The teacher said that there is no No. 11 bus in Nanning. He said it was because the bus used to carry dead people. I believed it. I was only 11 years old at that time. The teacher said this when I was in an interest class.

2024/05/1720:59:33 hotcomm 1528

The teacher said that there is no No. 11 bus in Nanning. He said it was because the bus used to carry dead people. I believed it. I was only 11 years old at that time. The teacher said this when I was in an interest class. - DayDayNews

Our teacher told us a supernatural story before. I don’t know whether it is true or not. The teacher said that there is no No. 11 bus in Nanning. He said it was because the bus used to carry dead people. I believed it. I was only 11 years old at that time. The teacher said this when I was in an interest class. Okay, no more talk, let’s read the article!

It was a dark and windy night. Hasumi found that not only was there no one inside Kisaragi Station, but the outside was also empty after leaving the station. She could not find her location even if she searched on her mobile phone. Confused, he asked his family for help, hoping to call the police, but the police regarded him as a prank call because there was no such thing as Kisaragi Station. There is an urban legend that has been circulating for several years on the

Japanese forum website 2ch. When a man was riding a train late at night, he accidentally caught a ride at a non-existent station "きさらぎ駅" (translation: Kisaragi Station); at first he was very enthusiastic I immediately shared what I saw at the station with 2ch netizens, but I didn’t expect that my whereabouts would be unknown in the end...

This incident happened in 2004. A man named Hasumi boarded a tram at 11 o'clock in the evening and passed by near After driving for 20 minutes, he left a message on 2ch in confusion, saying that this bus usually stops in 7 or 8 minutes, but today it took a long time to stop. Some netizens suggested asking in the conductor's office. Hasumi followed suit but received no response from the conductor. However, after the train passed through an unfamiliar tunnel, it stopped at "きさらぎ駅" at 12 o'clock in the morning.

Hasumi found that not only was there no one inside the station, but the outside was also empty after exiting the station. He could not find his location even if he searched for it on his mobile phone. Confused, he asked his family for help, hoping to call the police, but the police regarded him as a prank call because there was no "きさらぎ駅" station.

As the time got later and later, Hasumi continued to chat with netizens on 2ch. He left a message at 2 a.m. saying that the sound of bells and taiko drums came from nearby, and a man with one leg appeared. Netizens suddenly realized something was wrong and asked Hasumi to quickly follow the tunnel and leave the area around the station. After Hasumi walked out of the tunnel, he ran into someone else, who kindly offered to give him a ride for free.

Ignoring netizens' attempts to stop him, Hasumi got into a stranger's car and left his last post at 3:44 a.m. He said: "The driver drove the car up the mountain and remained silent. I planned to take the opportunity to escape. "But since then, Hasumi has never posted on 2ch.

Japanese netizens analyzed from the photos that the license plate style of "きさらぎ駅" belongs to the Kansai region.

Recently, another netizen visited "きさらぎ駅" and posted photos of the station and the train on Twitter. The visitor pointed out that he was taking a train in the Kanto region, and after passing Chiba, he realized that he had arrived at a strange station; the time here was more than an hour faster than on the Internet, and there was clearly something reported in the Kanto region that night. A magnitude 5 earthquake occurred, but he didn't feel it at all.

Fortunately, the second visitor left "きさらぎ駅" smoothly. After he entered a supermarket, the station disappeared silently. Later, when he checked the ride information on the ticket card, there was no "きさらぎ駅". Outbound records.

Some netizens compared the photos he uploaded and found that the station's stop sign style actually belongs to the Kansai region, and the trams are not the type of trains near the urban area; some netizens think this is just a boring joke, but others firmly believe that The two "victims" did indeed enter the parallel space of "きさらぎ駅".

Of course, the earth is round, such as the story of Kisaragi Station. There are similar stories in urban legends in other countries. The only difference from Kisaragi Station is that these stations exist, but some incredible cities appear. legend. Here I have compiled some of the more popular urban legends to share with all my friends.

