Yes, we are talking about the "SWAT" that was just released today. Film director Ding Sheng previously mentioned in the production special that he wanted to make an action police blockbuster that would please the audience. Obviously, "S.W.A.T." succeeds in achieving this goal. In

2024/05/2303:27:33 hotcomm 1995

Yes, we are talking about the " SWAT Team " that was just released today.

film director Ding Sheng previously mentioned in the production special that he wanted to make an action police blockbuster that would please the audience.

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Yes, we are talking about the

Obviously, "S.W.A.T." succeeds in achieving this goal.

In the early comments of the film, many people mentioned the joy of the film:

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Yes, we are talking about the

It can be said that "SWAT" is a unique action police and gangster commercial blockbuster on New Year's Day.

film director Ding Sheng has a distinctive creative style and mature shooting skills. His style can be summed up very simply - hard. Starting from the early " tough guy ", his works are always full of blood and hormones, and are the typical "straight man" movies:

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has hard-core fight scenes with endless tricks and punches; and , various half (xiu) fruit (chi) pictures:

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Another interesting thing is that of the nine films directed by Ding Sheng so far, six of them are action police and gangster themes, which shows that he is very interested in this kind of film. Type of passion and familiarity.

Although it belongs to the same genre, this "SWAT Team" can be regarded as a breakthrough:

On the one hand, the film breaks through the existing genre. It is the first action movie in the Mainland to feature the SWAT group as the protagonist, filling the gap. On the other hand, the style of the film is also a groundbreaking new attempt for Ding Sheng himself.

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In fact, on the basis of maintaining his own creative style, Director Ding Sheng incorporates different new things or new elements into each work:

In "Big Soldiers and Young Generals", he used comedy to tell serious stories. The theme uses small metaphors to bury the deeper and more complex core under the storyline;

blended toughness and tenderness in "Police Story 2013", and he also played documentary in " Save Mr. My " Style;

And this "SWAT Team" is, to a certain extent, Ding Sheng's greatest attempt at commercializing movies so far. Just like we mentioned before, the movie gives the audience a "refreshing and cool" look and feel. , largely comes from the ultimate audio-visual experience it provides people.

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Yes, we are talking about the

The action scenes of "SWAT" are just like a line that appears repeatedly in the film. It is visible to the naked eye that "funds are burning" - a lot of money was really spent.

Shooting, blasting, speeding, helicopter space, jungle off-roading, underwater fighting - three-front combat on land, sea and air. The director uses various tricks to film the fight scenes. There are even bigger moves hidden after the big move, so the audience does not have to worry about visual fatigue.

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Not only the scenes and types of action scenes, but also the way of shooting them also play various tricks.

Ding Sheng emphasized that more fashion sense was added to this movie. What is fashion sense? In addition to good-looking actors, lines and plots that cater to young people's tastes, it also includes the design of the film's pictures and lenses.

For example, this lens reproduces the combat scene from the first perspective:

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From time to time, it also helps you switch weapons and equipment:

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- it completely reproduces the CS-style game perspective, in order to give the audience a sense of immersion at the scene.

The cost of action scenes in "SWAT Team" is also reflected in the attention to detail in props and scenes. In the

video, there is a practical exercise that took place in a passenger aircraft cabin. In order to facilitate operation, the crew built a proportional A380 Airbus cabin in real life. The whole process took more than three months of design and took more than 80 days to complete.

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In terms of props, the existing advanced equipment of the Chinese special police was also displayed in a very "heroic" manner, and famous guns from all over the world were also arranged. Each piece of equipment has its origins and is specially designed for the characters and plot.

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To this end, the film specially invited firearms experts and frontline special police officers to provide guidance to ensure that the details are true and accurate.The leading actors also conducted fully enclosed training half a month before the start of filming. While experiencing the life of a special police officer, they also learned various gun-holding and fighting postures to get into the character state as early as possible.

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The ultimate audio-visual experience of "SWAT" also lies in the density of the film's action scenes.

Another major advantage of Ding Sheng’s previous film works is editing. His "Rescue Mr. Wu" was nominated for the Best Editing Award at the 2015 Golden Horse Awards, and also won the Best Editing Award at the 31st China Film Golden Rooster Awards.

It is worth mentioning that the editing of these videos was also made by Ding Sheng, and his style can be described as clean and neat.

The whole movie "SWAT" has a very fast pace, the story is not sloppy, and the plot density is also very dense.

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The film revolves around the daily training and characters of the SWAT team members. Ding Sheng set up many confrontational action plots one after another. Although

is full of intense action scenes, it is not like those previous "start to finish" movies. In the gaps between action scenes, the film also intersperses a complete type of story, focusing on SWAT team members and undercover agents. The tug of war with drug lords. This complete main story line connects seemingly independent and scattered action sequences, making the film's structure more compact and coherent.

