When you grow flowers at home, you can bury some "little things" in the flower pots to make them bloom more. If you want the flowers at home to grow vigorously and bloom more, you usually need to fertilize them. If there are insufficient nutrients, not only will the plants grow t

When growing flowers at home, bury some "little things" in the flower pots to make them bloom more

If you want the flowers at home to grow vigorously and bloom more, you usually need to fertilize them. If there are insufficient nutrients, not only will the plants grow thin and weak , and it is not easy to remove the pregnancy buds and bloom. However, there are also flowers raised by flower lovers. They fertilize them regularly and they grow very vigorously, but they do not bloom during the flowering period. This situation may be caused by the partial application of one kind of fertilizer. If the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the branches and leaves of the plant will grow very lush, affecting the normal flowering of buds.

For those flowers that are growing vigorously but do not bloom during the flowering period, they should be supplemented with more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, because phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can promote plants to bloom and bear fruit. Applying some to flowers regularly can improve flowering. quality.

⒈Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

Many gardeners who grow flowers at home also prepare various flower fertilizers. Among them, potassium dihydrogen phosphate is the most commonly used for flowering flowers. Its main elements are phosphorus, Potassium can promote the differentiation of flower buds and flowering and fruiting of plants.

If the flowers at home are growing vigorously but do not bloom, you can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate for them, usually diluted into liquid fertilizer at a ratio of 1:1000, and then water the roots, or use it to spray branches and leaves, every ten days or so Once, use it 2 to 3 times in a row to make it grow buds and bloom.

⒉ Huaduoduo No. 2 Fertilizer

There are also many phosphorus and potassium fertilizers used for growing flowers. In addition to the potassium dihydrogen phosphate that is used more often, there is also Huaduoduo No. 2 Fertilizer, which is also a fertilizer with high phosphorus and potassium elements, and it also It contains 10% nitrogen element . For those flowers that are not growing vigorously and are not easy to bloom, you can supplement them with this type of multi-element fertilizer or other compound fertilizers.

When using these compound fertilizers, more is not always better. The dosage must be properly controlled, and try to apply a small amount multiple times to avoid applying too much fertilizer at one time, otherwise it will easily burn the roots of the plants and cause yellowing. Leaves fall.

If you accidentally apply too much fertilizer, move the flowers to a cool and ventilated place in time, and water them several times to dilute the fertilizer to avoid burning the roots and causing root rot.

⒊ Homemade bone meal

If there are few flowers at home and there is no flower fertilizer available, you can also make your own phosphate fertilizer , which can also promote flowering. We all know that animal bones are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Processing it into organic phosphate fertilizer can also promote plant flowering.

Usually we can collect various bones in the kitchen and soak them in water for a few days to soak out the salt that enters when cooking the bones, because salt is not good for the growth of flowers.

Steam the soaked bones in a pressure cooker. After boiling, put them in the sun to dry, and then pound them into powder. When growing flowers, you often bury some of this bone meal in the flower pots. It can make flowers bloom more and more colorfully.

⒋Egg shell fertilizer

Organic phosphate fertilizer for growing flowers. In addition to bone meal, there are also various eggshells that are also rich in calcium, phosphorus and elements, which are also very helpful for the growth and flowering of flowers.

However, when many florists use eggshells to grow flowers, they always throw the whole eggshell directly into the flowerpot. In this way, the eggshell cannot be absorbed in the flowerpot, and it is easy to attract small insects in summer.

If you want to use eggshells as flower fertilizer, you must collect the eggshells, rinse the remaining clear liquid inside, dry them in the sun, and then smash them into powder.

When potting flowers, you can mix some of this powder into the culture soil. You can also bury some in the pot soil at ordinary times, which can promote flowering.

To learn more about flower cultivation, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower cultivation experience with everyone every day! (Some pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them)