Golden marbles, also known as persimmons in people's mouth, can both bloom and bear fruit, and have high ornamental value. They are often planted in flower pots. As long as they are carefully cultivated, you can harvest a perfect potted plant. Golden marbles have a special feelin

Golden marbles, also known as black persimmon , can both bloom and bear fruit. It has high ornamental value and is often planted in flower pots. As long as it is carefully cultivated, you can harvest a perfect potted plant. .

Golden marbles have a special sense of vigor and antiquity, with strong vitality and a very high survival rate. However, if you want to improve the ornamental value of golden marbles, you need to master some planting skills.

1. Scientific light supplement

Golden marble is a light-loving plant, but the golden marble just brought home is relatively fragile and needs a period of shading and maintenance before it can slowly receive light. This is very important for the growth and development of golden marble. It is very helpful, otherwise it is easy for the plants to suffer from sunburn and other phenomena.

After the plant grows stably, it can slowly receive light. After that, the golden marbles can be maintained in a place with good sunlight for a long time. It only needs to be shaded in time in the hot summer.

2. Water replenishment

golden marbles like to grow in a humid environment. During maintenance, you must pay attention to replenishing water. However, golden marbles have poor waterlogging tolerance. When replenishing water, you need to pay attention to the amount of . At the same time, you need to plant it in a loose and breathable place. in the soil, which is very helpful in removing accumulated water.

You can also spray some water mist next to the plants to improve the appearance of the golden marbles. In order for golden marbles to grow well, the humidity in the flower pot must not be less than 20% to 30%. Every time you find that the soil has completely dried out, replenish water, otherwise water accumulation will easily occur.

3. Fertilization

Any plant needs nutrients during its growth period, and the same is true for golden marbles. If you want golden marbles to grow better, in addition to light and water, fertilization is also very important. Especially when golden marbles are growing most vigorously, top dressing needs to be carried out in a timely manner, mainly with compound fertilizers.

In the early stage of flowering, you need to add some flower-promoting fertilizer. phosphorus and potash fertilizer is very good, which can make more flowers bloom smoothly and is also helpful for fruit contact. During the growth period, supplement according to the standard twice in January, and also use some compound fertilizers with relatively high nitrogen content, so that the branches of golden marbles can grow better.

When the flower buds differentiate, they need to be replenished according to the standard of once every 20 days. At the same time, with some long-acting slow-release fertilizers, the golden marbles can grow better. In short, fertilization is very important.

4. Prepare the soil

If you want plants to grow well, you must provide them with a suitable growing environment. Golden marbles growing in different places have different soil needs. The golden marbles that have just come down from the mountain need to be planted in the river sand, which is very helpful for the growth and development of the plants. The river sand must be pure river sand.

In the later stage, water and fertilize in time, and prepare some decomposed fertilizer in advance. Mild sheep manure is very good. Put it in a flower pot, it can continuously provide nutrients for the golden marbles, which is beneficial to the growth and development of the golden marbles. Very helpful. Moreover, the fertilizer effect of sheep manure can be maintained for a long time, making everyone more worry-free and trouble-free.

When cultivating golden marbles in pure river sand, you need to pay attention to changing the pot soil in time, once a year. Before replacing the spray soil, you need to prepare some garden soil, leaf mold soil and river sand, mix them according to the proportion, and add some base fertilizer. The sheep manure balls mentioned above are very good. Sufficient base fertilizer can play a big role, so that Golden marbles grow better.

In fact, it is not very difficult to raise golden marbles. You only need to plant them in a place with good sunlight, replenish water and nutrients in time in the later period, and pay attention to preparing suitable soil, so that golden marbles can develop and grow smoothly.

One more thing I would like to remind you is that you must pay attention to the temperature of the planting environment during planting. When the temperature reaches 25~33 degrees, the golden marbles will grow faster and the fruits will be produced quickly.

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