Growing flowers is actually very simple. There are many things in the home that can be used to grow flowers, but we just didn’t think of it. Today I will share with you 5 practical "little tricks" for growing flowers, which will not only help novices grow flowers, but also "save

Growing flowers is actually very simple. There are many things in the home that can be used to grow flowers, but we just didn’t think of it. Today I will share with you 5 practical "little tricks" for growing flowers, which will not only help novices grow flowers, but also "save money" and can better help us grow flowers well.

, Vinegar to adjust acidity

Many people are from the north. Most of the plants we raise like slightly acidic soil. The water and soil in the north are alkaline. After the plants are grown for a period of time, the leaves will appear green. If other parts turn yellow, this is caused by the alkalinity of the soil. If we don't improve the flower cultivation at home, the plants will turn yellow and have stiff leaves, and eventually they will seriously fall and die. Therefore, we can adjust the pH of the soil.

For example, once every half a month, add a few drops of vinegar to the water when watering to make the water slightly acidic. This can improve the soil quality and make the soil slightly acidic. The plants we raise have bright green leaves and well-developed root systems, so there will be no problems. Remember not to water this kind of water every time. Too acidic soil will cause plants to stop growing. If you want to use vinegar, it is recommended that you use rice vinegar, because rice vinegar is organic vinegar and is easier to work.

, fans blow plants

Many of us grow flowers indoors in an unventilated environment. Even if there is a balcony, it is a closed balcony. However, if most plants are in a closed and unventilated environment, the soil will dry out after watering. If it is slow, rotten roots and leaves will appear, and the entire plant will rot completely, which requires us to place it in a well-ventilated location. If there is no location with good ventilation, we can artificially improve it.

There will be an electric fan at home. If not, you can also buy one, or buy a ventilation fan , or buy a circulation fan, both are OK. After watering, we use an electric fan to blow the entire space for several hours to allow all the water on the soil surface to evaporate and leave it in a slightly moist state. This will ensure that the plants we raise will not have roots or leaves rotten. , if the humidity in the entire environment is high, it is recommended to bloom regularly for a few hours every day, then there will be no problems with the flowers we grow.

, the bottom of the fruit shell

Most of the flower pots nowadays are very high, such as gallon pots. If flowers are planted in these high pots, the root system of the plants will easily rot, so we need to build a water filter layer. What is a water filter layer? Just add some particles to the bottom of the flower pot, raise the flower pot, and keep the soil only in the upper part. This way, when the soil dries out, we can water it in time without any problems.

If you don’t use a bottom layer to make a water filtering layer, the top will be dry and the bottom will still be wet, and the roots will easily rot when watered. It is recommended that you collect some shells of nuts such as walnuts and peanuts, break them into small pieces, and place them at the bottom of the flowerpot to serve as a water filter. Of course, some very tall flower pots also need to have a water filter layer. We can choose to use foam boards, which are all acceptable.

, orange peel can adjust acidity

I have told you before that vinegar can adjust acidity, but many people will say that vinegar contains salt. In fact, vinegar is acidic and contains very little salt, and it cannot cause soil erosion. Problem, and we irrigate dilutely, as long as the soil is acidic. If you think vinegar is alkaline and salty, then we can use plants from the Rutaceae family, such as oranges, lemons, bergamot, etc.

After we eat these peels, we collect them and dry them in the sun. After drying enough, we cut them into pieces and seal them in large oil barrels. They will ferment for more than a week and add some when watering to ensure the soil. It is acidic, and it can also contain certain nutrients after fermentation. It contains various trace elements and can supplement trace elements for plants. However, the nutrient content in it is relatively small. It is generally recommended that you use it once every half a month.

5, waste plastic flower pots

Some florists grow a lot of flowers, but don’t want to spend money on buying flower pots. They think it’s a waste of money. In fact, you can make your own. When Xiao Qi first started to grow flowers, it was in the early 2000s. There were no flower pots, only some small milk boxes or oil barrels. When Xiao Qi raised and succulent , he used yogurt boxes one by one. , remove the outer plastic to reveal the white plastic box , plant succulents directly, and punch holes in the bottom. The succulents are also very beautiful when placed together.

Nowadays, many people use beer cans, trim them with large oil barrels, and even use some finished liquor bottles and beer bottles to cut them and use them as containers for growing flowers. It is great to use them as flower pots. Of course, many people now use laundry detergent. After the laundry detergent is used up, the remaining barrels are sold as scrap products, and the price is very low. Why not use it to design and make a handmade DIY, and then make it into a beautiful flower pot? With various shapes and beautiful colors, it is absolutely great to grow flowers.

These five things are available in the family. We can use them appropriately and rationally. These are some tips and tricks for growing flowers. If you have just started growing flowers, you can try it. It will help you. It is definitely very big and very economical. We can find it in our homes.