What are the bedroom decoration renderings in Beijing? Beijing home decoration company Daye Meijia, which builds first and pays later, summarizes the popular bedroom decoration renderings in 2022.

What are the

Beijing bedroom decoration renderings? Beijing home decoration company Daye Meijia , which builds first and pays later, summarizes the popular bedroom decoration renderings in 2022. We know that if you want to decorate a house with good effect and quality, you must first choose a decoration style. The design elements of each style are different, and the effects will naturally be different. As a daily resting place, the bedroom Its decoration needs to be more particular, so the decoration of the bedroom is particularly important. So what are the bedroom decoration renderings in Beijing? Let’s follow Beijing Daye Meijia Decoration to take a look at the popular Beijing bedroom decoration renderings in 2022 for your reference.

Log style bedroom decoration renderings

1, New Chinese style bedroom decoration renderings

New Chinese style is one of the mainstream decoration styles now. This bedroom decoration renderings adopts the new Chinese decoration style. There is not too much cumbersome decoration in the whole. It is straightforward. Use simple brushwork and some Chinese elements to create an elegant and fashionable space atmosphere. The flower and bird decoration design on the bedside background wall, paired with Chinese wall lamps on both sides, looks very poetic, elegant and simple. The large floor-to-ceiling windows make the entire interior brighter and more transparent.

Modern new Chinese style bedroom decoration renderings

2, French style bedroom decoration renderings

This bedroom decoration renderings is a new example of Beijing Daye Meijia decoration. The unit type is a villa with an area of ​​600 square meters. It adopts a more aristocratic style. The decoration is designed and decorated in French style, which is very gorgeous and noble. The bedroom wall adopts a very classic French parapet, which echoes the French ceiling shape and looks more unified. The entire bedroom is paved with retro parquet wood floors and gray carpets, which is both fashionable and has a good sense of visual extension. , paired with French-style furniture and simple soft furnishings, it looks very smart and yet warm.

French style bedroom decoration renderings

3, Nordic style bedroom decoration renderings

Nordic style is also a very popular decoration style nowadays. This rendering uses the Nordic style for design and decoration. The entire bedroom does not use redundant and complicated shapes. , the colors are mainly light colors, and it looks very simple and bright. The bedside background wall is spliced ​​with wood-colored texture panels and warm white latex paint. It seems simple but just right. The customized top-to-ceiling wardrobe increases the storage function of the bedroom, and the entire space Seems cleaner and more comfortable.

European style - bedroom decoration renderings

The above are 3 different styles of bedroom decoration renderings shared by Daye Meijia Decoration, a Beijing decoration company that builds first and pays later. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. In fact, in addition to the case renderings of these styles In addition, there are many other decoration style case renderings on the official website of Beijing decoration company Daye Meijia. If you still want to see them, you can continue to follow the Meijia account or directly search the Daye Meijia official website to view them.