The movie "Watergate Bridge" has once again made the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea 70 years ago a hot search topic. The author does not want to comment too much on "Watergate Bridge". I just want to talk objectively about the Korean War in the eyes of Americans.

2024/04/1921:23:34 hotcomm 1232

The movie "Watergate Bridge" has once again made the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea 70 years ago a hot search. The author does not want to comment too much on "Watergate Bridge". I just want to talk objectively about the Korean War in the eyes of Americans.

The movie

Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea was a war that our country was forced to intervene in. Shortly after the Korean War broke out in 1950, the United States brazenly sent troops to intervene in the Peninsula War and burned the war to the Yalu River side of our country. It not only violated our country’s territorial sovereignty and security, but also threatened The security of my country's Northeast heavy industrial base, on the other hand, the United States sent the "Seventh Fleet" aircraft carrier fleet into the Taiwan Strait to interfere in my country's internal affairs.

Under such circumstances, Chairman Mao personally decided to "resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, protect the homeland and the country" and send troops to North Korea. From this moment on, China will directly confront the United States, the world's largest military power.

After the war, China and the United States had different views on the evaluation of this war. China believed that this was a just war, the founding war of our country, and a meaningful war, while the Americans believed that it was a just war, a war for the founding of our country, and a meaningful war. This war is stupid, a completely pointless war.

Why are there such huge differences in the views of China and the United States on this war? To better understand this issue, we need to look at what sacrifices and gains were made by both sides in this war? What price did the United States pay and what did it gain?

The U.S. authorities had no intention of conquering North Korea at first. The reason was that North Korea was too close to the Soviet Union. Although the United States and the Soviet Union were at war with each other during the Cold War, both sides were afraid of the other side's nuclear weapons , and no one dared to fight with a real weapon. battle. As for its policy in the Far East, the United States has focused on regime support and supplemented by political intervention. It has never risen to the level of military intervention, making the Korean Peninsula a bridgehead against the Soviet Union and China.

Why did the United States later decide to send troops to North Korea? The author believes that the root cause is nothing more than interests. The United States needs to establish a bridgehead in the Far East to contain China and the Soviet Union. It hopes to build a joint island chain of South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan to ensure the trade interests of the United States in Japan, the South China Sea, and the Strait of Malacca. The United States is also taking a big gamble, and the Soviet Union does not dare to use it. Nuclear weapons dare not cross the "nuclear red line."

After the outbreak of the Korean War, although the United States had vigorously supported South Korea, the South Korean army was really unable to be reused. The Korean People's Army's offensive was fierce and overwhelming. It almost controlled the entire Korean Peninsula all the way south. If the United States did not send troops, the entire Korean Peninsula would fall. Under the hands of the " red regime ", once North Korea is reunified, the United States will lose its "bridgehead" in East Asia, and the core interests of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region will be seriously affected.

The movie

In the face of huge interests, the White House of the United States decided after discussion: to send troops to North Korea to support the reunification of South Korea to achieve the strategic goal of controlling the Asia-Pacific region. Regarding the Korean Civil War, the United States could not directly intervene with troops. It pulled many Western countries to form a " United Nations Forces " and landed in from Incheon on the grounds of "upholding justice" to give the Korean People's Army a fatal blow. As a result, North Korea The battlefield situation reversed instantly.

After the U.S. military landed in Incheon, the "United Nations Army" led by the United States showed strong military strength. They assembled 550,000 troops, including 420,000 ground troops, more than 1,000 fighter jets and sent three aircraft carriers to fight. A group of 38 warships and more than 200 ships (the United States has absolute sea and air supremacy) launched a three-dimensional land, sea and air three-dimensional attack on North Korea. Not long after, the Korean People's Army's defense line collapsed, and the United Nations forces quickly pushed the front to the north of the 238th Line.

The war was progressing so smoothly, and the United Nations forces who had controlled the war situation were a little arrogant. They believed that, driven by their steel army, even the Soviet Union did not dare to rashly take action against them. They were even more disdainful of the newly born republic, and the red-eyed United States The generals openly sent fighter jets to bomb the northeastern region of our country, and afterwards they shamelessly explained that they bombed by mistake.

Regarding the shameless behavior of the United States, our country's top leaders realized that if the Korean Peninsula was controlled by the United States and once the Korean Peninsula was lost as a natural barrier, there would never be peace in the northeastern region of our country. With Chairman Mao's personal decision, our volunteer army sent hundreds of thousands of troops across the border. Crossed the Yalu River and helped North Korea resist the U.S. imperial invaders, and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea began.

In fact, from the beginning, the United States believed that China did not dare to send troops to North Korea. Not long after the volunteers crossed the Yalu River, the United Nations Army received intelligence. At this time, MacArthur threatened:

"Even if China sends troops, it will not change South Korea's intention to unify North Korea." Destiny.”

