The expensive ones cost several thousand, while the cheap ones only cost three to five hundred. I compiled a guide for avoiding pits in doors and windows, and I sorted out the key points in it. Good doors and windows can isolate external noise and pollution while also saving half

The more expensive ones are several thousand, while the cheaper ones are only three to five hundred. I have compiled a guide for avoiding pitfalls in doors and windows, and I have sorted out the key points in it.

Good doors and windows can isolate external noise and pollution while also saving half the cost of air conditioning and heating. Let’s talk about the thickness of the profile cross section first. Generally speaking, the thicker the better. There is also glass. If it is not a large area For windows, five millimeters is enough for normal households.

Jingmei Aluminum

Choose according to the climate conditions and the sunshine condition of the house. In addition, if you live on the side of the road, you can choose laminated insulating glass with better noise reduction performance.

It is necessary to have 3C certification on the glass. The aluminum strip in the middle of the glass requires an integral bending process. The splicing process is actually the same, but it is just a matter of aesthetics. The key thing is that the small balls inside are called polymer sieves, which are mainly used to absorb moisture from the interlayer air to prevent moisture and extend the service life of the glass.

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