In the magical nature, there are many beautiful plants. Today, the editor recommends several types of "chandelier flowers" that are both beautiful. Their flowers are like a string of wind chimes hanging from the branches, like a chandelier. The drooping and upside-down infloresce

In the magical nature, there are many beautiful plants. Today, the editor recommends several types of " chandelier flowers " that are both beautiful. Their flowers are like a string of wind chimes hanging from the branches, like a chandelier. The drooping and upside-down inflorescences sway quietly in the wind, which is uniquely charming.

You will get tired of growing flowers alone for a long time, and you will also feel bored. Instead of just following the wind, plant some special little flowers. On the contrary, they are very much together. Today, the editor recommends some beautiful "chandelier flowers" to flower friends. Their flowers resemble a string of wind chimes hanging from the branches like a chandelier. The hanging inflorescences sway quietly in the wind, uniquely charming~

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", just like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

1, Gloriosa lily

Gloria lily is relatively heat-resistant. The petals are facing upwards and the stamens are facing downwards. The flowering period is July-August. It is not afraid of heat. It can be cultivated in both the north and south.

Gloria lily should not be exposed to the sun during its seedling stage. Proper shade will make them grow better. You can get more sun during flowering. It is not cold-resistant in winter and the roots need to be stored in the north.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", just like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

2, Upside Down Fuchsia

Upside Down Fuchsia is also called Lantern Flower and Hanging Bell Begonia . Its flowers have a unique shape. The upside-down flowers are gorgeous and unique. Placing a teapot on the windowsill and coffee table is both elegant and beautiful. It can also be bottled with plain water, which makes it more tempting.

In summer, fuchsia is the most difficult to breed. It dies quickly in high temperatures. In fact, we should pay attention to shading and ventilation. In summer, we shouldn't bask in the sun. It's safer to put it in a cool place. We can also cut a few jars in advance as backup.

The fuchsia is also called the lantern flower and the bell begonia. Its flowers have a unique shape. The upside-down flowers are gorgeous and unique. Placing a teapot on the windowsill and coffee table is both elegant and beautiful. It can also be bottled with plain water, which makes it more tempting. It likes cool and moist environments. In summer, it needs to be placed in a cool and ventilated semi-shady place for protection to avoid exposure to the hot sun. Admiralty does not like heat. In summer, it is necessary to spray water on and around the leaves to lower the temperature and maintain a certain air humidity.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", just like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

3, Golden Bell Flower

Golden Bell Flower is also called lantern flower and net flower anise, which is a genus of Malvaceae Anise evergreen shrubs. Its leaves are evergreen all year round, and its flowers have a unique shape. Its orange flowers are covered with purple lines, and the flowers are very beautiful in shape, like small bells. It likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, and has slight resistance to semi-cloudy days. It can be properly concealed and maintained at noon in summer to avoid exposure to the scorching sun. In summer, sprinkle water appropriately to keep the soil moist, and sprinkle water around the plants to increase humidity and lower temperatures.

There are 11 of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

4, Chandelier Hibiscus

Chandelier Chandelier is a hibiscus flower . It is a shrub and can grow up to 3 meters. It is suitable for cultivation in the south. Flower lovers north of the Yangtze River can also place potted plants indoors if they like.

Fuso 's chandelier loves sunlight and moisture. Suitable for cultivation in leaf humus soil or sandy soil. It blooms year-round in warmer areas in the south. During the winter flowering period, some fertilizer can be buried, and the second fertilizer content is higher.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

5, Purse Peony

Purse Peony is also known as fish peony, rabbit peony and bell grass . Its flower shape is delicate and exquisite. It's like a little purse and love. A bunch of flowers hang on the branches. It's cute and soft. It is more resistant to cold than high temperatures. It's like a semi-cloud environment with enough light. When summer is hot, it will enter a dormant state. It places the needs in a cool and ventilated place. It cannot be exposed to direct sunlight.It can be concealed and cooled to reduce watering and keep the soil in the basin less dry.

Purse peony is also known as fish peony, rabbit peony and bell grass. Its flower shape is delicate and exquisite. It's like a little purse and love. A bunch of flowers hang on the branches. It's cute and soft.

