The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. Has everyone changed to the under-the-box mats? Xiaowei saw a piece of news today: Ms. Qiu bought a bamboo mat for 80 yuan. When she lay on it to sleep at night, she felt a little uncomfortable. The next morning, she found

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. Has everyone changed to the under-the-box mats?

Xiaowei saw a piece of news today:

Ms. Qiu bought a bamboo mat for 80 yuan. When she lay on it to sleep at night, she felt a little uncomfortable. The next morning, she found that she had been pricked in many places by small thorns from the bamboo mat.

(Source: Weibo screenshot)

Ms. Qiu may have bought a rough-made bamboo mat, and there will inevitably be bamboo thorns on the surface. Sleeping on such a mat, turning over and other movements may cause scratches and punctures on the skin. (ps: You will also travel after using it for a long time~)

In addition, what other health risks may exist with the mat that is a must-have at home?

The most common one is dermatitis induced by mat, also called " mat disease" . Every summer, patients with dermatitis induced by mats account for more than one-third of the total number of dermatology outpatients.

The main reason is that the mat has not been cleaned for a long time or has not been cleaned thoroughly. The bacteria, mites, dust and other "dirty things" in the mat can cause skin allergies, red rashes, and pimples.

So how to avoid "mat dermatitis" ? The first thing to start with is cleaning!

How to properly clean the mat

In addition to frequent scrubbing to remove bacteria, dust, etc. on the surface of the mat, a very important point in cleaning the mat is removing mites .

1. Wipe with clean water

Simply wiping with clean water can only remove the mites on the surface at most. There are more mites that are invisible to the naked eye and will remain in the depths and corners of the mat. Ps: Even if you add washing powder, toilet water, , etc. to the water, you can only clean the mites on the surface.

Therefore, Xiaowei does not recommend it. Just wipe the mat with clean water.

2. Sun exposure

What mites fear most is high temperature. Once the temperature exceeds 50℃, it cannot survive.

Experiments have shown that 100,000 mites were basically eliminated after being exposed to a temperature of 39°C for 4 hours.

Therefore, after scrubbing the mat, you can hang it outdoors for 2-3 hours at noon when the sun is at its strongest.

Although scalding in boiling water can also kill mites with the help of high temperature, mats must be immersed in boiling water for more than 10 minutes to completely eliminate mites. Not only is it difficult to operate, but it is also easy to damage the mat.

However, not all mats can be exposed to the sun, so what should you do if you want to get rid of mites? Xiaowei added another effective technique:

wet towel + iron

mite removal effect: ★★★★☆

Put a wet towel on the mat, turn the iron on to about 60℃, iron it back and forth on the wet towel, and every time the mat is If you continue to iron one area for a longer time, you can use high-temperature steam to kill mites . Ps: Towels can also absorb and take away mite corpses, eggs and feces. Therefore, towels should be washed several times during the ironing process.

In short, if you want to correctly remove mites from your mat, sun exposure and wet towel + iron are relatively effective.

In addition, when cleaning the mat, you should also pay attention to:

  • When you have just bought the mat, or when using it for the first time every year, you must carefully clean the front and back of the mat, and be sure to dry it before use;
  • When drying the mat, you need to dry the front and back alternately ;
  • should follow the cleaning frequency of "scrubbing once a day and removing mites once a week".

Although there are summer mats in every house, if you don’t use them carefully, there are still hidden risks.

I believe that friends who have carefully read this article already know the correct way to clean the mats. Take out your mats and wash them quickly. Bar~

Xiaowei would like to know what mats everyone sleeps on. Do you have any recommendations? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~