Introduction: Today is really an "era of rapid development", especially some household items, which are springing up like mushrooms after a rain. You will find some things that seem useful, but are useless. Many people spend money and use them, only to find that they have paid IQ

Introduction: Today is really an "era of rapid development", especially some household items, which are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

You will find some things that seem to be useful, but are like useless. Many people have spent money, and only after using it, they find that they have paid IQ tax.

As a home furnishing blogger, Uncle Ju has also been bombarded by "Internet celebrity goodies". Some things are indeed just fake, but there are also some "Internet celebrity goodies" that really make people fall in love at first sight.

In addition to solving life pain points, they are also cheap and practical. In this issue of , I will share with you "'s 6 "Internet celebrity goodies" that make people fall in love at first sight".

Screen window anti-mosquito stickers

It’s really hot summer now. In addition to the hot temperatures, there are also “tyrannical mosquitoes” . The bite of a poisonous mosquito will cause a big bump, which is itchy and painful.

Looking at the little baby at home with all kinds of bumps on his arms and legs, I feel distressed and always wonder: Why are mosquitoes still raging when the windows at home are closed tightly?

Later I discovered that mosquitoes actually fly into the house through the "water holes" in the windows. They are really pervasive. No wonder there are still waves of mosquitoes at home even if I order mosquito repellent liquid .

The drain holes were originally designed to prevent water accumulation in windows, but they have become a "shortcut" for mosquitoes to enter the house. So I followed the trend of window anti-mosquito stickers and found that this gadget is really practical.

It has a mesh structure and can be attached to the drain hole using adhesive . It does not affect drainage and can also prevent mosquitoes and flies from running into the home.

This seemingly small anti-mosquito sticker for screen windows suddenly reduces the number of mosquitoes in your home. With it, sometimes you don’t even need to apply mosquito repellent liquid, and there will be no mosquitoes at night.

fish scale rag

In today's decoration, most families will add glass elements, such as glass partitions , glass doors, mirrors, etc. Although it increases lighting, it also increases the heavy work of cleaning glass.

If you want to wipe the glass easily, use a fish-scale rag. It really shouldn't be too easy. Because it has a fish scale fiber structure, it will not leave water stains on the glass and will not shed hair .

You only need to soak the fish scale rag, wring it out, and wipe it back and forth on the glass and mirror several times, and you will find that those hard-to-wash scale and water stains will be removed with just a wipe.

Especially for water stains on showers, faucets and mirrors at home, it is really easy and convenient to wipe them with fish scale rags. If there is some stubborn scale, spray some dish soap and it can be wiped clean.

If the glass in your home cannot be wiped clean no matter how hard you wipe it, I suggest you try a fish-scale rag. You will find that the efficiency of wiping the glass has increased several times.

Pot bottom decontamination paste

No matter how expensive the pots at home are, after being used for a long time, the bottom and body of the pot will turn yellow and black. For housewives with little strength, cleaning the pot is really difficult.

If you want to clean the pot easily, the method is actually very simple. Prepare the pot bottom decontamination paste, and you will find that cleaning the pot has become a simple matter.

pot bottom decontamination paste contains nanoparticles + plant factor , which can scrub away the black dirt on the bottom of the pot one by one through the principle of friction.

The usage method is also very fool-proof. Apply some decontamination paste on the wet pot, then use the complimentary cleaning sponge to wipe it back and forth several times.

You will find that the pots and pans at home become clean at a speed visible to the naked eye . The scrubbing process is really healing.

At the same time, not only pots and pans, but also dirt in the kitchen sink, rust on the faucet, and grease on the range hood can be easily washed away with decontamination cream.

If the pots and pans in the kitchen are black and yellow, it is recommended that you prepare pot bottom decontamination paste to make life easier.

Washing Machine Effervescent Tablets

After using the washing machine for a long time, you will find that the inner cylinder is filled with a damp and musty smell, and the washed clothes also have this smell!

