I find that decoration is really an interesting thing. Although many people say that it will be a pitfall, it is indeed very fulfilling to see a rough house turned into a beautiful new house. But compared to the decoration of rough houses, I prefer to see the renovation of old an

I find that decoration is a very interesting thing. Although many people say that it will be a pitfall, it is indeed very fulfilling to see a rough house turned into a beautiful new house. But compared to the decoration of rough houses, I prefer to watch the renovation of old and small houses, because there is a lot of wisdom hidden in them. From dilapidated, poor space layout, insufficient lighting to simple and exquisite effects, it is indeed more labor-intensive. The following old and broken house has successfully made a counterattack. The dark runway room has become a warm, simple, lazy and healing home. I admire it very much.

I believe that many people are familiar with the term . It was mentioned in the TV series " An Jia ". Its biggest feature is that there is a long corridor in the room, just like a runway, and it is dark. Using alone, in "Settle Down" they turned the runway into an exhibition area, making full use of the originally useless aisles. So how did they transform it in this issue?

house design highlights

Yunshen Space Design

Comparing the before and after renovation plans, it can be seen that the walls are removed to introduce light. All the walls in the original runway are not , and then the layout is re-divided, the movement lines are optimized and reorganized, and finally this The dark runway house with only 0 square meters has successfully counterattacked!

Runway before renovation vs after renovation

Let’s first look at the original appearance of the runway room. The aisles are long, narrow and dim, and even a timid person would be scared to walk here. Then look at the appearance after the renovation, it is indeed different. Let’s look at each detail of . The effect after the transformation of



This home not only has a super long runway, but even the entrance cannot be modified. Because of the restrictions of load-bearing walls, it would be really depressing to build a top-to-top storage cabinet on the right side of the originally small entrance, so only We made suspended storage cabinets to reduce the feeling of oppression. Install an elegant mirror and a black shoe-changing stool on the wall facing the door to attract people's attention and weaken the limitations of the space.

Of course, after entering the house, turn left, and there is a large tall cabinet to expand the storage space in the entrance.

The counterattack of the runway

demolished the original wall on the right ( non-load-bearing wall ), and made the runway shorter, softer and warmer through the curved ceiling and lighting decoration on the top. . By shortening the aisle vertically, the runway was successfully transformed into a bright space.

Lighting decoration has a very big effect, and the effect brought by the layering of light and shadow is very admirable.

Romance in the kitchen

Generally speaking, contrast is harmful. The original kitchen did not have any planning and design, and the earthy floor tiles had no storage system.

In addition to placing the stove on the balcony to prevent oil fumes from entering the kitchen that has been renovated, a small bar has been built against the wall. Coupled with the cream-colored wall paint, the entire kitchen is full of romance. The long linear lights on the top are brighter and more atmospheric than the previous ceiling lights.

The guest and dining room are together

. The original bedroom is now the guest and dining room. Friends who have seen the floor plan will find that after the two spaces are swapped, the comfort and convenience will be significantly improved by one dimension . (I still have to say it, because public spaces do not need doors. The open design can introduce light into the runway, and the renovated bedrooms are closer to the bathroom, making it more convenient at night.)

This public space uses a milky coffee color tone as a whole to create a It creates a relaxed, romantic, lazy and casual effect, combined with exquisite French plaster lines, giving the space a sense of ritual of life.

The guest dining room has a large window, which happens to be a beautiful scenery. You can feel the changes of the four seasons of the year while sitting at home.

A alcove was built behind the small sofa, which is the most important storage in the public space. In a space dominated by cream, blue is also very colorful.

Lazy, casual and healing resting area

In fact, not only is the passage opening up two walls, but the wall between the resting area and the public area is also movable.

This is a photo taken during the renovation. The sliding door track reserved between the bedroom and the living room and dining room was installed and reserved in advance. There are also two inspection openings to facilitate later installation.

The entire bedroom also uses sweet colors, giving people a lazy, casual and healing effect. The camera is facing the window, and two shelves are made against the wall, one for sitting and one for storing books. There are also storage niches on the side. The entire space is used in an extremely reasonable manner.

Turned the camera to look at the interior, and saw two arched openings, creating an elegant beauty.


bathroom design has two highlights: first, it implements a four-separation design; second, there are two doors for entry.

A bathroom with a four-separate design is naturally easy to take care of; two doors can enter and exit: this means that the bathroom can be entered from the master bedroom and can also be entered at the end of the runway, which is more convenient to use.

At this point, we have finished sharing the cases in this issue. After reading it, you will feel very comfortable like me. Let’s not talk about the perfect transformation of the runway. The interior matching alone is full of praise. uses cream color to achieve the warmth and softness of the whole house. It uses furniture and soft decoration to make the space more concise and casual, bringing a lazy and comfortable living. Environment . It is true that small renovations of old and broken houses are indeed a test for us, but as long as we work hard, we can definitely make the old house look new again. This set of cases greatly improves indoor comfort by removing walls to bring in light, rearranging the layout, and optimizing circulation lines. Friends who like it can refer to it.