What should I do if the green plants at home can’t see sunlight? #Light Plant Classification I like green plants very much, and I know that light is the most important factor that affects the growth of plants. The time and intensity of light affect the growth of plants from diffe

Light Plant Classification

I like green plants very much. I know that light is the most important factor affecting plant growth. The time and intensity of light affect the growth of plants from different angles.

Plants are generally divided into full sun, half sun, and shade-loving plants.

Full sunshine means you need one day of sunshine. It can be placed indoors on a south-facing balcony or windowsill to allow it to receive sunlight. Many flowers like full sun, such as roses, hydrangeas, succulents, pomegranates, geraniums, Milan, hibiscus, spring, jasmine, ivy, Lingxiao, honeysuckle wait.

Half sun can receive 3-5 hours of sunshine and can be placed on the east-west balcony or window sill. The east balcony can only receive 3 to 4 hours of sunlight in the morning. The characteristic of the west-facing balcony is that it can only receive sunlight after one or two o'clock in the afternoon. 4~6 hours of strong direct sunlight, especially in midsummer, the sunlight is more intense and requires shade.

Semi-sun plants include Clivia, Camellia, Rhododendron, Crab Claw , Cymbidium, etc.

Plants that like shade do not like sunlight, so they only need astigmatism. North-facing balconies have plenty of scattered light, but plants cannot stand the harsh north wind in autumn and winter, so they need to be moved indoors.

Monstera deliciosa , Tiger orchid , Loosetail , and Pothos are all shade-loving plants.

Therefore, when choosing plants, you must fully consider the environmental factors at home. Only by purchasing suitable plants can you avoid pitfalls. How to add light to


If you have purchased a lamp that needs light but the lighting time in your home environment is short, there are two ways. One is to fill in the light. There are many fill lights that can be purchased online.

However, the lighting effect of fill light is very different from that of sunlight. Our home has an east-facing balcony, and the sunshine time in spring and autumn is only two to three hours. succulent is too long, so we need two fill lights every day. 12 hours for more than a month will not be effective.

Another method is to move the plants to places with sunlight, such as rooftops, downstairs gardens, etc.

I like roses and succulents, but these are plants that love the sun. I just moved the roses downstairs to bask in the sun, and the succulents on the roof of my friend's building. After more than a week, you can see a completely different look. It worked.
When I plant roses, I put them downstairs to bask in the sun when they are not blooming, and then move them back when they bloom.

is very effective, but it is very troublesome. It is not always possible to observe the insect damage and moisture status of green plants. Sometimes I worry about someone walking away.

Roses basking in the sun downstairs

Succulents placed on the roof of a friend’s building

Succulent plants placed on the roof of a friend’s building basking in the sun

If you want to grow good green plants, it requires a lot of energy and time, and you can’t just bask in the sun. If you also like green plants, let’s communicate, discuss and grow together.