What's the most common problem when growing orchids in summer? It must be root rot. The weather in summer is hot, humid and stuffy. If not properly maintained, germs will breed quickly and orchid roots will rot if not careful. What to do with orchids that have rotted roots? Is th

What is the most common problem when raising orchids in summer? It must be root rot. The weather in summer is hot, humid and stuffy. If not properly maintained, germs will breed quickly and orchid roots will rot if not careful. What to do with orchids that have rotted roots? Is there any way to save it?

Of course there is a way to save it. Let me tell you how to deal with orchids that have rotted roots.

1. Inversion cleaning

First, invert the orchid into the pot, rinse the root system, and trim the rotten root system with sterilized scissors. The scissors can be wiped and disinfected with alcohol. Pay attention when pruning: don't feel bad. Cut off all the black and rotten parts. Be sure to cut them clean, otherwise they will relapse.

2. Sterilization and disinfection

Fumeng is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:500, and the orchid roots are soaked in it for 30 minutes, which can both sterilize and promote root growth and development. After soaking, place it in a cool and ventilated place to dry and wait for the wound to heal.

If the previous orchid pots and planting materials are to be used again, they must also be sterilized. You can use Fu Meng to soak it, or you can expose it to strong sunlight for two days for full sterilization.

3. Repot

. After the root wound shrinks and dries, you can use sterilized potting soil to repot. The gap between the roots must be filled with planting material, otherwise the root system will not be able to contact the planting material and the roots will be empty. To be on the safe side, pour 500 times diluted Fumeng once more after potting. After watering thoroughly, put it in a cool and ventilated place for curing. Do not fertilize or bask in the sun at this time. You can spray water on the leaves in the morning and evening to moisturize.

In the later maintenance, you should pay attention to ventilation, shading and cooling. For detailed precautions, please click to learn

. The above is how to deal with orchid root rot. At this time, some flower friends may want to ask, how to judge whether the orchid has root rot? Is it necessary? Do you dig it out from time to time and take a look? This approach is definitely wrong. The easiest and easiest way is to judge from the state of the leaves.

If your orchid is not short of water or fertilizer, nor has it just been transplanted or repotted, but it is not growing; the leaves are grey-green and white, without luster; they feel rough and dry to the touch, not smooth at all; some leaves even spontaneously If the bottom turns yellow and becomes dry, you should pay attention at this time. It is very likely that there is a problem with the root system. Hurry up the pot and check the root system. If you find any rotten parts, deal with them according to the above operations.

The above is today’s content. Flower friends are welcome to leave a message in the comment area if you have any questions. For more flower questions, you can search the WeChat public account: Qianbaiji, and professional and technical personnel will answer your questions online.