It is actually because a lot of dirt has accumulated in the inner barrel of the washing machine. Most people have used their washing machines for several years but never cleaned them once.

Some people may wonder: Does the washing machine need to be cleaned? The answer to is of course: requires it.

I invited a master to come to my home to dismantle and clean the washing machine, only to find that it was full of dirt, sticky, and smelly. No wonder the clothes were all smelly.

But asking a master to clean the washing machine once will cost 200 yuan . After washing it several times, you can buy another washing machine. It is really not cost-effective at all.

Actually, it is possible to clean the washing machine at home. It is enough to prepare effervescent tablets for the washing machine. The method of use of

is also very simple. throw 1-2 effervescent tablets + an old rag or towel into the washing machine . Follow the normal laundry process and clean it directly.

washing machine effervescent tablets are rich in active agents, degrading enzymes and antibacterial ingredients, plus the powerful effervescent effect, which can dissolve dirt inside the washing machine.

dissolves the bacteria, microorganisms and scale inside one by one, and then cleans them.

If your washing machine always has a musty smell, it is recommended that you use washing machine effervescent tablets to "wash" the washing machine at home.

Grease Remover

Eating barbecue and hot pot should be the happiest thing for modern people. But whether it is a white T-shirt or a mixed-color T-shirt, when eating hot pot, there will always be some red oil splashed .

After eating hot pot, my clothes also need a sip of red oil. The key is that the red oil is too difficult to clean.

Every time I rub it vigorously, it may not be able to remove the red oil. In addition, there are lipstick and food oil stains on clothes, which are also difficult to clean.

If it is not cleaned thoroughly, the oil stains on the clothes will be firmly locked and become stubborn stains that cannot be washed away.

Clothes with stubborn stains are a pity to throw away and embarrassing to wear.

No matter how small the stains on your clothes are, they can really ruin your good mood.

If your clothes are stained with oil, whether it is hot pot oil, cooking oil, old oil stains, chili oil, etc., you can easily "remove oil" by using the oil stain remover.

The method of use is also very simple. Apply the degreaser to the oil stains on dry clothes and rub it gently for a few times. It contains protein active enzymes that can dissolve the oil stains.

Then use laundry detergent and wash the clothes normally, and you will find that all the oil and oil stains on them have been cleaned away.

It is suitable for a variety of fabrics, such as cotton and linen, chemical fiber, denim, silk, down, woolen and other fabrics, and can be cleaned.

If you have a lot of oil-stained clothes at home, it is recommended to prepare an oil stain remover, which is really convenient.

Double-sided anti-mold cutting board

After using the wooden cutting board at home for a long time, it is covered with scratches and pits, which have become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

Moldy wooden cutting boards are full of Aspergillus flavus , Escherichia coli and other . Long-term use of moldy cutting boards will really affect your health.

I really don’t recommend that you use wooden cutting boards. Once they get moldy, the consequences will be disastrous. Using a moldy wooden cutting board to cut vegetables or meat is equivalent to eating moldy food.

recommends that you throw away the moldy wooden cutting boards at home and replace them with double-sided mold-proof cutting boards that will not mold. It is composed of stainless steel + grain fiber.

For daily cutting of vegetables, fish, and fruits , you can use stainless steel noodles, which can remove fishy and odors. for daily chopping of meat and bones. can use grain fiber noodles, which are firm and reliable, and will not mold or breed bacteria.

At the same time, the food-grade grain fiber material + stainless steel material have antibacterial and antibacterial effects. With the anti-slip and wear-resistant design, the cutting board at home will become more durable with use.

If your cutting board is also moldy, it is recommended to replace it with this high-looking double-sided mold-resistant cutting board, which can easily improve the appearance of the kitchen and make life more comfortable.

Ju Shu’s summary:

Today is an era of rapid development, and some household products are emerging one after another. We should keep our eyes open to avoid stepping into pitfalls.

Some household items are comparable to "tasteless", and there are also some household items. does solve the pain points in life, is cheap and easy to use.