According to Taiwanese media reports, does the public dissatisfaction caused by Chen Shizhong have spillover effects? Moreover, now that we go out, everyone is eager to follow the hot pot and ask what to do if their elders or children are diagnosed?

2024/05/2509:40:33 hotcomm 1749

Source: Taiwan Strait Network

According to Taiwan media reports, does the public resentment caused by Chen Shizhong have a spillover effect from to ? Kuomintang Tainan City Councilor Xie Longjie believes that "yes", Zhai Shen Zhu Xueheng believes that "we will fight to the last soldier to overthrow the DPP" and "defend this homeland", "I am anti-DPP and I am proud !" He will also persist until the day of change!

According to Taiwanese media reports, does the public dissatisfaction caused by Chen Shizhong have spillover effects? Moreover, now that we go out, everyone is eager to follow the hot pot and ask what to do if their elders or children are diagnosed? - DayDayNews

Xie Longjie said in Zhu Xueheng's online live broadcast yesterday (8th) that every day at the grassroots level, he saw people voting for the Democratic Progressive Party. When they were wronged, they came to his service office. He was really helpless when he heard that, but Can't help him! However, the Green Camp holds huge administrative resources and controls the right to speak in the media. This is an "asymmetric war." Moreover, when we go out now, everyone is anxious to talk to the hot pot ants, asking what to do if their elders or children are diagnosed?

Zhu Xueheng emphasized that he believed in science and that the DPP authorities should not bluff them with false data. "I don't believe it!" "I will not be deceived by heresies." "We will fight to the last soldier." If we continue to fight today, If you don’t have the confidence to overthrow the DPP, then you can take it easy. As long as we stand on this land, we have the responsibility, courage and courage to protect our homeland. We can no longer let unscientific heresies erode knowledge day by day.

He said that the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan is so ugly now. This is not the Taiwan we love. "How are you going to take back Taiwan?" He said, "How are you going to take back Taiwan?" He said, "How are you going to take back Taiwan?" He met the Taliban class on the Internet, fought head-on, and debated. Make policy mistakes and attack the "ruling" party head-on. Every time you curse, move forward one point and win point by point. Don't give up!

Zhu Xueheng said bluntly that young people can be persuaded, are they living better now and have their salaries been increased? House prices are still very high. If it cannot threaten the "ruling" party and make it tremble, how can the "ruling" party serve everyone's interests? If you are just a "voter", you will never have a chance!

Zhu Xueheng finally said that he is "anti-DPP", "I am anti-DPP and I am proud" and he will persist until the day of change! (Source: Straits Herald new media)

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