At the end of June and at the beginning of July, the cone hydrangea with natural snow-top effect begins to show its strength. Bunches of fluffy and lovely cone-shaped bouquets exude unique charm among the flowers and plants. Let’s take a look at what are worth recommending. Cone

The end of June and the beginning of July,

conical hydrangea with natural snow-top effect began to show strength,

bunches of fluffy and lovely conical flower balls

exuding unique charm among the flowers and plants~

to see Let’s take a look at the recommended cone hydrangeas!



Adult plant height: 180cm

Adult crown width: 240cm

‘Firelight’ hydrangea is simply the benchmark variety of panicle hydrangea. Its flowers are milky white, and over time the original milky white will gradually turn into bright red, creating a colorful effect.

Its flowering period lasts from early summer to late summer, and the brilliantly blooming 'Firelight' hydrangea will always present you with beautiful and bright summer colors.

Its stems are strong and strong, and its flower heads are full. It is a new branch blooming hydrangea. Not only can they be enjoyed on branches, but they can also be used as cut flowers. Whether they are fresh or made into dried flowers, they are uniquely beautiful. The

plant has excellent cold tolerance and can grow healthily in an environment of -30°C. Low maintenance and easy to grow, it is an excellent ornamental hydrangea variety.

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Adult plant height: 180-240cm

Adult crown width: 180-240cm

The 'avocado' hydrangea balls of mature plants are almost the size of footballs. They are elegant blue-gray flower balls when they first bloom. It blooms in clusters and looks extremely fresh and elegant in the hot summer.

It is a plant that blooms on new branches. Every year from late summer to late autumn, its huge flower bulbs will add a different charm to your garden. The flower bulbs will also last for several months in a frosty environment, whether as cut flowers or The branches are excellent for viewing.

It has excellent cold resistance and can grow normally in an environment of -30℃. Just manage the hydrangea regularly and it is easy to maintain.

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Variety of waves

Adult plant height: 75-90cm

Adult crown width: 90-120cm

The plants of 'Variable Bobo' are compact and upright, with moderate height, and the new branches bloom in the full flowering period. The flower bulbs will be covered with flowers, and the effect of flowers but no leaves can even be achieved, and the flowering performance is excellent!

flower bulbs grow upright on strong stems and will continue to grow and lengthen as time goes by. The flower bulbs will turn pink as they age. From early summer to late autumn, its dreamy flowers can always be with you.

plant has excellent cold tolerance and can withstand the low temperature of -30℃ in winter. If your environment can provide it with vernalization conditions, then it is the right choice~

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Little Lieyan

adult Plant height: 90-150cm

Adult crown width: 90-150cm

The plants of 'Little Lieyan' bloom earlier, one month earlier than other hydrangeas, so you can watch the flowers faster.

The flowers are white when they first bloom. As the summer progresses, the color will change to pink. As if echoing this summer, the original freshness and elegance will turn into vigorous and vigorous ~

The plant is compact and upright, and is more suitable for appreciation as a ground cover hydrangea. , it will also attract bees, butterflies and other insects, making the original dream flower ball more lively.

It is a hydrangea that blooms on new branches. The flowering period can last from early summer to late summer. The bright colors will continue to grow on new branches and meet you all the time.

Its plants can tolerate a low temperature environment of -30℃, so you don’t have to worry too much about overwintering.

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Jinfen doll

Adult plant height: 120-180cm

Adult crown width: 120-180cm

'Jinfen Doll' is a very vigorous hydrangea! The plant blooms profusely, and the flower bulbs initially bloom pure white, and then turn into bright pink from bottom to top, as if there is a creamy snow topping on top of the jam!

As time goes by, the entire flower bulb will eventually turn into deep pink. The gorgeous color can remain unbeaten for several months, and the ornamental value is max!

Its flower stem is strong, and the flower bulb is large and grows upright. It blooms early and blooms on new branches, and the dreamy and showy flowers will meet you as scheduled every summer. It can grow healthily in an environment of -30℃ in winter, and can be maintained normally in relatively cold areas.

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vanilla strawberry

Adult plant height: 150-180cm

Adult crown width: 150-180cm

'Vanilla Strawberry' will grow fluffy pyramid-shaped inflorescences in summer. The flower bulbs will be milky white at first, and then bloom. As the temperature drops in autumn, the flower bulbs will gradually turn into deep strawberry red from the bottom, which is as delicious and attractive as its name suggests.

‘Vanilla Strawberry’ blooms from July to October every year. The beautiful flower balls can be enjoyed on the branches or made into dried flowers. The viewing period can be extended several times, doubling the happiness!

plants can withstand low temperatures of -20°C, are both cold and heat resistant, and are very easy to maintain!

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Pink Elf

Adult plant height: 180-240cm

Adult crown width: 180-240cm

The inflorescence of 'Pink Elf' is as bright and ethereal as an elf, and the huge white panicle will appear in late summer. They bloom one after another, with small white flowers growing continuously on the top of the flower spike, and the flowers at the bottom will turn to pink. The spectacular two-color inflorescence can be up to 40cm in length, which is very ornamental!

Its flowers can last from midsummer to early autumn. It can grow normally when planted in a semi-shade to full light environment. It can also tolerate an environment of -30℃ in winter, and it is also very convenient for home maintenance.

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▼Cultivation Guide▼

How to grow

◆Light: . It likes sufficient light. If there is insufficient light, it will not bloom or the number of flowers will be small.

◆ Moisture: between dry and wet, avoid water accumulation

◆ Fertilizer: Apply thin fertilizer frequently to keep the flowers blooming. Combine Bide No. 1 general fertilizer (in the growth period) and Huabide No. 5 continuous flowering fertilizer (in the flowering period). Mix it with water according to the package proportion and spray it. The fertilizer and water cycle mode is two times of fertilizer and two times of clean water or three times of fertilizer and three times of clean water.

◆ Soil: uses loose, breathable and well-drained soil, such as Huabide universal cultivation medium

◆ Temperature: likes warmth, is heat-resistant and cold-tolerant, and can basically withstand low temperatures of -30°C, and the suitable growth temperature is 20-28°C

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If you want to have a flowery garden in the middle of summer,

let Hydrangea paniculata bring you the dreamy sea of ​​flowers in these months.