Identification of load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls According to the stress of the wall, it is divided into load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls. The methods for distinguishing load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls are: (1) Judgment based on drawings.

Identification of

load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls

According to the stress of the wall, it is divided into load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls. The methods for distinguishing load-bearing walls and non-load-bearing walls are:

(1) Judgment through drawings.

Generally, the walls marked with thick solid lines are load-bearing walls, and those marked with thin solid lines or dotted lines are non-load-bearing walls.

(2) judge by sound.

When knocking on the wall, there is not much sound for the load-bearing wall, but there is a clear and loud echo for the non-load-bearing wall.

(3) is judged by thickness.

The wall thickness of non-load-bearing walls is significantly thinner than that of load-bearing walls. Generally speaking, when the load-bearing wall is a brick wall, the structural thickness is 18-24cm,

the thickness of the exterior wall structure in cold areas is 37-49cm, the thickness of the concrete wall structure is 20cm or 16cm, and the thickness of the non-load-bearing wall ranges from 12cm, 10cm, and 8cm.

(4) judge by location.

The exterior walls and the walls shared by neighbors are usually load-bearing walls. The walls of bathrooms, storage rooms, kitchens and corridors are generally non-load-bearing walls.

(5) Judge based on the structure of the house.

Generally speaking, the walls of houses with brick structure or brick-concrete structure are load-bearing walls, while the walls of houses with frame structure are generally non-load-bearing walls. Brick structure or brick-concrete structure houses are generally below 6 stories, which means that the walls of houses below 6 stories are usually load-bearing walls.

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