They are all amaryllis, so the price difference is so big?

are both amaryllis , what’s the price difference? It is cheap for only three to five yuan, and the price is hundreds of yuan

Everyone is very familiar with amaryllis. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, you can plant amaryllis in any season. You only need to meet one condition, that is, the temperature, average When the temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius, amaryllis grown at home can bloom in two months. The only disadvantage of this plant is that the flowering time is too short, and the flowering period only lasts for two to three weeks.

Spring and summer are more suitable for cultivating amaryllis. Buy two amaryllis bulbs online, plant the bulbs in a flower pot, water them, and put them in the sun. Soon the amaryllis will grow. It takes about 40 to 50 days for the long flower arrows to bloom before the amaryllis blooms. It blooms first and then grows leaves. After the petals bloom, new leaves will slowly grow.

In a year, amaryllis only blooms once. After flowering, its flower arrows can be cut off and watered and maintained normally. In autumn and winter, when the temperature drops, it will enter the dormant period. At this time, the leaves of amaryllis Basically, they will wither, and they can sprout and grow again in the next spring. There is no difficulty in maintenance. You only need to control the watering, and move them home in winter to prevent frostbite.

Amaryllis purchased through the correct channel has a 100% chance of blooming. Amaryllis does not need to absorb nutrients from the soil to bloom. It relies on the huge bulb to complete the flowering. It takes root while blooming, and the petals are in While opening, the root system inside the soil will slowly grow out. Unlike other plants, the root system must be fully developed to complete flowering.

Amaryllis on the Chinese market is divided into two categories, one is imported from abroad, and the other is domestically produced. The difference between these two categories of amaryllis is very big. The imported amaryllis is more expensive and more popular. , the probability of blooming can reach 100%, the local amaryllis is very cheap, the flowering time is uncertain, the price difference between the two amaryllis is at least ten times, or even higher.

Take the amaryllis sold online. The average price is five yuan each, which is super cheap. The price of imported amaryllis is at least 50 to 80. It is expensive and the supply exceeds demand in the market. Especially in recent years, people who grow flowers have become more and more popular. There are more and more of them, and the price of amaryllis has skyrocketed. It even costs 100 yuan to buy one.

The difference in price leads to the difference between plant varieties. If you want to raise amaryllis and want it to bloom more smoothly, then I suggest you buy imported amaryllis for better results. It does not cost too much to raise at home. Take enough time to take care of it, plant it in a flower pot, water it once a week, and wait 40 to 50 days for the amaryllis to bloom.