As the weather gets hotter and hotter, people fully feel the cruelty of summer. For those who grow flowers and grass, this is the most difficult time. Many flowers are afraid of the sun and heat. In hot climates, it is often difficult to spend the summer safely. If you are not ca

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, people fully feel the cruelty of summer.

For those who grow flowers and grass, this is the most difficult time. Many flowers are afraid of the sun and heat. In hot climates, it is often difficult to spend the summer safely. If you are not careful during family breeding, you will die. Drop it, a waste of time and money!

Speaking of flowers and plants that are not suitable for summer cultivation, everyone is actually familiar with them.

For example, flowers and plants that bloom in winter and spring: Kalanchoe , Cyclamen , etc. should be arranged in a special place for maintenance in summer to ensure that they can successfully survive the hot summer and survive until autumn. If you haven't bought

, then try not to buy it again. If you buy it home, you will just spend money in vain!

html Do you know which flowers and plants have been put on the "blacklist" for breeding in July?

Friends who are interested in this, take the time to learn about it to avoid buying more and losing more!

① Cyclamen

Cyclamen will enter a dormant state in summer when the temperature exceeds 30°C. At this time, whether you buy cyclamen seedlings with potted soil or choose bare root specials, buy them home After a few days, yellow leaves will appear and fall.

When the temperature continues to exceed 35℃, the branches and leaves of cyclamen will all wither and enter the state of "suspended death". Although this is determined by its own habits, after all, people buy flowers for viewing. So don’t buy it in summer!

If you insist on buying this kind of flower plant, it is recommended that you buy it after the summer.

And if you have cyclamen at home, there is really no way to properly maintain it to ensure its smooth summer, so it is best to throw it away directly in the summer to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests to other healthy flowers and plants.

②Colorful meaty

meaty meat is loved and welcomed by people because of its good appearance and high cost performance.

However, there are no colorful succulents in nature, so the brocaded or decorated succulents that appear on the market are generally formed through drug stimulation.

So don’t be fooled by the beautiful appearance and buy it easily, because this kind of succulent can only maintain a beautiful appearance in the short term, and over time, the pigment fades away, the effect of the drug gradually dissipates, and the plant will die.

③Laozhuang rose

I don’t know when people thought that the longer the plant grows, the higher its value will be. Therefore, when buying roses, some unscrupulous merchants may deceive them into choosing Laozhuang rose .

In fact, the flowering ability of old roses is not even as good as that of seedlings. They are usually old seedlings eliminated from nurseries. These old seedlings have basically exhausted their nutrients.

So after buying it home, it is a waste of money. If you keep one pot, it will die.

Moreover, roses are in their flowering season in summer. Changing their living environment easily at this time will often cause symptoms such as failure to bloom and stiff seedlings.


It is a very typical southern flower plant. When planted in the south, it requires little care and can bloom every year.

But most people want to cultivate this kind of flowers and plants, and families can only use potted plants. And if you buy the wrong seedlings when potting, you will still have a situation where one pot will die and the other will die.

In addition, if you buy the right seedlings and do not properly maintain their living environment, it will still cause yellow leaves and flower buds to drop, which will catch people off guard.

Gardenia prefers a warm and humid climate, and prefers sandy, slightly acidic soil.

Obviously, in the northern region, whether it is climate or soil quality, it is basically difficult to meet this requirement . Therefore, as an ordinary person who wants to cultivate gardenias, try to start when the spring and autumn are suitable for the growth and development of gardenias. And try to choose potted plants with soil when purchasing.

Lige Begonia

Lige Begonia is cheap and good-looking. It has always been the favorite of many people.

And if this plant is properly cultivated, it can bloom all year round, and there are many varieties.

Especially the double-petaled Liger crabapple is particularly loved by people wherever it goes, because the layers of flowers are as delicate and beautiful as roses!

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of this plant is that its roots are very weak, and usually have mostly capillary roots. Therefore, during the breeding process, there is a special fear of water accumulation in the summer, because once the soil accumulates The accumulation of water or water on the leaves will cause the problem of black rotten water when encountering high temperature climate environment.

In the summer, potted plants in northern areas must either be placed indoors and the temperature must be fully controlled, or they may be thrown away directly or fostered by professionals.

Generally, when the ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, Lige Begonia will enter a dangerous period. If you water it a little more at this time, the plant will rot and die!


The big reason why the above five plants are on the blacklist is because when the temperature exceeds 30°C, the high temperature and high humidity climate environment will directly form them at any time. It is a fatal blow, so in the summer, people who are inexperienced or not experienced enough should try not to raise it. If you raise one pot, you will die, and you will lose more!