The flowering period of purse peonies is from April to June, which may be the time when spring and summer alternate. Suitable for cultivation in cool and sunny places. In the spring from February to March, some compound fertilizers are buried, and a bunch of flower buds can be full, which is particularly magnificent.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

6, Snowflake Lotus

Snowflake Lotus looks like the ravine lily , but it has green petals Polka dots are particularly beautiful and lovely. Native to central and southern Europe, it is relatively cold-tolerant.

Snowdrops are usually cultivated in winter. It blooms from March to April of the following year. It can be potted or planted in the field. When the flowers bloom in summer and the leaves dry up, the bulbs can be dug out to stop the branches from propagating.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

7, Lily of the Valley

Lily of the valley is also called Junying grass, lily of the valley and Campanula . Its flowers are small and delicate, like a string of wind chimes. The gentle breeze blows, and the small flowers sway quietly, very elegant and beautiful. Lily in the ravine likes a cool and humid semi-shady environment. Shade is needed in summer. It can be placed in a cool and ventilated semi-shady place to avoid direct sunlight. The amount of watering should be appropriately increased to keep the soil in the basin moist, but there should be no water in the basin. In addition, when cultivating lily of the valley at home, be careful not to put it together with lilacs and daffodils, otherwise you will easily lose both sides.

Lily of the Valley is also known as Junying grass, lily of the valley and bellflower. Its flowers are small and delicate, like a string of wind chimes. The gentle breeze blows, and the small flowers sway quietly, very elegant and beautiful. The Chinese call "lily of the valley" "the grass of the king's shadow", which reminds people of Confucius 's noble character: "The orchid is born in a deep valley and is not unfriendly because there is no one there; a gentleman cultivates himself and does not change because of extreme poverty. festival".

8, Palace Lantern Lily

Palace Lantern Lily, also known as Christmas Wind Chime , Palace Lantern Flower , Christmas Lily , is a kind of herbaceous plant in the Liliaceae Palace Lantern Lily genus. Its golden flowers look like lanterns, like delicate and lovely palace lanterns. This is a fashionable flower that has become popular internationally in recent years. It likes a warm and humid environment. In summer, proper shading and protection are needed to avoid direct sunlight. When the temperature is too high in summer, the temperature can be reduced by increasing ventilation, sprinkling water, etc. Sprinkling water can keep the soil in the basin moist. There should not be too much water.

Palace lantern lily is also called Christmas wind chime, palace lantern flower, and Christmas lily. It is an herbaceous plant of the genus Palace Lantern of the Liliaceae family. Its golden flowers look like lanterns, like delicate and lovely palace lanterns. This is a fashionable flower that has become popular internationally in recent years.

There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", just like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

9, Baolian Lantern Flower

Baolian Lantern Flower is also called Pearl Baolian , Plum Blossom. The gray-green leaves are wide and rough, and the pink inflorescences are naturally drooping. It hangs in the flower pot one after another. It's romantic, together, and beautiful. It likes a warm and humid semi-shady environment. In summer, they should be properly concealed and protected from direct sunlight. Attention should also be paid to enhancing ventilation, sprinkling more water appropriately to keep the pot soil moist, and sprinkling more water on and around the leaves to increase humidity and lower temperature.

Baolian lantern flower is also known as Pearl Baolian and Plum Blossom. The gray-green leaves are wide and rough, and the pink inflorescences are naturally drooping. It hangs in the flower pot one after another. It's romantic, together, and beautiful. Its flowering period is from February to August, which is still very long. Suitable for storage in living rooms, companies and store lobbies. It has many qualities.

10, Palace lantern longevity flower There are 11 kinds of the most exquisite "chandelier flowers", just like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

Palace lantern longevity flower is a kind of Crassulaceae longevity flower, also known as red lantern. It's simple progress.It looks like a small lantern, so it is named Palace Lantern longevity flower.

Because the palace lantern longevity flowers are small and very cute. After blooming, the flowers are also very compact. Keeping a pot at home will make people feel particularly elegant at home and have high appreciation value.

There are 11 most exquisite "chandelier flowers", like beautiful flowers, you want them to be seen at a glance

11, Creeping Campanula

Creeping Campanula is an evergreen vine that can be used as a waterfall flower wall, flower Curtains and flower stands make it lively and festive.

Vining campanula is suitable for cultivation in the south. It blooms at around 15 degrees. In winter, it can only grow normally at temperatures above 5 degrees. If raised in the north, they can only be grown in indoor pots.

Among these beautiful and unique "chandelier flowers", which one do you like best?