Recitation is the most important skill for primary and secondary school students to learn, especially English learning. Recitation is a process of struggle between memory and forgetting. Recitation is the basic ability of learning. You must remember it after you understand it in

2024/05/1711:28:34 hotcomm 1144

Recitation is the most important skill for primary and secondary school students to learn, especially English learning. Recitation is a process of struggle between memory and forgetting. Recitation is the basic ability for learning. You must remember what you understand in class before you can apply it. Recitation can increase your knowledge reserve and enable you to quickly respond to some events without looking up information. Secondly, it can increase your sense of language, especially in English. and Chinese language learning, accumulate beautiful sentences, enhance reading skills, and write vivid articles; moreover, memorizing multiple times can exercise brain power and keep the brain in a more awake state, which is the best way to maintain thinking flexibility and think about problems. The method is very helpful. The last aspect is that reciting makes people smart, their brains are used frequently, and they become more and more lively. Especially in this highly competitive society, we must maintain a good mental state.

Recitation is the most important skill for primary and secondary school students to learn, especially English learning. Recitation is a process of struggle between memory and forgetting. Recitation is the basic ability of learning. You must remember it after you understand it in  - DayDayNews

The human brain is a treasure house of memory. Things experienced, thinking The problems that have been solved, the emotions and moods that have been experienced, and the exercises and actions that have been practiced can all become the content of people's memory. There is a process from "memorizing" to "remembering", which includes memorizing, retaining, recognizing and recalling . Forgetting is the inability to recognize and recall the material that has been remembered, or the wrong recognition and recall, which is a kind of memory loss.
Contemporary children have many learning difficulties, and memory is a major problem. Many students cannot remember, forget quickly after they have remembered, and cannot use what they have remembered. No matter parents, teachers, students or other relevant personnel, they must master the rules of memory.
1. I haven’t had memory training since I was a child, so I have difficulty reciting things and forget them once I memorize them. No matter what stage of growth a child is at, they should make up for this lesson under the guidance of teachers and parents. Better later than never, better late than never, recitation can help children improve their academic performance.
2. As a basic psychological process, recitation is closely related to other psychological activities. Reciting is connected with people's psychological activities. It is the basic function and skill for people to study, work and live. It is a required lifelong course for human beings. In other words, memory ability is closely related to people's lifelong development.
3. Parents and teachers should study memory and forgetting and cultivate children's memory ability. Ebbinghaus forgetting curve reveals the general laws of memory and forgetting. Memory and forgetting are sciences. Memory and forgetting are regular. Memory can be cultivated and forgetting can be overcome. Related educational theory "Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve", I hope friends don't miss it, it is worth studying and discussing by everyone. Parents, teachers, and elders should make up for this lesson first.
4, memory and forgetting are closely related to "Information Theory". Information theory is the science that systematically studies the acquisition, processing, processing, transmission and control of information. Simply put, it is the process of information input, processing and output. All learning activities are inputs, and various detection, evaluation and ability formation are Output, the process of information processing is learning methods and strategies, emotions, attitudes, and values. Only reasonable and effective input, correct and orderly processing, can rapid and accurate output be achieved. For related content, please refer to Du Niang's "Information Theory".
5. Reciting can gain concentration. Concentration is one of the outstanding qualities of a person's character. A person with good concentration has a mind like still water and a heart like a rock. Mount Tai collapses in front but does not change color. Concentration has both innate factors and acquired training, and recitation is the main method. Due to differences in people's reading abilities, the amount of information each person obtains from the same text is different. People with strong recitation skills can maximize the amount of information in text. Therefore, the basis of reading ability is memorization. Nowadays, reading ability is required for each subject in the exam, including science.
6. Recitation is not only a good teaching method, but also a good learning method. Many Chinese masters throughout the ages have the characteristic of being knowledgeable and memorizing. Mao Dun can recite "Dream of Red Mansions" backwards and forwards, and Mr. Qian Zhongshu can also pull out a paragraph from the book and recite it smoothly without thinking. It is precisely because they have stored a large amount of cultural knowledge from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, in their minds that they can learn from others and become a great master by learning and writing articles. Mr. Lu Xun compiled the first history of Chinese novels because he read a lot and remembered them well.Nowadays, many students do not have strong reading and analysis skills and poor expression. One of the important reasons is the lack of memorization and lack of information in their minds. Students' recitation ability will continue to be transformed into reading and writing abilities, and then into the ability to analyze and solve problems.
