In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of "noisy" smell. Due to the epidemic and the shutdown during the rainy season, it seems that the whole world is undergoing renovations from July to now

2024/05/2316:58:33 hotcomm 1362

August has arrived again in the blink of an eye, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is filled with the smell of "noise".

Yes, it’s the season of decoration again.

Due to the epidemic and the shutdown during the rainy season, from July to now, it seems that the whole world is undergoing renovations!

works in a company and is drilling upstairs and downstairs. At home after get off work, decoration is going on everywhere in the community. The sound of decoration and drilling penetrated the walls and hit the minds of everyone in the whole building, making everyone restless.

A colleague of the editor who earns 3,000 yuan a month went crazy and said: It’s so noisy! I feel like my mind is spinning, I'm going to die suddenly at any moment, and I want to blackmail the company for a work-related injury fee (╬ ̄俣)...

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of

It's so noisy!

Yes, decoration noise can really make people die.

Since the rise of science and technology, environmental pollution problems have continued to increase. In addition to the haze that is visible to the naked eye, there is also a kind of pollution that goes with human beings. Although it is colorless and invisible, it relies on its skill to make people brave. Big "power" interferes with human daily life, threatens human health, and appears in your ears in a ubiquitous form. It is what you can hear almost every day - noise.

Noise, in theory, refers to sounds with chaotic changes in sound pitch and intensity, which sound discordant to humans. Generally speaking, any sound that interferes with our daily behavior can be called noise.

Noise pollution occurs when the noise is severe enough to cause adverse effects on people and the surrounding environment. It is no longer the naughty egg that affects our mood, because noise pollution has been listed as the third urban public hazard after air pollution and water pollution, and has become the executioner who directly "murders" our health.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of


The most direct harm caused by noise to human health:

Hearing damage

After people experience a period of strong noise, they usually feel uncomfortable in their ears and even have headaches. This is the legendary temporary hearing threshold shift, also known as auditory fatigue. If a person is exposed to such a strong noise environment for a long time, he may completely lose his hearing, which is called blast deafness.

Noise damages the sensory cells of the ear's sound-sensing organ ( cochlea ). Once the sensory cells are damaged, they will never recover.

190 decibels

causing death

140 decibels

The highest critical point defined by the European Union that causes complete hearing loss

139 decibels

The shouts of World Cup fans

125 decibels

The sound of jets taking off

120 decibels

Stay in this environment for more than one minute. Produces temporary deafness

110 decibels

The sound of propeller planes taking off, the sound of rock concerts

105 decibels

Permanent damage to hearing

100 decibels

The sound of pneumatic drills, the sound of compression hammers hitting heavy objects

90 decibels

Noisy bar environment sounds, electric saws cutting wood Sound

85 decibels and below

will not damage the hair cells in the cochlea

80 decibels

Noisy offices, sounds on the highway

75 decibels

The upper limit of human ear comfort

70 decibels

Street environment sounds

50 decibels

Loud talking sounds

40 decibels

normal Conversation sound

20 decibels


How the human ear feels about sounds at different decibel levels


Noise pollution increases blood pressure:

Even when people are sleeping

Jacob, the director of WHO Europe, has repeatedly emphasized: Noise pollution not only nuisances the environment, It is also a major threat to public health.

Noise pollution can raise high blood pressure and increase blood concentrations of stress hormones, even if the person exposed to the noise is asleep.People who have been in a high-noise environment for a long time have 2 to 3 times higher incidence rates of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease than people who live in a normal sound environment. has previously shown that for every decibel increase in urban noise, the incidence of hypertension increases by 3%.

City Express once reported a news. When Mr. Lian from Haidian District, Beijing, was installing a security door, the noise woke up his sleeping neighbor Li. An hour later, Li died unexpectedly. Li's family members believed that the noise caused Li's death.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of


Noise affects people's nervous system :

makes people irritable and irritable, and reduces vision

Because noise can directly reach the central nervous system of the brain, affects various organs in the body, causing headaches, brain swelling, tinnitus, insomnia, general fatigue and weakness, and Symptoms of neurasthenia such as memory loss .

Because there is a subtle internal connection between human ears and eyes, if noise acts on the auditory organs, it will also affect the visual organs through the action of the nervous system, affecting the human optic nerve. A survey showed that among 80 workers exposed to noise, 80% had reduced vision in red, green and white.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of


Noise affects children’s intellectual development:

Children’s IQs in noisy environments are 20% lower

A report published in The Lancet in 2005 pointed out that children who go to school near large airports have lower intelligence due to long-term exposure to aircraft noise. Development, especially reading ability, is affected.

