Text丨Xinzhi Business Observation The "Double 11" of 2020 has finally passed, Tmall is approaching 500 billion, JD.com has exceeded 270 billion, "another record" and "increased 20 times year-on-year". Battle reports released by major e-commerce platforms Behind the carnival that o

2024/05/1800:43:33 hotcomm 1663
Text丨Xinzhi Business Observation The

Article丨New Knowledge Business Observation

2020's "Double 11" has finally passed, Tmall is approaching 500 billion, Jingdong has exceeded 270 billion yuan, "new record" and "increased 20 times year-on-year" major e-commerce platforms The rush to publish battle reports has overwhelmed the circle of friends. Behind the carnival, this year's Double Eleven has really left many people confused.

"Double 11" is already twelve years old. If you are a teenager, you should be at a sensible age, but it also means that it has entered the youthful rebellious period, making you increasingly confused.

Rules Chaos

Different from previous years, this year all major e-commerce platforms have extended the Double Eleven front to the end of October. After the original pre-sale started, payment could only be made on November 11th. On the basis of this, an additional 10 From November 31st, November 1st to November 3rd, November 11th, the pre-order time lasts for nearly half a month and the payment time lasts for a total of 4 days.

is a change in this rule. According to the platform, it has brought about many explosions in marketing, but it has also made many people unaccustomed to it, including both consumers and many businesses. Xiao Liu, a consumer of

, encountered the trouble caused by the uncertainty of rules. To decorate their house, they wanted to take advantage of Double Eleven to buy all the home appliances at once. The couple started planning in mid-October. They compared three mobile phones at the same time on Tmall, JD.com, , Suning.com , and before October 31st , had already put it in the shopping cart, but the two of them were worried about the payment time. They didn't know whether November 1st or November 11th was better. After struggling for a long time, I finally decided: "It is better to wait for 11·11, the price will be better."

But during the nearly half a month of waiting, Xiao Liu's heart and the price of the product went up and down like a roller coaster.

takes a certain brand of air conditioner as an example. In the first phase, before October 28, the original price is 3,399 yuan/unit, and the deposit paid in advance on October 31 and 11.1-3 payment is 3,199 yuan/unit. But a few days after the first stage, Xiao Liu suddenly discovered that the original price of the air conditioner had been mentioned at 4,699 yuan/unit, and on November 11, the official day, it cost 3,399 yuan/unit after all the coupons were collected.

Text丨Xinzhi Business Observation The

The unpredictable development of the situation made Xiao Liu completely confused. Some products are cost-effective to pay on November 1, but some are still cost-effective to pay on November 11. He also asked the merchants, and some merchants said that the price is the same in the two stages, and there will be a price guarantee. However, some merchants said that the specific situation may not be known, and customer service cannot tell which stage is more cost-effective. They have to wait for notification from the company, which can usually only be known two or three days in advance.

"This Double Eleven was split into two parts, which added three days, but it did not bring much benefit. Instead, it caused a lot of trouble. After a long time of effort, I spent more than 2,000 yuan more." Xiao Liu said that this Double Eleven Eleven was the most dizzying time for him.

Not only consumers, but also some e-commerce companies themselves are not sure how to play the two "Double 11".

Auto supplies operator Lao Qin is also a little confused this year. In previous years, there was usually no time to prepare for Double Eleven from the end of October or even into November. At this stage, merchants will indeed cancel some usual discounts or adjust product prices. Therefore, in previous years, the business started to decline from the end of October, and consumers were waiting for 11.11 to focus on consumption. However, for this year's two-stage Double Eleven, he began to prepare in mid-October, adjusting prices, formulating preferential policies, and whether to unify the activities or conduct them in two stages. The performance of the entire October was almost wasted. In previous years, some consumers could not wait for the Double Eleven event, but now they will wait for the first phase of the event. Some consumers will relapse after passing the first stage, either finding a more favorable counterpart, or continuing to wait for the second stage. There are also consumers who are looking around and can't make up their minds. Just looking and comparing, 50-60% of these customers will eventually be lost.

How to play chaos

Double 11 is Tmall’s home field, and 6.18 is JD.com’s position. The understanding is increasingly weakened. Various e-commerce platforms have joined in the melee, but consumers have found it difficult to get the best discounts. The degree is also getting bigger and bigger.

In previous years’ e-commerce promotions, cash discounts, red envelopes, and full discounts were all offered.

But with the rise of and Pinduoduo , there are more and more ways to play in groups, help, etc. The overall idea is to let consumers spend more time and win over more people.

This year, Zhang Fan often received various WeChat messages and text messages, almost all of which were messages asking for help. He was even inexplicably pulled into a cat-raising support group. Everyone sent each other links to ask for help. The messages continued almost all day long. As a last resort, Zhang Fan finally quit several groups and blocked several unfamiliar contacts.

The cat-raising group mentioned by Zhang Fan is a game called "Super Star Cat Show" launched by Tmall on Double Eleven this year. You can earn meow coins by watching advertisements, asking friends to help, etc., and consume a certain amount of meow coins. Feeding the cat can upgrade the "Xingxiu Cat" and receive Tmall red envelopes. "Xingxiu Cat" can also form a team when it reaches a certain level. A group of five people can compete in PK. If you win the PK, you can get more Tmall red envelopes.

