1. Let the potatoes sprout slowly. Potato sprouts contain toxic flavonoids. Eating them can cause abdominal pain and dizziness. If you put an apple in the potato pile, the sprouting time can be greatly delayed. 2. How to keep eggs fresh? Wipe the eggs lightly with a wet rag, and

1. Let the potatoes sprout slowly. Potato sprouts contain toxic flavonoids . Eating them can cause abdominal pain and dizziness. If you put an apple in the potato pile, the sprouting time can be greatly delayed.

2. How to keep eggs fresh? Generally, wipe the eggs lightly with a wet rag, and then put them upright in the refrigerator. They can be kept for a long time. But burying eggs in salt can keep them fresh for half a year. It should be noted that there is a layer of edible salt and a layer of eggs. It is best to separate the eggs, and the top layer is covered with edible salt.

3. How to preserve green onions and coriander? Wrap the green onions or coriander with two cabbage leaves (no need to clean them), put them in a plastic bag, and store them in the refrigerator. The storage time of green onions and chives will be several times longer than those without cabbage leaves, and the leaves will not dry out or rot.

4. To keep tomatoes fresh, you don’t need to use a refrigerator to keep tomatoes fresh. Just put them in a packaging bag, tie the bag tightly, and put it in a cool place. Then open it once a day and ventilate it for 5 minutes. Note: wipe the steam in the bag, this can last about 30 days.

5, strawberry preservation, in strawberry preservation, ultra-low temperature can inhibit the speed of strawberry rot. Therefore, it is best to put unwashed strawberry seedlings in the refrigerator to freeze them for better storage and preservation.

6. Banana preservation If you want to keep bananas fresh for a week, you can disassemble the entire banana and wrap the root of each banana with plastic wrap. In addition, applying some lemon water or vinegar to the cut banana stem will also help prevent the banana from turning dark brown.

7, Green beans keep fresh. If the green beans are stored for a long time, they will easily become wilted and the color will not look good, which will also affect their taste. Therefore, care should be taken to maintain moisture during storage. The specific method is to wrap the green beans in plastic wrap before putting them in the refrigerator. This can prevent moisture loss.

8, Carrots Preservation Carrots should avoid water. They are prone to deterioration when exposed to water. It is advisable to wipe off the water, wrap it in a fresh-keeping bag and freeze it. You can also wrap it in old newspapers and put it in a cool, naturally ventilated place.

9. Avoid ultra-low temperatures when storing sweet potatoes. They are not suitable for freezing. They can be stored in natural ventilation. In winter, it is best to wrap used newspapers in cardboard boxes to protect them from the winter and extend their shelf life.

10. When storing fungi, mushrooms are afraid of moisture return. Fungi placed in the refrigerator are prone to moisture return and become slimier. However, storing fungi in cardboard bags can solve the problem of qualitative deterioration of fungi.

11. When storing romaine lettuce try not to put it in the refrigerator immediately. Dry the water droplets on the surface of the lettuce vegetable first, then wrap the lettuce in clean toilet paper, put it in a bag and store it in the refrigerator. Or put toilet paper in the refrigerator crisper to absorb moisture and increase the freshness time.

12. To distinguish between true and false pure honey, you can twist the crystallized honey with your hands. If it sticks to your hands and is sticky, it is pure honey. Some of the crystals with sugar added will turn into granular matter after twisting. If you feel that it is not sticky, it is fake if you put your hands aside. ; For liquid pure honey, put a drop of honey on toilet paper. If it spreads, it means that the moisture content in the honey is relatively high.

13, Toothache Chew some peppercorns. Before seeing a doctor, what can you do to relieve toothache? Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese MedicineDr. Hu Fengshan said that chewing some peppercorns is effective. You can place a few cleaned peppercorns in the toothache position and chew them a few times.

14, jump to cure hiccups cure, it is not difficult to cure hiccups. Common anti-burping measures include: holding your breath for 10 to 20 seconds; drinking a glass of water in one breath and blowing into an empty paper bag for 20 to 30 seconds. ; runs in place for 30 seconds, or jumps for about 30 seconds.

15. Non-stick pan for frying fish. When you need to fry something in a general wok, you need to heat the pan first and pour a little oil. After the oil is hot, pour it out and then pour in cold oil to make it a non-stick pan. Fried fish, fried buns are not sticky.

16. When making soup, add some vinegar to stew pig's feet. When making soup, put some vinegar, which is beneficial to the absorption of calcium.

17. Soak taro in vinegar before peeling the taro. When peeling the taro, your arms will become more and more itchy due to the taro. At this time, soak your hands in vinegar first, so that your hands will not itch.

18. Add some oil to the steamed rice. When steaming the rice, put a small amount of peanut oil in the pot and stir it. The steamed rice will have clear grains and will not stick to the pot.

19. When washing black fungus, put wheat flour. When washing fungus , put a little wheat flour to wash it more cleanly.

20. To eliminate green vegetable leaf bugs, soak the green vegetable leaves with salt water. The bugs will be stimulated by the salt and quickly separate from the green cabbage leaves. Because the specific gravity of the salt water is too large, the bugs will float on the water and are very easy to remove from the pot. . 21. Peel the tomatoes easily. You can scald the tomatoes with hot water and the skin will be peeled off very easily.

22, Fried eggplant does not absorb oil. Before frying the eggplant, blanch it in boiling water or salt it to remove the moisture, so that it will not absorb oil.

23. Use salt water to thaw frozen meat. Put frozen meat in salt water. It will not only thaw quickly but also keep it tender.

24. Use whitening toothpaste instead of super glue . Squeeze a peanut-sized amount of whitening toothpaste and apply it on the four corners of the poster or photo, then stick it to the wall, press hard with the four corners of the handle for a while and use it. This method can be easily removed even after many months of application, and the white wall will not be stained at all.

25. Add vinegar when cooking. When cooking sweet and sour fish pieces and other delicacies that require vinegar, it is best to add vinegar when it is about to be cooked, so that the vinegar flavor can be completely maintained. If it is added too early, The vinegar will evaporate during cooking and the vinegar smell will be greatly reduced.

26. When cooking porridge, add sesame oil. When cooking porridge, if you drop a small amount of sesame oil into the pot, turn down the heat after it boils so that it will not leak out no matter how long you cook it.

27. Boiled eggs will not break. When boiling eggs, first put the eggs in cold water to wet them, and then put them in boiling water to cook. egg shells will not crack easily. In addition, the capsule is also very easy to tear off.

28. When cooking noodles, don’t wait for the water to boil. Don’t wait for the water to boil. Start adding noodles when there are bubbles coming up from the pot. Stir twice. After the pot is boiled, add an appropriate amount of cold water, then cover the pot and bring to a boil. Ripe. When the noodles are cooked like this, the heat gradually penetrates into the noodles, making the noodles soft and the soup clear.

29. If the stove is stained with oil stains, apply sticky porridge on the stove. After the millet soup is dry, use solid wood chopsticks or plastic board to scrape lightly. The oil stains will be removed along with the millet soup scars 30 , salt cleaning tea stain , there is often some residual tea stain in the cup, which is difficult to clean. You can use edible salt to wash the tea stains in the cup by hand, and the tea stains will dissolve quickly.