Let’s first talk about the missing stations in Hong Kong. According to reports from some Hong Kong paranormal programs, there are three stations in Hong Kong that have never been used.Friends who have been to Hong Kong or locals in Hong Kong know that Sheung Wan Station is the last station of the Western Line on Hong Kong Island, but there is Western District behind the Western Line. Why is it not extended to Western District? On the surface, the official pointed out that the geology of this area is unstable and difficult to build, but in fact, unofficial data from some forums or TV shows that when the tunnel was dug, insufficient work was done on the station behind it (meaning the groundbreaking ceremony or religious ceremony, etc.) , dug a tunnel to the underworld; therefore, at the station behind, there are often some ghosts waiting for the train. However, it has recently been reported that the MTR Corporation has restarted construction. Instead, the last newly opened station is next to the famous High Street Haunted House. Whether new urban legends will spread depends on whether the MTR Corporation can handle these ghost haunts. ghost.

has a similar story in Cincinnati, USA. A female passenger who was on a business trip to Cincinnati walked to the subway station in Cincinnati after a meeting and wanted to take the train home. After the train arrived, due to overtime work, she was so tired that she leaned against the corner of the train to rest as soon as she got on the train. Later, when we arrived at a certain station, three young people came up and sat down opposite her. When she heard some noise, she opened her eyes slightly and looked at the three people opposite her. Then she closed her eyes again and continued to sleep.

The train arrived at the next stop, and suddenly a homeless man came in. He looked around, then plopped down next to the female passenger. The female passenger was awakened. When she was about to get up and walk to another seat, the homeless man whispered in her ear: "Miss, for the sake of God, you must get off with me at the next stop."

When the train arrived at the next station, the female passenger found it strange that she really listened to the homeless man's words and got off the train with him. When she walked out of the subway station, she asked the homeless man: "Why did you ask me to get off just now?"

The homeless man showed his broken teeth and smiled: "Miss, you are not from Cincinnati."

"How do you know? ?" the female passenger asked suspiciously.

"Because the station in Cincinnati is abandoned and has never been used." The homeless man laughed, "The train you just got on is not an ordinary train. Only outsiders will get on it. I don't know where it comes from and where it goes. , but every time someone from outside the city boarded the bus by mistake, I would go up and ask them to get off as soon as possible. "What about the three young people sitting opposite me?" The female passenger suddenly got goosebumps all over her body, "Why didn't you ask them to get off?" Get off the train together. "

" Those three?" The homeless man shook his head, "I told them last time, but they didn't listen to me and continued to ride the train; from now on, whenever this train appears, they They all get on the train at the same station, and I no longer know whether they are humans or ghosts. "

Regarding the urban legend of this disappearing station, Tom Moran, the editor-in-chief of the well-known UrbanGhost website, commented that when each station is built, it needs to rely on people. Human qi (similar to yang qi) is used to maintain its circulation (similar to vitality). When the station is deserted and there is too much yin qi gathered, many unexplainable phenomena will naturally occur. Shawn is very satisfied with this explanation. Just like some abandoned houses or temples, there are also many supernatural incidents reported.

The story of Cincinnati in the United States suddenly reminds me of the mysterious incident on Beijing’s No. 330 bus for some reason (Xiao Mi’s previous story was about the mysterious No. 375 bus in Beijing):

Late at night on November 14, 1995, the night was already very deep and cold. , the wind is also very strong. A bus slowly drove out of the Old Summer Palace Bus Terminal and parked slowly next to the South Gate Bus Stop of the Old Summer Palace. This is the last train of the night.

There was an older driver and a young female conductor on the bus. After the door opened, four passengers got on. A young couple and an elderly lady, including a young man. After they got on the bus, the young couple sat intimately in the double seat behind the driver, while the young man and the old lady sat in tandem on the single seat on the right side near the front door. The car started moving, heading towards the terminal, Xiangshan...

