Summer is coming, and the amount of food stored in the refrigerator is gradually increasing with the rising temperature. How to store food correctly and healthily has become a big problem. In order to save trouble, many people will stuff a large amount of food into the refrigerat

Summer is coming, and the amount of food stored in the refrigerator is gradually increasing with the rising temperature. How to store food correctly and healthily has become a big problem. In order to save trouble, many people will stuff a large amount of food into the refrigerator... In fact, this is a huge health hazard. How to store it healthily? Today, the editor will give you some advice.

First of all, distinguish the nature of food and store it reasonably. For dried and pickled foods, these foods have extremely low moisture content or high sugar and salt concentrations, so microorganisms cannot reproduce. Putting them in the refrigerator wastes electricity and takes up space. However, when preserving marinated meat for a long time, it is recommended to seal it and store it in the refrigerator or freezer.

Tropical fruits such as bananas and mangoes can usually be placed in a cool place at room temperature. If placed in the refrigerator, they will suffer cold damage, causing their flesh to turn black and accelerate rot, making them inedible. If you cannot finish bread, steamed buns and other starchy foods, just leave them at room temperature. Putting them in the refrigerator will dry them out and harden them.

Vegetables bought from the market should be wrapped immediately in plastic wrap (bags) and placed in the refrigerator. Food in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator should be separated from raw and cooked foods. raw fish , raw meat, seafood and other raw foods that need to be fully heated are recommended to be placed on the lower layer; various cooked foods, pasta and other starchy staple foods, as well as ice cream and other cold drinks are placed on the upper layer. Be sure to pay attention to sealing and packaging when storing. It should be noted that if the meat has been thawed, it will spoil more easily if it is refrozen.

In addition to the scientific storage of food, the preservation environment of food is also crucial. Only with double guarantee can we store and store fresh food for users and create a truly healthy life.

When it comes to healthy consumption, we have to mention the new refrigerator just launched by Meiling - 632WUPBT. It focuses on the core functions of sterilization, sterilization and odor purification. It can be said that it is truly tailor-made for consumers. The inactivation rate for a variety of bacteria and viruses is as high as 99.99%, achieving all-round health care.

It is reported that this product has an inactivation rate of 99.99% against bacteria such as Staphylococcus albicans, Staphylococcus aureus , Candida albicans , Escherichia coli , Listeria , and influenza A virus. The inactivation rate of , enterovirus 71 , human coronavirus, and human herpes virus reaches 99.99%. It is worth mentioning that this product can also effectively remove ethylene residues in food. The ethylene removal rate reaches 99% in 6 hours, providing ultimate care and extending the freshness time of fruits and vegetables.

This product adopts MNC+ long-lasting odor-free sterilization technology, which is different from traditional technology. It uses manganese, copper, iron, cerium and other multi-metal oxides to catalyze highly reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are produced by various foods in the refrigerator. The odor molecules react chemically and turn into carbon dioxide and . Achieve sterilization in 30 seconds and rapid odor removal in 10 minutes, truly achieving fast and effective refrigerator odor removal, preventing odor transfer and allowing you to enjoy the original flavor.

In addition, the super large capacity of 632 liters and the classic split design meet the storage needs of the family to the greatest extent. It creates an independent storage area for each kind of food, which is clear at a glance and can be taken when needed. Large capacity, precise storage, hard power... To protect your family's life and health, Meiling Shengjing 632WUPBT is your best choice.