7. Students have different characteristics at each learning stage. In elementary school, you need to learn A to test A. If you remember it, you will get a perfect score; in junior high school, if you learn A and test B, you must remember it and use it flexibly. If you change the conditions for testing, it will be difficult to get a perfect score; in high school, if you learn A, you can skip B and test C, there is no possibility of perfect score, that is, there is no knowledge directly memorized in the exam, and there are no questions that have been practiced in daily life. Memory is the foundation, understanding is the prerequisite, and application is the key. The orientation of high school learning is to use the knowledge, theories and methods learned to solve new problems in materials and reality. High school graduates are generally 18 years old and have full capacity for civil conduct and bear the consequences of their thoughts and actions. Go to college and go into society. When encountering various people and new problems, they must be faced and solved independently. This is the purpose of high school curriculum, to cultivate students' ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.
8. Chinese language ability is getting more and more attention. The key to learning Chinese well is recitation and reading (reading has been discussed in detail in Education Occasionally 001 and 002). Yang Xiong of the Han Dynasty said in "Answers to Huan Tan on Fu Shu" that "if you can read a thousand poems, you can do it". The poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty left behind an eternal saying: "Reading thousands of volumes, writing is like a spirit." Tang Biao of the Qing Dynasty made a specific summary of the formation rules of Chinese language ability in "Study and Composition Spectrum": Readers must be knowledgeable in classics, history and ancient Chinese prose. If they do not read much, their learning will be superficial and their minds will not be rich. When I read an article very familiarly, it becomes like me, and I don’t know whether it is someone else’s article or my article. When I was composing, whatever I wanted to say came out of my pen exactly as I wanted, like a spring flowing in an endless stream. Through recitation, you can accumulate rich language materials, integrate other people's good works, and turn them into your own, gradually forming your own abilities, so that you can master and use the basic tool of Chinese with ease.
9. The new college entrance examination reformed English into two entrance examinations. It is foreseeable that many students will add 140 points to the college entrance examination score. In English learning, more attention should be paid to memorization, especially the memorization of words and short passages. English learning should have bones (vocabulary), blood (memorization), and flesh (extracurricular reading) to avoid zombie English, lifeless and disconnected from life. The famous linguist and Peking University professor Mr. Ye Feisheng said: To learn a language, you must read more, speak more, and recite more. Hong Kong UniversityProfessor Dr. Chen Yaonan said in "Talk about Recitation": Recitation is like practicing calligraphy, boxing, and dancing. Practice makes perfect, and skill must come from being familiar with it. The more good articles you recite, the clever rhetoric, fluent sentence formation, sonorous rhyme, careful planning, and the inner thoughts of oral recitation will become part of your ability without even realizing it. From the words of the above two scholars, it can be seen that recitation is a good way to learn a language, which makes the language clear, smooth, clever and sonorous.
’s daughter graduated from high school in 2006 and went to Singapore to study. She majored in finance and marketing. Her career progressed well. She has been studying Japanese part-time. She graduated in 2018 and was awarded a certificate by the Japanese ambassador. Due to work, cultural and social needs, I started to study and study the "Tao Te Ching", "The Analects of Confucius", " I Ching ", "Huangdi Neijing", etc. after graduation. This is also what I feel guilty about. I didn't understand it when my children were young. Memorization is the root and lacks the lesson of Chinese culture. After having in-depth interactions with foreigners, the most charming and influential thing about you is the Chinese culture behind you. The interactivity and integration of communication practice are the basis for multicultural coexistence. I hope that friends will learn and understand it early, start early, harvest quickly, and give children better room for development, especially young parents and teachers facing lower grades.
If you memorize the Tao Te Ching, I will follow you for the rest of your life.
If you memorize "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, the Martial Saint will follow you for the rest of your life.
If you memorize "The Analects of Confucius", Confucius Zengzi will be with you for the rest of your life.
If you memorize the "Heart Sutra" and "Diamond Sutra", the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will follow you for the rest of your life. Learn to recite
and start reciting!

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