[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en

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[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

Encounter · 1186 issues · 2002 articles

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and Industrial Internet

- Baoxin Software promotes smart manufacturing Practice and Think

Walk into the industrial software experience center on the first floor of Baoxin Software Youyi Road Base. On the display shelves are "China's Leading Industrial Software Enterprise", "National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise", "Excellent Industrial Internet Network" Solution" and rows of medals and trophies came into view.

These hard-won honors embody the hard work and dedication of Baoxin people in the field of industrial Internet, and record the exploration and gains of Baoxin people on the road of smart manufacturing innovation.

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

Data-centered Innovative overall architecture

Smart manufacturing combines the new generation of information technology with industrial manufacturing to drive further automation, digitization and intelligence in production, management and services. Speaking of the company's practices, Zhu Xiangkai, general manager and deputy party secretary of Baoxin Software , said: "Cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, high-speed mobile communications...the new generation of information technology is developing with each passing day. The steel industry is the most process-oriented In a manufacturing industry that is complex and involves many specialties and disciplines, how to effectively combine the two through collaborative innovation to form a new generation of overall solutions is the first task that Baoxin Software must complete. Fortunately, Baoxin Software has to complete the task. It has grown up with the world's leading modern steel conglomerate. Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can see further!"

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

In recent years, Baoxin Software has taken the opportunity of China Baowu's smart manufacturing construction and actively promoted it. Participated in the Baosteel Co., Ltd. smart manufacturing demonstration project, and gradually formed a smart manufacturing solution with the development direction of "green, high-quality, large-scale, online, intelligent, and networked", and formulated a "four The implementation path of smart manufacturing with the goal of "uniformity" means that all on-site control rooms are centralized, all operating positions use robots, operation and maintenance and monitoring are all remote, and all service links are online.

's "four unities" involve both on-site equipment and centralized control, as well as the collaboration and services of the steel ecosystem, and the concept of "cloud, edge, and end" in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's steel industry industrial Internet platform demonstration project undertaken by Baoxin Software Very close. Combined with project practice, Baoxin Software applies industrial Internet architecture innovation to the overall architecture planning of smart manufacturing, optimizing from the traditional five-layer architecture to a flat three-tier architecture, forming three levels of smart factory, smart operation, and collaborative ecology . "Smart manufacturing under the industrial Internet architecture emphasizes data-centered innovative applications, breaking our traditional system interface. It is a disruptive innovation!" Zhu Xiangkai was full of pride in his words.

Focus on the siteAchieve innovative breakthroughs

Baoxin Software adheres to technology leadership and innovation drive, actively participates in the smart manufacturing planning and demonstration project construction of each manufacturing unit, and fully supports the construction of the group's smart steel plant and steel ecosystem.

As of this year, Baoxin Software has undertaken the construction of more than 10 centralized operation control centers, more than 20 operation management and control centers and energy management and control centers in accordance with the requirements of the "Four Unities", achieving cross-level and cross-industry line, cross-regional, and cross-regional centralized control; more than 300 sets of industrial robots have been completed, and their application scope covers smelting, hot rolling, cold rolling, steel pipe, bar steel and other production lines; more than 230 sets of unmanned driving have been completed, including vertical/ Horizontal coil, cold/hot coil, slab, grab and other types; the construction of 6 smart material yards has been completed, and more than 100 unmanned stackers and reclaimers have been invested; there are more than 140 sets of intelligent surface quality inspection equipment and Flaw detection equipment has been put into use; more than 20 smart application scenarios such as smart quality, logistics and decision-making have been developed and developed; the network security system resists more than 10,000 external attacks every day. Baoxin Software has successfully implemented many typical cases and was successfully shortlisted for the "First Batch of Intelligent Manufacturing System Solution Supplier Recommendation Catalog" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

"Information technology is the tool and carrier through which management can be realized," said Qian Weidong, deputy general manager of Baoxin Software (Specialty) and general manager of the Smart Manufacturing Research Center. "Technological progress makes the impossible possible, making production, Management and service are faster, better, and more accurate. In order to truly connect steel with the wisdom of the Internet, Baoxin people have taken root in the field, focused on projects, and overcome every difficulty.”