Why did MacArthur dare to speak out? The United States has just won the World War II . Through the "World War II", it has become the world's largest military power. They have invincible land, sea and air forces, and they also possess nuclear weapons. During World War II, the Soviet Union suffered heavy losses and Europe was in ruins. They had no time to look east. The People's Republic of China has just been founded and is waiting to be renovated. Whether it is national strength or military strength, it is no match for the United States.

After the news of China’s dispatch of troops to North Korea reached the United States, American people started a big discussion about this war. Most Americans believed that the Chinese army would lose and the United States would win. Many Americans even preached in front of the media:

"I really I can’t think of what the Chinese will do to defeat us!”

The movie

After the Volunteer Army launched its first battle on the Korean Peninsula, Americans quickly realized the horror of the Volunteer Army. A US military soldier who participated in the Korean War recalled:

"During the first battle, we all hoped to encounter the Volunteer Army. We all wanted to teach the Volunteer Army a lesson so that they could experience the power of the US military... But after the actual encounter, the Volunteer Army's fighting will and strange tactics... Let us experience the feeling of fists hitting cotton... This group of cotton is like ants, extending the front line to surround us, catching us off guard..."

The U.S. military has also studied " guerrilla warfare " and " "Interspersed tactics ", but they believe that of these two tactics, one is like a cockroach, scurrying east and west to defend passively, and the other is simply impossible to achieve. The Volunteer Army lacks vehicles and armored vehicles , and their mobility is not good. Moreover, North Korea has many mountains and few road, unable to maneuver quickly.

On the Korean battlefield, when the U.S. military saw the bizarre guerrilla tactics and interspersed tactics of the Volunteers for the first time, they were no longer willing to fight with the Volunteers. In their words:

The Volunteers’ tactics were really annoying. They just refused to send out the main force to fight us decisively, and liked to break them into parts. They would fight here and there, which made us very tired!

What is most incredible about the US military is that the Volunteers do not seem to be afraid of death. When encountering machine gun fire, armored vehicle fire, and fortress fire, the Volunteers are not afraid. When they launch a charge, they charge in groups and look at death as if they are dead until they take out the fire. So far, this lifeless fighting method has given the US military a headache.

In the eyes of U.S. military generals, the life of every soldier is precious. U.S. generals rarely order their subordinates to sacrifice their own lives for victory in battles. The U.S. military rarely does it, paying all costs for victory. When U.S. military After encountering the volunteers who were not afraid of death, this group of U.S. troops who were armed to the teeth did not dare to fight for their own lives. Their morale was lowered, and naturally they could not defeat the volunteers.

What’s interesting is that the number of casualties caused by the volunteer army’s charge was not as high as the number of casualties caused by the United Nations troops. According to the casualty figures on the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C., the United States killed more than 52,000 people on the Korean battlefield. The United Nations More than 620,000 U.S. troops were killed in battle, and the injury statistics were even more horrifying. More than 100,000 U.S. troops were injured and 1.06 million United Nations troops were injured.

The movie

Looking at the casualty data of our Volunteer Army, according to data in the "Liberation Army Daily", our Volunteer Army lost 170,000 lives and injured about 190,000 people. The number of casualties is far lower than that of the United Nations Army.

Why did the well-equipped United Nations troops suffer such heavy casualties? The author believes that the fundamental reason is that the United Nations forces led by the United States, such as the South Korean army, and the armies of Western countries, had little combat effectiveness at all when they fought against the volunteers on the Korean battlefield. Although they had top-notch weapons, they could not perfectly control them. arms.

On the contrary, our volunteers’ weapons and equipment are backward, and even the most basic logistical supplies are very difficult. However, with our will to not be afraid of sacrifice and dare to fight, we defeated powerful opponents. The US military commander who was in charge of the Shangganling Battle recalled this way: "They (Volunteer Army) did not have bulletproof vests, helmets, or even cotton-padded clothes for the winter. They only had thin military uniforms, military caps and An outdated rifle with only a few hundred rounds of ammunition... The power of the grenades they use cannot be compared to our army, and they can't even supply food. But this is such an army. Three of them fight alone in a group. They will always be Fighting forward, desperately infiltrating behind our defense line... This kind of guerrilla warfare gives us a headache..."

We are all too familiar with the Battle of Shangganling. Our Volunteer Army faced an enemy with far greater firepower and numbers than its own. The Volunteer Army has never To retreat, on the contrary, every soldier wrote a suicide note. They all held the determination to die. They all understood their fate. No one was timid. It is this fighting spirit that is not afraid of sacrifice that makes powerful enemies afraid. .

