The fragrance of flowers not only makes people feel happy after smelling it. Moreover, some floral fragrances can inhibit bacteria, remove odors, and freshen the air. During the hot summer season, if the indoor air circulation is not good, it will easily lead to humidity and heat

Floral fragrance not only makes people feel happy after smelling it. Moreover, some floral fragrances can inhibit bacteria, remove odors, and freshen the air. During the high temperature season in summer, if the indoor air circulation is not good, it will easily lead to damp heat or the air quality will become worse and worse, breed various bacteria, and cause colds, coughs, nasal discomfort and other physical discomforts.

We can raise some "fragrant flowers". The following four kinds of "fragrant flowers" bloom beautifully and have a fresh and pleasant fragrance. If you keep them at home, they can also kill bacteria and remove odors.


Jasmine has emerald green leaves and white flowers, elegant and beautiful. It blooms in the hot summer and is not afraid of heat or sunlight. The hotter it is, the more it blooms. The more it blooms, the more fragrant it is. The fragrance is overflowing and pleasant. It has the reputation of "the best fragrance in the world" and is favored by many flower lovers. their love.

Jasmine flowers can be grown at home for viewing, making tea, purifying the environment and freshening the air. Jasmine itself has medicinal value. At the same time, its floral fragrance can effectively kill and inhibit the reproduction and growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Shigella dysentery and other germs in the air. It can disinfect and freshen the air, which is beneficial to the health of your family.

Jasmine has a long flowering period and can bloom from early summer to autumn. It likes a full-sun environment with ventilation and sufficient light. If the lighting is good at home, it can be grown. Place it on the balcony or in the most sunny position in the yard. Jasmine can withstand sunlight and does not need to be shaded in summer. In the morning and evening, when you see the surface of the soil in its pot is dry, water it thoroughly to allow the air to dry and spray the branches and leaves with water. .

If you want jasmine to bloom more and have a stronger floral fragrance, in addition to providing sufficient light and water, you also need to apply "light fertilizer frequently" and prune in time. Because jasmine blooms on new branches, after the flowers fade, cut off the spent branches and some leggy, thin and non-flowering branches, which can not only save nutrients but also promote the germination of more new flower branches. After cutting it off, replenish it with nutrients in time, and spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Huaduoduo No. 2 before the flowering period, which can promote flowering and keep blooming.


Lavender, also known as " perfume plant , spiritual vanilla , vanilla , yellow vanilla", is inseparable from the word "fragrance" in its name. It is a precious, important, classic and ancient natural spice plant. It can be traced back to the era of ancient Rome and ancient Greece .

The aroma of lavender is pleasant, rich but not overpowering. It has beautiful leaves, elegant flower colors, and long and beautiful blue-purple or lavender inflorescences. Many people plant it in their courtyards to create a sea of ​​lavender flowers, which is fresh and elegant, dreamy and romantic. Moreover, it is a perennial flower with a certain degree of cold resistance and is suitable for creating flower path clusters, which is very worry-free. It can also be grown as a potted plant or placed indoors as a flower arrangement.

The whole lavender plant contains lavender aromatic essential oil, which has sedative, hypnotic, antibacterial and other effects. It is widely used in medical, cosmetics, food and other industries. Dried lavender buds can be used to make tea, spices, etc., which can calm and soothe the mind, relieve anxiety, and can also be antibacterial and antibacterial, kill germs in the air, and improve sleep quality. It is an ideal indoor potted plant, and " Known as "the best companion for office workers", it is deeply loved by young people.

Lavender is highly adaptable and likes a warm, dry, full-sun growing environment with sufficient light. However, if it is a potted plant, it should be properly shaded in summer to avoid sunburn; lavender likes alkaline flowers, so when planting, in the soil You can add some plant ash or coarse sand and gravel to ensure that the pH value of the soil is above 6.5 to 7.0.

In order to ensure soil nutrition, when potting, add an appropriate amount of bone meal to the soil. During the growth period, apply "thin fertilizer frequently" nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer . Do not water too frequently. Lavender is relatively drought-resistant. Water when the potting soil is dry. Water permeability is enough, otherwise the roots may rot, and in severe cases, the entire plant may die.

When watering, be careful not to pour water on the leaves or flowers. There are fine hairs on the leaves, which can easily cause rot and infection by bacteria or pests and diseases.After flowering, cut off the withered branches in time to control the height of the plant. The plant shape will be more beautiful and it can also promote the germination of new shoots.


Dianthus is a perennial herbaceous plant with beautiful leaves, various flowers and gorgeous colors. It usually blooms from May to October and is fragrant. It is resistant to drought and barrenness, and is often used as groundcover plants in flower beds or gardens, highways, green belts, etc. It is highly ornamental and also plays a role in greening, beautification and purification.

Dianthus can be used as medicine as a whole plant or root. It can also absorb harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and chloride in the air. The floral fragrance contains volatile oils, which can sterilize and inhibit germs.

Dianthus is easy to maintain. In addition to being planted on the ground, it can also be viewed as a potted plant. During the growth period, "fertilize lightly and frequently". Potted plants must not be watered too frequently to avoid root rot and the breeding of pathogens. They must also be protected from rain and waterlogging. Properly pruning the flower stems after flowering can reduce nutrient consumption, and new branches will germinate quickly, and the longer they grow, the more vigorous they will be.

Ball orchid

Ball orchid is a perennial evergreen vine, also known as: Magijie , Dog tongue vine , Iron foot plate , etc. As long as you give it a climber, it can grow on it and continue to grow. grow. There are aerial roots on its stem nodes. Therefore, it has strong vitality and is extremely shade-tolerant. It can bloom even if it is kept on the north balcony or in a place with bright scattered light.

5-September is the flowering period of the orchid. Its beautiful flowers are made up of countless exquisite little star-like flowers gathered together to form exquisite large flower balls. They are very beautiful and exude a light fragrance.

There are many varieties of ball orchids, and different varieties have different flower colors. The more flowers bloom, the stronger the floral fragrance. After being cultivated well, a few years later, a flower wall waterfall will bloom, which is highly decorative. It has a fresh and elegant floral fragrance and has the function of sterilizing and removing odors, making it very suitable to be kept at home.

Ball orchid is native to South China, Southeast Asian countries and Oceania and other places. It is heat-resistant and not cold-resistant, but does not have high requirements for light. It will thrive if kept in a bright scattered light environment such as the living room, in front of the window or on the north balcony. It can grow, but if the light is too strong, the leaves will turn yellow easily and the growth will not be good.

Ball orchid likes a semi-shady environment with high temperature and humidity. It is afraid of being exposed to the sun and the air is dry in summer. It needs to maintain a higher air temperature. You can spray water on the branches and leaves frequently to maintain a high air humidity. But it is not resistant to water and moisture. Water the soil in the basin "when it is dry, water it thoroughly". Keep it ventilated and do not allow water to accumulate. Generally, when you find that the leaves of the orchid are a little soft, you can water it thoroughly.

During the growth period, "fertilize lightly and frequently". When watering, you can add some fermented rice water to water, so that the leaves will grow green and vigorous. Before the flowering period, apply 1000 times more potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and there will be more flowers. And fragrant.

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