Small water droplets appear on the leaves and they become sticky. We know that if it is the condensation of water droplets in the surrounding air, or residual spray, or even water returning to the plant itself, it is natural water. It will stick to your hands when you touch it, a

Small water droplets appeared on the leaves of

and they were sticky. We know that if it is the condensation of water droplets in the surrounding air, or residual spray, or even water returning to the plant itself, it is natural water. It will stick to your hands when you touch it, and it will also scatter. It will not be sticky, so we can rule out that it is natural water. water.

Horticulture maintenance is suitable for a warm and humid environment, including maintaining a certain humidity in the cultivation soil and the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, the suitable temperature is 20-25 degrees and the humidity is about 70%. This warm and humid maintenance environment is very suitable for the reproduction and growth of pests and diseases.

Due to its environmental requirements, it is easily invaded by diseases and insect pests such as anthrax , sooty disease , scale insects , red spider and other diseases. It should be caused by scale insects and fungi infecting .

Isolate as soon as possible and check whether other plants are also infected. After discovering this situation, it means that the insect pests and diseases have appeared for a certain period of time, and it is necessary to check whether other flowers are infected as soon as possible. Those with the same situation will be dealt with together, and those who are not infected should be isolated for treatment.

Start by cleaning up the sticky juices. To clean the leaves and plants with sticky water droplets, you can use clean water mixed with laundry detergent or diluted with soapy water shower gel , and then wipe it with a small rag; simply wiping with water is not effective; in addition, Wet wipes can also be used for wiping.