Introduction: After decorating 2 houses, I realized that these 5 places must not be omitted during decoration. They are all lessons learned! Many people like to "decorate" when decorating and complete the decoration of their new house with a lower budget. Dressing up in poverty i

  • Introduction: After decorating 2 houses, I realized that these 5 places must not be omitted during decoration. They are all lessons learned!

Many people like to "decorate" when decorating, and use a lower budget to complete the decoration of their new house.

Poor clothing is often not due to consumption concepts, but to compromise with life. When you are faced with the dilemma of "having money to buy a house but not having money to decorate it", you can only abandon some more expensive designs to ensure the most basic and practical functions.

There is no problem with poor decoration or simple decoration, but there are some parts that must not be omitted during the decoration process, otherwise it will seriously affect the living experience after moving in, which is really terrible.

has decorated 2 houses. Xiaopai would like to share with you 5 very practical tips for decoration, which are all lessons learned. Please read it carefully. Spending more money and putting more effort into these details will bring immeasurable convenience.

1. waterproof material cannot save

Doing waterproofing during decoration can not only protect the safety of property, but also avoid neighborhood disputes. If waterproofing is not done well, it is a trivial matter for your home to be flooded. But if your neighbor's house is flooded, it will be troublesome. It will not only affect neighbor relations, lead to property claims, and even disputes.

Many people think that the developer has already done waterproofing, so there is no need to do it again during decoration; some people think that waterproofing is invisible and they can just buy a cheap one.

In fact, the waterproofing done by developers is generally for acceptance, and the quality is very poor. Moreover, the water and electricity modifications during our decoration will destroy the original waterproofing measures. On the other hand, it is precisely because waterproofing cannot be seen that we must pay more attention to it as a hidden project, otherwise it will be difficult to repair if water leakage occurs in the future.

After the waterproofing is done, the closed water test must be done. However, a successful closed water test can only mean that there is no problem at present, but it does not mean that there will be no problems in the future. This is related to the thickness, quality and durability of the waterproof layer. There are relationships. Over time, as the building settles and the concrete shrinks, if the thickness of the waterproof layer is insufficient and the quality is poor, cracks will easily appear and the waterproofing effect will not be achieved. Therefore, waterproof materials must not be saved, and products of regular brands must be purchased!

2. Bathroom backfill materials cannot be saved

Nowadays, many rough house bathrooms are sunken, which can meet our personalized living needs, can arrange bathroom products more flexibly, and is very user-friendly.

However, many people tend to ignore the backfilling of the sunken space and let the decoration master use construction waste to backfill. This is a trouble-free approach, and it is also an opportunistic approach.

Construction waste not only easily damages the waterproof layer, but also damages sewer pipes, causing pipe leaks. More importantly, construction waste increases the load-bearing capacity of the floor slabs, which may cause the ground to sink.

Bathroom backfill materials cannot be saved. It is recommended that you use ceramsite backfill. Ceramsite has the characteristics of lightness and high strength, and it also has the function of water-proof and air-proofing, making it the best choice for backfill.

3. Putty cannot save

Putty powder is a necessary material for decoration. Its usage is second only to cement. The industry often says "seven parts putty and three parts paint, good paint also requires good putty", which is enough to illustrate the importance of putty powder. The main ingredients of

putty are Shuangfei powder, gray calcium powder , cement, rubber powder, talcum powder , water retaining agent, etc. If the putty powder is not good, the wall will peel, crack, or even fall off. Later remediation will be difficult. Very troublesome.

In terms of environmental protection, good putty powder has the characteristics of water resistance, alkali resistance, and strong viscosity. The rubber powder used is natural vegetable glue, which can be used by adding water. It is environmentally friendly and has no odor; while traditional inferior putty powder requires Adding glue to increase its viscosity is not environmentally friendly, so putty cannot be omitted.

4. Electric wires cannot be saved

In decoration, electric wires are an essential expense, and some people actually have the idea of ​​saving money on electric wires due to limited budgets.

Wires must not be saved! If the quality of the wires is too poor, once the high-power appliances are turned on after moving in, they will not easily trip. In severe cases, they may even burn out. Moreover, water and electricity are hidden projects, and rework is also very troublesome.

Therefore, when buying wires, you must not lower your standards and buy high-quality genuine wires. We can peel off the insulation of the wire to see if the copper wire is purple-red. If the surface color of the copper wire is brighter and the texture is softer, then this kind of wire is qualified. On the contrary, if it has no luster and is brittle and hard, it is not Qualified.

5. Switches and sockets cannot be saved.

Many people buy switches and sockets only for appearance but not for quality. Some people even buy the most common and cheapest ones in order to save money, and they even say "expensive ones are IQ tax".

In fact, switches and sockets really cannot be saved, because this involves issues such as later use experience, electricity safety, service life, etc. Good-quality switches and sockets can ensure safety.

Low-quality switches and sockets can cause "sparking", melting, burning out, etc., which is also common in the news. During use, there will be plugging and unplugging lags. Sometimes it cannot be inserted, and sometimes it cannot be inserted firmly, which really affects the use experience.

recommends that you choose reliable brands.

[Written at the end]

Decoration is really difficult. It not only costs money, but also takes a lot of effort. After decorating two houses, I realized that these five places must not be omitted during decoration. They are all lessons learned.