If you have a small yard at home, be sure to raise some perennial garden plants. They can be grown into pots and become more charming when planted in a small area to decorate a flower border. Here we will introduce several flowering plants that like sun and semi-shade. . 1. Babao

If you have a small yard at home, you must raise some perennial garden plants. They can be grown into potted plants. Planting a small patch of them will make the flower border even more charming. Here we will introduce several types of plants that like sunlight and semi-shade Flowering plants .

, Babao Sedum ( Long Medicine Babao )

Some places with small slopes or particularly good drainage can grow some Sedumaceae succulents . If you want to grow taller sedum plants, you can choose Hylotelephium spectabile. It is suitable for planting in dry places in the north. It is particularly cold-resistant and requires little care when planted in the yard, but you must pay attention. Ensure good drainage.

Indigo flower and Babao Sedum

The location where Babao Sedum is maintained should have as much sunlight as possible so that it can grow and bloom normally. If they are kept in excessive shade, their branches and leaves will become leggy.

Babao Sedum is particularly resistant to drought and cold, and can tolerate low temperatures of more than 10 degrees below zero. There is no need to water frequently during the maintenance process. Basically, it is necessary to water regularly in the early stage of planting. It is enough to add a little water after the soil is completely dry.

Babao Sedum does not need to be pruned after its flowers bloom and fade in autumn. Let their flowers wither naturally. After snowfall in winter, it will be more charming to see its withered flowers in the ice and snow. In late winter or early spring, the remaining flowers and withered parts can be cut off in time. After spring warms up, they can regrow new shoots from the bottom of the rhizomes.

, Sedum lineare

Sedum lineare is particularly suitable for planting in the northern and southern regions of my country. It can be planted as a perennial plant directly on drainage and good ground, ensuring that the maintenance location has sufficient sunlight. They can grow into a golden-yellow creeping plant, which can bloom golden-yellow flowers in summer and autumn. The yellow-green leaves are also particularly charming.

Sage grass can be sown and propagated, or you can buy seedlings for maintenance. Sage grass has strong adaptability to the environment and can even be used to decorate small lawns (it is not particularly resistant to being trampled). Sage grass is extremely resistant to heat and sunlight, and is very resistant to drought. What it fears most is that the soil is often wet and it is afraid of waterlogging. It has a certain degree of cold tolerance. When the temperature is too low, especially after frost, The ground part will wither and can grow back when spring warms up next year. It can tolerate a low temperature of minus 10 degrees (ground planting). In places where it is too cold, it can only be grown as a potted plant.

, Salvia

Salvia 'Mystic Spires Blue')

There are many varieties of sage, some are small annual herbs, and most varieties can remain perennial (check the situation when purchasing) ). You can choose the common Salvia 'Mystic Spires Blue'. Although it is an annual plant, it blooms continuously in summer and autumn, and can continue to bloom in warm winter.

Cherry sage (Salvia greggii)

You can also choose other varieties with charming flowers, including pineapple sage (Salvia elegans), cherry sage (Salvia greggii) and other varieties. The plants will be larger and they can Keep growing for many years.

Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans)

It is best to choose neutral or weakly alkaline soil to maintain sage. Avoid soil that is too acidic. In addition to ensuring sufficient light, the planting environment must also ensure that the soil is well drained. When planting a small patch, make sure there is appropriate spacing between each plant, do not plant too densely, and try to provide ventilation and light between the plants.

, Rudbeckia

Rudbeckia laciniata Rudbeckia laciniata is a particularly easy-to-maintain perennial herbaceous flower . It likes a sunny environment and has no requirements for soil, but the drainage must be good. It cannot be planted in low-lying areas. The environment should also be well ventilated to ensure that the plants are more transparent, which can reduce the breeding of pests and diseases.

Rudbeckia has very good adaptability to the environment and is extremely drought and cold tolerant (dormant below 5 degrees Celsius). However, it is particularly afraid of waterlogging and cannot keep the soil moist. It needs to use loose and well-drained sandy soil. Cultivation.

There are many horticultural varieties of coneflower, which are highly resistant to diseases and insect pests. They can grow in sunny places or semi-shady places. After the frost comes, the above-ground parts will wither and grow again when the spring warms up the next year.

, Echinacea

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) is a very classic perennial herbaceous flower, especially suitable for planting in the yard. It has a relatively tall plant and can bloom pine cone-like flowers, which bloom throughout the summer and autumn. Can bloom brilliantly.

Echinacea is more suitable for planting in northern areas. It can tolerate cold environments. The optimal growth temperature is between 15 and 28 degrees. After frost in winter, the ground part will wither and grow back when the spring warms up next year.

Echinacea has a particularly good adaptability to the environment. The most important thing to pay attention to is the environment. Avoid being too humid. Ensure that the maintenance location has sufficient light. Regularly add fertilizer during the peak growth season. Frequent watering is not required during the maintenance period. It is especially suitable for extensive cultivation.

If you want to plant echinacea, you can directly sow and propagate it after spring warms up. Its flower colors are extremely rich, including common purple, red, pink, yellow and white.

, Pseudolysimachion spicatum

Pseudolysimachion spicatum is a perennial herbaceous flower . They have particularly high flower spikes, and the plants can grow to 30 to 50 centimeters high. They are especially beautiful when they bloom in summer and autumn every year.

Sui Hua Po Na is suitable to be kept in cool and dry places in my country, such as in most parts of northern my country. In summer, excessive heat and humidity should be avoided. It prefers an environment with sufficient ventilation and light. Waterlogging should be avoided in winter. In the south of my country, it is not suitable for ground planting and maintenance. In the north, it can be planted directly, including northwest my country and other places.

Suihua Granny has strong adaptability to the environment and is very suitable for planting in the yard. It looks particularly good when planted in a small patch. Sui Hua Po Na does not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, but giving it more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during the peak growth season can make it bloom better. During the peak growing season, be sure to avoid keeping the soil wet, and do not plant in low-lying areas.

, Hosta

Hosta plantaginea (Hosta plantaginea) is suitable for growing in the shade of trees or next to other shrubs. It does not require much light and can grow and bloom normally with more than 3 to 6 hours of scattered light every day.

Hostas are very suitable for planting in the northern and southern regions of my country. They are extremely cold-tolerant. When the temperature is too low in winter, the parts above the ground will wither and grow again after the spring warms up.

The flowers and leaves of hostas are very ornamental, and they can bloom fragrant flowers in places with more light.

Hostas cannot tolerate direct sunlight and prefer a semi-shady environment. During the growth process, care should be taken to prevent snails or slugs from eating its leaves. The environment for planting hostas should ensure that the soil is well-drained and has appropriate fertility. During excessively dry seasons, pay attention to occasionally replenishing water.