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Not only that, the intensity and difficulty of each confrontation in the film is also gradual. From the arrest of suspects in a downtown disco, to the rappelling raid on a skyscraper, to the final battle on an isolated island, there are almost no cold spots or peeing spots in the whole process.

And this mission process from easy to difficult and more and more dangerous also implies the change of character relationship and the arc of character's personality.

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"SWAT" is not a popcorn movie with "all the fights". In addition to the ultimate action scenes, the film also has a soft emotional core. The most obvious one is the brotherhood that director Ding Sheng has always been good at.

In "SWAT Team", it seems that it is more appropriate to call team friendship. After all, this kind of friendship is no longer an interaction between male characters. With the addition of female SWAT team members in the movie, it crosses gender boundaries. However, the essence of these two emotions is the same, both about "protection".

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In daily training, the two teams of the SWAT team compete with each other and compete with each other. No one accepts the other. Challenges and confrontations are commonplace.

But on the real battlefield, the former opponents became comrades-in-arms. There is a line in the

movie, "Leave your back to me" - it is both passionate and touching. Giving your back to the other person means giving your most vulnerable weakness to the other person to protect you. There is a life-long friendship and trust between the SWAT team members.

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"Guardian" has two meanings in the film. One is the support and protection among the SWAT team members, and the other is their responsibility to ordinary people and their insistence on urban security. There is a line in the

movie trailer that says, "Chinese special police, protect you." You here are thousands of ordinary and ordinary citizens living in the city.

Yes, behind the quiet years, there are always people carrying forward the burden.

It is the mission of the SWAT team to protect the peace and quiet of the city.

The bright lights of thousands of families cannot be separated from their persistence day and night.

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"SWAT" presents the daily life of SWAT as realistically as possible. Its significance is not only to provide people with the ultimate entertainment viewing and blockbuster experience, but more importantly -

it allows the audience to understand these unknown things behind the normal operation of the city. Guardian;

It wants to tell people that behind every seemingly natural peace, there is the selfless dedication of the SWAT team members in the name of faith and mission.

And they deserve to be seen and remembered by more people.

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Therefore, "SWAT", a commercial blockbuster that combines entertainment, emotional connotation and practical significance, is certainly one of the best choices for this New Year's Day!

And our Taotao Movie Group, together with Taozi yesterday, enjoyed this cool, hard-core, passionate, and touching genre masterpiece in advance.

There is no way to stop our audience on weekday afternoons and in Beijing’s winter.

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Yes, we are talking about the

Looking at the queue, you should know how difficult it is to get our tickets.

All the main creators of "SWAT" were present at today's post-screening, and the lineup of fourteen people can be regarded as the best in the group!

To our surprise, T-bag, the well-known villain and star of the film, also came to the scene. He gave up Christmas and arrived in Beijing at three o'clock in the morning just to meet the first audience of "SWAT Team" ~

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Post-screening communication The content is very rich, let us see what our main creator said.

For Jin Chen, the only actress in the film, the training to play the role of a female special police officer was quite difficult:

"Before I went to the training camp, I thought it wouldn't be that hard because I had some dance foundation. But I started training After that, I really realized that it was so different. was the most painful period of my life. At the end of the training, my muscle lines had completely changed, and my biceps had everything. "

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" Director. Said, You have to stand among the men so that no one can tell that you are a woman, and you will succeed. "

When Jin Chen mentioned the training of 30 kilometers with a weight of 30 kilograms, she described the intensity: Several of us had protruding discs in our waists. Jia Nailiang immediately "claimed" them and joked, "This is me, I'm the only one", which caused a burst of laughter at the scene.

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As one of the protagonists of the film, Ling Xiaosu naturally had many fans here today. He also shared the most difficult part of making the film.

"The most difficult thing is actually because I am older, I am forty, but the real SWAT police are really young and strong.

I also have a waist injury, not only a herniated intervertebral disc, There is also lumbar muscle strain. In fact, I am surprised that I can survive this scene, because the SWAT training is really too intense.

So at my age, I feel like I can survive this scene.

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Some viewers are curious as to why Ding Sheng chose unconventional muscular actors like Ling Xiaosu, Jia Nailiang, and Zhang Yunlong to play the role of a SWAT team member.

director Ding Sheng said, "Before making this film, I had not watched any of their other works, and I was not disturbed by anything. I just looked at the actors themselves, and each of them was exactly what I needed. I think Let everyone see what men on the Chinese screen should look like. "

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Next, I will send you a group photo of this movie viewing group, a group photo scene full of the main creators ~

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Finally, let's see what the audience thinks of this movie. It's a movie~

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Yes, we are talking about the

Yes, we are talking about the

Yes, we are talking about the

Last of all, don't forget that today is the first day of the release of our "SWAT Team"~ Friends who are interested, don't miss this New Year's Eve movie!

Taotao Movie Group will warm you up~

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