Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant.

2024/05/1010:24:32 hotcomm 1248

everyone pay attention!

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Many people think that it may be cervical spondylosis or frozen shoulder. However, not all shoulder pain is simple...

Especially in the right shoulder, if the pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant, because For example, breast cancer , liver cancer , and lung cancer often have symptoms of shoulder pain.

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

(with pictures, pictures and texts are not relevant)

Here are a few related cases:


A 56-year-old woman had pain in her right shoulder for most of half a year

Finally, it was discovered that it was caused by breast cancer

56-year-old Zhang Mei (pseudonym) felt a little lost after she retired. My mood is not good at all times, and my family members don’t dare to offend me if I have a bad temper. I've been feeling a little pain in my shoulder for the past six months. At first I thought it was because I pressed it while sleeping or because I was tired while doing heavy work, and I would just rest and be fine. However, it lasted for more than half a year and finally developed into pain when I raised my arm. Getting dressed and combing your hair can also hurt. Finally, she went to the hospital to have an imaging examination of her shoulder, but no lesions were found.

After some time, she felt a lump on her right breast. She went to take a X-ray for examination, but the doctor said it was "not good". She was eventually diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery to remove it.

Wei Yiqiang, director of the Oncology and Hematology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told reporters that the patient's lymph nodes swelled due to the tumor, and there was an obstacle to blood return. In this case, it would cause shoulder pain. Symptoms can also cause pain in the arm area.

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

(with pictures, the text is irrelevant)


Liver cancer and lung cancer both cause pain in the right shoulder.

It is mostly caused by the tumor compressing the nerves.

58-year-old Yang Bin (pseudonym) started having dull pain in his right shoulder in June last year, thinking it was due to fatigue. Zhi didn't care. Half a year later, the pain worsened day by day. He always thought it was frozen shoulder, so he went to a clinic near his home for massage and physical therapy. Although the pain was relieved, it would relapse within a week. Later, the pain worsened and felt like tearing. He went to the hospital for a full-body examination and was diagnosed with mid-to-late stage lung cancer, which required surgery and radiotherapy.

Another male patient who was similar to him was also of similar age. He also had pain in his right shoulder and was eventually diagnosed with liver cancer.

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

(with pictures, the text is irrelevant)

Director Wei Yiqiang said that the painful part of the skin on the body is often the injured part of the skin, but the pain caused by the lesions of the internal organs is not as accurate as the skin on the body, and often manifests itself as a reflex. Pain or referred pain , the location of pain is not the location of the disease.

The pain in the right shoulder caused by liver cancer is referred pain, which may be caused by the liver tumor poison affecting the nerves. Just above the lung apex is the thoracic outlet, and there are many nerves in the surrounding area. When a tumor appears at the lung apex and continues to grow, it will compress the pleura at the lung apex and surrounding areas, causing symptoms similar to frozen shoulder and shoulder and back muscle pain.

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

If you have shoulder pain and there is no organic disease, you should pay attention.

If you have relevant medical history, you should further check.

Director Wei Yiqiang said that lung cancer may not only show typical symptoms such as long-term cough, blood in sputum , chest pain, but also shoulder pain, etc. Extrapulmonary manifestations'.

At the same time, the symptoms of liver cancer are not only pain in the liver area , jaundice, abdominal distension, and weight loss, but may also be recurring dull pain and discomfort in the right shoulder. What

needs to do is, if you find pain in your right shoulder that recurs repeatedly, you can go to the relevant department for examination. If you find no organic disease through examination, you should pay attention. If you have a history of liver disease or lung disease, you should conduct examinations to rule out the possibility of disease in these organs.

At the same time, doctors said that shoulder pain caused by tumors is often difficult to describe and often recurs. At the same time, for some people, it is not obvious during the day and worsens at night.

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

(with pictures, the text and pictures are not relevant)

Shoulder pain is indeed common in daily life.

Don’t make mistakes when you know this.

Don’t scare yourself.

You only need to tell the doctor when you see a doctor.

After relevant examinations,

the disease can be ruled out. On cancer .

Shoulder pain is very common in daily life. Especially in the right shoulder, if pain persists and no organic disease is found around the shoulder after examination, then you should be more vigilant. - DayDayNews

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