March of this year was Tai Tzu Ying’s third trip to the YONEX All England Championships, and her charm fascinated fans. Like many of her peers, Tai has readjusted to a completely different lifestyle.

2024/05/1702:39:32 hotcomm 1565

In March this year, it was Tai Tzu Ying's third YONEX All England tour. Her charm deeply fascinated fans. Like many of her peers, Tai has readjusted to a completely different lifestyle. The current world No. 1 shared with the Badminton World Federation his life and training in the past few months, as well as the changes he has experienced. It has been eight months since

won the All England Championship in March. How are you feeling and how is life during the pandemic?

Currently, I am in good shape and I have been focusing on training as usual. I plan to prepare for next year's competition, which will start in January, so it will be a busy year. I won’t be competing in any games this year.

We see on social media that you spend a lot of time doing outdoor activities such as hiking. Would you like to talk about your relationship with nature and the outdoors?

I like outdoor sports. I always look for outdoor activities like high-intensity hiking and biking; it makes me sweat a lot and is a good cardio workout. Maybe it's also because I don't like staying at home or sitting indoors all day. So I always look for outdoor activities to occupy my free time, preferably in a less crowded area.

March of this year was Tai Tzu Ying’s third trip to the YONEX All England Championships, and her charm fascinated fans. Like many of her peers, Tai has readjusted to a completely different lifestyle. - DayDayNews

As a professional badminton player, a lot of your time, especially during competitions, must be spent in training halls, stadiums and hotel rooms. In this case, how do you achieve greater access to the outdoors?

Yes, I now have more opportunities to participate in outdoor sports and activities and travel to more places than I could before. I think because my fitness and endurance levels are so high, I still look forward to participating in high-intensity outdoor activities, which makes me feel happy after I'm done.

This is an unusual time for everyone. What difference do you think this period has made for you both as players and as people?

is pretty much the same as before, except I can't participate in international competitions. I'm looking forward to getting back into international competition again and getting back into my rhythm. After missing the game for such a long time, it is normal for me to lose some motivation in the rhythm of training and competition.

March of this year was Tai Tzu Ying’s third trip to the YONEX All England Championships, and her charm fascinated fans. Like many of her peers, Tai has readjusted to a completely different lifestyle. - DayDayNews

Besides badminton, what else are you busy with?

We have been training badminton as usual, and I have signed up for English classes. Our training center partners with a university and a teacher comes over to provide us with English courses face to face. Each class lasts between one and an hour and a half, and we have two classes per week. I think my English level is just barely acceptable, so I hope taking this class will improve my English level.

What inspires you to learn English?

I want to interact with my fans in my own way, style and feel using basic English. Sometimes, some key meanings of my messages to my fans are not fully explained when I deliver them through a translator. Currently, I am still able to interact with fans in basic English, but when it comes to more complex ideas, deeper expressions are still challenging for me and I am still working on learning.

How do you motivate yourself to maintain your training level?

I have changed a little bit in my mentality. I told myself that the more I train, the more I can eat.

Has this long absence from badminton events increased your desire to return to the court? There is nothing special about

and my goals will not change. My goal remains the same, which is the Olympics and other competitions in 2021.

Did you improve any deficiencies on the field during the international break?

My training routine is still the same, not focused on strengthening anything in particular. For me, analyzing games is most effective because I am able to determine if my training is effective or ineffective and whether I can apply it or perform well against the competition. At the moment, I'm not competing in any tournaments, so it's hard to analyze.

In past interviews, you did mention that your weakness is that you make more mistakes.Have you tried to solve this problem in the past few months?

I wouldn't do any special training on this. All I can do is remind myself to reduce simple mistakes. With the way I play, it's going to be hard not to make mistakes; reducing them is a more realistic goal. It would be possible for me to not make any mistakes in the game, but that would mean changing my style of play and I would lose the specialness that I currently have in my game.

March of this year was Tai Tzu Ying’s third trip to the YONEX All England Championships, and her charm fascinated fans. Like many of her peers, Tai has readjusted to a completely different lifestyle. - DayDayNews

You were in good form at the All England Championships and defeated Chen Yufei in the final. Are you worried that not competing will affect your chances of winning in the future?

no. I do think about returning to the court and there will be some factors that are out of my control, such as the atmosphere of the court and the pace of the game. This may take a few games to get used to again, which is normal for any player. In the end, conditions are fair to each player, depending on their performance on the day.

Last year, you talked about the possibility of retiring after the 2020 season. Have you revised your long-term plans since the Tokyo Olympics were postponed?

I will finish all the 2021 contests first before making a decision. My plans didn't change much because the Olympics were postponed for a year. I think this is good for me. I have been training and competing continuously for 10 years with very little time off. It's good for me to have a break. I expect that the restart of the season next year will provide more excitement and positive energy for our players and fans.

Are you planning to compete in the 2021 Asian season?

I will sign up for the competition, but it also depends on how the epidemic develops in 2021. If things get better and I hope to compete, I will be ready to compete.

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