Text丨Xinzhi Business Observation The

In addition, this year’s “Double 11” Tmall also designed various ways to play such as “top-up shopping gold”, “membership red envelope”, “sharing red envelope”, etc. The usage of the red envelopes obtained is different, some are used for fast-moving consumer goods, and are useful Some are for 3C products, some are for food, and I don’t know if the red envelope I got after spending a long time is worth it. Zhang Fan found that he was holding dozens of coupons of various types in his hands, but in the end, few of them could be used.

Of course, in addition to Tmall, there are also many activities on other platforms.

Suning.com has set up a Xiaosu Farm, where you can grow and steal vegetables and invite friends to win props and earn gold coins. The end result is that the more you play, the more you earn, and the more opportunities you have to redeem or win 0 yuan purchases.

Jingdong has Dongdong Farm, where you reap what you sow.

Pinduoduo is a multi-pronged approach of Duoduo Orchard, Duoduo Love Elimination, and Duoduo Ranch, which is dazzling.

Zhang Fan said that he usually never pays attention to these games when shopping on e-commerce platforms. Although they all use the banner of "getting it for 0 yuan", everyone also understands that wool harvesting also pays attention to cost performance. This method of harvesting is too low cost performance and time-consuming. , troublesome, laborious, not cost-effective at all. "Not many people have the spare time to spend several hours a day on 'planting trees' in order to get 2 pounds of free oranges for a month." But when Double Eleven comes, these tricks suddenly become popular. The joy of shopping is no longer pure, it has added more social elements, and it even once made people feel helpless about "social fear".

Zhang Fan feels that it is a bit like collecting blessing characters and grabbing red envelopes during the Spring Festival, when everyone forms a group to help each other. "But at that time, everyone was very relaxed and just had fun. But now, often when working, messages for help come one after another, which delays things." Zhang Fan said frankly that starting from Pinduoduo, he started to join groups and help each other to negotiate prices. It has become a "disturbing" behavior. This year everyone has started to play. This kind of information is almost the same as spam. "I don't want to read it at all, but I don't dare not to read it. I don't know who is so free and spends a lot of time on this kind of gameplay." . ”

Mental Chaos

Shopping and entertainment began with Tmall, but “Maowan” encountered major challenges this year.

This year, Tmall Double 11 Party, Pinduoduo Super Night Party, JD Double 11 Party, and Suning Super Show will be held at almost the same time on the evening of November 10th on Dragon TV , Zhejiang TV , Hunan TV , Jiangsu Satellite TV , and Beijing Satellite TV were staged simultaneously. Suning.com even held an extra party on Zhejiang Satellite TV on October 31.

There are five major TV stations and four TV stations with gala shows, "king bombs" are constantly happening, and the lineup is comparable to the Spring Festival Gala, but the effect is greatly reduced.

"My TV shows Maowan, my mobile phone shows Suning Super Show, my husband's mobile phone shows JD.com's party, and my iPad shows Pinduoduo's party. Let's see which one is better." Zhang Fan said that this year's Double Eleven is better than in previous years. It was fun, but it was also dizzying and troublesome. I didn’t know which one to watch. Not only did I not grab any red envelopes, but I also had to figure out which activities were cost-effective while watching the party, jumping between live broadcasts, shopping carts, and merchants.

Text丨Xinzhi Business Observation The

This year, e-commerce platforms have used live streaming as a battleground. Taobao Live data shows that merchants’ self-broadcast GMV accounts for more than 60%, the number of live broadcast merchants covered increased by 220%, and Taobao Live has created more than 4 million job opportunities.This year, more than 300 celebrities and 400 CEOs entered the live broadcast room. In addition, the real-time ranking of the experts on the day they brought the goods, Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi ranked first and second.

Suning.com also had 2 super show live broadcasts, 13 super buyer live broadcasts, more than 200 IP celebrity live broadcasts, more than 2,000 themed live broadcasts, more than 3,000 brand live broadcasts and more than 50,000 "stores" during Double Eleven. Broadcasting" and "village broadcasting". JD.com not only holds celebrity live broadcast parties, but also hundreds of live broadcasts of celebrities and CEOs. As of noon on November 10, JD Live offline store live broadcasts are said to have covered more than 150 cities and nearly 10,000 stores.

Xiao Dai’s family bought the most things for their children on Double 11 this year, except for some cosmetics bought by the wife. However, the couple never watched a live broadcast, nor did they buy anything by watching the live broadcast. "A live broadcast can often last two hours. With such a high-intensity and high-density live broadcast frequency, it doesn't make much sense whether you watch it or not. Besides, which one should you watch?" Xiao Dai said frankly that watching live broadcasts can be regarded as a kind of entertainment. Occasionally, there will be celebrities. Bringing goods brings a sense of freshness, but during Double Eleven, there is no other adjective besides "chaotic".

"If I had to find another word, it would probably be - 'annoying'."

Lao Qin simply gave up on live-streaming sales on Double Eleven this year," although looking at the data of various live-streaming sales in news reports , but “that has nothing to do with me, and it’s not our positioning. Lao Qin said frankly that he once thought that live broadcasting could bring new growth to his store, so he started live broadcasting in a hurry and invested tens of thousands of yuan in equipment and live broadcast rooms. However, after trying several times, he found that he failed to achieve the results he expected. The effect.

“A small store like ours cannot compete with the big players. Live streaming does bring a lot of traffic, but not to small businesses like us. "After a stressful period of time, Lao Qin is now convinced that he has returned to his original intention. Live broadcasting is not something that cannot be done, but cannot be impetuous and blind. E-commerce is ultimately about sales. The first thing is to look at the product, the second thing is the price, and the third thing is the service. .

"Form is just the icing on the cake, not the decisive factor. The original intention should not be messed up. "

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