The night seemed even quieter. All that could be heard was the roar of the engine, and there were almost no passing vehicles or pedestrians on the road. Because it is very cold late at night in Beijing in November, not to mention on such a remote road section.(This section of road was indeed very remote at that time.) The car continued to move forward and passed about two stops. Just after passing Beigongmen Station, which was more than 300 meters away, everyone heard the driver suddenly curse loudly: "Normally you can't even see a ghost at this time. What a fucking ghost today, damn! I'm not waiting for the bus at the station. .”

At this time, everyone saw two black figures waving to the vehicle 100 meters away. Just listen to the conductor say: "It's better to stop! It's so cold outside, and besides, ours is also the last bus. (Note: At that time, this was the only bus on the Old Summer Palace-Xiangshan section, and it was so late. Taxi The driver would never drive on such a remote road)”

The car stopped and two more people got up. No, it should be three people to be exact. Because one of them was being held up between them, they didn't say a word after getting in the car, and the man being held up had his hair disheveled and his head hanging down. The other two were wearing long robes that looked like official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty, and their faces were pale. Everyone was frightened and looked nervous. Only the driver continued to drive forward. At this time, the female conductor said: "Don't be afraid, everyone. They may be filming a costume drama nearby. They are probably all drunk." , I didn’t even have time to change my clothes.”

Everyone regained their composure after hearing what she said. Only the old lady kept turning her head and looking seriously at the three people sitting at the back. The car continued to move forward...

After about three or four stops, the road was still quiet and the wind was still strong. Not to mention that someone else got on the bus. The young couple had already got off the bus at the previous stop; the driver and the conductor were chatting and laughing. At this moment, the elderly lady suddenly stood up. She stood up and frantically hit the young man sitting in front of her, yelling and cursing that the young man had stolen her wallet when they got into the car. The young man got anxious, stood up and scolded the old lady: "You are so old, why are you still slandering others!"

The old lady did not say anything, glared at the young man with her eyes, and grabbed the collar of his shirt with her left hand. Just don't let go. The young man was so anxious that his face turned red and he was speechless. The old lady opened her mouth and said, "There is the police station in front of us, let's go there to make an evaluation!" The young man said anxiously: "Just go, no one is afraid of anyone!"

The car stopped, and the old lady grabbed the young man and got out of the car.

They looked at the bus that had gone away, and the old lady let out a sigh of relief. The young man said impatiently: "Where is the police station!" But the old lady said: "What police station is it! I saved your life!"

The young man said puzzledly: "What order did you save me! What should I do? "Isn't it good?"

The old lady said: "The three people who got in the car just now are not people, they are ghosts!"

The young man said: "Are you crazy?" The young man turned around after saying this! About to leave.

The old lady said, "It's okay if you don't believe it. Let me finish my words!" The young man stopped and the old lady continued, "I had doubts from the moment they got on the bus, so I kept looking back at them. That's fair to say. Coincidentally, maybe it was because of the wind blowing in from the window that I saw everything. The wind blew up the lower bodies of the two people in opera robes, and I saw that they had no legs at all."

The young man stared in surprise. He looked at the old lady with sweat on his face and couldn't say a word! The old lady said: "What are you stunned for?" Why not call the police quickly! "

The next day, the bus terminal reported that the last bus, a driver and a female conductor at our station were missing last night. The police quickly searched for the young man who called the police late last night and was suspected of being mentally ill. Two hours later, the young man and the man The old lady was found. That night, the Beijing Evening News and Beijing News quickly reported the shocking news and conducted on-site interviews with the young man and the old lady. On the third day, the police found the missing man near the Miyun Reservoir, more than 100 kilometers away from Xiangshan. car, and three severely decomposed corpses were found in the car.

More puzzling questions followed: First: the bus found could not have driven more than 100 kilometers after running for a day. kilometers, the police even discovered that there was not gasoline at all in the car's fuel tank, but blood.Second: What puzzles us even more is that the body found was severely decomposed in less than two days, which is impossible even in summer. The autopsy confirmed that it was not man-made. Third: The police strictly checked the surveillance cameras at all intersections leading to Miyun that day and found nothing. This bizarre incident shocked the entire Beijing medical community and government departments at the time.

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