#看花Why makes people feel comfortable#-Misunderstandings about white orchids care-Follow us to take you to learn more knowledge about flower cultivation#Open my life diary# #光真知 plan# # Potted Plant# Posted before Regarding the maintenance method of white orchids, a netizen sent a

- 01 - The problem may be in the flower soil

White orchids are southern plants. They like to be maintained in loose and breathable acidic soil and are afraid of waterlogging. Most of the white orchids sold in the northern market are grown in greenhouses and potted directly after leaving the greenhouse, because Many mulch soils used in batch farming are heavy pastoral soils with poor drainage and very difficult to water thoroughly. Sometimes it looks like it has been watered thoroughly, but in fact the mulch soil has not been watered thoroughly; sometimes The surrounding soil has become dry after watering thoroughly, but the mulch soil is still moist. If you water it again, it will easily damage the roots.

In addition to white orchids, this problem is very common for southern plants such as Milanese, gardenia, camellia, and osmanthus in the north.

Solution: If you are an experienced flower grower before potting the white orchid, you can try bare-root repotting. Note that repotting should not be done during the flowering period. Repotting in spring is the best choice. If you are not an experienced flower grower, you can try the method of rinsing with water, retaining 1/3 to half of the mulch soil and potting it. After potting, shade and maintain it. Wait until it adapts to the environment and then maintain it normally.

- 02 - The problem may be that the pot has not been properly handled.

The first thing that a plant must adapt to after changing its pot is the root system, because the root system is the most critical factor in determining the growth status of the plant. Some people put it directly in a sunny place after repotting to maintain a sufficient maintenance environment for light time . Excessive light increases the pressure on the root system just after repotting, which is very detrimental to the root system's adaptation to the environment. If not handled properly, it may be damaged. The root system in turn affects the growth status of the plant.

Most green plants should pay attention to this point after they have just been repotted to reduce root pressure and reduce water evaporation.

treatment method: After the plant has just been repotted, regardless of whether it is a plant that likes strong light, move it to a shaded place for maintenance for a period of time. During this period, pay attention to appropriately increase the amount of watering, but do not overwater it to prevent water damage. After the roots adapt to the environment, they can be moved to the relevant environment for normal maintenance.

Although it needs shade, we should pay attention to adding appropriate light during daily maintenance. Polarized light maintenance is enough. Insufficient light for a long time will affect the photosynthesis of plants, and it will also have a certain impact on plant growth.

- 03 - Don’t choose the wrong one when choosing a pot.

When choosing a pot, many flower friends will choose a large flower pot to plant flowers for once and for all. If the flower pot is too large, the water in the pot will drain too slowly or even accumulate water, which will affect the pot. The respiration of roots affects the normal growth of plants.

Solution: When repotting green plants, do not choose too large flower pots. The size of the flower pot should be adjusted in time according to the growth status of the plant. It is recommended to use the diameter of the mulch as the benchmark, and a flower pot diameter 5-10CM larger will be sufficient. , the depth should not be too deep. At the same time, when changing the pot, the bottom of the flower pot is mixed with some ceramsite , which plays a moisturizing and loose and breathable role.