Many battles in the Korean War were launched in winter. Due to the sudden incident, many volunteers transferred from China to the Korean battlefield hurriedly went to the battlefield before they had time to put on winter clothes. In the freezing trenches, no fire could be made to prevent the target from being exposed, and logistical supplies were not available. Many soldiers' feet were rotten by the frost and their faces were frozen stiff. They did not complain and still persisted in fighting. They just insisted on fighting. Relying on the faith and strong will in his heart, he withstood the artillery fire, the hunger, the severe cold, and won the victory.

According to the recollection of a staff officer of the 1st Marine Division: "I never thought that people can charge and fight in such severe cold weather. The volunteers' feet were frozen to death... They kept rushing forward. , Charge after wave, never seeing them fall behind halfway. "

The movie

One year after the Volunteer Army entered North Korea, the international community still firmly believed that the United Nations Army could win and the Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army would be defeated, although many media also reported the Volunteer Army's defeat. It's scary, but most Americans still firmly believe that the current strength of the volunteer army is simply unable to defeat the powerful US military.

After studying the Korean War, American historians once made such a comment: The volunteer troops here demonstrated the most incredible willpower and courage in the history of human war. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers remained in the severe cold of dozens of degrees below zero. Those who dare to cross glaciers and snow-capped mountains on foot, even if their bodies are covered with ice , will charge forward when the charge horn sounds...

Looking back at the US military, after experiencing several failures, they still did not reflect well and still felt good about themselves. They did not realize that the strong combat effectiveness displayed by the volunteers had proved that they were no longer the weak country during World War II. .

The book "The Long Battle: The Korean War in American Eyes" published in the United States once recorded: In the severe cold, the only way for the volunteers to keep warm was to paste lard and beef and mutton fat on their feet. There are no other anti-freezing measures. We know that this measure can only minimally protect the feet from freezing so quickly, but the biting cold feeling is unavoidable.

In addition to the admirable fighting will of the volunteer soldiers, their discipline and individual qualities are also talked about by the US military academies.United Nations Commander Ridgway once commented on the discipline and individual quality of the volunteers. He recalled:

The Chinese army has no armored vehicles and only a few artillery. They are not troubled by complex communication methods. The equipment is light and only They carry light weapons , are accustomed to all kinds of extreme bad weather, are accustomed to hunger, have a high degree of discipline, and have very high individual soldier quality. What surprised me most was that the volunteers were good at concealing their actions. They were good at night fighting and night hiking.

The movie

Li Qiwei said that the volunteers were strong and fierce, and they fought without risking their lives. After one group of volunteers was defeated, a new group came up, stepped over the corpses, and continued to attack. Li Qiwei still had vivid memories of the Volunteer Army's raids. He said that the Volunteer Army took advantage of the darkness and under the cover of artillery fire to throw grenades and charge while not afraid of casualties. They often charged in the middle of the night. Before we could figure out what was going on, they just charged. They were defeated by the volunteers, especially the "Shangganling" battle, which was simply the "Sad Ridge" in Li Qiwei's heart.

A prisoner in the United States once recalled the volunteers he saw like this: When we were captured, we thought we were going to see God, but the volunteers did not make things difficult for us. Instead, they provided us with food, housing, and medical care. We are not used to their food, but I know that these foods are their best food.

The volunteers usually look like ordinary people, and I even think they all look like farmers. But once they go to the battlefield, they instantly ignite a temperament, an oppressive temperament that only veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles can have. What is most unforgettable to me is their serious discipline. I think Chinese soldiers may not have experienced the taste of freedom. They have no doubts about the orders of their superiors. As soon as the orders are given, they execute them immediately without even having a commander. shouting.

In the Battle of Changjin Lake , the elite American regiment Polar Bear Regiment and the 31st Regiment of the 7th Division were completely wiped out by the Volunteers. The 1st Marine Division, the ace U.S. Army Division, was also severely damaged by the Volunteers. Many years after the end of the war, the U.S. Army The Chief of the Operations Division of the 1st War Division once recalled: Changjin Lake The ice and snow and the relentless pursuit of the Chinese army regardless of casualties are a lingering nightmare in the heart of every Marine.

The movie

The author believes that, as Chairman Mao said, "Fight with one punch to avoid a hundred punches." Resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea is the founding battle of our country. Our volunteer army broke the myth of the invincibility of the U.S. military and completely changed the world's view of Chinese soldiers. , From then on, no one dared to underestimate the Chinese army.

The United States has always regarded China as a serious concern, and even imposed economic sanctions on China regardless of the cost. However, the Chinese people have never been afraid of challenges, nor have they been afraid of failure. For us, protecting the motherland and relatives behind us is The guarantee of our victory.

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