During his tenure as a "legislator", Chen Baiwei continued to have controversial words and deeds. Recently, he has been exposed to hit-and-run accidents, suspected gambling and other dark histories. However, on the 13th, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, who is the chairman of the Demo

2024/05/0520:41:33 hotcomm 1247

Source: Voice of the Strait

Recently, the recall case of Taiwan’s Foundation Progressive Party “legislator” Chen Baiwei continues to heat up. During his tenure as a "legislator", Chen Baiwei continued to have controversial words and deeds. Recently, he was exposed by for hit-and-run and for being suspected of gambling and other black histories. Public opinion on the island believes that Chen Baiwei may not be able to escape the fate of being dismissed. However, on the 13th, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, who is the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, expressed her support for Chen at the regular meeting of the Democratic Progressive Party, triggering strong condemnation from public opinion.

During his tenure as a

Data map: Chen Baiwei

Chen Baiwei’s death is obvious to all in Taiwan. After analyzing big data, the island public opinion website "Network Thermometer" compiled Chen Baiwei's "Top Ten Golden Quotes" that are most frequently discussed by netizens. From February 1, 2020 to October 7, 2021, Chen Baiwei's controversial list was "fruitful".

Ranked first is Chen Baiwei who escaped after being hit by a traffic accident, argued that he was driving while fatigued ; No. 2 is Chen Baiwei escorting the DPP authorities' "lai pig" import policy, talking about American pig honey in a Facebook live broadcast Ham "You will know how good it is after you have eaten it" ; the third place is Chen Baiwei's use of Hokkien to make things difficult for the head of Taiwan's defense department After being criticized by netizens, he apologized and said that "a happy event turned into a tragedy."

In addition to the "big bad memes" ranked in the top three, the controversial incidents ranked 4 to 10 also include: "I went to play video games" after being exposed for gambling; bragging that he can "1 fight 35" "Prevent the Kuomintang from boycotting "Laizhu"; support the "legalization" of marijuana; invite Hong Kong people to come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers; the "legislator" evaluation is only one star (the lowest score), but self-assessed that "the results are not too bad"; it is recommended that the mainland The committee was changed to "Ministry of Internal Affairs" and so on.

Chen Baiwei's bad, including but not limited to the content of the list. It is easy to judge from his words and deeds that he not only does not have the professional quality to serve as a "legislator", but also has major flaws in his character and humanity; not only has a mess of moral standards, but is even suspected of breaking the law.

During his tenure as a

Data map: Screenshot of Taiwan's "China Times News Network" report

What makes public opinion angry is that such a complete "bad guy" is defined as a "victim" in the eyes of the Democratic Progressive Party. Tsai Ing-wen claimed that she did not want Chen to become a victim of the vicious struggle of "the whole party beats one person" and that Taiwan's deepening of democracy should be based on rational communication rather than malicious revenge. Who can believe that these words were spoken by the DPP leader who deliberately lowered the threshold for recall and successfully removed the former mayor of Kaohsiung through political manipulation?

Why is there a wave of recall on the island?

The Democratic Progressive Party and its flanks are the initiators of opening "Pandora's box". In November 2016, the Green Party Group, which has an absolute numerical advantage in Taiwan's public opinion institutions, single-handedly pushed for the amendment of some provisions of the "Election and Recall of Public Employees Act", significantly lowering the recall threshold, stipulating that as long as the number of affirmative votes reaches four points of the total number of electors in the original constituency, If there are more than one, the removal can be passed.

The first "successful practice" of the revised "election and recall law" was the case of Han Kuo-yu's recall. Some netizens ridiculed that green camp politicians "deserve to be punished". If the Democratic Progressive Party had not taken the lead in launching retaliatory recall, why would there be so much publicity today to recall the "Green Committee" of Laizhu? At that time, the Democratic Progressive Party once advocated that recall is sacred to Taiwanese citizens. Right, now that his camp is facing a crisis, he suddenly thought that the threshold for removal is too low, how ironic!

During his tenure as a

Data map: Tsai Ing-wen

After Tsai Ing-wen made her statement, the DPP pointed out that DPP public officials have tried their best to help cooperate with local discussions and even posted posts and text messages on Facebook to support Chen Baiwei. Regarding the Democratic Progressive Party's support for Chen, Taiwanese netizens criticized the Democratic Progressive Party as a "double-standard party" and "Taiwan is really running out of rights and wrongs." Some netizens concluded, "It can be seen that if it is beneficial to the Democratic Progressive Party, it is called democracy." , if it’s not good for the DPP, it’s called a vicious fight.”

Senior media person Zhao Shaokang blasted that Tsai Ing-wen, as the leader of the Taiwan authorities, publicly expressed her strong support for Chen Baiwei and regarded administrative neutrality as nothing. In the process of promoting the recall, the KMT county and city heads have insisted on neutrality, but the DPP leader Tsai Ing-wen, "Legislative Yuan" You Xikun, "Legislative Yuan Vice President" Cai Qichang, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai and others have successively come forward to support Chen Baiwei. It seems that they are all anxious, but he emphasized that no matter how anxious they are, they cannot violate administrative neutrality.

Chen Baiwei is facing "Q deletion", why is the DPP eager to take action? The fundamental reason is that Chen Baiwei and the DPP are both "dead" in the same pot. As a flanker of the Democratic Progressive Party, Chen appears to be affiliated with the Basic Progressive Party, but in fact he is just a spokesman for the Democratic Progressive Party wearing a "waistcoat". His "personality collapse" is actually a microcosm of the corruption of green politics represented by the DPP.

Under the strong intervention of the Democratic Progressive Party without any bottom line, the final result of Chen Baiwei's recall case is likely to fail to reflect Taiwan's true public opinion. But the more such shameless "victories" there are, the more intense the public resentment and anger accumulated by the DPP and other "independence" forces will be. The day when they will be punished by public opinion is not far away!

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