Home decoration is a big subject, and kitchen decoration is very important. You can’t just focus on the appearance, but also pay attention to many details. These details will affect our daily life. Let’s take a look at the things to pay attention to when renovating the kitchen! 1

Home decoration is a big knowledge, and kitchen decoration is very important. You can’t just focus on the appearance, but also pay attention to many details. These details will affect our daily life. Let’s take a look at the things to pay attention to when renovating the kitchen!

1. Kitchen lamps

Kitchen lamps should be waterproof lamps, and the circuit joints must be treated with waterproof insulating tape. To prevent condensation from entering and causing a short circuit and fire. In addition to the main lighting in the kitchen, the operating area also needs auxiliary light sources.

2. Choose wooden products carefully in the kitchen

If a large number of wooden products are used in the kitchen, attention should be paid to the ventilation and air exchange system of the kitchen to avoid long-term accumulation of water vapor on the floor or walls. Wooden products can crack, warp, or even rot. It is recommended to be careful when choosing wood products.

3. Kitchen area

The kitchen area should be moderate, too large is a waste, too small and crowded. A reasonable area is about 10㎡. Also ensure natural lighting and reasonable ventilation in the kitchen. If the kitchen is large enough, you can place a small dining table . If the kitchen is small, it should be well organized.

4. Kitchen ceiling

Kitchen tops and walls should be made of fireproof, heat-resistant, and easy-to-clean materials. Such as glazed ceramic tiles walls, aluminum plate ceilings, etc. The kitchen ceiling should consider using waterproof products, namely waterproof gypsum board , water-resistant putty and high-performance waterproof latex paint, so that it will not cause inconvenience to use while being beautiful.

5. Kitchen storage

The kitchen should make full use of the space. Floor cabinets and wall cabinets should be used for storage. Furniture should be in a closed form as much as possible. Various utensils and items should be stored in cabinets in categories, which is hygienic and tidy. The low cabinets in the kitchen are best made into drawers, which are push-pull and easy to access, and also provide better visibility. The gaps between the operating platforms of the wall cabinets can be used to place some utensils needed for cooking.

6. Kitchen fume problem

The height of the range hood should be based on the height of the user, and the distance between the oil dosing pump hood and the stove should not exceed 60 cm. Installing the cabinet first and then the range hood is likely to cause trouble, so it is best to install it at the same time as the cabinet. The above are practical tips for kitchen decoration.