The desert rose blooms very beautifully. When we see it blooming, we usually buy one. It is not very expensive. However, when you buy it and raise it at home, it will not bloom, and most people will even have root rot when they grow it. , the entire plant rots. Especially for "no

Desert rose blooms very beautifully. When we see it blooming, we usually buy one. It is not very expensive, but when you buy it and grow it at home, it will not bloom. Even most people will grow it. Root rot is a condition in which the entire plant rots. Especially for "northern" flower lovers, if you buy desert roses and put them at home to grow, the entire plant will easily turn into water.

In fact, desert roses are bred in the south, because there is no low temperature in the south, and desert roses are prone to problems when the temperature is below ten degrees. Generally, there are a lot of desert roses propagated in Fujian. If you are from the north like Xiao Qi and buy desert roses from the south, you must do "three things" to ensure that the desert roses we raise can grow quickly at home. The growth will continue to bloom when the time comes.

, Remove the soil

Many florists like to buy desert roses in pots, thinking that after taking them home, they only need to be watered and exposed to light to grow normally. This idea is wrong. Because the soil was not planted by you, its roots will not adapt to your environment after they grow. If the watering is slightly improper, or the pot is not adapted to the large environment, rotten roots and stems will occur. So when we buy a desert rose with roots or a desert rose with bare roots, we need to clean all the soil. You can rinse it with a faucet to expose the root system.

2, root repair

After all the roots are exposed, we have to repair the roots. The method of root pruning is very simple. Some of the thin roots will be broken by gently tugging with your hands. Pull out all the capillary roots and only keep the thick roots. After keeping the thick roots, you will find that these thick roots are very long. It is not suitable for us to use short pots for planting. We can shorten the thick roots and prune them hard to the roots. It is generally recommended that you trim the roots to a thickness of about 0.3 cm. Do not keep a single capillary root. All thick roots should be short. cut.

3, drying the roots

The so-called drying the roots means that we should not plant directly after we have finished pruning. If you plant directly, there will be wounds on the roots. After planting, they will also need to heal the wounds in the soil. If there is moisture and fungi in the soil, they will Leading to wound infection and decomposition of water. So we might as well expose it to the air to dry. Some root wounds are too large. We can apply carbendazim and put it in a place exposed to light. Be sure to remember to expose it to light to dry. How long does

stay dry? Xiaoqi is usually left to dry for half a month to a month. If you are a novice, it is recommended that you dry it for at least a week. It is best to dry it for about half a month. It will wilt during the drying process, which is normal. As long as the wound is dried well, roots will grow on the plant, and then it will become fuller. After the roots grow, it will bloom.

These are the three things we in the north must do to buy southern desert roses. After doing these three things, you can plant them again. Most flower lovers know that granular soil is needed to plant desert roses. It is recommended that the size of the granules be about three to six millimeters. The flower pots should be as small and short as possible. If you have a pottery pot, use a pottery pot. It is the best. The diameter of the flower pot is four to six centimeters larger than the diameter of the main trunk of the desert rose we grow.

Plant it directly and let it dry for more than half a month. Then water it thoroughly and put it under the sun to ensure ventilation. The roots will grow quickly in less than half a month. As the roots grow, the trunk will become fuller and the trunk will recover. After it is full, new leaves and new buds will grow on the top. The new buds will bloom as long as they are exposed to light for no less than eight hours.

So why are problems so common in the northern region? Because windows cannot be opened for ventilation in the north, and the temperature is relatively low, it is recommended that you do not water it at all in winter, even if the leaves fall, so that you can spend the winter safely and start again in spring. grow and begin to bloom.