Speaking of mosquitoes, I believe few people like them. The fundamental reason is that mosquitoes not only bite us, but soon after the bite, the skin will become red, swollen, and extremely itchy. At the same time, mosquitoes can also spread various basic diseases while biting. T

When it comes to mosquitoes, I believe few people like them. The fundamental reason is that mosquitoes not only bite us, but soon after the bite, the skin will become red, swollen, and extremely itchy. At the same time, mosquitoes can also spread various basic diseases while biting. , so the harm to us is great.

Therefore, when mosquitoes invade in summer, we will try every means to prevent and control them to avoid causing harm to me. When it comes to mosquito prevention and control, Beijing Weichuang, a pest control qualification company, will share with you some very good methods and tips for eliminating mosquitoes.

 1. Light mosquito-repellent incense

At present, the most commonly used method to eliminate mosquitoes, and the most effective method is to light mosquito-repellent incense. After lighting mosquito-repellent incense, mosquitoes can indeed be eliminated and driven away. However, it is best to close the room when lighting mosquito-repellent incense, which will be more effective. After eliminating mosquitoes, open the windows for ventilation for a period of time before we can enter the room.

 2. Spray mosquito killer

There are many mosquito killer sprays on the market. You only need to spray them on the mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes will be killed in a short time. However, it is best to spray mosquito killer in an unoccupied room. After the mosquitoes are eliminated, the room can be ventilated for a period of time before we can enter. Because mosquito killers have a certain degree of toxicity, inhaling too much will have adverse effects on the body.

  3. Install mosquito killer lamp

If possible, you can install a mosquito killer lamp in the living room, turn off the light before going to bed at night, and then turn on the mosquito killer lamp, so that the mosquitoes in the home will basically be attracted to the mosquito killer lamp. Then the mosquitoes are killed through the killing equipment in the lamp, so that all mosquitoes in the home will be eliminated.

 4. Apply toilet water or Fengyoujing

Apply toilet water or Fengyoujing on the body, which will contain a smell that is annoying to mosquitoes, so that mosquitoes will not bite us again. In addition, you can also spray some toilet water in the air, bath water, bed and other places, so that there will be no mosquito intrusion all night. After being bitten, you can apply toilet water and Fengyoujing to relieve skin itching and disinfect the bite area.

 5. Soap water and washing powder water

After soaking in water with soap or washing powder, put it in a basin and place it in a corner. The fragrance will attract mosquitoes, but soap and washing powder are alkaline and are superficial. Once mosquitoes come into contact with soap or laundry detergent soaked in water, the active agent will penetrate into their bodies and produce a destructive effect, thereby destroying them.

 6. Install screen doors and screen windows

Mosquitoes will become active at night. Outdoor mosquitoes will try their best to enter the home because they are attracted by indoor lights. Then we can install mosquito-proof equipment such as screen doors and screen windows at home. Once installed, outdoor mosquitoes will not be able to enter the home, and it will not affect ventilation when opening windows and doors.

 7. Home hygiene

Mosquitoes like to breed in hot and humid environments. Mosquitoes are often most active after rain in summer. Therefore, if you want to prevent and control mosquitoes, you must pay attention to environmental hygiene at home and avoid piles of clutter. Make sure your home environment is dry and clean, clean up accumulated water in a timely manner, and provide more ventilation to reduce the growth of words.