Xiao Qi planted several varieties of passion fruit in the flower shed. The big one can bear thousands of fruits a year. I used to make videos for everyone about growing passion fruit in flower pots. Now all the passion fruits grown in flower pots are used. A nearby flower lover c

Xiao Qi planted several varieties of passion fruit in the flower shed. The big one can bear thousands of fruits a year. I used to make a video about growing passion fruit in flower pots, but now they are all grown in flower pots. It was moved by a nearby florist. In fact, it is very simple to grow passion fruit in a flower pot. One tree can produce dozens of fruits. Some flower friends asked Xiao Qi how to operate it? Today Xiao Qi will tell you about 5 "key points" for growing passion fruit in flower pots. As long as you remember them, you will be able to produce big and sweet fruits.

1, use nutritious soil

When planting passion fruit at home, try not to use garden soil, because the root system of passion fruit is relatively developed. After planting in the early stage, it will grow roots quickly. Even if it bears fruit in the later stage, it will consume more nutrients. Planting with garden soil is easy to compact, watering and fertilizer cannot be poured in, and the root system will be weak. Therefore, if you want to grow passion fruit at home, try to use nutrient soil for planting. If we don’t want to spend money on it, we can use leaf mold. The leaf mold does a good job of sterilizing and killing insect eggs. In this way, it will be full of nutrients when used directly after fermentation is complete.

2, don’t use small flower pots

When planting passion fruit, many gardeners are afraid that it will cause root rot due to watering. If there is too much soil, it will not work, and they think it will cause problems. In fact, passion fruit is relatively hard-skinned. If we want to grow passion fruit well, we can choose a larger flower pot. Xiaoqi usually plants a seedling of about 20 cm in a flower pot, as long as the root system is in the original nutrient pot. When the inside grows better, it is usually moved to a flower pot with a diameter of about 30 cm. Remember not to use a deep pot, and the height should not be too high. Once planted directly, it will grow quickly and grow roots at the same time. When the branches grow to about half a meter, they will begin to bear fruit.

3, prepare a support

Passion fruit is a vine plant, whether it is planted on the ground or in a pot, it must be set up on a stand. If it is planted directly in a flower pot, its growth performance will be weakened when its branches grow long and hang down, and the branches will be smaller than the flowers. If the surface of the pot is short, the chance of flowering and fruiting will be greatly reduced. Therefore, when planting passion fruit, you can watch the branches grow quickly and make a support. When the branches grow long and there is no place for them to bloom and bear fruit, place them at the bottom of the shelf. After they bloom and bear fruit, hang them on the outside of the shelf. This way It can continue to open for a long time.

4, sun it hard

Potted passion fruit in the family does not bloom or bear fruit. The reason is very simple. Most of it is due to weak indoor light. If you want your passion fruit to bloom more and bear more fruit, you must ensure that The light time should be no less than six hours. If the light is weak, it will be a little difficult for you to pot passion fruit.

5, use phosphate fertilizer in spring

Passion fruit starts to bloom in spring and continues to bloom until winter comes. As long as the temperature is not lower than 15 degrees, it will keep growing and blooming. The performance of flowering and growth is that the branches are growing at the same time. There will be flowers on every leaf, so we want to let it bloom and bear fruit. When the branches are longer, we start to use phosphate fertilizer.

Its branches have been growing without flowering or fruiting. We used potassium dihydrogen phosphate as fertilizer for the first time, once every ten days. After using it twice, it will gradually bloom and bear fruit. Watch the flowering in two to Three or more, then switch to one with high phosphorus content and no shortage of other elements, such as Huaduoduo No. 2. If you do this once every half month, it will continue to bloom and bear fruit.

Passion fruit is relatively easy to grow. It is a plant that blooms in many seasons. It is rich in various vitamins and many people like to eat it. However, when we plant it at home, we must pollinate it in time after it blooms. If it does not pollinate, it will Those that cannot bear fruit will only bloom, and the home maintenance temperature cannot be lower than 10 degrees. If it is lower than 10 degrees, problems will easily occur. If you want to plant it, you can choose the most common variety and try it. Then you will be able to eat the passion fruit you grew.