In general, the intellectual development of children living in a noisy environment is 20% lower than that in a quiet environment. Their immune function is lower, their body consumes more nutrients, and their concentration is less. Concentrated and unable to devote full attention to studying.


Noise affects reproductive capacity:

Environmental hormones can cause endocrine disorders

Since 2000, some experts have proposed the "environmental hormones" theory, pointing out that there are chemicals in the environment that can affect human endocrine functions like hormones, and noise is one of them. A sort of.

It can cause endocrine disorders and lead to abnormalities in semen and sperm. Prolonged noise pollution can cause infertility in men; in women, it can lead to miscarriage and fetal malformations.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of


The impact of noise on life:

Disturbing sleep and communication

Human beings spend nearly 1/3 of their time sleeping. When sleep is disturbed, work efficiency and health will be affected. research results show that continuous noise can speed up the transition from deep sleep to light sleep, make people dream more, and shorten the time of deep sleep; sudden noise can wake people up.

The impact of noise on language communication comes from the impact of noise on hearing. In , you have to raise your voice so that what you say can be understood. In extreme cases, you may even have to pause the conversation. Communication can also be misinterpreted in noisy environments.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of

Research shows that below 30 decibels is a very quiet environment, such as broadcast studios, hospitals, etc., which should meet this condition.

40 decibels is a normal environment, such as a general office and should be maintained at this level. 50-60 decibels is a noisy environment. At this time, mental work is affected and conversations are also disturbed. When making a phone call, if the surrounding noise reaches 65 decibels, it will be difficult to have a conversation; if the ambient noise reaches 80 decibels, it will be difficult to hear clearly. When the noise reaches 80-90 decibels, you have to raise your voice to have a conversation from a distance of about 0.15 meters. If the decibel levels of noise were any higher, it would be virtually impossible to hold a conversation.

In the blink of an eye, it's August again, the temperature in the free shipping area is frighteningly high, and the air is full of

There is a decibel tester in the mobile app store that can measure decibels online

Ways to resist noise and seek quietness

Having said so much, what can we do now to improve our sound environment and prevent our health from being harmed?

First of all, if you encounter something that is too loud, don’t hold back and not speak up.

Communicate with the party making the noise.Let him understand and explain clearly to him that his behavior has caused a lot of inconvenience to others, strive for his sympathy and consideration, solve the source of the noise from the root, and exchange for a more lasting peaceful environment. Or ask law enforcement to resolve it. This is the solution to the noise problem, but it is also the most difficult to do.

In the national "Urban Area Noise Standard",

there are clear regulations on working hours and noise restrictions:

When carrying out interior decoration activities in residential buildings that have been completed and delivered for use, the working hours should avoid the period from 18:00 pm to 8:00 am. .

Sanatorium area, high-end villa area, high-end hotel area, 50dB during the day and 40dB at night (from 22:00 to 6:00 the next day);

Areas mainly composed of residences and cultural and educational institutions, 55dB during the day and 45dB at night;

Residential, Commercial and industrial mixed areas, 60dB during the day and 50dB at night;

industrial areas, 65dB during the day and 55dB at night.

If your neighbor exceeds this value, you can complain to the property management or relevant departments at any time. This is also a reminder to all friends who are undergoing or preparing to renovate, don’t accidentally do something that disturbs the residents. There is only one kind of decoration sound in the world that is not annoying, and that is the decoration sound of your own home.

Secondly, if the source of noise is unavoidable, or if they encounter someone who is unreasonable, most people choose to make something of themselves.

It is more effective to wear anti-noise earplugs. This kind of special material earplugs can reduce the intensity and decibels of sound when worn in the ears. Comparing with European and American countries, people are very aware of soundproof earplugs, and their use is relatively common. This method is also suitable for short journeys and transportation.

In addition, there are countless ways to "use poison to fight poison" in the world, and the same is true for noise. "Using noise to fight noise" is also worth a try.

white noise is a clean stream in the noise world. It can not only "remove noise", but also help concentration and sleep. White noise is even recognized as an effective treatment for neurological disorders such as psychosis, tinnitus, hyperacusis, and ADHD, and white noise at a certain volume can cure the mental concentration of some children with ADHD. obstacle.

White noise is mainly composed of sound waves of the same amplitude and different frequencies, and the human ear's acceptance and processing of audio is instantaneous and limited. White noise can be "preconceived", while other noises are largely separated outside the door, which has the effect of reducing noise. The effect of noise.

Friends who are annoyed by noise can try this type of noise reduction method and use white noise to help restore work efficiency.

Finally, the editor who is troubled by noise will end this science popularization with a soothing and relaxing white noise. Thank you everyone for your patience in reading~

Image source of this article: Photo Network

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