The last issue talked about the meaning and flower language of asparagus planting. This issue talks about how to plant asparagus well. Asparagus is always springy all year round, so it is very suitable for planting at home. The green asparagus is paired with a ceramic flowerpot a

In the previous issue, we talked about the meaning and flower language of asparagus planting. This issue talks about how to plant asparagus well. Asparagus is always springy all year round, so it is very suitable for planting at home. The green asparagus is paired with a ceramic flowerpot and placed at home to add vitality and a green feeling to the home. Seeing asparagus will relax you when you are tired, and it is deeply loved by literati. favorite. Wang Tingyun's " Quatrains·Bamboo Shadows and Poems": Bamboo shadows and poems are thin, and plum blossoms are fragrant in dreams. The thin bamboo shadows and poetry are expressed, and the fragrance of plum blossoms accompanies me in my dreams. It can be seen that asparagus has been loved by literati since ancient times. If you want to raise asparagus well, you need to follow three steps.

The first step: Water properly and keep the soil moist. Asparagus is a plant that likes moisture. Water asparagus in time and thoroughly after the soil dries. Maintaining good soil moisture can maintain the water needed for growth, promote root growth, and luxuriant branches and leaves. So how do we determine that asparagus needs watering? You can use your fingers to dig a small hole of 3-5cm. Don't water if there is still moisture. Water when it is dry. Spray some water mist regularly to moisturize. In this way, asparagus is not afraid of drought, yellowing and falling leaves, nor is it afraid of excessive moisture and root rot. Note: In addition to watering the roots of Asparagus , it is also necessary to spray water on the leaves and surrounding areas to avoid dry air, which may cause the leaves to wither and turn yellow.

Like this potted plant, you can add some moss on the surface of the soil, which can also lock in moisture and is highly ornamental. Put some small ornaments around it, which is pleasing to the eye.

The second step: Fertilize the asparagus properly and the asparagus will grow faster. We can usually make our own fertilizer. We can wash rice, rotten melon peels and vegetable leaves, mix them with water and then pour them into asparagus. From September to October, it is the flowering period of asparagus. You can apply bone meal appropriately to make it stronger. When asparagus grows vigorously, ammonia fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer should be applied.

The third step: Properly repair the branches of asparagus. Asparagus is sensitive to the environment. Dry air, strong sunlight, and excessively dry pot soil will cause yellow leaves. Therefore, asparagus should be maintained in a place with scattered light or semi-shade. If yellow leaves appear, prune them in time. If the entire branch turns yellow, you can cut off about 10 centimeters above the roots and leave a few new buds at the bottom. Asparagus will grow back soon.

Here is a small suggestion. If you want your asparagus to be highly ornamental, in addition to daily maintenance, you also need to prune it. That’s all for the care of asparagus in this issue. If you have better suggestions, you can leave them in the comment area and Little Fist will reply to them one by one. The next issue will talk about how to prune asparagus to make it more ornamental. Thank you for watching.