However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff

2024/04/2423:32:34 hotcomm 1529

"My mother has told us since we were young that it is a noble sentiment to save money and help people in need rather than giving leftovers to others." These words were said by Su Zhenchang, the "Executive Dean" of the DPP authority, in response to external concerns. This was said when questioning the false reporting of mask production capacity.

When the epidemic first broke out in mainland China, the Taiwan authorities immediately announced a "ban on the export of masks." However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely affected by the epidemic, such as the United States and the European Union.

is unwilling to give masks to the mainland, but is willing to give them to Europe and the United States. Many people have begun to wonder whether the so-called "mask diplomacy" of the Taiwan authorities has ulterior motives. The island's media even carefully calculated the current mask production. The results did not match the "13.2 million daily output" claimed by the Taiwan authorities. They suspected that the data on mask production capacity was seriously false.

However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff - DayDayNews

Video screenshot of Taiwanese media "Zhongtian News"

Taiwanese media: "Tens of millions of masks are produced every day", but nearly half of them are "missing"

Taiwanese media "United Daily News" published an article titled "Xie Xun Qian" on April 7 "Ten Thousand Masks" editorial article pointed out that the epidemic situation in Taiwan is becoming increasingly severe and the demand for masks is huge. However, the Taiwan authorities have announced that they will donate tens of millions of masks. This is inconsistent with the "save lives" stated when the export of masks was banned. You must save yourself first" is contrary to this. The editorial raised a question: How did the Taiwan authorities "squeeze" out these 10 million masks?

In fact, many Taiwanese people also have such doubts. Taiwan has promulgated new regulations since April 3, prohibiting people from taking public transportation without wearing masks; but on the other hand, people still have to queue for hours to buy masks, and the purchase limit is 9 pieces every 14 days, making it impossible for one person to buy a mask every day. one slice.

Just when the island's mask resources are still tight, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen announced that the current daily output has reached 13.2 million pieces and is moving towards a daily output of 15 million pieces. At the same time, she also announced a donation of 10 million pieces of masks, saying This is the so-called "mask diplomacy", and the donation is nothing more than a day's production on the island.

But the "United Daily News" made this calculation: Since the implementation of the real-name system for purchasing masks, even if an additional 1 million pieces are released online every day, the Taiwanese government can only provide 2 to 4 million masks to the people every day. In other words, the masks distributed to ordinary people are only 20 to 30% of the daily production.

In addition, Taiwan's "Epidemic Epidemic Command Center" has stated that the purposes of requisitioning masks are divided into five categories: people's livelihood, medical care, official epidemic prevention, commercial needs, and reserves. According to earlier information, the daily ration for the latter four items is about 3 million pieces, and even after the production is expanded, it will not exceed 4 million pieces.

If we add up the above total and compare it with the so-called "tens of millions of daily output", there are actually more than 2 million to more than 5 million masks "missing".

However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff - DayDayNews

Screenshot of the video of Taiwanese media "Zhongtian News"

Worried about people's waste, the Taiwan authorities promote "electric pot steamed masks" to the public

It is precisely because these data are not consistent with the so-called "13.2 million daily output", and there are still people on the streets With the sight of people queuing up to buy masks, Taiwanese media such as the "United Daily News" asked whether donating masks is a "sufficiency of effort" or a "blushing"?

In the face of external doubts about the production of masks, Su Tseng-chang, the "Executive President" of the Taiwan authorities, said in an interview late on April 7 that "it is a noble sentiment to save money and help others."

As early as March 31, DPP "legislator" Huang Xiufang asked Su Zhenchang when people would be able to "have one mask a day." Su Zhenchang's answer was: "The Ministry of Health and Welfare" has an opinion. If the island is opened, With unlimited supply, people "may waste it."

What’s even more ridiculous is that one side has just announced a donation of 10 million masks, and on the other side, the Taiwan authorities have begun to promote “electric pot steaming masks” and tell the public that masks can be reused as much as possible.

According to Taiwanese media "China Times", "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong took out an electric pot at a press conference on epidemic prevention on April 5 and demonstrated how to use the electric pot to steam dry masks, claiming that the masks could be reused after disinfection. 4-5 times.On the 6th, a TV epidemic prevention promotional video "How to Reuse Masks" was launched.

Su Zhenchang has always said that the island has "an abundance of masks", but it still vigorously promotes reuse. In the past two days, the Taiwan authorities have also prepared to donate masks to the "New Southbound Countries" and Japan respectively. Taiwanese netizens left a message online: "Instead of giving away masks, why not just give away electric pots!"

However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff - DayDayNews

Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong demonstrates steaming masks in an electric pot. Photo from "ETtoday News Cloud"

Behind the so-called "mask diplomacy" is the people The deep-seated attempt of the party authorities

Since "the daily production of masks in Taiwan has approached 15 million pieces," why are we still afraid of people wasting masks? Do you want to vigorously promote "electric pot steaming masks"? According to the "United Daily News", the Taiwan authorities obviously have their own considerations.

"United Daily News" put forward the inference that the Taiwan authorities have actually been deploying the so-called "mask diplomacy" for a long time. This can also explain why the Taiwan authorities continue to uniformly requisition masks despite the "increased" production capacity. Do not relax purchasing restrictions on the public.

Since the DPP authorities came to power, they have always refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus." The DPP authorities' attempts to join various international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), as a "member state" have not been realized.

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, the DPP authorities still have such "delusions." Whether it is Tsai Ing-wen, Su Tseng-chang, or other politicians from the Democratic Progressive Party, they have stated in public that "Taiwan's donation of masks is an expression of love, so that it can be praised and recognized by the international community."

In fact, they hope to use the so-called "mask diplomacy" to exchange support from European and American countries for Taiwan to join the WHO as a "member state".

In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated its position many times. Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a regular press conference on April 3 that during the current pandemic and in extraordinary times, it is necessary to help and support each other. But I still want to remind the United States and Taiwan: If someone attempts to use the epidemic to engage in political manipulation and take the opportunity to harm China's core interests, they must be careful.

In addition, Hua Chunying also made it clear that both the US government and Taiwan should be very clear that WHO members must be sovereign countries. According to the arrangement reached between China and the WHO, medical and health experts from Taiwan can participate in WHO technical activities in an individual capacity on the premise of complying with the one-China principle. Taiwan has an International Health Regulations contact point to obtain information on public health emergencies released by the WHO, including reporting and cooperation on epidemic information, without any problems. We hope that relevant parties will not try to use the epidemic for political manipulation.

source | Observer Network comprehensive

However, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff - DayDayNewsHowever, when the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, the Taiwan authorities announced that they would provide 100,000 masks to the United States every week. Not long ago, they announced that they would donate 10 million masks to countries and regions severely aff - DayDayNews

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