There are indeed many fragrant flowers, but there are also many that bloom in a short period of time, only once a year. More and more people like to grow flowers. In addition to paying attention to maintenance and beauty, more and more people will know if flowers have their own f

There are indeed many fragrant flowers, but there are also many flowers that bloom in a short period of time, only once a year.

More and more people like to grow flowers. In addition to paying attention to maintenance and beauty, more and more people will know if flowers have their own fragrance. There are indeed many fragrant flowers, but there are also many flowers that bloom in a short period of time, only once a year, which is a pity. The following are fragrant flowers that have a long blooming period and are worth trying.

Ylang ylang

Ylang , also known as royal orchid or princess tree, with an average height of 8-12m. The flowers are clustered on short branches, yellow or yellow-green, with about 3 flowers in each cluster. Orchid has a very distinctive fragrance. Each flower is composed of 6 slender, slightly curled petals. The plant blooms year-round, but the greatest concentration is from June to August each year.

Due to its attractive fragrance, ylang-ylang flowers have many uses, such as: home decoration, wedding flowers, wedding room decoration, etc. It is also the source of inspiration for many famous works, such as: "Dear, Hanoi City", "The City is Full of Stars Tonight", "Under the Shadow of Orchid",...


Jasmine is a flower and a small shrub familiar to Vietnamese people. , many branches, about 30-100 cm high. The leaves are dark green and shiny. The flowers are pure white, beautiful florets, about 2.5-5 cm in diameter. Jasmine flowers bloom all year round, most commonly in summer, and often emit fragrance at night.

In Feng Shui, jasmine can attract positive energy, remove impurity, and bring good luck and wealth to its owner. Jasmine flowers are also used for flavoring and making tea, so the flowers are also very suitable for use.


Lotus has two main colors, white, blue and light pink. Planted in flower pots, it is very beautiful against the green leaves. The arrangement of lotus pots makes the living space more fresh and lively. The whole family can gather together to watch the newly bloomed flower buds and appreciate the elegant and noble beauty.

In Feng Shui, lotus also has the effect of regulating prosperity, enhancing righteousness, and preventing problems before they occur, helping homeowners avoid worries, calm their nerves, and enjoy happiness.


Not to mention roses, this colorful flower, it is no exaggeration to be called the queen of flowers. There are so many varieties of roses, and each one has a color that everyone admires.

Roses are usually used in wedding ceremonies to express congratulations. It is also often used in skin care products. Additionally, pure rose essential oil is widely used in skin care products.

Osmanthus fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans is an evergreen shrub or small tree that can grow to 3-12 meters high. The leaves are 7-15 cm long and 2.6-5 cm wide. The flowers can be white, light yellow, yellow or orange, about 1 cm long, and have a strong fragrance.