Every home has one or more mirrors. It is a frequently used daily necessities in life, so how to place it can make it more convenient to use and avoid unnecessary taboos. Next, let’s briefly talk about the purpose and placement of mirrors.

Every home has one or more mirrors. It is a frequently used daily necessities in life, so how to place it can make it more convenient to use, and at the same time avoid some unnecessary taboos. Next, let’s briefly talk about the purpose and placement of mirrors.

Generally speaking, mirrors are mainly used to facilitate grooming, dressing, and grooming. They are indispensable in life. At the same time, some people use them in Feng Shui, such as hanging a small circle in the middle of the living room at home. Mirrors, or hanging a mirror at the entrance to your home, have different functions. The position of the mirror is not placed properly, resulting in glare of light reflection, and you may be scared by yourself when you get up in the middle of the night.

1. It can be placed in the entrance hall.

The entrance hall is a place that must be passed by when going out. If a large mirror is installed in the entrance area, we can organize our appearance in front of the mirror when we go out, and start a new day in a good state. .

But the mirror cannot be placed opposite the door

2. It can be placed in the bedroom

The bedroom can be placed in the cloakroom or inside the wardrobe. Especially if you have a lot of clothes at home, you can make a separate cloakroom and design a corresponding mirror. You can refer to the mirror to check the overall effect when changing clothes in the cloakroom.

Inside the cabinet, the mirror can be installed behind the cabinet door. It will not take up too much space and will only appear when it is opened. It meets the needs, is practical and saves space.

Of course, there must be a mirror on the dressing table. Whether it is the one that comes with the dressing table or your own small mirror, you can place it on the dressing table. You can also use the mirror to match your clothes after putting on makeup.

However, the bedroom mirror cannot face the bed, as it may easily frighten you in the middle of the night, and it cannot face the bedroom door directly, which is unlucky.

3. It can be placed on the wash basin in the bathroom

. A mirror is usually installed, so that when washing in the morning, you can have a mirror to see your own status, including your face, hairstyle, etc., so that you can better check yourself. You can also feel more confident when cleansing your face.

However, the mirror still cannot face the bathroom door.