Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the "Legislative Yuan" by Taiwan's defense department on the 9th, the defense department's contract for imported pork and processed products was agreed in February last year for a period

2024/05/2302:34:33 hotcomm 1326

Source: Global Network

Some netizens on the island recently broke the news that Taiwan Army Kaohsiung Zuoying Non-staple Food Supply Station uses pork chop products labeled Taiwan Pig on the outer packaging, but labeled American Pig on the inner packaging, which is questioned as the origin of American Pig. Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the "Legislative Yuan" by Taiwan's defense department on the 9th, the defense department's contract for imported pork and processed products was agreed in February last year for a period of two years until 2022. Year.

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

reported that Taiwan’s defense department and health and welfare department made a special report today (10th) on “the current implementation status and on-site practical verification of Taiwan’s military clothing sales stations and non-staple food supply stations” and prepared for consultation. According to a written report from the defense department on the 9th, the Taiwan Army Logistics Command has established a non-staple food supply center since 1990, responsible for coordinating the regular non-staple food for various troops and providing a variety of safe and hygienic ingredients.

reports that the imported pork and processed meat contract is from February 26, 2020 to February 25, 2022, the canned food contract is from August 26, 2020 to August 25, 2022, ractopamine ( Commonly known as clenbuterol ) should be "not detected". However, the report did not specify the number of American pigs consumed by Taiwanese military troops this year.

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

Qiu Guozheng (Photo source: Taiwan's "United Daily News")

"United Daily News" reported that the outer packaging of the pork chops at the Zuoying Non-staple Food Supply Station stated the origin of Taiwan, but the inner packaging marked "Pork Origin: United States", Taiwanese military officers and soldiers How many beautiful pigs did you eat? Qiu Guozheng said that every time the ingredients come into the auxiliary supply station, there will be a record, and the statistics are still being compiled. Once the statistics are completed, they will be announced to the outside world. In response to the report, it was revealed that the US pig had been opened in February last year, but at the end of the year it was still said to be using Taiwan pig . Qiu Guozheng said that so far, they have mainly used Taiwanese pigs, and they have not deliberately used American pigs because of the opening up, because the contract was signed long ago, and the contract was signed early last year, and (now) we are proceeding in accordance with the contract.

In response to this matter, some netizens on the island said that this made Taiwan's officers and soldiers feel extremely embarrassed.

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

Some netizens also questioned, "How can soldiers fight after eating poisonous pigs?"; "Without enemies, the DPP directly feeds poisonous pigs to the Taiwanese army?"

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

Some netizens sarcastically said, "Put inedible, rotten, unsaleable, All pharmaceuticals should be given to the Taiwanese military. The government’s behavior is...sad. It really treats human lives as experimental subjects.”

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

In addition, some netizens questioned the report’s failure to explain the number of American pigs used by the Taiwanese military this year. "Is the imported quantity a secret? Why don't you say it? Or is it so much that it would scare people to death?" "How many Lai pigs are there that you can't see?"

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

"'Not detected' means there really is no clenbuterol, or the inspection technology is not good enough. , can’t be detected?” Some netizens ridiculed, “There is another kind of fish meat. The meat used for inspection is different from the meat actually sold. In other words, some meat without clenbuterol is specially used for inspection. The possibility of this happening is extremely high with the cooperation of the DPP government from top to bottom.”

Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on May 10 that according to a written report sent to the

A netizen who is suspected to be a naval officer posted a message on the Facebook fan page “Mr. Beibei” on the 3rd of this month, saying that Kaohsiung is left behind. The battalion auxiliary supply station supplies "imperial muscle pork chops" from a certain food factory for the army. The outer packaging of the product indicates the country of origin is Taiwan, but the internal packaging indicates the country of origin is the United States.

Taiwan’s defense department has stated that the Taiwan military will follow Taiwan’s food regulations and give priority to “encouraging” Taiwan’s locally produced pork in the supply of non-staple food to the tri-service troops. Defense department spokesman Shi Shunwen claimed on the 4th that Taiwanese military meals do emphasize that Taiwanese pork is the main ingredient, but if manufacturers participate in the bidding, meet relevant specifications, and the products are qualified, the defense department will require them to indicate the place of origin in accordance with the regulations of the health and welfare department. , everything is implemented in accordance with regulations. Shi Shunwen also presented the inspection report and said that in order to protect the health of officers and soldiers, the Zuoying Deputy Supply Station sent the meat for inspection on March 11, and it was determined that it did not contain clenbuterol and that the product labeling also complied with regulations.

Regarding Taiwan’s defense department’s admission that pork chop products are produced in the United States and processed in Taiwan, some netizens on the island once said that the pork is now imported and sent to the military camp. Some people lied from the beginning. Who would believe that there is a ractopamine in the pork.

Taiwan has opened up to Lai pigs (American pigs containing ractopamine) since the beginning of this year. Taiwanese media have previously reported that Taiwan’s imports of Lai pigs have continued to be 0 in the past four months, but pork imports from the United States have amounted to 1,068.31 tons. (As of the morning of April 15th). Taipei City Councilor Zhiqiang once posted on Facebook that everyone in Taiwan has become jealous after hearing about American pigs. The pork on the street is stamped with the label of being produced in Taiwan. No store dares to advertise that it sells American pork, but " According to the data released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are still thousands of tons of American pigs imported, which puzzled Luo Zhiqiang. He bluntly said where all the pork went. [Global Network Report]

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