppose the import of "Laizhu". Taiwan has become a dumping market for excess U.S. goods. , it is the well-being and vital interests of the people on the island that are ultimately harmed. As the old saying goes, whoever does good things for the people will always be remembered and praised by the people; whoever does bad things, the people will nail him to the pillar of shame in history and spurn him from generation to generation.

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