Baoxin Software Intelligent Equipment Business Division. The steel product automated terminal project undertaken by Baosteel Co., Ltd. Ministry of Transport faces three difficulties: First, the technical difficulty is high. It is the first attempt and application of driverless large-frame vehicles in the industry, and there is no industry reference precedent; second, the project duration It takes only about 2 months from the arrival of the new vehicle at the site to the operation node. It is necessary to complete the single debugging, system joint debugging and trial operation tasks of 5 vehicles; thirdly, debugging is difficult. In order to ensure debugging safety and master the debugging of frame vehicles, With first-hand information, debugging personnel need to closely follow and debug every single movement and path of the vehicle. During the debugging of

, it happened to be the rainy season and high temperature weather in Shanghai. The project members walked up to 38 kilometers a day with the car. After drinking bottles of salt soda, they were sweating profusely. Their work clothes became wet and dry again. Project members joked that if we develop a "debugging robot" in the future, we will also make the debugging site smart and unmanned!

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

In terms of technology, the project team always encourages each other, does not complain or shirk, grasps every detail, and has successively overcome many new technical difficulties such as vehicle driverless control, vehicle optimization scheduling, 5G remote video, etc., ensuring that the project is smart and smart. The on-site production of Baosteel Co., Ltd. Baoshan base will be run online.

With "ONE MILL" as the core improves system capabilities

Since this year, Baoxin Software has further improved resource allocation, strengthened business coordination, and optimized smart manufacturing through measures such as establishing a smart manufacturing research center and establishing a smart manufacturing promotion committee. Manufacturing business promotion mechanism, and based on the company's future development, coordinate resources, and carry out top-level design of the overall architecture of smart manufacturing.

"Choosing the most appropriate technology and applying it to the most needed links in steel production to form a 'ONE MILL' solution is the constant pursuit of Baoxin Software ." Hu Bing, general manager of the R&D Department of Baoxin Software, said, "For To achieve the 'Four Unities', we are currently focusing on the research and application of seven core technologies, including centralized control technology, intelligent equipment technology, big data technology, artificial intelligence technology, mobile IoT technology, industrial network security technology, and virtual manufacturing technology, and continue to Improve and enhance smart manufacturing capabilities and solution levels. "

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

Technological progress provides more possibilities and options for management changes. With the advancement of smart manufacturing, while making the main steel industry production more stable and safer, product quality better and more reliable, production efficiency higher and costs lower, it will definitely bring about a lot of process reengineering and management changes.

For example, a large number of operating positions, technical positions, and management positions are replaced by intelligent equipment and systems. The production process or management process will become simpler and more efficient; through the integration of systems and data, production operations, equipment maintenance, and product technology will be promoted. With the collaboration of other positions, functional boundaries will gradually blur, positions will gradually merge, and their roles and responsibilities will also need to be redefined; after remote operation, remote operation and maintenance, and remote services are popularized, the existing production organization model, equipment maintenance model, procurement/marketing/ The after-sales service model will change accordingly, and the use of various resources, especially high-end talent resources, will become more concentrated and efficient; the comprehensive collection of production data and the flattening of the management system will help companies flatten their production organizations and management.

"With the support of smart manufacturing, the fourth phase of Baosteel Co., Ltd. Silicon Steel has eliminated branch factory and operation area management. Such changes are revolutionary for the main steel industry," Qian Weidong said, "On the other hand, In the process of promoting smart manufacturing, Baoxin Software is also facing changes. Optimizing the future steel enterprise automation and information system architecture from five layers to three layers is a self-innovation of our blade inward."

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNewshtml For more than 0 years, Baoxin Software 's manufacturing-related business departments have been basically divided according to majors. The solutions for informatization, automation and intelligent equipment are relatively independent, while smart manufacturing under the industrial Internet architecture puts more emphasis on Data-centered innovative applications will break the company's traditional system interfaces and department interfaces, posing new challenges to the company's organizational structure, project management, and business collaboration.

At the same time, in the process of further promoting smart manufacturing, how to combine them. The actual situation of user information system construction, effectively connecting the old and new system architectures, and creating maximum value for users are also important issues faced by Baoxin Software . In order to promote the implementation and promotion of the new generation system architecture, Bao. The R&D Department of Xinsoft has accelerated the research and development of technology platforms under the industrial Internet architecture this year. The smart factory platform iPlat and the smart operation platform ePlat will be launched within the year.

[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews[Energy people are all watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Encounter · Issue 1186 · 2002 Become the leader in the integration and innovation of steel and industrial Internet - Baoxin Software's practice and thinking in promoting smart manufacturing work en - DayDayNews

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Editor: bar puff

Picture: Baoxin Software provides

Produced by: Media Center

Disclaimer: The above content is reproduced from the friendly Baowu, and the content posted does not represent the position of this platform.

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